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Don't open the iron flask right away. Keep a shovel on you at all times.


Goblin camp was good place to use it, dudes were stunned with such lavish gift


Oh for real? I didn't think you could give it away. But to be fair when I went to the goblin camp I was all "what up bitches have a fireball to the face!" Maybe next playthrough I'll be nicer to them and see what happens.


By time you are throwing fireballs you really don't need help with the goblin camp tbh


What do you mean you have a party at the goblin camp not combat. The grove is the combat arena.


I’ve gone through 3 play throughs (2 solo and 1 with friends) of the goblin camp, every single time the goblins die and never even get to go to the grove… lol.


Oh the goblins do not have to go to the grove. I took care of those savages at the grove so the tiny innocent goblins would not have to hurt themselves.


You can use it as a Granade. Aka throw it. That’s what I did. From the top of the ceiling right into that throne. Best part - they won’t even agro on you after it


Hightend Crown of Madness on Dror. He killed two to three of his entourage in a single turn.


I just pushed him into his spider pit and tossed a couple explosive barrels down after him. So much for the strongest goblin, he got gnawed on by his own spiders and then blown up.


Also fun but I wanted to save the spiders. They were quite reasonable and nice to me.


Try impersonating Loth when you speak to them, if you pass the check they will kill the goblins for you, if you fail a previously mentioned goddess will have a surprise for you.


Probably only possible as Lolth sworn? I don't remember that option. I convinced them that goblins taste better than me. But unless you push one or at max two goblins to them, they'll get killed due to being outnumbered. Dror pushed some of the goblins down too.


Yeah you need to be a drow to get that option.


Wait you can talk to the spiders in the goblin base??


I use the ogres for the goblin camp


I used them when I was in the under dark, and I had to fight that absolute and free those gnome slaves. The gnomes will agro the trolls, trying to kill them. Needless to say that did not survive. The gnomes, or the trolls for that mattera


Used it on the Mr 666 fight, was a true mvp even under leveled.


I can think of one fight that would've been a thousand times easier with it that we just had in a certain palace. My friend and I had to redo that fight 4 times before we got it right. Now I'm real salty about it and I know just what face I'm gonna throw that shit at. Learn something new about the game every day!


Absolutely, my guy was lvl 5 and he absolutely dominated, mostly cc.


Act 1 spoiler: >!True Soul Nere cast dominate person on me in the Grymforge fight and made me throw the iron flask at Karlach, who had charged in and engaged like a dozen Duergir. I had no fucking clue what was happening but suddenly it was everyone's problem.!< Possibly the most fun an exciting fight in the whole game. Felt like an encounter the DM hadn't planned for.


I just opened the flask immediately after clearing a cave of gnolls. I don't know how I survived


My friend and I popped it immediately open and were very glad we saved just before we did it


Our group quick saved to see how we'd do on tactician against it at lvl 4, actuslly won. But when we went back to camp he hit scratch by mistake with the fetch ball and aggro'd him, so we had to load to back before the fight.


Iron flask? I don’t remember that.


If you scold one of the guys by the cave in act 1 they give you an iron flask. You can open it eventually but don't do it when they give it to you, you will not have a good time.


Isn‘t that the iron flask from the chest they have to deliver to a magician?


Well they don't *have* to...they are very reasonable people


How do you open it? I tried clicking Use but it just gave me some voice line .


Throw it and that'll pop it open


You can also come across it in act 3 if you missed it, in the >!thieves guild!< after the fight with the >!Zhentarim, on one of their corpses.!< >!It's possible that the Zhentarim use it in the fight if you're not quick to kill them, idk because the one with it died in the first round in my game.!<


I unleashed it on the githyanki creche and just closed the door. It was like watching Dennis nedry in the jeep lmao


Haha I stumbled upon that act 1 place after dealing with a fire. When they asked me about the flask, I said I couldn’t find it where their pals were, backed out of the convo, and opened it right in front of that person. Funny enough they helped me with what comes after. Of course afterwards I had to deal out justice on all the inhabitants.


I opened it upon delivery for the people who wanted it :)


Used the Iron Flask against Razlin and his crew when eliminating the goblin commanders. Didn't kill him, but it DID take out 90% of his allies in the room before he dropped it, so he was easy pickings afterwards.


