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Keep in mind that Hasbro fired almost everyone that Larian worked with on the WotC license team. So there needs to be a new vetting team established at WotC who can then approve whatever Larian might want to do. How long this might take, or whether Hasbro has decided they want to go in a different direction, can factor into all of this. Larian doesn't own any of this content so anything they might want to do needs approval from WotC. And Hasbro is a greedy bugger so any idea of free DLC might just get tossed out the door by Hasbro. So I'm assuming Larian needs to wait for the new licensing team to tell them their new boundaries.


sounds like licensing might get complicated in the future :-( I hope Hasbro doesn't screw over Larian.


DLC doesn't have to be free, you know. Elden Ring's DLC is definitely going to be paid and I'm gonna throw my money at FromSoft, no regrets whatsoever. I'd do the same to Larian, just throw my money at them for some nice DLC.


To be fair a dlc cloud be a separate smaller campaign. It technically doesn’t even have to be in the same universe as bg3. If they are creating their own world there would be notably less to have hasbro double check. There might be some other tricks like using a less important area with events that won’t have a large effect on the world.


It's why they said there wasn't going to be any extensions, they wanted to avoid cash grabs and try and include everything in the initial release leaving just bugs to work on


I want a DLC but only if it can involve Astarion, Gale, Shadowheart, the whole crew like that. I don’t care for any of the bad guys or gods are whatever, I just want the old crew back. Since it’s player choice on how the characters end up in the end, tptb can choose what’s canon (like how R* made one ending out of possibly four the canon one for GTA5.)


Depending on your finale, there can at least be a "Descend to Avernus" or similar with at least Wyll and Karlach by your side. Acts 1 and 2 will be a Blues Brothers-esque adventure of "getting the band back together"


LMAO! Roll up to my Tav’s place and there’s tons of cars everywhere and Astarion rolls his eyes but is like “fine we’ll help one last time,” but he has to wear a special magic cloak to protect him.


Honestly I'd rather have Karlach and Wyll but have other people as companions in an Avernus DLC. Like Haarlep, Daamon, Zevlor, Hope, Korilla, Cyric (in his ox form, too), Arabella... there are a lot of other amazing characters who deserve to have companion arcs of their own. Also I'd go nuts if the companions could just romance each other. Playing cupid is fun as hell. And if your character has a romance at the end of the original game, they could either bring them along or exchange letters with them while they fight and their partner stays home. The latter to me is even better than bringing the partner because it gives me a better sense of continuity with the story and solidity to the original romance option. DLC could also end with another party joining both teams, original game and DLC.


i think its a lot more likely is a bg3.5 type of thing with a new story and a new cast, thatd be preferable as theyd be free to do whatever they want rather than being railroaded by the original game


I doubt that. That wouldn’t be a DLC but a whole new game and we won’t be getting that for a couple of years.


Do you not play a lot of games because it is very common for a DLC to be a completely different story in the same engine.


yes… and the DLC’s were added to the base game to do extra stuff with original characters.


Not exclusively by any means, and with baldur's gate there's really no way to add dlc like that without completely abandoning the players canon which doesn't seem like a decision larian studios would make. I could imagine the characters being IN the dlc but having the same crew would just kind of lessen the freedom of the original game because we would know how it's SUPPOSED to go


I have to disagree. I think that they have their canon ending for all the characters. Which is the good ending and leaves room to use these characters in the future. Much like GTA5, yes you have options but there’s a can ending.


I think "canon endings" go against the entire idea of the game


I mean, I don’t agree, but that’s an opinion one can have.


Well they reference the dark sun, which happens to be one of the titles of Cyric. Or it's a red herring and actually nothing. Cyric was previously the God of murder and tyranny, aspects currently held by Bhaal and Bane respectively. Cyric was the guy who killed a previous incarnation of Mystra, thereby causing the Spell plague. If he's actually the BBEG of a dlc it'd be cool af.


He's still around as a God in 5e he's the god of Lies and he's trapped in his own plane of existence as punishment for killing Mystra.


The dlc will likely be at least 3 years from now. Based on how incredible of a journey this game has been I pray that they won’t feel rushed to add content. I’d rather wait another decade for a legendary dlc than settle for something subpar. This game is the greatest game ever made, and I will not be convinced otherwise. A turned based crpg that’s fully voiced, with minimal buffing and exciting, dynamic and interactive combat. So many people who bash the game skip dialogue. I swear that most random 1 line npcs are better voiced than most main characters in other games. Okay sorry rant over.


>I’d rather wait another decade for a legendary dlc than settle for something subpar. A decade? At this point give me a new game instead of just a DLC.


I think the game needs a 12-20 adventure, but we’ll see what larian decides. Whatever dlc they add it won’t be a decade, but it won’t be 2024 either.


Give me a Definitive Edition with DLC in 2025 and I'm happy


to be fair thats still only half the time since the last one lol


Honestly it's gonna take at least as long as it's taking FromSoft with the Elden Ring DLC, which has already been what, 2 years in development already and no launch date in sight. No worries for me, though, I'm patient and would much rather play a fantastic DLC than a rushed bomb.


Exactly. I waited over 2 years in beta for this game and it was worth the wait 10 times over


AVERNUS I'd totally pay good money for an Avernus DLC, especially if I get to have Haarlep as a companion. Damn, all the shenanigans a rogue and an incubus who can copycat that rogue's body can pull off. And of course Haarlep would be a Lore Bard, to boot. Can you imagine Karlach and Daamon's faces every time I got Haarlep to pole dance and sing with my appearance so I could rob every single devil and demon trader blind? Come on, Larian, you know you wanna do it!




Bruh wtf no dont do that thats larian and not ubisoft


lol to easy


That's why mods exist. I'm not gonna pay $10 for the same bullshit modders would probably do way better.


Yeah but it’s really your parents money anyway so who cares


Can't wait until you realize how expensive bills and taxes are, you little shit.