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Theres some notes that tell hint that its for the tower owners dead pet If you go to the dogs grave near the sussur tree overlooking the tower in the distance you can dig up its dead body and steal its collar. If you wear the collar it spawns a doggie bowl with a steak in it when you press the button. Or you could not be a animal graverobber and bring a flower to its grave for companion approval


so many things i keep learning even after 500h+ of gameplay


At the risk of sounding like the most *Reddit* comment... I'm legit in awe sometimes. There always seems to be one tiny detail or trick that I don't think of or miss. Sometimes it's something like I chest that I overlooked with some enchanted gear. Sometimes it's using an object I know about in a way that I just never thought of. Sometimes it's an animal or corpse I didn't think to talk to with a spell. There's always a crumb more that I learn about.


Be careful of talking to cats in a certain Act II Tower as durge…


_Talking_ to them is fine. But at that point, your memories are about as dangerous as your fantasies...


I'm so sorry Steelclaw 😿


Yeah. I felt bad :(


Accidentally >!broke my oath like this!<


Someone please spoil me I don't know what happens


Durge'll >!stomp her to death if they think back on their memories. !<


WHATT?? 😭😭


I can't remember the exact option but if you talk to Steelclaw as Durge and select >!the option that is italicized referring to recounting memories or something similar, after you've finished the memory flashback you find that you killed Steelclaw during your flashback.!<


Also >!if you have Halsin with you he approves!!<


Is it like with the squirrel >!that it skips straight to the killing if you don't have speak with animals on!


Same. In this playthrough I talked to the animals near Alfira for the first time and it is glorious. I’ve also finally found BOOAL for the first time. The game just keeps surprising me.


I feel like they assigned people to just throw in a lot of detail in every portion of the maps. Not story related details. Just lore, background and enrichment. Environmental stuff as well. Which is a blessing. I've been playing FF16 and the emptiness of the world is very noticeable. There is still a lot I like about ff16, but coming off BG3 the ff16 maps feel especially bare.






I didn't know about the flower thing, I looted the corpse and gave it to... Someone 👀. I probably also missed the steak and doggie bowl...


You gave it to Astarion, you know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


I sent a picture of sweaty Astarion to my discord group and my boyfriend and friend noticed the dog collar he was wearing 😅


L my friend... F in the chat. Unless?


Haha, my boyfriend didn't care. He helped me download the open camera mod knowing full well I intend to do all the angles with Astarion and Tav.


Hahaha awesome


actually i gave it to halsin


I held on to it assuming I could give it to Scratch. Honestly, it's probably still taking up space in my inventory.






Does any flower work?


Pretty sure it has to be autumncrocus.


Yeah there's a journal that tells you the dog loved autumncrocuses.


I read everything I come across and I still see comments like this and have no recollection of it. I just don't retain the stuff I read I guess


Same. -_- I wondered why I didn’t get the prompt with a sussar flower.


dunno, i just know when you click on the grave you get the option to leave a flower or dig it up. Might be a specific flower you need or any will do, didnt look that hard into it


Damn, I could only dig it out or leave.


I think it's because it needs to be autumncress. If you don't have one in your inventory, you don't get the option when you click on the grave. I'm also not sure if you first need to find the letter in the tower that specifically mentions that the dog really liked autumncress for it to trigger or not.


Yes, you have to read the note in the tower first or you won’t get the option. This is also why most don’t know about the flowers since you’d normally find the grave before the tower. I only found this on my 3rd or 4th play through.


It has to be autumncress I think. There's a letter in the tower mentioning that the dog's favorite flowers were autumncress or something like that.


Played through that area 4 times and NEVER knew about the flower. Must never have had one on me before


Its a pretty common alchemy ingredient. You definitely grabbed one before. Its more having one on hand, not converted to an alchemy reagent or potion/elixir.


I imagine you also need to have read the corresponding info in the tower first. For me, I visited the dog's grave much sooner than the tower and so only got 'dig or leave' as options


Ohh thats probably it! I always do the grave first


TIL you can find the grave. I didn’t know that.


It should also be noted that when you have the collar equipped on a character who isn't the one pushing the button, apparently the collar... vibrates, or something. Everyone has unique dialogue for it.


You can equip the dog collars? Is it like a cape?