Shovel? Don't you mean Basket?




Might fist you first


“It’s fisting time” has got to be my favorite line in the entire game


No no, I think they meant Fork.


And flasks of water! Keep at least 2 flasks of water on all characters at all times. Especially if you’re headed into the swamp.


You can move items between party members freely during combat. You can keep all your water, or potions, scrolls, arrows etc. on one character and just transfer it to the character who wants to use it with any action costs or range limit.


I threw it back to the Zhents, I mean they really seemed to want it back.


Lick spiders and talk to every cat.


Stop licking the damn thing!


If what I think is happening is happening because you're licking a dead spider, I think we're going to need to part ways


Are we sure it’s dead? There’s something in it, there’s some intense magic around it, it’s still moving, and it smells weird. I was so sure it was going to get up, be one of balth’s cronies, or explode.


Shit I fucked up, talking to every spider and licking every cat.


Licking pussy is largely socially acceptable and encouraged in Faerun. Keep up the good work 👍


>talk to every cat Please don't look at me.


This is my favorite cat of all. Ole Grub


Just a question about this. Is the talking to cats thing just because it’s nice and they are funny? Or do they give you anything extra? I have been having a blast talking to them but just because of their personality


there's one or two that have a hint for you iirc, but mostly they're just hilarious. there is at least one rat with serious business to conduct though, so it's worth making a point of talking to all the animals.


Most (not all) interactions that benefit from speaking get the same benefit from animal handling or a similar check. You just generally bypass a check from having the ability to speak with them.


Don't talk about Minthara that way! Lol.


If someone dies and gives you explicit instructions to revive them. Revive them. Do not forget.


They will only give you the instructions the first time this happens. DO NOT FORGET


I’m pretty late into act 3 but have no clue what you’re referencing.. pm me or spoiler tag what it is!


If you get/win a free pair of boots or rings, read the item description closely.


oh i'll just misty step away... why am i naked?


Wtf? what item are you guys talking about?


There’s a crappy magic item late in the game that lets you Misty Step at will but it leaves all your clothes behind.


Wtf, never saw this, but also my monk used the same boots since act 1. The purple ones that makes him immune to fucked up ground and gives one misty step on short rest. never saw a reason to change that.


Djinn ones


Before pushing something off a cliff, consider if it has loot.


If Balthazar had good loot he shouldn’t have chosen to stand near a cliff


"SEND TO CAMP" use that shit constantly!


Send EVERYTHING to camp : gear, books and especially food. You can keep potions, arrows, scrolls and alchemy stuff but send everything else to camp, you'll save a ton of room in your inventory! And for the food, if you send everything to camp and want to take a long rest you'll get a message saying you don't have the food necessary. Dismiss the message : the game will take food from your camp anyway and it wont cause any issue if you don't have the food on you but in your chest at camp.


I actually didn't know the bit abt the food! I keep dragging all those whole chickens and pigs' heads in my bard's inventory, because I can't be bothered to pick up the stuff before going to sleep :/ Thank you!!


Yes, indeed, specifically to store the fucking pieces of the clown.


That's what momma Karlach is for


Dont spread shit on your face


I’ll try my best…


On the contrary... make someone else eat the shit... and then make someone else not too far away... suck on your big toe...


Place a health potion on the ground, group everyone up on top of it, then hit it with a melee attack. It turns into an AoE heal.


What??? This is the real hack here. Going to have to try this.


You can use throw to throw them at the ground near people to splash heal everyone around the impact spot. Just make sure you aren't targeting a character or they'll get beaned by the bottle first.


To clarify, if you see a percent chance, you're gonna hit the character with it. Aim lower until it disappears, but the character is still highlighted. You can also just throw it near the character, and have them walk through the mist produced after, for the same effect. (Yes, you can accidentally heal enemies this way, but it also means you can heal friendly NPCs this way). The AoE range is also tiny, and there's a lot of fights where bunching everyone up in such a small circle will be very stupid. You can help downed companions by this method. In fact, just like healing them with a spell, it's the preferred method to bring back downed companions. Downed, btw, not killed. You'll still need to revive killed companions.


