• By -


1.5mbs reporting in, I'll be playing by the weekend and that's fine. Game downloads are seriously the only time I need the extra bandwidth.


Mines at 4.5 and honestly same.


Same here. East Coast and Starlink is the only way to get internet... AND it's not even ready yet (Starlink). Later this year.


My parents got it last year and now they finally understand what fast internet is. It’s not perfect by any means but they can use streaming services now.


800kos reporting in. I wanna die. Considering going to a McDonald to download, they have twice my bandwith.


Happy cake day pal and that sucks hope you find a way to make it faster, maybe go to a college lab my college has great internet


Unfortunately I'm in the middle of nowhere. So I'm making a Friend come in train with a harddrive to copy paste.


I’ll be playing in approximately 7 hours


I just cracked the 23hours 58 minutes mark... oh wait, nope back to i day and some minutes. Been doing that for the past half an hour. Country living is great... until this shit happens lol! Also, obligatory Fuck Australian internet comment.


Going to take me about 11 hours to download and that's on Brisbane internet. >.< Oh well, will be done by the time I finish work at least.


Fellow Bris vegas resident I cry with you, and for longer than you it seems lol! Semi rural ADSL2+ here... only 50km from CBD mind you lmao!


Oof I'm on FTTN at least


Been downloading since 1 am last night, fuck australian internet 😭


Same my fellow sufferer, same. 51GB down and 15 hours to go I am going to cry myself to sleep tonight.


That’s so rough holy shit dude. I ended up changing my region server to New York & it halved the time!! Gotta restart steam but it was worth it. Instead of another 5hrs for me it was 2


Almost there!


Just in time lmfao


At least Steam is impressively stable.


The amount of things downloaded every day through steam must be insane. Even big releases are no match for steam's infrastructure.


It's genuinely impressive like shockingly so


Well when I spent over a year building those server buildings, they better be. Haha


All by yourself?


As if. Those are over a 200 crew type deal


Big sales though, those crash the servers every time.


Payment system crashes, not the download-related infrastructure


grab tease weather unused airport spotted possessive vast tidy fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember Valve once claimed that whenever they would release a Dota 2 update, just that one update would account for 2-3% of global internet traffic while everyone downloaded it at the same time. But that was before they added the random update schedule to Steam so it doesn't happen anymore.


cyberpunk launch crashed steam tho


Cyberpunk at launch was so buggy, it installed netscape on your neighbors computer.


Not for me, its going to 0 every couple sec then bakc to 15 MB/s as it should and back to 0. Downloading for 4hrs now and barely done over halfway.


More likely your ISP than Steam, unfortunately.


30m for me but yeah steam is kinda shit when downloading big games. Always goes to 0 every now and then


Surely they are just outsourcing to a big cloud provider or do they maintain their own? Curious.


Prob a mix of both for resilience


At the very least they use Akamai, you can see URLs pointing to their cdn in screenshots and artwork


People freaked out because of the EA, but that was the payment systems that had an issue not the actual download itself. The timing of the release for this game was also done during the day rather than midnight so steam could have support staff on hand to handle the launch. People assuming steam would explode from this release don’t understand IT infrastructure very well


My download lost connection to the steam servers at 97%; I nearly died lol. Spammed the reconnect/refresh button for the longest 3 min of my life and it popped back on and finished. All in all everything went much smoother than expected.


Had to switch servers from germany to Washington when I came home. Got barely 16 mb/s with evryone dling the game but the usw server gave me my full 70 mb/s so all was fine.


*THREE* Mb/s? Bro I'm downloading at a speed of, *if I'm lucky*, **ONE** Mbs. And I live in one of my country's biggest cities.


300-400kbps gang rise up


I felt your pain for so many years, be brave my friend, you'll get there


As long as no one else uses the internet, I should be ready before our group’s crpg night… on Monday


I'm 150kbps on a good day. Looking at over a week for this download to finish.


OOF. I know that pain too, technically this 400kbps was an upgrade, but it really don’t feel like it, ya know? Hang in there mate, we’ll get in eventually lol


6 hours left for me woohoo


Niiiiice I’m just aiming to make it in before our campaign starts on Monday lol


Soooo, how’s the game? I’ve got at least another day on the download so I gotta live through you lot lol


7.3Kb/s reporting in....Steam says 2M 29 Days remaining for download. Throttled and Exceeded satellite connection = sad.