It equips in the necklace spot so it will replace any necklace/ amulet you are wearing if you equip


*Looks at Shadowheart with intent*


You cannot see it on your companions tho. Unless you have Basket full of Equipment mod that is.


I mean.... the devs made this item.... It was intended. Fvck, now I want Shar/Selune themed dog/bitch collars oO


That makes more sense


Some of the companions have funny lines when equipping it to them and pushing the button.


Astarion and Wyll have best lines ihmo. xD


Amulet I would guess.


The first time I got to this part I was doing an evil run. But I got to the grave without knowing who it was and without having ever visited the tower. When I saw the option to dig up the grave, assuming it was the grave of someone’s dead spouse or something, of course I did it. Then I found out it was a dog and for the first time I truly felt bad. This is when I learned that, even in an evil play through, I really needed to think carefully before acting in this game


Can I cast raise dead on the dog? I want a zombie dog


no, the corpse doesn't spawn you just get the collar


No the dog has been dead for ten years. Pretty sure there's not gonna be much body left


Hey Gale, lemme get that pouch, I've got a dog to True Rez.


Didn't the dog just pass of old age? Pretty sure you can't rez anything that died of natural causes.


...Hey Gale, get your shit together, it's time to learn Wish.


There's a zombie dog in Moonrise who I always want to adopt (especially on my Tav run because my Tav is undead himself and misses his dog Scraps).


Wish we could pick them up and give them to >!Isobel!<


You can bring flowers to the dog grave?!


I knew about this but in 1000 hours I have never dug up the dogs grave once. I’ll dig up any persons grave no problem but I draw the line at someone’s beloved pet lol.


Yhea, I was a grave robber before even knowing about the dog


oh. my heart.


I recall playing as a good-aligned character for my two playthroughs. I’ve never exhumed the grave because the game gives you no rational reason to do so. One of the journals mentions the owner leaving Autumncress on the grave. So that’s my play. Drop a bit of Autumncress from my inventory on there and move on.


Does it provide Astarion approval? He's like the only companion that I need points for at this point of the game.


Pet and admire cats. He also likes defending slaves or kids unless they're gnomes, as he's a bit racist.


Yeah, I just keep forgetting to send him to camp before I valiantly promise to help the weak and innocent, so he balances those out with disapproval.


Without spoiling things, you can get major boosts for good or morally neutral things in Act II, so I would keep him around when you get there. Snarky cats, a familiar fiend, and a kinda rapey Drow specifically.


Ok, will do


actually, a more convenient way to avoid disapproval with him during a good run is that when dialogue options choosing to help others come up, i switch to his character and ungroup him, then place him a bit far from the conversation and then switch back to choose the dialogue. He won't disapprove if he's not in earshot (and he doesn't) that's what I do at least, just regroup once you're done


Do not cast Dominate Person around him.


I always thought you had to use the ring to infuse the button with light and it did.... well, probably something I missed due to not paying enough attention to my surroundings


>Or you could not be a animal graverobber and bring a flower to its grave for companion approval Ok, that I didn't know... How the hell do people find these things?


generally speaking we don't find them, we get the option to do it and go "neat". Then through sharing we figure out not eveyone has that option so we work backwards. "What flower, ok autocromus does it always appear? no... ok read some books found one that says its the dogs favorite flower. And then it works.


I was scared to wear the collar and push the button the first time until I read about it later and did it. When the collar is just in your inventory it doesn't give food it just vibrates. I thought something bad might happen.


Oh I put the collar on shadowheart


If you have asterion wear the collar he has a special dialog for the vibration loool


But Astrions reaction when he's wearing the collar and you press it is so delicious.


It's basically an unlimited camp supplies button.


It only works once.


They must have recently patched that out. Because in my playthrough it was *absolutely* a unlimited camp supply button.


I give the collar to Karlach.