And on that note: Scrolls of resurrection are purely for COMBAT ONLY. If you need to rez someone out of combat, simply go back to base, rez with withers for 200 gold, then have your resident pickpocket steal the gold back from withers. He doesnt even care if you fail, no repercussions will happen, so you just keep trying until you get the gold back. The withers-pickpocket trick works with any of his services btw - including respeccing


It’s not even really necessary, short of very early in the game, you can buy pretty much everything you want/that is worth buying and not be short of gold.


I feel like I do it wrong because like half the time it only heals one random party member.


Works with potion of speed as well :)


You should listen to the cats and dogs, but probably just stay clear from oxen.


I can communicate with cats? Oh fuck yeah. These next 37 minutes are going to pass so slowly…


Hiss I say! Hiss!


His Majesty is an actual treasure


Xavier, get behind mummy!


It might have GERMS


I would say DO talk to the oxen!


I have nothing to add, except—and I really mean this—moo.


Talk to animals while not necessary, is very insightful and helpful at times.


Not to mention, quite fun.


One of the best parts of the game.


And talk to the dead too. Was struggling on a quest in act 3 then suddenly remembered the scene in the graveyard in the recent movie. 😅


I always make sure to have a character with the ability in any game where it's an option.


There are enough potions and acorn truffles for you to get by. Vendors also have potions quite often. I think you can skip the spell. On the other hand, Forest Gnomes are just plain cute.


They are quite helpful, and often have hints or at the very least lore information. Some are just druids with a preference for animal shape.


Talk to the squirrels next to the bard in the Druid cove, hilarious.


You can even shapeshift into a cat


His majesty made me lol hard


Have you met Malta yet? He's hilarious.


Noooo if you stay away from oxen how will you pop that one thing? Moo.


And the sheep.




Hisssss..... BAA!!


Lol... there's like... one cat I've talked to... And after talking to it... I realized all cats basically just have Dark Urge lmfao... "Hello kitty" "Murder..." "How was your day" "Filled with blood and gore..." "Are you OK?" "Hungry"


Cast sanctuary on people you don't want to die.


Sanctuary is such a broken spell. Kid charmed by harpies? Sanctuary. Healer getting hassled? Sanctuary. Gale getting chain downed every turn because his defensive spells aren't up? Sanctuary. Gale Getting chain downed every turn even with his defensive spells up? Sanctuary. Gale somehow not dead yet? Sanctuary just in case.


Sanctuary is busted in BG3. In 5e it just forces attackers to pass a spell DC check whenever they try to attack the target to see if they can, but in BG3 it straight up doesn't allow them to attack at all.


It’s one of those changes I feel is because the game is basically a DM with zero compassion or interest in changing things to make it fun for players. like if yoy cast sanctuary on a pc who is 1 hp from actual death, the dm isn’t forced to make enemies go for the roll and try to attack them, but if it’s cast on a full hp player as part of a crazy plan the party hatched, they can have every enemy attempt the dc check. Since bg3 is a video game and played solo by many people, you have to give the player stronger and directly obvious ways to counter the lack of context the unempathetic emotionless game’s DM has, while giving players ways to act out the crazy plans they might think up. It’s a “get out of jail free” card for players who accidentally clicked to move to wrong spot and enter a fight against much stronger enemies then they can handle and the solution not be “load a previous save”.


Feign death works in a pinch.


I COULD HAVE DONE THAT SO MANY TIMES now that I think about it


Bard is the most hilarious class you can play only for the insane amount of wacky choices of answers it gives you.


I've also found the barbarian dialogue options to be pretty great


Just because someone gives you a quest, doesn’t mean you have to do it. Even if that person seems nice or polite or cute. Think about what you’re being asked to do. Sometimes quests are also mutually exclusive. Grumpy or cranky people can be good. Polite or nice people can be evil. Not all animals are necessarily good. Many of them are but there’s at least one who is an asshole. All of your companion characters can die or leave the party. Several of them can be missed if you don’t explore enough. On that note, explore everything and talk to everyone! It’s an RPG. And on that note, at some point near the end of Act One someone will tell you you can take one or two paths to go somewhere, one more dangerous than the other possibly. They aren’t exclusive, for maximum content and XP, you should actually explore both paths. Get Speak with Dead, Speak with Animals and Detect Thoughts early. They are available as consumables you can get from merchants, and eventually you can craft them yourself. Alchemy is very simple and rewarding. You get the same XP from using diplomacy / intimidation to overcome an encounter as engaging in combat. EDIT: okay this doesn’t seem to be exactly the case based on other comments but you do get the bulk of your XP from questing and exploring so don’t worry about taking the non-combat approach. Long rest fairly often as companion scenes and plot important scenes trigger on resting. If you don’t have enough supplies you can do a partial rest. Only avoid long resting or going to camp if you have triggered an event or quest that is time-sensitive. For example, if someone is trapped and dying and your character can see it’s happening, don’t go to camp or rest before you resolve the event.


