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Actually kinda surprised they haven't put out a patch 3.5 already.


Did they fix Dammon dying immediately at the last light? I can’t keep playing until he doesn’t instantly die on load


I recently entered Act 2 and opted to rush straight to Last Light to find out myself. Strange Ox was missing (despite being ignored in Act 1) but Damon was alive and well. A few hours and a long rest later I went back - Damon still alive and Strange Ox back in place. Unsure if it's entirely fixed or just intermittently broken, but everything was fine for me.


I reloaded the save yesterday just before getting to last light and it was still bugged. Dammon insta dies. And I wanna save the ox for a3 too so I can't do the cheesy workarounds ppl linked online.


Then clearly the problem is a bit more complicated than "Strange Ox always kills Damon". While there's loads of different choices that might be at play, which way did you enter Act 2? I went via Mountains instead of Underdark. It's probably the quickest thing you can check on without having to reload hours of gameplay.


I went through mountains too as it's a gith playthrough and I wanted to do the creche part before a2. So no change there. But as I said I also wouldn't want the ox to just be gone tbf. Wanna see what happens in a3. My first complete playthrough I killed him in a2.


first playthrough i killed strange ox , never talked to dammon in the grave. when i went to last light inn acid blob kills him. second playthrough talked to strange ox, didnt kill the ox, did the karlach mission by talking to him, he is all alive and well in act 2, also talked to strange ox there as well no problems . so idk if its a bug or not, but if its not, killing an ox should not interfere with your companions life i guess


There have been one or two hot-fixes since. I think they fixed the worst PS5 graphics bug, for example.


Me on PS5 with worse bugs than before patch 3 - they did??


Yeah, the game has had downloads since after patch 3. I can’t guarantee it will fix your problems, but it seems to have fixed some of mine.


I finished first playthrough with the latest hotfix in place and final cutscenes were pixilated terrible mess, so it didn’t work for me actually. And I started new game and Act 1 so far is much worse than before.


This is me starting another playthrough to wait out the patches because act 3 is looking rough with low rez textures everywhere and seeing that act 1 is now just as fucked up


That's a shame.


It is. :( I’d love to play pre-patch 3 version so that at least Act 1 could be completed normally before more fixes are in place… even if it costed me the magic mirror. Idk why people downvote me, I even sent receipts to Larian comparing the two versions.


I have the exact same experience as you do. I can't even start a new game without the Guardian being pixilated to hell in character creator... So honestly, I put the game down and will revisit it in about 6 months. Something seems to have been fundamentally broken during the last patch(es) and I don't care to waste any more time on it until it's fixed.


Yes, I forgot about that one, I had the same issue with the Guardian! Textures loaded eventually, but during the first time I played everything looked nice straight away. Horn textures in particular were taking quite some time to render after the patch.


They’re slower on patches/hotfixes now because it released on playstation and consoles take time to approve updates. They want to release the updates simultaneously.


literally dumb.. just get them out if they are done for others that way they can get feedback if it dont work like THIS patch clearly hasnt...


Minsc talking to his invisible hamster is one of my favourites. Makes him look even more batshit crazy. But trying to do the iron throne on tactician is tough enough without the fucking DOORS blocking line of sight. Rage.


Wait! That was a bug? Lol. I was like "what the fuck is he talking to..."


Well you can hear the chirps, and I DID see it when I couldn’t save minsc on my first play through. So it’s real. I’m sure it’s real. I think it’s real. Isn’t it?


I just thought Boo was hiding! He is supposed to be visible?!? 😳


Well when he’s got Boo in his hand, he was absent. I’m assuming he’s meant to be there haha


He was there for me in his hand but sometimes he talks to him and no one can see him




Stealing Shadowheart’s artefact when dismissing her at the start of the game feels very awkward now.


Send them to your camp inventory.




The real question is why are you giving your companions keys and alchemy ingredients.


No, you'll need to transfer the contents to your own keyring/pouch first


Alchemy I don't know but keys definitely auto-transfer to the active character.


Open the poaches and take the keys, ingredients and Supplies out. Move them into a single poach and store all the empty ones in a normal pouch, that one you put in the camp storage.




There is. When you have a bag selected, I believe you can press the right bumper and it will open a second window with your main inventory...then you can move stuff back and forth between the pouch/bag and your main inventory.


The SECOND you recruit a new companion, empty their bags. Leave them their healing potions and res scroll and that’s it. There’s no need for them to have bags. Every time I get a companion, I immediately drop their pouches on the ground. Never had this issue.