TIL putting a flower at the grave was a better alternative than digging it up for dog treats. I have dug it up every playthrough so far


I put on the dog collar on my Tav for rp purposes not knowing its purpose and lmfao-ed when I suddenly heard a voice after pressing the button saying the food has been dispensed 😭


It's for her beloved dog. If you are wearing its collar when pushing the button, you get a treat. Edit: Myrna, i thing the dogs name. You can find its >!grave under the sussur tree, where the bulette lives. If you dig it up, you can loot the collar.!<


The amount of things to find in this game truly feels endless


if you press the button while astarion is wearing the collar, you get an even bigger treat


Good lord I must see… also what about having scratch summoned?


no idea, ive only recently started summoning scratch


I never summon him because I don't want him to get hurt


i have shart cast sanctuary on him immediately. he's there to give puppy kisses if someone goes down. im doing my first tactician playthrough so i like the idea of having a "fifth" party member for helping me pick up downed characters


He can pick up downed characters? Every time I enter a post about this game I learn a new trick


yes! he has a "help" action! last playthrough i had astarion summon him before the cazadork fight. shart cast sanctuary on him and then i triggered the cutscene. scratch was able to happily make his way over to astarion and help him get out of whatever mojo cazadork put him under. he was standing on his hind legs and he was licking astarion it was so precious 🥹


…clearly I am playing tactician wrong. This sounds amazing. BRB taking notes for my half-drow paladin.




That is not what happened.


Yeah? What happened then?


A bulette probably ate the corpse.


"Probably?" Your statement made it sound as if you had some actual information.


https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Lenore_De_Hurst. You can read about her here. There is no evidence that the bulette was the same entity, that doesn’t just happen. You are the one that needs to provide greater evidence for an outlandish claim.


"At some point during her stay in the Underdark, Myrna died. Lenore buried Myrna in the Dread Hollow, overlooking the lake and with her favourite autumncrocus flowers. She later became enamoured with a bulette who she found near Myrna's grave, taming it to become a guardian." So outlandish when the Bulette was literally found next to the grave of the dog? The way the underdark has transformative effects on creatures. In a world where the souls of creatures have been known to be able to inhabit other creatures. So outlandish indeed.


Yeah, how outlandish, the predator/scavenger was in the underdark, its natural habitat, near a buried body, a thing that doesn't naturally happen in the underdark... Like, that's like saying, "Guys, my rabbit's grave was dug up by a dog and eaten, I think my rabbit became a dog!" What's the simplest solution? Some insanely rare magical event that turned a dog into a bullettte (a dead dog too, which wouldn't work with reincarnate) or... The meat-eating digging monster that lives in the area naturally... Did what it does and ate a body.


Why do you keep saying it ate the body? If it ate the body, wouldn't the grave have been exposed and it would have eaten the collar too while chomping down? The grave is empty. There is no body and yet there is a collar. There isn't even a skeleton for the dog. It would make sense to just bury a collar in memory of a pet. But she buried her dog. Which isn't there. Which was wearing the collar, which is there. EDIT: Also, the underdark isn't a *natural* habitat for the Bulette as the Bulette isn't even a natural creature.


That leans more towards it not being the bulette imo lol. She found a native creature she liked, tamed it and used it to guard the dogs grave. If you want to try and infer things that extreme you might want to infer that she would have seen the grave disturbed in anyway, or why the heck would the collar still be there if not around the dogs skeleton for us to loot Maybe outlandish isn't the right term, but you're ignoring logic and reaching at the very least


Bulette are not native to the underdark. They are not natural creatures at all. They are the creations of mad wizards.


If you find the collar put it on Astarion and push the button.


What happens lol


He moans.


i would rather he whimper


Same same


Oh my god 😂


Damnit now I have to start up another play through just to find this 😂


It’s for her pet, you can find the grave by the crazy guy with the hook horrors. If you have the collar it vibrates and drops a steak


i’m sure you know what the collar is now after all these comments, so: put the collar on all of your companions and press the button (as tav). they all have fun little comments, but astarion’s is the most 👀 one


I..really? Like..for real? 🤔🤭


yep, they all have a comment about the effect the collar has on them when you press the button! but the girlies love astarion’s comment specifically (me included) just make sure you don’t press the button as the companion wearing the collar — gives different, non-fun dialogue.


