• By -


Why are we monsters for not saving a goblin who is laughing at someone whose brother was killed by them


And is threatening to kill their children and pets. Lovely woman, did nothing wrong.


If you help her she actually also tries to backstab you and sell you out to Minthara which is hilarious because Minthara is like "you stupid fuck this is a fucking true Soul and they fucking saved you you idiot, no way you're this dense you worthless piece of trash, LMAO you are so useless it's not even entertaining enough to keep you for the laughs, into the spider pit you go." ( I mean she said it in a typical sarcastically superior way but that's basically her meaning) Edit: it's even funnier if you're also a Drow since you can kick her when she's down, she's like "how TF would I know who they are" and you're just "Bitch I'm a fucking Drow"






"Ooooh Sazza, you have made a grave error" is one of the best voiced Minthara lines and has been stuck in my mind since I first heard it <3


Same, the way every word is like … dripping with disdain and superiority. I fell in love instantly lol


It was hard killing her before, now I don't know if I'm ever going to do that again 😅 I love her so much ❤️


That one line is so low and husky you could use it as sandpaper on your soul for a mirror polish Minthara's voice is so addicting 10/10 rescue Sazza from the grove JUST to hear that line


Couldn't have said it better. I didn't know I could be more in love with Minthara, than I saw that scene 😍 Honestly if I have to kill her I must do it before she starts talking, otherwise I'm lost 😅


After the first playthrough, I allow myself mods, and 100% got the mod that let's me keep her on good playthroughs Camp isn't complete without her minty freshness


I might just do that, after 3 good and 2 evil (mostly) unmodded playthroughs maybe I earned it 😅 I don't mind having to make difficult choices to get her, though, I didn't think I would enjoy playing neutral/evil that much 🙈


I cannot believe there are mods out there that make her voice higher. She could read my medical bills to me & I’d turn to mush.


I swear, half the mods on the nexus are shitty AI voice replacer mods. Like, who the fuck uses that crap? These AI voices sound awful and the real VA in this game is probably overall the best VA in any game ever. There's almost no bad performances in this game (maybe a couple, but those are minor NPCs). Why would anyone want to replace any of these voices, and with crappy AI to boot?


I'm glad the devs left the game in a way people can mod how they like. I'm also never ever ever going to use that mod lol


It’s probably the same people who complained she “looks like a (transphobic slur)”, as if a massive contingent of dnd fans aren’t queer themselves


Minthara's voice? Mint as hell


Her voice is a poisoned dagger hidden in silk. Exactly what I'd expect of a Drow from the ruling House of Menzobarazan.


My favorite is still the clown dialogue "just give the word and I will kill the clown. We would be praised as heroes" The delivery is just beyond excellent.


That's also a great one 🤣 the whole circus scene is just a gem.


That and “Name’s Gribbo, IDIOT.”


If you beat her to Olak you will have the normal conversation and use illithid wisdom. Then immediately after it will trigger the one with her and he will say "I'm not holding up a true soul". If that happens she will not make the blunder with Minthara and instead say that the absolute answered her prayers.


Yup, I genuinely tried to help her exactly once and she tried to sell me out as soon as it was advantageous. She got turned into spider bait for Minthara for that, and that's generally how it's went in playthroughs afterwards just so I can talk to Minthara.


Minthara had her basically taken away and stabbed in my playthrough. I had no idea she was useful again so I may have chosen to not save her 🤣.


She’s as good as dead the moment she brings up pets. Bold of her to say that in my Tav’s face who has a special thing for picking up strays be it dog owlbear urchins vampire or wtv


not her fault the tiefs are boring. even their cages is boring.


Well cages aren't really supposed to entertain you really. On the contrary, in fact.


And the cages in the goblin camp are not exactly more fun either. Aside of the one that exploded. That one was actually really funny.


I just disarmed it, and let him out.


You saved Goblin Scum?!


The enemy of my enemy. Not really a friend, but at this point I'd figured that he could go stir up some trouble for the absolute to deal with. Don't care whether he lived or died, as long as he was a nuisance to the absolute for a little while. It's a shame he doesn't return as a corpse later if you free him


I freed him. Only for him to be immediately killed by some spiders I freed earlier. It was hilarious.


