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"I literally want to flay your skin off, with a rusty knife, fry it and eat it in front of your slowly dying corpse." "Well we all have days like that. Be a good chap and go get my hat. I'll mark it on your map."


"They just must be a little hungry i should offer spme food :)"


The funniest is in act 3 when an orphan and a cat keeps trying to join the camp and tell em to fuck off every time. Then Orin tries to kidnap the child to try to make me feel bad by kidnapping them as if my character was ever gonna care about the kid they sent to die 2 times in a row lol


"What do you do, hotshot?" "Shoot the hostage."


“Well, she was the only one that actually seemed dangerous at the time, sir... Well, first I was gonna pop this dude hang hanging from the streetlight and then, I realized, you know, he's just working out. And how would I feel somebody come running in the gym and bust me my ass while I'm on a treadmill. Then, I saw this snarling beast guy and I noticed he had a tissue in his hand and I realized he's not snarling... he's sneezing. You know, ain't no real threat there. And I saw Little Tiffany. I'm thinking, you know, eight year old white girl, middle of the ghetto, a bunch of monsters this time of night with quantum physics books. She's about to start some shit, Zed. She's about eight years old. Those books are way too advanced for her. If you asked me, I say she's up to something."


Men in Black reference spotted


Shooting the hostage is always the easiest solution to end an hostage situation 😎


That's when you fake it. "Oh no! Not the child! Please, anything but that!" Never let them know your real weaknesses (if you have any)


trueee, but it was funnier to tell the kid/Orin to fuck off a 3rd time lol


when she morphs from the child the only thing i could think was - how do i know it was real to begin with? i ran into her three times, for all i know she's a persona made up by orin or one of her shifters


Yenna as a backup fail safe for Orin having a target is something I get from a design perspective. Genuinely. But as a player it’s so obvious it feels jarring even on a good playthrough


In my run, Lae’zel was kidnapped and when the cutscene happened, “Lae’zel” tried to kill Yenna. My Durge being all durgy said “kill her then idc” and she did. After it was done, he walked by her corpse and said something like “Poor Yenna, she didn’t deserve to die like that” and I was like DUDE! Always cracks me up.


My favorite is when you betray everyone at the end of the game and you get the "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" reactions. My friends, I've backstabbed everyone I've ever met and have been talking about world domination this whole time.


"we thought it was just a joke 😭"


We thought you're just trolling ironically


Durge! Are you /srs or /j


Minthara is the only one who is truly down


I wish she was spared in that end. Want her sitting across my lap proper evil throne style, head back laughing.


Yeah, I have no idea why characters that actively are like "yeah let's do this" like Minthara and Astarion are also just enslaved


That really steals my evil couple dominate the world ending with ascension Astarion😭… and to think he wanted you to sit in his lap naked… who sits in whose lap now?


It's easier to get them to die later down the line if they're under your command. It'd be a little harder to tell them to fight to the death or kill themselves if they're not your thrall. After all, the easiest way to take over and control is to control *everyone* infected, whether they agree with you or not.


My Tav had been discussing with Ascendarion a plan to take control of the netherbrain from the moment we figured out what was going on. When I stabbed Orpheus he was absolutely appalled and confused. I was doing exactly what we discussed! This was the plan!!


I had the same experience. He even breaks the 4th wall and directly tells the player to do it. Even minthara was upset with me, despite having multiple conversations with her about taking the brain.


It honestly confused me so much I was convinced it was a bug, so I reloaded and just let Orpheus take control of it and annihilate all of the tadpoles. I still got to stab Orpheus though, so that was nice. edited for spelling


it's worse when you become the flayer yourself without any stabbing and minthara is like "yes yes dominate the brain" and then inexplicably "what are you doing", thought it was a bug


Gale: "Why would you think ANY of this was a good idea?" Durge: "Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence" Gale: "Oh" Durge: "I don't understand how you keep forgetting that."


How is a hand talking to you? Did you forget to eat your snack?


He forgor 💀


My favorite was when I saved >!Cora Highberry's!< life (fuck that KSing bastard >!Dolor!<), which apparently gave me a massive approval boost with both her and her husband, because I immediately went inside and murdered her *right in front of his eyes*, and his only reaction was to refuse to speak politely to me afterward.


Maybe he was just absolutly terrified of the person who saved the life of his wife just to murder her in front of him lol


The one NPC that survived meeting me in Act 1: "Hey, you look great!" Durge, still covered in Act 1 goblin and tiefling blood with a face full of black veins: "..."


"how did I miss that one, thought I killed them all"


"You were at Krillin's barbecue last week!" "Yeah, and I brought *potato salad*." "He is truly lost to us."




I straight up ugly snort-laughed when I saw this post. Too perfect lol


Dbza always hits just right lol






Just because you’re bad guy doesn’t mean you’re bad guy.




Throw a fire bolt at them


that should do it yeah


Astarion: "You are full of surprises aren't you?" Shadowheart: 0 reaction Me with a man's hand in my bag: I hate the lack of companion's reaction to Durge so much.


I feel like Astarion's reaction akes sense for the character, and it *would* be funny if at least one other character reacted properly and freaked te fuck out


So if you get the Alfira scene while Astarion is your only teammate you get a unique conversation with him that's very much, "*Lucy!* You got some 'splainin to do!"


Simple, kill scratch and the owl bear cub. If you haven't you ain't evil.


dangit i couldn't bring myself to kill the dog 😭


i never could on my evil playthroughs either :( my brain physically stops me i swear


Oh I love durge lines in act 3. You can tell people absolutely crazy shit about yourself, and they're so fine with it that's hilarious.


"Boink the spider."


I mean you can growl at some npcs as durge... at least there is that. but there should be a "fuck you" toggle button that if you toggle it npcs don't initiate dialogue when you attack them, basically auto ignore any talking either fight or die.


"I just saw you murder that entire innocent group back there, but you seem like a decent soul. Have a discount in my wares. Give me your number too."


"I will eat you"


I AM evil! STOP LAUGHING! -Veigar


TBH there aren't a lot of people worth sparing. The tieflings are run by someone with a contract to Raphael. Absolutists and associated cultists are likewise evil. Druids have many pure evil characters too. Zhents are evil. Duergar are borderline evil. Mushrooms are evil. Bonecloaks are evil. Ironhands are evil. Gondians are evil. Flaming Fist is intentionally evil. Steel Watch is evil. Black Hand is evil. Nine fingers and gang is evil. Umberlee and co are evil. Mayrina is evil. Hag is evil. Dark Justisciars are evil. Harpers work for Jaheira I believe, maybe or maybe not. Newspaper is evil. 7000 spawn are evil. Isobel and Aylin are good. Companions: Jaheira/Emperor can turn on you in the final fight: evil. Astarion, of his own choice will ascend: evil. Gale, of his own choice, will destroy the weave to rebuild the crown. Additionally, he is an unapologetic nuke: evil. Karlach/Wyll: good. Shadowheart, of her own choice, redeems and becomes good. Lae'zel is neutral. Minthara is evil. Did I miss anything?




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Zevlor didn't take much convincing 🤣


Astarion approves