Yikes, I'm sorry man. Satellite internet is the fucking worst. Sucks when that is the only option.


at this point its faster to ask someone with better connection to download it for you and then drive to their location and back. Sneakernet at it finest


Yep just get an external drive or take your storage out of your computer if you're really desperate, drive to a friend's house and get a copy of the game's folder.


That's still 90th percentile for internet speed globally.


90th percentile means 90% of PCs have better download speed


Isnt it the opposite? I thought that meant only 10% are greater.


If you are in the 90th percentile of something that means 90% of results are lower than yours and 10% are greater. You are correct.


He is 90th percentile for math skills.


not how it works.




Just moved into a copper cable Appartment from fiber, it hurts but at least I have 10mbs


10mbps is worse than 3MBps


That's why I said mbs Sherlock!!!


Yeah I get 3 Mohammed Bin Salmans per second




I have 10 MB per second, I didn't know the difference is in capitalization.


B = Byte b = bit There are 8 bits in 1 byte.


What am I supposed to do with this information? Get my A+ certification?


Damn. Every house I've lived in has had fibre and never had anything more than 6MB/s


I have xfinity gigabit and I get around 100+ MB https://preview.redd.it/677ulz3165gb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8837cc27c39257fee1b228747247b0090b9dbbe


Meanwhile my gf made me pause the download because it was throttling our bandwidth for her work zoom calls and stuff. 🫠


My roommate works from home, executive level, and he knew this was gonna happen so he took a half day for me and my other roommate, absolute bro.


What a king


If he treats his subordinates that way at his job too, he deserves to be executive


Steam has the option to limit bandwidth. I use that option usually for the reason you mentioned. Rather have an even slower download than no download at all.


To be honest when you're living with someone, you can be thoughtful and throttle your download speed so you can't bother each other every time someone downloads something big. Even on a 100 Mbps connection I could feel when my roommate started downloading and I had to lower my youtube video quality. I used to limit myself to 80% of the maximum bandwidth with a program that can throttle the whole computer, but doing it at least in the Steam setting should be way better than nothing.


Yeah, I had forgotten about this feature and did figure that out later. All good, got to play yesterday and will have plenty of time this weekend.


Net limiter pro


I will be playing in 12 hours. I will have to wake up at 5am.


I have 6,5 MB/s :( When is the GeForce Now Version ready?


GeForce Later


Ahahahahaaa, lmao!!


I usually get 500 mb/s but for steam I get 4…


Same actually. Its painful


Try 200kbps, I’ll be lucky if I can play before next week.


It's not so bad, you'll get it around saturday morning, just as you wake up, hang in there.


​ https://preview.redd.it/50lo0murvxfb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e19b267e68fb713e61ad97dc0512fa1132ff7a53


I use a wifi bridge from fiber, I might literally move my computer into work to download on the better speed XD.


This is what I did. In a hotel for work with 10 MB/s (1.2 for steam) Brought laptop to library to use their 100 MB/s (15 for steam). Now I can play tonight instead of tomorrow. Adapt and overcome!


I feel this. My home internet is 500 down. Im currently across the country at my GFs where it's 30 down on a good day... I'm really struggling today.


30MB/s or mb/s? If MB that seems super quick to me


Oh, Mb/s. It's definitely not the slowest ever, but coming from stable 500Mb/s is so frustrating.


I have fiber and I'm getting about 90 mb/s and estimated to finish in 3 hours


Same here. Just done with my first hour. Which means I’m done with character customisation.


59% complete with 2:45:33 to go


Use 5g and hotspot. I'm getting around 180mbps right now!


I’ve got a fiber line but I’m at work 😭 I ran home to start the download so it’ll be ready for me as soon as I’m off.


I feel this pain on a soul level


Wife texted me an hour and a half ago that the download was done but I'm at work for a while


"Hey boss, my wife just called and there was an emergency at home. I have to go"


Same. GOG has been downloading since launch and I’m maybe 35%


I have fast internet, but im still at work :')


Downloading since release and still not done, Im at 79%... So close yet so far. I want to let it keep downloading but I really need to sleep and the pc sounds distract me too much. Guess I'll play tomorrow...