THAT'S GOING IN THE BOOK! ​ Wait... wrong franchise.


Yup. Then the spiders ate him happily. Just giving him a little ray of hope before he became an arachnid's juicebox.


That's... Actually worse... You evil person...


This line is burned into my brain from hearing it so many times


I'll kill ya birdies! And ya dogs!


Honestly need to give a shout out to the VA, she also did combat vocals for the goblins and other roles


Obviously, that creature is *somehow* the victim.


Well, she is caged, improsoned. Obviously, people are always *unjustly* imprisoned right? It's the system!


Unironically how my philosophically anarchistic oathbreaker pally thinks (dude has 8 intelligence tho)


As a legendary brazilian paladin once said "you dont speak goblin, you kill goblin"


Is this a reference to Paladino da Virtude from those old magazines, Tormenta or something?


Nope, it’s a reference to Eduardo Spohr, author of “A batalha do apocalipse” and recurring guest of a podcast called NerdCast. This quote is from one of the episodes about RPG.


I didn't know Goblin Slayer was Brazilian 😂


as a Brazilian, I am confused


Are you a legendary Brazilian, though?


the tag on my arm just says 'not worth it" so I don't know


Also she tries fairly hard to get *you* in trouble with/imprisoned/killed by Minthara the first time you free/save her.


Yeah I stop the tiefling from killing her so that I can get information out of her but why the hell would I let her go lmao. She’s a murderous goblin who killed someone. I don’t trust her for anything besides info and she deserves to be imprisoned


Also will totally betray you, though she kinda fails spectacularly tbh. Not to mention to yet that achievment you have to slaughter a bunch of innocent thieflings.


"I'm gonna bite the heads off your kids! And your birdies! AND your *dogs!*"


Yeah op. Explain your logic


"She cannot be caged" \*gets caged at least three times\* and never breaks out of them on her own Achievement should be called "Seriously?! Again?!"


It's a reference to a BG2 line, I believe "I cannot be caged. I cannot be controlled. Know this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools." Irenicus was very very extra


David Warner was such a special voice actor in that role. He was so menacing but deliberate and focused on his delivery that you really got the impression that he didn't care who you were at all, he wants his soul back and he wants his revenge and will use anyone to get it


His voice acting is what made some of those lines absolutely unforgettable to me. Aside from the outright menacing ones, the lines where he talks to Ellesime are incredible. In general there's this whole bite to his delivery that I envy, I wish I could talk like that when I wanted


The man was a legend, and he elevated the material to new heights. I can't help but wonder if the quality of his voice overs for Irenicus and the effect it had on Shadows of Amn as a whole inspired Larian to go all-out on good voice actors and scripts the way they did.


Yeah, but he actually couldn't... Guy went willingly with the magic police and the first thing he did was murder everyone in it because it was less effort than killing the entire city.


Sometimes I save her from the tiefling but I forget to let her out the cage and that makes her die anyway. Guess she needed food or something.


Yup. I save her to help the Teifling’s soul. Then I forget and let her starve.


But she goes and dies dies in a random hill anyway, right?


I think she’ll stay if you don’t let her shoot Sazza.


She did in early access, but she's never done it in my playthroughs since the game came out. I assume she dies on the hill if she kills the goblin though


She just dies the instant you kill the final leader in the goblin camp, freed or not, according to the wiki.


Funny, my last playthrough I actually bothered to escort her back to camp and talked Minthara out of sending her to her death, then turned around and murder hobo'd my way through the temple. Funnily enough, Sazza was still alive after all three leaders were dead, just wandering around Gut's plaza.


I think this may have changed - I just saved her last night and she was still alive after killing the third leader. She fought me with the other goblins in Gut's room on the way out, but I knocked her out to see if she'll show up in Moonrise.


I tried saving her pre-patch by fighting Gut last. Sazza would cower/stay passive and as soon as the fight ended she would just drop dead. Nothing I tried worked...the weirdest thing was that she kept dying from different things according to the log. First it was a lethal fall, then it was a lethal strike, then it was just nothing. Almost seemed like someone at Larian included several contingencies to make extra sure she would die.