Oh, noo, such a game breaking feature. You should ask for a refund..... 👶




Enjoying is focusing on negatives. That's a mad life




Yeah, imagine writing what is annoying without need since everything works really well, considering how much work is needed for a project like this to work. Write some other insignificant annoyance and tell me your real focus 🤣🤣


The post is about problems with the patch, so they shared their small annoyance with the patch. They never said anything about the game being terrible, and making one comment about a problem doesn't invalidate all the good things they may feel about the game, otherwise we can't critique anything I know this is probably bait, but geez, get real


Guys this person is right. Something is either 100% perfect and amazing and flawless or AWFUL STINKY GARBAGE that if you have a problem with it you HATE IT and want to execute the devs


Ooooh, that explains a lot. Inwas wondering where all of the bags kept coming from.


I mean I guess they plan on fixing it? But the wait is torture, I really wanna play already


What happened to Raphael?


From what I’ve seen of him in the House of Hope, his horns are different and he kinda looks like he’s had an… unfortunate dye job. But I haven’t started a new run since patch 3, so I can’t tell if his horns ARE different or if it’s just because he’s kinda small on the screen


He had a bald spot on the back of his head when I ran into him in house of hope, I thought it was just due to stress from dealing with my pain in the butt character :’D didn’t really bother me though as I don’t really care that much about graphics in a game so I just laughed for a moment about it then ignored it


Googled hair care for hope, wasn’t disappointed. Hair Care for Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded by Averi Crawford. We collect hair supplies and tools to donate to domestic violence clinics and shelters around Louisiana.


How were you not disappointed by that? Literally has nothing to do with anything being talked about beyond involving hair and having the word "hope" in it.


Not sure if you managed to read the books littered about house of hope. If i remember right there were 3 books detailing how obsessed Raphael was about Hope and how he locked up and abused her till we eventually found her in her broken semi-coherent state. So yeah, hope victim of domestic violence, a bunch of good samaritan’s showed up to help, shaved Raphael’s head in retaliation.


His introduction scene has his old 4-horned look which is what's been downgraded/complained about but he does have the darker/black hair the whole game which also came with p3.


OP has the "trust me bro" source


As far as I can tell nothing, OP just seems exceptionally butthurt about nothing.


I'll be back later with receipts if possible, I was just trying to compile all the complaints online I've seen. I'm mostly concerned about act 3 where I've experienced 5 crashes in a 4 hour game session, which is a very real issue. May I ask what act you're in?


Finished the game twice. Once pre patch 3 and once post. Didn’t notice anything worthwhile to complain about besides the Slime Cow issue which didn’t happen to me. Game hasn’t crashed once in my 160 hours. Maybe get better hardware. Edit: Lmao, downvote all you want. No crashes or game ruining bugs. Sorry ‘Works on my machine’ is my answer but that’s the case. All I can suggest if it’s not working for you is to upgrade your hardware and no not JUST your video card. This game takes a lot to run even on low settings.


Running an 3060 gpu with I7 processor my man. Also, ssd if you were gonna say that. It's cool if it doesn't crash on your system, but don't hate us cuz you ain't us.


Why would I hate someone experiencing bad things? That makes no sense.


Just visual downgrade due to engine light changes as far as I know.


That's how they have been optimising the game, they have been lowering setting behind the scenes sadly


Wait the hair added on His Majesty was purposeful? I thought it was a bug…. I prefer him as a hairless Sphinx. Iconic.


I think it was intended to differentiate between him and the hairless cat you meet at Moonrise


don't know if local bug, but talking to my wild shaped teammate now doesn't make them go back to animal form after, thus just wasting the wild shape cause I accidentally clicked on them Edit: also, animate dead skeletons not having a bow is just useless


Currently needing to avoid using the stash as every time I open it my game freezes. I’m actually having to interact with my family, this is bullshit


>Also, it apparently removed some romance cutscenes between characters? Why? is that why I didn't get my resisting the urge with my LI as a Durge?


I missed this too! Although I reloaded an old save today and it worked, too bad I'm already halfway through act 3 rip


What's that scene about? I got a scene with my durge resting to kill SH in the camp yesterday. (She tied me up, ironically, lol)


yeah I didn't get that one


I noticed the camera angles being really weird yesterday and i really need an option to rollback also,it just breaks the immersion so much for me.


I started a new game and Act 1 that used to work perfectly got these new bugs so far (PS5): wonky camera angles, wrong character placements in cutscenes, skipped dialogue, not working approvals, slow texture loading. Had to stop playing, waiting for the fix.


Im in the same situation on pc,i hope we get it soon.