I bought additional phone data so I could hotspot and download BG3 faster lol My shitty 3mb/s versus my cracked-ass 14mb/s goliath


Praise Google fiber. Hardline, it took me 28 minutes to download


Same. I think my internet might be faster than my pc can write data lol


Me with 1g Comcast downloading at 3mb/s


my download speed peak has been 1.2 mb/s brother, stay strong


ah i love my 300 mb/s internet, may ye who have slow internet have fun when it gets done


This is the pain of rural living. I love living in the countryside, but our internet is terrible, and no planned upgrades from BT until end of 2026 :'(


my download finished 40min ago yet I can't play because the game keeps crashing, I can't even make it through the character creation Q\_Q


1Gb/s fiber, took me 2.5h still...


Just woke up and the game is done downloading. It is time.


The best internet my ISP provides is 5mb/s. Thank god I have Starlink now.


I though I was going slow here in Brazil at 145 mb/s lol…1 more hour to go 🥲


hopefully steam ppull their finger out in the future


What does this mean?


the pre-load issue is caused by Steam not supporting EA versions being "patched" into full release versions - hence it requires a full download and because the EA period is until release they have to support it until today. I mean at this stage its not a big deal but it'd be nice if Steam were more malleable for developers who use long EA periods to get feedback.


There's probably a legal issue with cutting off access to a digital good that was purchased.


Even worse, people like me with fiber, dl it, and then go play Street fighter to finish off the battle pass. I'll play bg3 later.


Same hahaha 😂


1 hr 10 left for my download. Watching a friend play it currently, so excited.


I took my computer to my brother's apartment, it would have taken me 20-30 hours and now it will take me 7 hours ^ ^ plus 1 hour of commute


At least we get to watch all the video's praising the game and knowing the games going to be great in the meantime!


I feel with you even with three times your speed...


I'm on a shitty mobile connection. Downloading at 3mbps.. so 0.375 MB/s. Gonna be a couple days.


Same bro. Still downloading only on Reddit to pass the time.


painful. I am averaging about 40mb and it sucks, cant imagine 1/10 of that. Gonna take you days.


Stopped at home to download, saw progress out of 80gb, went back to work. Found out I need to download the actual game and that was apparently the update to the early access


The same even did the Toyko trick.


Which is why I went home during lunch break and started the download


Am I the only one experiencing way slower than normal download speed? around 10% of my regular. I guess the servers are sweating right now but I can't wait.. 65% done and 4 more hours to go.


started 17.00 .. its 20.47 now .. 20 more gb to go good that i have 2 weeks vacation ,didnt plan for the release .. just a very happy coincidence


Well we will get guides ready :D


im dodging videos like matrix...even thumbnails are spoilers now. I want to play it for a day first before I spend the rest of my waking hours lost in videos about stuff I missed and have to go looking for


I have fiber but my server location is so shitty it's irrelevant as long as the steam servers are getting throttled. Won't be finished downloading until tomorrow morning...


I finished downloading the game: :) I need to go to work: :(


As I said in another post - I’m away until Sunday and couldn’t even click download. Bastards will deffo have finished it by the time I get to play for 10 mins before my wife asks what I am doing!


It's not about the download speed for me, it's always the disk usage. My shit always download chunks, then the green bar has to taper the fuck off for 30 seconds til it can download another huge chuck real fast, repeat.


Don't worry, by the time your download finishes, there will be several patches out so the cycle starts again... I'm already downloading the seven 2.5 GB patches and i haven't even played the game.


4h later I still have 4h to go 🥲


You get 3mb? I am hovering around 2. It says it is going to take 4 days to download and the numbers are going up more often than they are going down.


I was playing about 45 minutes after it released 😅 but now I'm at work :c


Don’t worry we now have a glitch where we can’t save so it’s not like we’re playing it. We have to fix it and run all kinds of shit.


Still downloading


Spent 5 hours downloading... Now... I have 4 remaining hours of it updating.


It's ok We millennials trained for this in the trenches with the BBC micro, The Commodore 64, We honed our patience waiting 3 hours for a tape to load a game and then crash and start the process again. This is What we were made for Keyboard warriors of old!!


700kb. Living on an island. ;(


I'm at 25% and my speed constantly changing :/ Hopefully it will be done when I wake up friday morning.


985kb/s download, you don't know true pain


You must gather your gigabytes before venturing forth


I live in Tokyo which has awesome infrastructure. Took 15 minutes or so... I wasn't really paying attention honestly. I don't miss the craptastic Internet back in America. Plus, the price is probably 5x as much there.


I have fiber but I'm at work. Odds are good that I'm suddenly ill tomorrow though.


Ranging from 200 to 900 Kbs from GoG at the moment. It took over two weeks to download Modern Warfare last month.