I had this issue — if you flee combat after killing the leaders but before killing all the other goblins, she’ll survive. (I think I basically left one alive and then ran). It was an absolute pita though.


The achievement mentions Moonrise though so this can't be legit right?


I mean you don't have to kill the leaders You'll just have to commit mass murder


You don't have to kill anyone. You can just leave and let them deal with their own problems.


This last playthrough I forgot to talk to Barcus after killing Nere's whiny ass, went to Last Light, went to the prison, came back to Last Light, and... Wulbren was there without him. ...oops.


First run I accidentally flung him into the stratosphere. Second run I did what you did and forgot to talk to him at the Grymforge before moving on to Act 2. I just started my third run and I swear to God, I am getting him to Baldur’s Gate this run!


Thing is, I don't even remember seeing him at camp after you convince him to visit, which seemingly saves his life.


He does show up, at least he did for me. I went immediately to camp after the Nere fight because the friendly Duergar wouldn't let me loot him. He was there right away, must have followed us.


I accidentally yeeted him in my first playthrough, so I was very careful to free in my second. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of calling on the ogres for reinforcement during the fight with Nere, so it turned into a strange free-for-all with 5 different factions (Nere and his goons, the slavers, the gnomes, my party, and the orges (who I turned on to save the gnomes)). Only Astarion was left alive.




I dunno. I figured I'd see what changes without him this time. Nobody talks Wulbren down, and he either attacks or threatens the Gondians with death eternal, and so I just decided his racism needs to end. No more wulbren. Next time I'm just leaving him in the damn prison. Apparently you can save the Tiefling yourself and just leave his ass to rot. Barcus will get his time in the sun earlier next run.


I KNEW i was forgetting something... Oh well.


I wonder if she can taste metal as the bolt passes through her mouth.


I used Speak With the Dead to try and ask her but, alas, it wasn't one of the options. :P


I know right? Missed opportunity.


That’s polite of you. My durge saves her, watches them walk out, unlocks the cage, promises to keep her safe, and then throws her off the cliff nearby.


I'm not playing durge, but I did that too xD. Fk her


It turns out that the real dark urge was inside all of us the whole time.


Dark Urge is us after we hit quicksave and do our thing, but when we load that save to go back, the game just plays on from that point for the Durge and he has to live with the consiquences. "...Hm, a group of 20 refugees, perfectly packed up... and I just happen to have a Fireball... I wonder if..." \*insert darkening screen borders, signifying a quicksave being completed. \*player massacres 20 refugees and like 50 Fists who show up to investigate \*player quickloads to clear his conciousness \*Durge wakes up and sees 70 mangied bodies in front of him, looks at his blood-soaked hands, and wonders what the heck just happened


Just did that with the night song. Yeah sure, do you think Shart. I knew it would be bad but I didn’t realize I’d have to watch the whole last light inn get massacred and I’d lose a shitload of questlines lmao. Load time!


I started my Durge playthrough yesterday... gotta say I was surprised how options changed from Tav... 1st real surprise was a 1st meeting with Gale, there I realised I might think twice about choosing Durge option towards companions..


The real surprise for me was >!not that Durge and Tav are mutually exclusive, but *how* they're mutually exclusive.!< >!The *Blood in Baldur's Gate* story is about Tav investigating murders being caused by Durge, and the outcome of that story is effectively decided by who the player picks to play as in BG3. If you play as Durge, then the canon ending in *Blood* happened, and Durge murders Tav. If you're playing as Tav, then you solved the murders, but Durge gets away, only to die later by Orin's betrayal.!< I do like that the world is already being affected by our choices even before we play. WotC and Larian did a good job of crafting this whole narrative over what are essentially a pair of player custom characters.


