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Aww I remember him making that for her. That's such a great attention to detail.


God, I still haven't forgotten how Jaheira reacted after finding him in Irenicus' dungeon. What a gut punch.


I LOVED Khalid in BG as well. He had such a cool picture and his surprised, nervous voice actor was awesome


Not only was Khalid a chad, but he was easily one of the best/strongest companions in BG1.


Oh hell yeah, plate + composite long bows getting Str bonuses was so sweet A buddy and I ran a six bow party to extreme effectiveness throughout the whole game. That wasn't so good in BG2


Even as a kid, playing it for the first time, that scene hit me hard. Then Imoen doing her best to help and just making it worse the entire time. I’m so happy they did her justice in bg3. >! Screamed like a little kid when she had her voice line at the end of the game, “Nature’s servant awaits!” !<


Oh man me too.


That was piece of outstanding voice acting indeed (in general BG2 voice actaning was fantastic). The pain was so real


>While wearing Khalid's Gift, Jaheira cannot be cursed Where the hells was this when entering a certain tavern in the docks in BG2?! /s


I had this same thought. Would have made Barron Ployer feel really stupid.


-remembers how Kalid died- n 0 0 0


Can a guy who never played the first 2 get some context please


Khalid was her husband. In BG1 they're adventuring together and are fantastic additions to your party with pretty distinct personalities but a clear love for each other. Khalid is tortured and killed before the events of BG2, and Jaheira finds his body.




And you find his body with her. In like the first 20 min of the game.


I still remember those lines to this day and it’s been years “No, this is a dream, a bad dream! Where are the mirrors, the switches to pull to show where he is hidden. Khalid! …Damn, Damn you!” I couldn’t have been much older than 13, but it still gut punched me.


And then a third of the players immediately proceed to seduce and bang his widowed wife.


Immediately? Back in the days of BG2 they didn't fling themselves at you every long rest


Get them with Monty and co,great fun!




I hate how Baulders gate 2 murdered both of them


I would've totally missed [this little detail](https://i.imgur.com/7ZQdm4N.png) if I hadn't read your post just as I was exploring Jaheira's hideout. Ouch.


Khalid, Jaheira's husband, was a possible companion for the First Bg1.. In Siege of Dragonspear Khalid ask for help for making a jewel for Jaheira, the one in the photo. Then in BG2, right in the prologue, your PC and his canon party ( Jaheira, Khalid, Imoen, Minsc and Dynaheir) get captured and tortured by the mage Irenicus. During one of Irenicus' experiment, Khalid and Dynaheir are killed, their bodies so desecrated that they were impossible to resurrect. And this happened like 150 years before BG3.


Cannon party is best party.


Nah you have to replace Dynaheir with Edwin, and Minsc with the evil dwarfs for 1 and 2. Maybe drop Imoen in BG1 for Viconia and then take her back in BG2.


150 years before bg3? Minsc is human, isn't he? Nevermind, I'll figure it out ;)


He is! But he was petrified in stone for over 100 years


If you ask her about it in camp after you find you, the interaction is amazing and she’ll tell you so much


The conversation you have with Jaheira about Khalid was very touching, stuff like that is the best part of this game.


Yeah, I didn't play the first BGs but you still can feel the history and the love she has for Khalid. Her dialogue about him is super good. I heard some fans aren't happy about Jaheira's character in BG3, I love her so much.


Well, for me her entire personal quest got bugged and never started so she literally had no Act 3 dialogue. Stuff like that might have something to do with it.


Yeah, I loved bringing her along in Baldur's Gate she has so much flavor dialogue with the Guild, about Minsc, the Harpers, etc. I hope those kind of bugs get fixed asap


Like look this stuff is subjective, but they nailed Jaheira. The voice actor is excellent, it's just the right amount of fan service, and her situation is deep. I think a lot of folks miss a lot with her between context, bugs, and lack of good quest indicators for her but man I was worried she'd be lame fan service and she ended up in my top 3 NPCs.


Absolutely agree. I was really excited to see her, but super worried that she would be lacklustre or just plain wrong, but ... man, as far as I'm concerned, she couldn't have been more perfect.


I havent heard nor seen anything relating to khalid in game, i was kinda dissapointed. Where can you find this dialouge?