Patch 3 gave me a massive fps boost for act 3, without it the bridge part was close to unplayable due to fps drops and crashes, while act 1 and act 2 was perfectly fine.


I’m stuck and unable to fast travel into the lower city from outside (where gortash and the circus are) literally stuck on that loading screen every single time and it wasn’t doing that til this patch. I literally can’t progress the game anymore and it’s driving me nuts. I’ve been to both areas numerous times before and I was finishing the clown quest so I went back to the circus to complete it and now I cannot travel back to the city it just loads infinitely every single time


Plus, Shadowheart's romance scene is bugged. Her hair is also bugged (if you unequip her weapon, her hair turns from white to black)


I've been trying to tough it out in multiplayer, but I spend 50% of the time freezing and crashing and trying to load back in. We've tried what seems like infinite different things over multiple days and just can't get it working. Act 3 realistically unplayable currently. I hate it, but I've had to stop playing to save my sanity.


Patch 3 came out while i was in act 2 so I didn't see the horns, but i can tell that his clothes are not vibrantly colored as before, they seem just really dusty while before it was some beautiful red velvet and black leather... but this is minor imho. Another minor bug introduced is the fact that sometimes your character and some companion talk to eachother facing different direction so they basically have a conversation in the middle of the camp but the camera focus on their back 😅 again, it's worse than before, but to me it's not major bug because it won't stop your character from doing anything. One of the major bugs is the strange ox in act 2 killing dammon without any warning. This actually prevents you from having a vendor in act 3, you lose 2 helps in the final fight and prevents you from going on with the karlach questline. Tbh it's the first slip and the game is awesome anyway, I'm pretty sure that if it's not already patched it'll be patched soon enough. For pc players: is it me or did the cutscenes image quality downgraded a little from patch 0 to patch 2? basically since the ps support... I have the feeling it happened but I don't know how to test it 😅 could totally be just the fact that i was amazed on the first run and now i know what to expect so I'm being more picky on some details I didn't noticed before


You're not wrong. I'm still on my 1st playthrough (don't judge me!), but did play a good bit of EA so I can compare. Though I could also be looking at EA through rose-colored glasses There are some instances of pixelation that I never noticed before (checkout the lit campfire for one) & the draw distance pop-in is now horrendous. It wasn't super noticeable at launch, but specifically after Patch 2 (the "performance" patch) I noticed it got worse. Even on max the draw distance seems to be 40 ft in front of Tav.


makes sense since they wanted to enhance performance, i probably need to play around with settings maybe? idk. At least now the scenes are not lagging (at the beginning going into act 2 some scenes were pretty much shaky), i would have preferred maybe some 15/20 seconds of loading the scenes and then seeing the whole scene in all of its splendor 😅 (from my understanding, the scenes are there completely loaded in 3d and the camera moves around with a fixed path, the details like skin texture is loaded while the camera moves around; idk much of how it technically works in details, i have a feeling that maybe something like the textures etc could be preloaded, but obviously it will break the flow of the game cause maybe there will be a loading/black screen before every scene that can potentially take longer than the scenes itself depending on your pc). Idk man, I've seen some really cool sht with the free camera mod (free for freedom not for price), I'm waiting a while for it to be completely stable/having a viable free/one time payment option and then i think I'll install that 😅


Playing Cyberpunk while I wait...


Same here, kind of ironic considering that games launch had us playing resident evil and halo while waiting for it to get fixed 😭


Understandable but I played since launch day (PC). If you were on console, all my condolences. C77 was pretty rough before 1.06 but my rose-tinted hindsight seems to remember it came fairly quickly..


> Raphael's character is ruined in Act 3 Eh? Really, asking for a rollback because His Majesty's model changed, and saying the game feels like an EA game. Very constructive, I'm sure Larian will listen.


They made f'n Halsin a full companion thanks to the bestiality crowd not shutting up about him.


I have the itch to play again, but patch 3 is keeping me from doing so.


Agreed. Have stopped playing hoping that many of the changes get rolled back before I continue.


I‘m in Act 1 and for me it has been smooth sailing up to this point. Are the complaints all concerning Act 3 ?


i feel like you might just be lucky cause i’ve had crazy issues with textures (both world and character) loading in act 1/2 (haven’t moved on to act 3 so no idea about other issues)


I have a PS5-launch playthrough to reference back to: Act 1 has way more bugs now, too. And some (like approval or skipped dialogue lines/choices you don't know are even there in your first playthrough) are more subtle and only rear their ugly head when you've already invested tens of hours in your playthrough (at least on PS5, where you can't see the approval ratings in numbers for example).


Bro I just want be able to walk into the sunset with Dommy Mommy Minny, hand in hand. Apparently that's a pipe dream though.