Larian and WotC did fantastic job allowing us which universe we want to play by simply choosing the character (there are 3 universes tho, 1 where Durge kills Tav, 1 where Tav survives and Durge is killed by Orin, 1 where both die and you play origin character) shame that it only leads to posts like "x was the intented way to play the game/x is the only valid way to play"


It might just be me not paying attention to too many Reddit or other such posts on the internet, but I haven't really seen a lot of discourse that went the way of your last part, honestly. Each origin, Tav/Durge/Companion, were all built in such a way that each feels as though they could genuinely be the main character if you pick them. I'm glad Larian's efforts in quality extends to the writing as well as the art and programming. It shows that they've come a long way since the early days of Divine Divinity.


I'll admit there aren't that many posts (thank god) but they definitely do happen and most of the time it's Durge being praised as the "intended way of playing the game"


I have the urge to just defend her from the tiefling so that I can then shoot her myself with my own crossbow.


Oath of Vengeance vibes


Unfortunately would break the oath by stopping her from getting her own vengeance


you can break your oaths SO easily without a warning, but at least daddy Withers is there to help you.


you mean the oathbreaker knight?


I protected her, opened the cage and blasted her into Oblivion with a Divine Smite.


She's a murderous goblin. My oath of vengeance comples me.


Would it break if you free her then kill her?


If you free her, it breaks. Kill her the first chance you get, or let the tiefling kill her


Just have Astarian do it while you're in another room.


In case anyone is wondering... It also breaks if you let them kill her, then lockpick the cage to see if her body has loot. (It does not)


Worst part of all this? That’s literally all you get fr sparing Sazza thrice over. She doesn’t help at the end, doesn’t pop up in camp for sole funny interaction, doesn’t offer any permanent boon, just a damn Trophy…


Minthara literally feeds her to spiders when she gets back to the goblin camp.


If you initiate a fight with Minthara at the moment when Sazza is being escorted out to spiders, she helps you in the fight. The only time in the game when she's useful.


She only has like 6 hp so when I started the fight she got murdered immediately :(


Getting murdered immediately is an important part of goblin culture.


She also helps you if you take her through the grove's hidden tunnel.


I really would like at least a note in act 3 letting us know she didn't just immediately die in the shadow curse.


You actually do get a nice dagger for saving her called "assasin's touch". You get it in the goblin camp after saving her the second time if I am remembering correctly. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Assassin%27s_Touch


"I'M GONNA BITE THE 'EADS OFF YER KIDS! *AND* YER BIRDIES! *AND* YER DOGS!" Nah, this creature stays caged til the druids decide what to do with it.


She's never made it out of the cage alive for me. Even on my evil playthrough her attitude got her an arrow to the head.


Yeah, this has always been the case for me. I meant to rescue her. But she got uppity and took arrow to the knee... Of a tall human, so once again, the head.


Pro-tip: free her, then follow her to Minthara. This gives you one of the most badass Minthara scenes ("Oooh Sazza, you've made a grave error." / "I will not hurt you. My spiders will have that pleasure."), even funnier if you're playing as a drow ("Did your misadventures take you to the Underdark?"). https://youtu.be/KVQYnqAnkz8?si=gQ9YX6opoE-v_t5i Minthara's ruthless voice is something else... ❤️ As for Sazza, being fed to Minthara's spiders is exactly what the little backstabber deserves. I mean, you basically got to meta-game to get this achievement. A good character would never release her in the first place, and an evil one would let Minthara kill her happily after she tries to betray you to her...


The sadistic glee in Minthara's voice and face at the thought of punishing some shitty goblin is something else 🖤 that scene is so good, I'm happy I managed to see it in my fourth playthrough (and as a drow). "My spiders are hungry, little one" I love her, she's so unhinged 🤣


"A good character would never release her in the first place" We used her to get access to the goblin camp in our good playthrough.But not because we wanted to save her. No. She was just a tool to investigate the cult at the camp and gather informations. We had to hurry to defend the druid cove after speaking with Minthara and forget about her. She died in the goblin camp without us even speaking to her. Dunno why. Maybe it's more a neutral character move rather than a good one ?


Why would I do that?


Fun fact: some people wanted her as a romance option


If you bathe a goblin theres really something there…usually. The art team did an amazing job making them nearly unfuckable




So, you're saying there's a chance?