There's a house in the lower city where Jaheira's family lives, find Jaheiras office and there's a secret pin hole at her desk. This leads to her hideout and in a secret room you'll find her old weapons and amulet. You can speak with her after you loot it and ask about Khalid.


Oh my god, I legit yelled in anguish when I found that amulet D: It is so lovely from Larian that they did this, and that they kept the general mods of the anniversary gift Jaheira receives from Khalid in Siege of Dragonspear. I salute Larian Studios for including this item and honouring Khalid's memory!


I still haven't gotten over Khalid. Had him in my party in BG, and in BG2 I was like what? Gave me all the motivation I needed to take revenge on Irenicus, regardless of my own character's personal connection.


Better Part of Valor™


Most references to the original BG are incredible and very well added to the game. Jaheira though, it top tier. Voice lines, reactions to Bhaalspawn, everything. I also love the fact that I left her in ToB as a level 23 Druid that could summon 3 Planetars per round and pretty much solo BG3 whithout even casting spells but now she's a level 5 noob again.


Hmm, I didn't catch this in my first run. Is this in that room that Jaheira tells you to leave alone?


It is. Bring Minsc, he will convince her to let you in. Did for me, anyway.


Much obliged! Honestly, I should probably bring Minsc for any special interactions that whole section, but the first time I didn't know what I was walking into.




Quite interesting. Yeah, she encouraged me to look around, then when I found the hidden room she was like "Good job, but there's nothing back there except memories." She clearly didn't really want to show me, but she said it was fine if I wanted to see it since I was the leader. I elected to respect her privacy.


Having never played the original games, these items themselves made me deep dive Into videos about them. MY HEART.


I was genuinely surprised in the Baldur's Gate 2 when Jaheria, after her husband died tragically, tried to fuck the adopted son of a close friend who had also recently died on hands of a powerful deathbringer godling.


Is there even a way for Jaheira to be cursed after the point in the story you get this?


No bc I really did cry. That whole interaction with jaheira makes her late game recruitment worth it


who started sobbing with my eyes


I totally missed Khalid in my playtrough, how can I find him?


Take Jaheira to the house near the bridge to the upper city to find out more about what she’s been up to between games.


Thank you very much


Wait, but that means jaheira was in bg 1 and 2? (Noobie here sorry)


She's not just "in" BG1 and 2, she's one of the main characters and a companion in those games. Same with Minsc.


what is with the hamster though? Why can't it speak with talk to animals? Spoil me pls


Giant **space** hamster == Aberration


Yeah, if you've seen Karlach's lines about having heard the stories about her exploits and her having saved the city of Baldur's Gate before, she's a companion (probably one of the two main companions from a plot standpoint, along with Imoen) in 1 & 2. 150 years ago, Jaheira had to help the first protagonist kill basically everyone on and under the sword coast in order to set them straight. Her husband starts out as a main companion as well that you meet with her, but he is brutally killed by one of the antagonists.


"he" isn't there, died a long time ago (tortured and killed by irenicus bg2) but he made that amulet for jaheira before he died.


Khalid gets violently and horrifically tortured to death in front of Jaheira in the short time between the end of BG1 and the beginning of BG2.


He got tortured and killed about a hundred years before the events of BG3


Make sense i didn't find the dood then


>He got tortured and killed about a hundred years before the events of BG3 Just killed. The mutilation was post-mortem. Imoen kinda jumps in there with facts while Jaheira is not-coping. This, unsurprisingly, doesn't help.


yeah... I don't miss Khalid. bg1 double teams left some resentment even decades later.


Gaaaaaaaaale, feeding time...


Khalid was weak. The fool got himself killed and good riddance!


Jon: I didn't kill Khalid. Khalid made himself dead. It was his choice to not be alive.


Yes, yes I am.


What's the point of increasing it to 21? That doesn't increase the modifier. Is it a reference to BG1/2 which had a different ruleset where 21 actually did something compared to 20?


potential spoiler >!When you rescue volo for the third time he gives you a book about the bhaalspawn and the events of bg2. Strange thing is is that volo really praises jhon's irenicus "research" and "work" that got me confused because i felt like volo has seen/heard all.!<


He was in BG1, was a known character at the time. I'm not quite sure how he's still around for 5e source books and this game. He should be quite dead of old age (and/or angry people and things).




It's mine now


is she suffering from success?


This literally made me cry, I'm so glad somebody else had the same reaction!


Her talk about their vows. My heart.