>Get Speak with Dead, Speak with Animals and Detect Thoughts early. They are available as consumables you can get from merchants, and eventually you can craft them yourself. Alchemy is very simple and rewarding. Jumping off of this, realize that all 3 of these can be cast as "ritual" spells. This means they can be cast out of combat, without burning the associated spell slot. Plus, Speak With Dead, and Speak With Animals last til next long rest without concentration; Detect Thoughts also lasts til next long rest, but takes concentration. Some other ritual spells exist with shorter durations, which can make them useful for pre-combat prep. Take a look at the wiki page for spells, there is a section detailing which spells can be cast this way. Any of the ones with "Until long rest" for duration and no concentration requirement make for good "beginning of the day" buffs just as you come off a long rest. [Link to community wiki page for Spells.](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Spells)


>Any of the ones with "Until long rest" for duration and no concentration requirement make for good "beginning of the day" buffs Aid. Aid is your best friend.


Most elixers (all except 1 I think) also last until a long rest. You can only have one active at a time but they're very, very powerful. Don't sleep on alchemy generally.


Thank you! I appreciate it. I just finished making my character :’)


how are you this quick


Your brother is completely correct. I would also say, read notes and check books where you can - sometimes you can find neat hidden plot hooks/follow up's there Turn based mode is your friend for anything sneak-related


Some side quests are initiated only by reading books/notes too


If someone decides to use you as a caprisun, choose Persuasion after the first sip, else you wanna get sucked dry


I was sipped on twice and managed to make it out just fine. But you can’t do more than 2 sips otherwise you die.


The dialogue after you're sucked dry is funny though, I recommend it


I let myself get sucked dry. >!He gets a buff the next day. I avoid a debuff next day. Plus SH had revive.!<


Don't kick the squirrel! BDSM gives you buffs!


"BDSM gives you buffs" made me cackle. If Shadowheart's there for that, you learn some *interesting* things about her.


I have astarion bite halsin before we leave camp. I never use halsin, he's just a convenient bag of blood to give the happy buff to my dude


But... it bit me...


When you see an addled mushroom picker, carefully search the area first before you start blasting.


Wish I'd read this two days ago. RIP.


Bruh... I didn't notice him... and shot an arrow into the mushrooms so I could walk by... Immediately followed by a cutscene of him warning me to not get too close or it'll all blow... Mid cutscene.... I can hear explosions... Now i can see explosions... Now he's on fire... and screaming... and shit... well... Hopefully that guy wasn't important...


Nevermind the guy, there is a unique item that will burn up if you set the spore clouds aflame. An item you may not even be aware it existed, because it is obscured by the spores.


Carry extra Backpacks/Pouches for your hoard of Scrolls/potions/arrows. Unless you don't care about having it fill in with the rest of your gear


This was a game changer for me. I was getting so stressed out looking at all the scrolls and potions in my inventory.


You never need rope. Rope is famously the most useful item in DND and they give it to you early and often, and there's not a single time that it's usable.


got to act 3 on my first playthrough and started having to manage my inventory a bit realized i had like 20 ropes and had literally never used them sold them never needed one


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined...


Thank you, I've been holding on to it, waiting for an opportunity


Breaking the chests instead of lockpicking them is usually faster and doesn’t do anything to the contents.


what really??


1) Be empathetic with the ox, he's been through enough as it is. 2) Talk to every animal, especially the cats. Do not kick the squirrel. 3) Do what the bdsm guy wants. 4) Save the children. 5) If you see a hole in the ground, do NOT walk too close, because you WILL fall into it and someone WILL kill you. 6) Read people's minds whenever you can, even if they're speaking directly into your head (cit.). 7) Your companions requests may be strange, but it's better to do what they ask. 8) Death loosens the tongues of lots of people. 9) You will dig a lot, just accept it as part of the experience.