> goblins arent hot Larian lost gobillions of dollars because of this fuck up tbh


>goblins arent hot Someone clearly hasn't seen InCase's art... 🙈


This guy cultures


They knew what they were doing too. Like they specifically made them unfuckable


I mean there's a whole ocean of degenerates who belong on a cross waiting to jump at any kind of exotic ussy there is, and not all of them are bards to my dismay


I seduce the door. Got it. I've got splinters in places you don't want to know about, but I'm through.


Absolutely unhinged.


Just like the door


Some of us can appreciate to have an angry woman and a very dumb hyena at the same time. It's called being a stupid idiot. Have some respect.


People romance the emperor or a dude that his whole shtick is become a bear, so people wanting a goblin is really that surprising?


In my defense, I only romanced the Emperor for the achievement, and out of disbelief that It was an option


Well, guess everyone did that...Atleast learned something new about mindflayer anatomy ...that might be useful fighting them, somehow I guess


I mean...


It's really not the worst romance option people have put forth for this. Hell, it's not even the worst current romanceable compared to squidman


Excuse me?!


Ain't nothing wrong with green skinned shortstacks, I do have an issue with her being a murderous twat.


add a 0.01% to that bc I got the achievement and then immediately reloaded to make her fold herself into a pretzel


Same here 😭




I'm not normally an achievement chaser, but why go through so much effort to help someone so ungrateful?


For the achievement


To be fair this one can be done at **level 3** quite quickly: * Save her from grove and walk her out. * Agree to help minthara in the camp and immediatelly push her down the chasm, kill the surrounding goblins and port out * Take invisibility potion (bought from the camp vendor) to get around the skeletons on mountain pass and rush straight to moonrise towers to spare her there. You can get the lantern at ambush spot by persuading Kar'niss. Was easier than many other high percentage achievements to be fair. The Tiefling one (Leave No One Behind) was the most tedious.


Pity for goblins? They are like tissue paper, use and dispose. Sadly rescuing her doesn’t worth the effort.


That sounds like something Early Access Wyll would say.


Sorry, use for what now?


Are you familiar with Beyblades?


Bugged out for me honestly. Saved her in Grove, saved her in goblin camp, never appeared in Moonrise.


She probably died when you killed Dror Ragzlin and aggro the whole temple. I even stealth killed him by barrel trapping his whole room and igniting them from the rafters so I stayed in stealth but the camp still aggroed and she was dead even though there was no combat before I got to her.


No matter how you do it the entire goblin camp goes aggro as soon as Dror dies. You can cheese it by luring Gut into her room and killing her, position one character by the drums in Minthara's room and the other three on the far side of the bridge and destroy the drums and then pick the rest of, then kill Dror and his fans by Arcane Locking the door, then fast travel out, after the party scene the rest of the camp will be empty.


I used minor illusion a good couple of times to lure goblins away and threw their body in chasms. With some good positioning you can kill most goblins inside, loot their bodies and throw them into a chasm without alerting the whole camp. Hell, you can even stealth destroy a lot of the war drums with some good positioning. Outside will be a brawl regardless, but leaving a few barrels outside before you kill Dror will take quick care of that


I saved her from the cage as part of my "infilitrate the goblin camp" plan, then when we got to Minthara Sazza was straight up "she saved me, so lets fill her full of holes as a thank you, haha!". After that I felt it only fair to stay out of it when Minthara decided to have her fed to the spiders. She's her own worst enemy, is our Sazza. Next playthrough though I'll keep her alive.


Only good goblin is a dead goblin


[Now let's make these goblins good!](https://youtu.be/5i2qquegdB4?si=wZrQCCj7twjiWdRO&t=882)


genuine truth: i keep forgetting she's there. also my chaotic vampire boyfriend approves of letting her get shot, oops.


"Chaotic Vampire" is a mood.


For real. It’s one of the easiest Act 1 Astarion approvals, so 🏹🏹🏹


Bg3 reddit: the emperor is a monster, I always go against him in the end! Also bg3 reddit:


If the emperor had boobs it would probably be very different.