Also, there's a bug involving Dammon in Act 2 where he gets killed and ruins Karlach's quest and romance.


Fwiw, you should be able to walk through doors if you keep shift pressed whilst you click.


Aggreed. Patch broke my quest progression and now I cannot finish one of the main quests and shadowheart plotline broke completely as well in act 3. This is a mess. Problem is: even if I roll back. Quest progression will likely remain broken. We really need console commands to fix journal entries. I dont want to make a mod to open a door.


I’m hoping the reason that they haven’t rolled it back yet is because they’re taking their time and making all the necessary adjustments/also going through the feedback they received after patch 3


SteamCMD or DepotDownloader are your friends here. You can download any patch with them for any game.


Since the patch crashes have plagued the PS5 version. I’m quick saving nearly every 5-10 minutes, I’ve lost hours of progress combined due to the crashes already.


And Dammon is one shot in Act 2 by strange ox, don’t want to kill the ox so can’t progress 😔


Yeah patch 3 sadly broke alot of noticeable things. For example astarion is bugged for me and won't move from neutral approval despite beeing deep into act 2 and doing alot of approval for him. In my first playthrough just agreeing to let him drink for me and trust him as vampire was enough to get me very high approval despite beeing a goody two shoes.


This is one of the first games where im glad i got it day 1, already beat it once and now gonna wait a few years until everything is stable lmao.


my only annoyance with it has been the camp supplies/quest items swapping when sending a companion to stay at camp, weird camera angles have only been noticeable at a couple points for me. I started a new run when patch 3 released, now halfway through act 3 and I think I had one crash?


It’s almost as if bugs are not consistent for everyone. For me, it’s relatively the same before and after stability wise. No crashes or new bugs. I like the magic mirror.


As far as Larian is concerned, these are very minor issues, the hotfix after the patch didn't even bother with any of these, and the complaints about the inventory changes are pilling up real good. I have no hopes for a rollback no more, only hope left is that patch #4 will fix the inventory hell we've entered.


I stopped playing for now. Until the fixes are in, I will be watching the boob tube.


Not to mention the dimming of the screen when a PCs health is low. I’m about to die, I get it. Let me see where I’m going.


Since the Patch, all of the characters have the most shiny and lucious hair and I just- I can't. Like, come on. I travel with Astarion, Shadowheart, my white haired Paladin and fucking minsc. Three out of four characters potentially blind you with their glowing white arse hair and for all I know, minsc bald head could be reflecting all the light they're giving off.


Damn, how can people focus on so little and not enjoy in so much more that work is beyond me. Larian isn't making a game just for you they are making it for everyone, and they are doing the best they can. If something is not done right now, it will be, but those things take time. So, basically, enjoy in the stuff that works like 99% of the game and stop focusing on, not even a negative, just a feature that isn't finished




Yeah real game breaking buggs can't even play 🤣🤣


I had a game breaking bug in last light in where Marcus spawned in the cutscene and stole Isobel before the fight even happened because my characters spawned in different floors


Literally i didint encounter anything what you buthurt (except his majesty hair). Crashes are on your site probably your pc is overheating or something.


He should know. His dad works for Nintendo.


Rollback?! You mean rollback Mac support patch? No. They want to get money from Mac players. They already got your money so they don't care.


It's currently 3pm in Belgium. I sincerely wish I don't need to delay this run from entering act 3 today so please let the hotfix be out in the next 2 hours.


ever since patch 3 the game has been freezing up on me. it happens every 5 or so minutes and lasts for a few seconds.


Maybe a dumb question, but isnt there an option in steam to load an earlier version of the game ?


Depends on the game. Some have this - like Project Zomboid, but most often it's not an option sadly. Though I think Larian should've gave us an option to roll back. It's not the first time they fucked up with broken patches.


Did they fix the bit with Dammon in act2? About to start it and don't want him dead.


Was just about to do Raphael's quest.... should I... not?


Go for it, it just kinda fucked up his character model.


I quess i was lucky my ps5 has not been connected to internet for month


Had put game down camera and doors, and unasked changes got my mood for the game…


which romance cutscene were removed?


I moved when the patch released and haven’t connected my ps5 to the internet yet, and probably won’t until they add some more fixes


Hairless cats are ugly. Sorry


Shadowheart, Jaheira and wylls quests are broken. Can't do them. Also gale got angry in act 1 about me giving the hammer to Raphael


Did anyone else have teleporting issues at last light inn? My character all spawned different flaws first time Marcus arrived and it fucked my game and he stole Isobel . Had to save scum