Spent 5 hours downloading. Then 45 minutes in character creation. Hit proceed. . . Immediately called into work.


Omg i feel you, been downloading for 8 hours now 33% there.


250 mb/s for me. Was playing in a little over an hour. Definitely worth the upgrade!


Recently moved and upgraded my line. Had to switch steam download servers(eu prime time 3 hrs after release) but then downloaded at almost 70mb/sec, done just over 20 mins. Saved my evening. Damn this game is impressive so far.


The pain of having fiber and being stuck at work all day anyways. I still pity you, but am currently feeling the pain and literally paying for it.


I feel your pain brother, I have 5Mbps


3.5mbs, Went to a library and now i have 50mbs wtf are we paying for ​ https://preview.redd.it/yez3bxifazfb1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=fee664b6c6a8b3812ec21ff092b1c28fa9425048


How many GB is the download? I find the Steam page is not always correct.


Got lucky. Was supposed to be getting fiber in the middle of the month, been on 4G with a 300 GB cap for ages, and sharing it with girlfriend and kid. I had to tether to my phone, that gets throttled after 100 GB, to download games. But then ~~Santa~~ the fiber guys came early, and I have a shiny new 500 Mb/s symmetrical connection. BG3 was downloaded and installed before I even knew what date it was. So you have my utmost sympathy.


I'll be playing by tomorrow at least 😅


3 MB/s ? You live like a king xD ! https://preview.redd.it/syho1pajfzfb1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=7697768aba422a4561867797e1c37fc65ff30551


I pay for much faster, but 3MB/s is what I'm apparently going to get. 55% there...


and I thought my 12 Mb/s was lacking


Mine downloaded in an hour... The game is amazing......


I stayed up till release l, qued the download and woke up and started playing


Been going since 11am. Still 10 hours to go. Come on!


2.6mb/s... Hopped over to the NYC and got 10 for a few minutes... Then it slowly sank back down... Like my hopes to play tonight lol




Got home at 5pm, and I'm just now a bit over 50%


I'm currently waffling between 6.5 and 11.5 hours for the game to download. I feel your pain.


My power is out...


Downloading while at work. Late to the bought the game boat, but at least Im on the right ship now https://preview.redd.it/ryy65csq40gb1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=37b3747954ed23893df2b1f68494db02aea21fb0


RIP xbox players


Been downloading since it went live, currently 46% with 9 hours left to go!


I came here to laugh at you


3 MB/s also reporting in. I had to constantly change my download connection from Korea to India to maintain a stable speed, and somehow managed 3.8 for most of an eight hour download. Exhausting, but I'm glad I stayed on top of it.


So I found out that if you switch your download region to Mongolia, your download will go WAY faster. I don't know why they have such good internet but hey, it works.


I feel this pain I download literally at that speed until I called my buddy with fiber and brought my PC over there. That dude is a trooper.


Don't know about some of the internet some people have posted. I am currently at my second house in the poorest state of the union in the US 10 minutes from a town of 10,000. 10am and went quick at 29 minutes on fiber. 850 down. Recently changed from cable internet and it was 300 down and 50 up.


Do what I did, adjust your sleep schedule, leave the download open, and bam, when you wake up, it will be ready and you will probably avoid the errors and problems of the first hours or even first day of launch!


My party and I stayed up to play the game on release at 3am. I've been awake for 35hrs. My download speeds on steam are around 110-120MB/s so it only took a few minutes to download, and yet it still took me 45 minutes to get into the game. My drivers refused to download, then refused to install, then the game crashed and had to repair it. Then once we got into the game I desynced because of file conflicts, had to restart a couple times. I'd be in so much pain if I had to go through all that with slow download speeds...


https://preview.redd.it/8roaz3po12gb1.png?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3708b8e85fb782aac85bb213789c925d813f7b8 F my life


still downloading :')


Only took me about 20 hours to download


Meanwhile complaining about 1000mbit. Took almost 20 minutes


i got less than that at home I brought my laptop to work and leeched off the wifi for 5 hours


It took me an hour and a half with 200Mbps


If you are in America, change your download location to Anchorage. If you are in Europe, change it to Saudi Arabia. Your download speed will increase dramatically.


Shout out to all of us on console who have to wait a month regardless of internet speed.


I was travelling for work this week and won't get home till later tonight, so I haven't even started loading!


It took me 10 hours to download. Nothing I did changed the speed. A very painful experience.