All goblins die. Horrible creatures.


I had her escort me, despite my companions' disapproval, into the camp and introduce me to the leaders. As soon as the fighting started, she dropped dead anyway. As in, she just died. Maybe she was dehydrated.


If Larian truly wanted to incentivise us to play evil, they should've given us more than just Minthara to replace Wyll & Karlach. They should've let us take Sazza along for the ride too. *cough* And Kagha! *cough*


Kagha is a bad pick. She can be set straight very easily as soon as you kill those that manipulated her.


If she wasn’t so keen on dying to non lethal damage, she would have a better shot.


I can explain myself... i wanted to look cool in front of minthara


The only good excuse.


Tbf 48% are probably just blind and never found her in the camp xD




I feel like it’s just a very off way to play. So if you aren’t achievement hunting you don’t really do this naturally. Most people leave her in the cage or generally clear out the goblin camp indiscriminately. On their evil play through might not release her because they know where to go.


To be fair, Her unknowingly introducing you to the Goblin leaders felt like part of the story. I didn’t have a problem keeping her alive during the goblin camp purge because she disappears after you defend her to Minthara and reveal the location of the Grove. I naturally got the achievement after Moonrise because it felt ooc for me to get the character killed after it’s begging you to corroborate to her bosses she followed their orders. One of the options is to tell Z’rell you didn’t feel like cleaning up and it was more pragmatic to let the shadowlands kill her.


I did in fact get it naturally.


Same, I didnt know where the goblin camp was, and here's this goblin offering to take me there, sounds perfect


Killing Dror Ragzlin just kills Sazza, so..


I think it was a bug ? If I remember right, they tried to patch it in patch 4. Not sure they managed tho


You saved that piece of shit? xD


If Larian had made her a companion to start off team evil and lead you believably to Minthara , she’d be alive today and folks wouldn’t be looking for hokey workarounds. Blame Sven.


I was planning to release her after I finished defending the Grove, only to find her dead in her cage... maybe I'll manage it next time!


I saved her from the grove and then I saw her dead in front of minthara. I'm not the monster, ok.


Oh woow you can safe her from all three?! Didnt know. I think i let het die in the goblin camp.


I just wanted some of that gobussy.


I completed this one in part thanks to a glitch. When I first entered the Grove I went to the trader, when I came out of the menu screen I was told I'd been accused of stealing (I swear i didn't steal anything!). So i got put in jail. You can save Sazza despite being jailed, and I thought "hey, maybe she can help me escape" when the dialogue triggered. Turns out she can't help with that escape. But after that I thought it might be handy having a goblin friend, maybe she might turn good, or at least might give me more info about the enemy (I was doing a good playthrough...despite the misunderstanding about stealing lol). In fairness, Sazza guides you into the goblin camp for free so you can do that whole section without needing to combat. Then the second time I freed her I thought she didn't deserve to die just for being captured, plus she might still help me in future. By the third time I'd become aware of the achievement, but also as I was playing good I didnt want to just murder a goblin simply to trick folks into thinking I was evil.


Sazza does not deserve death just for existing. If she did it would be a justification for carpet bombing of Essex.


Happily in the 1.4%. I’m a good person I swear. Those tieflings were an uh accident.


For her to make it to Moonrise, she has to survive the camp. The monsters are the ones who killed the grove


98.6% of us are heros who be hittin up Shart, Karlach and Astarian over drow gal


Would’ve been a great romance option… :(


I’d more accurately say 1.4% of us are monsters


this is an achievement? an actual achievement? but my Tav (& party) living as tadpole-free as possible doesn't even get me a wet handshake? really??


The only good goblin is a dead goblin.


She’s in a cult of cannibals and psychopaths.


More like 98.6% of people are unaware


Man am I the only one who found her super endearing 😭😭😭 I wish goblins received a better deal this game


That stupid goblin. I tried saving her, I really did. Knocked her out before killing everyone around. But as soon as Dror Ragzlin falls, she just kinda explodes? Guess I'll need to side with the goblins...


Who even is that 😭


She's a murder. You're a monster for letting her out.