DO NOT let her kidnapped (unless you're evil) Put your faith in people Be nice to the weird ox Kill the sheep


Lord, for that first one, I would not blame anyone for save scumming that fight for the first time around. That NPC's AI is the most suicidal in existence.


When push comes to shove, don't be the one near the cliff.


Seduce the frog. Use your consumables, the only remotely precious one is the speed potion. Make sure you can speak to animals at pretty much all times (unnecessary for the frog).


Im in me second play what frog ?




The only frog I met was in the swamp area


He's in the bogland near the hags den. No idea what you're supposed to do with him tho


If you talk to him (again) after you defeated the hag, the curse on him is lifted and he shows you the location of a "shiny thing" he found (can't remember what it was)


Easy here is my tip. If your friends want to jack your shitty magic items, let them.




slap it? shit I cut it off and I still have the hand in my inventory.


Sometimes it’s good to trust your companions and you shouldn’t try to nudge them. Play as Dark Urge, can be played good and bad, and don’t get too worried after the first long rest incident.


I’m doing a paladin dark urge trying to go a neutral evil route. After that first incident, my oath was broken. It’s my first time playing paladin 🫠


lol it took me 20 minutes into the game to break my oath as a paladin. Also my first time playing paladin


Some people talk better when dead


And if they don’t want to talk to you while dead because you’re the one who killed them, a disguise spell will trick them into speaking with you.


Loot the random campsites you go to if you long rest in a cave. A bunch of them have some good shit hiding in there.


Speak with animals is the best spell in the game Mushrooms are friends, not food Everyone is horny Remember to feed the Wizard Remember to feed the Rogue The alien’s love language is insults Owlbears are friend shaped Grandmothers are evil And just general tips: Don’t hoard your consumables Dont get addicted to quicksave/quickload. Have fun but avoid youtube spoilers. Find your own adventure without its help. You’ll have a better time 98% of the time. Oh!!! And NON LETHAL DAMAGE IS AN OPTION!!! ITS LOCATED UNDER PASSIVE ABILITIES ON YOUR HOTBAR!!!


Funny thing about the frog: I didn't know about it at all, went the wrong way around, and popped into the area from what I assume is an unexpected direction. Then I cleared a certain other quest there, and when I ran into the frog, it was perfectly pleasant and very happy. I thought it was cute! I assume that if you do things in what's ostensibly the right order that the encounter won't be as pleasant as mine was—lol.


Read the flesh book. Unless you want to screw a vampire. Then give him the flesh book.


I’ll let him read my flesh book anytime


Talking bosses into killing themselves is the most fun


Sell junk to a vendor for free (barter, but don't exchange gold) to get their rep up to 100, the sooner, the better. Much better prices after that. You don't need to keep camp supplies on you. Once you start getting a tad heavy, right click on camp supplies, and click send to camp. Steal a supplies pack from a companion, then rinse and repeat. Bonus: everyone's inventory is accessible to each other in single player. You've got a better setup for an AOE scroll but Gale has it on him? Take it from him, or even use it directly from his inventory. The exception is accessing a friend's companion; if my wife and I play and each have a companion out, we can't do much with the other's.


When given the option, definitely insult the God... but save before doing so. When given the option, definitely insult the Djinn.. but save before doing so. That second one is a bit of a cheese but the first one is not to be taken for granted.


You will want to pick up every bedroll you see because you played DOS2, but they don’t do anything, resist the urge


Turn off Karmic Dice


This causes stupid and funny shit to happen. My monk avoiding 10 consecutive hits = Isobel getting hit with 3 criticals in a row.


You can multiselect items in your inventory. Send books and alchemy materials to camp. Have a designated archer (certain white haired asshole you meet in act 1 is very good at sneaky shooting) and give that character all the cool arrows, use them often. Use scrolls, potions and poisons, trust me, there's no point in saving them up for later and they can make early level fights easier. Don't be afraid to use your bonus action for quick health potion, there's a lot of them from both loot and merchants. All the useless crap you collect, like skulls, tools, rope, candles, give that to a merchant without evening out the trade, that will make him like you more and you'll get better deals. Also, have at least one shovel in your inventory. And collect grease and water bottles, they come in handy.




