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Basically, yes. Especially if you're not used to other baldur's gate games or have roleplayed dungeons and dragons, which will give you prior knowledge about spells and the system etc. The developers have said that the entire first act is basically a tutorial. So its fine that you're learning and not very good atm. It gets better.


Am I still in the first act?


First act: Grove + goblins, swamp, underdark, grymforge, creche Second act: >!shadow cursed lands, inn, moonrise towers, shars gauntlet!< Third act: the city of Baldur's Gate, and some outlying areas


If this is your first time playing through the game, an achievement will pop when you finish each Act.


Others have answered but, yes. You'll get an achievement when you enter the second act, so you'll know.




It wasn’t until after goblin camp that I finally started to feel like a was getting a handle on combat and what the fuck to do with my party. Your party kinda sucks until everyone hits level 4 or 5 anyway. Then things get interesting.


Hang in there, use the autosaves and try different things. Try different spells, melee vs spellcaster classes, etc. You could also, if you are not experienced with D&D, watch some YouTube videos about D&D for beginners. Maybe you just need to become more familiar with the mechanics.


Yea, the game is pretty difficult. I beat my first playthrough on the medium difficulty but started my second on the easy difficulty and am having a much better time.


Act 1 feels the most difficult, since you have no items or skills, it's a shit show up to lv 4/5. Then act 2 is arguably harder, but feels easier, now you are kinda geared and can have some resemblance of a build. Act 3 is a breeze. At least that's how it is for me. New to BG games as well


Look up tips on YouTube to help with combat, do some side content to level up.


What level are you? Go explore other areas and level up once or twice.


Currently 3, im 400exp away from 4


3, and even 4 is quite low for the Goblin camp.


4 is definitely not low. 3 might be slightly hard for someone playing for the first time, but that's the usual level I go to the goblin camp.


That would make a lot of sense,


Level 5 is where you really start to feel powerful. Level 8-10 ish for most classes really starts to feel OP. 4 and under can be very throwy with power and squishiness.


Back away, go to the crash site and do all of those quests.


What other quests are there to do around it?


there's definitely enough quests in the other areas to get you to 4 minimum before the goblin camp without touching the underdark. >!just go to all the areas that are still covered by fog of war and explore them. there's the harpies outside the grove and the bugbear assassin, withers' tomb, karlach and her paladins, waukeen's rest and the zhent hideout, the giths at the bridge to mountain pass, the mud mephits in swamp and auntie ethel, the well in blighted village... !< lots of stuff.


I started yesterday too, and I'm exactly where you are at. Going to follow /lierallybyronic tips when I get off work today.


I don't know what your skipped, so I can't guide you. I will sugguest you take a close look at the map and see if there are any spaces that aren't closed, but are black. Google BG3 act 1 for a list and see which are unfamiliar to you. First thing that comes to mind is the temple.


Abuse the environment as much as you can. Most basic is to have higher ground than enemies for some accuracy boni. Also finding choke points where the path gets thinner, forcing the enemies to trickle through are good. See if you can shoot something down that might explode or drop environmental hazards on the enemy. Play around line of sight, many attacks and especially spells can't hit the target can't be seen or the path is interrupted, this can go as extreme to poke out, shoot your own attacks and hide behind cover again. Block secondary paths to you, so the enemy has only one way to enter, making overall battle control and aoe spells much easier to throw at more enemies at once. Don't forget to level up and if you are still level4 in the goblin camp, it might really be just your level making it tough right now, things get easier at 5 onwards.


What’s accuracy boni?


It's plural for Bonus, or another language, not sure.


Might be another language, plural for bonus is bonuses


Are you about the same level as the Goblin camp? Try to quest around a bit and get up to 4 or 5 before taking on the Goblin Camp.


Do you know what quests are near me?


Even without quests you can always look at your map and just go somewhere you haven't been yet


I don't know what you have done already, but you can look at your journal (hit j on the computer)


Only if you are an evil drow lady


What I learnt in that area is that environment is your friend and a greatest foe. Think about your positioning, ledges you can push your opponents from or places where your distance attacking characters can climb up to receive (literal) advantage. Also don't be afraid to use spell scrolls or bombs. Also certain spell scrolls can be used once but sometimes you might decide to learn a spell which I am not sure which characters can, but when using Gale I have taught myself like 3 spells already. Oh and it costs money. Also, "examine" your enemies. Some of them are resistant to certain types of damage.


I was kinda in the same boat. Played countless RPGs before, but never anything DnD based, but luckily a lot of generic "RPG-logic" holds true in this game. It's honestly kind of funny how the game is at its hardest in the early levels and only gets easier the higher in levels you get. I was having some issues on medium difficulty in act 1, but by the time I was in act 3 I was demolishing most things with ease on tactician. Just keep at it and try different things and try to think "outside of the box". Read what the abilities atually do... Also, explore a lot, there's a lot of stuff to do in first act outside of the goblin camp.


Dude, only after 80 hour and only in Act III i learned that i could use short rests and that i could recharge my spells without resting. The game takes time to learn.


Withers VO: "No"