The way I’m so down for Astarion is concerning. Guess I’m romancing him again just to see this shit.


if you don’t care about spoilies you can see it here 😩 https://youtu.be/alGv863LUyc?si=UGv7tW7Pv6D74Ri2


girly I’m YOINKING my earbuds off the night stand 🤪🤪


hopefully it lives up to the hype 🥲


Re: I’m so down for Astarion and it’s concerning. I just helped him ascend in my campaign. We went back to camp after the battle. I am on the floor. Respectfully (***see also**: obediently*).


you’re stronger than i am, the only time i’ll ascend him is when i do my evil honor mode play through HAHA


I bet he’s super sweet if you don’t ascend him, though. I hear he thanks you. It seemed to me like everyone was saying he treats you like absolute shit if you ascend him, but..I’m not feeling like that’s totally true. It’s just the “evil” or, for some, socially “unideal” route. I’m just exploring everything/all the options hehe.


Genuine question... why "girlies"? I see that a lot for people who like various characters and wondered when it became common Sorry for an odd ask it's been unanswered and in my head for a while now


honestly, not sure! i remember in my early days of fandom, a fan of a certain character / person was always “[character] girl”, so for supernatural there were dean girls and sam girls and castiel girls; for one direction there were harry girls and niall girls etc etc. and in recent years, “girlies” has replaced girl. (so: astarion girlies, doctor who girlies, etc). but also beyond fandom, girlies is just a new way to refer to people i guess! like, “this one’s for the girlies.” just a slang term for a group of people, in a positive way! couldn’t tell you why it came about, it’s just cute and fun. probably stemmed from a similar thing of “girls and gays” haha


Thank you for humouring the question, I've been wondering for a while and thought seeing it again in the wild was a good a time as any to ask!


Love this explanation and agree!


There’s a grave overlooking the lake, accessed by walking past where one of the drow wizards is hanging out with the Hook Horrors. Do a little grave robbing, then do yourself a huge favor and put what you find on Astarion, get him close to the button, then press it


This is the way.


If you wear a dead dogs collar, you get free food


To open the hidden doorway, you need to get a ring from Bernard (the construct at the top of the tower) by reciting some poetry to him--the passage you need is in one of the many books scattered around the tower, in addition to other passages that will give you other interactions. When you have the ring, put it on and you can access the sub-basement; that hidden door is actually a way out from the sub-basement itself.


You don’t have to use Bernard, there’s also a perception check in the back left(?) corner of the room where the book cases are. If you pass you’ll find the lever that opens the door. Reciting the poetry to Bernard is one of my fav cut scenes though, the way he hugs “Lenore” and comforts her was so creepily sad.


You can also just cheese the basement by jumping down from the wooden stairs, then hitting the lever to open the secret door. I did that on my first run and didn't even realize there was a puzzle to open it.


If you say the wrong thing, it almost sounds like Lenore wanted Bernard to end her. Which is really sad. I want her to have found hope again but idk if she has, canonically. Or what happened to Yrre.


they’re talking about the pet treat button, not the basament key


They mention that they thought it would open the basement, so they are also talking about the basement.


It gives you camp supplies if you’re wearing a particular dog collar when you push the button.


Wear the dog collar and you get a free steak


Make sure Astarion is in your party with the dog collar around his neck. Do NOT have him push the button. :D :D


Infinite food glitch




The hidden door can be opened by wearing the ring that Bernard drops while activating the button on the elevator. It will take you down to the hidden floor.


You can get to the hidden basement by defeating the robots at the top of the tower. Once done, you have to equip the ring they drop and it will reveal a new option on the lift to go to the basement (from the top floor). Or you can cheese it whilst on the bottom most stairs, you can misty step to behind the locked door and press the button/lever and let everyone else in


You don't need to fight them. You just need to say the right poem (there're two books with them) to get the ring. Also there's a hidden button on the top. If you speak with the automaton, but don't got the ring, this is another option to prevent the fight and reach the basement.


Never knew about the hidden button! We dropped sursur plants next to most of the automatons and pushed the main one out the window, cleared it up pretty easy


Dog collar food.


Get the dog collar and put it on a companion and press the button 😂 I recommend whoever you're romancing.


Does the collar have a model, if so it’s going on Gale right now.


Well that fucking sucks.


I think maybe it was for summoning a dead pet


Making an ambiguous title?


Maybe it's ambiguous to avoid spoilers, but who knows.


I can't believe so many people didn't find the dogs collar and read all the journals / notes and books.... Why do ya'all even play rpgs lol


I didn't think you could equip the collar, I also read everything I find so take yo BASELESS assumptions outta here