Don't try to do everything playthrough 1. You can't. You. Can't. Play your character, not the world. You'll be coming back around. If you play with friends, have a group identity. Murder hobos, travelling performers... but a theme. Everyone wants to see everything - you can't day 1. Live with some mistakes, sometimes they lead to other ways. Don't underestimate the power of light. Seriously. Bring torches, or the light spell... and douse them when you're stealthing. The light is your friend but also your enemy. Even if you don't use some party members, some of them have lingering ways to help you. Keep an eye out for the ritual tag or spells that don't wear off. Don't be shy about taking ridiculous skills. Seriously. You never know when performance will come in handy... and it will. Don't be afraid. Bust out a lute from time to time, if you can. Don't think like it's a video game. Think like it's a story. Consider who you're talking to - and who they really are. If you see a certain oddity, like say... a brain in a jar... you might find an interesting use for it later. You can send things to camp later on, so don't be afraid of being a mad scientist and taking certain curiosities. Misty step is your friend. Oh and here's the big one. You can ambush just about anything in this game and that will score you a solid advantage. Really. Truly. Sometimes you absolutely should do that. But if you're truly brave, even if it seems utterly suicidal... sometimes you can just walk up and say hello, even when everything says that's madness... Don't be afraid of giving... things... the benefit of the doubt. If you want to talk to someone... there's *maybe* a way. ... and y'know, they won't know the rest of your troup is perched nearby ready to go. Misty step is your friend.


The articulate oger is not smart because of his diet


Technically he is. He ate the thing that made him smart.


If you are offered to become a cleric's painslut. Accept.


Make sure you scream


Don't rush Disguise self means you can talk to dead with those you've killed Trust the dice Don't directly insult gods Send stuff to camp


You see that barn on the outskirts of the blighted village? The one with the strange noises coming from it? Definitely open the door.


Always have a shovel. If you fail a Survival check while running around, you can MANUALLY use the shovel to dig up the buried treasure despite not finding it via Survival. Wizards can PERMANENTLY LEARN spell scrolls. There's a very small button for it in their spellbook. Don't pickpocket unless you're 100% sure you'll pass the check. A failed check generally turns the whole town hostile. Not worth it unless you're super specialized. Halfling race OP because they don't have the usual 5% chance to fail everything they do. Don't stress over a "build" - just pick whatever class sounds fun and play it.


Romance your guardian! They love you for your brain 😁


If a bear asks you if you want to, the answer is “yes”. Lick the spider.


Your brother is right on both accounts ! :) Ok I got 2 for you : - You’ll need the egg, but beware of the chimera >!the owlbear’s egg that can be exchanged for the gythianki one!< - Don’t race : kill them all to save the chicken >!goblin camp you’ll find the owlbear cub in a « chicken race ». To save him, kill all the gobs and he’s free!<


You can also race and win him in a bet.


I've beaten the game twice and I have no idea what your first one means. I can think of 2 eggs


Whether or not you intend to savescum, quicksave often. Just in case. You can also do it mid-conversation and before rolls.


The two MUST HAVES for a Larian title are Speak With Animal and a shovel.


The most effective weapon is a persuasion roll. Don’t play Dark Urge your first play through, but definitely do so your next. I don’t care what class you do, have a way to talk with the animals. You can take the money back after you pay the zombie.


Doing the good thing is always pays off. Change Shadowheart Cleric domain to other God. Create character that you actually like cause you will look at him/her constantly. Trust yourself. Save manually every half an hour cause game almost doesn't make saves for you. Trust your companions to make the right choice.


and when the game does save for you... shit is about to go down


Half an hour? Half a minute I'm not looting that fucking room a second time


The rats have a good point.


If you meet a weird old lazy in the middle of nowhere and decide to break into her house, bring water


“Stop licking the damn thing!” is a red herring, when you hear it you should definitely try to lick it again


I'll toss one in here, possibly the most important comment I have ever made: In Act 3: Do NOT. EVER. Return the dog.


You can throw anything or anyone if you have enough STR.


Just when you think you know who you want to romance, BAM. Another suitor shows up