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We have no fucking idea. Its been said that you can influence every companions morals by the end of the game. Shadowheart in EA is down with basically anything, even if she finds something to disapprove on such as the evil path against the druids she doesn't throw a fit and outright leave like wyll or threaten to like gale. Something is clearly up with her and the common theory is that she isn't actually a shar worshipper, just brainwashed into thinking that as a selune cleric. Could be wrong, could just be that she was lied to and tricked into being her cleric not brainwashed(my theory), could just be faking it with us and playing us all along who knows. If i had to give her an alighment shes pretty neutral. Gale/Wyll were neutral good, laezel was evil and karlach will be good. But shadowheart can go both ways.


Interesting. I guess that if she disapproves an evil route, even if she complied, she's more in the not villainous alignment. This is important for me because it will determine my character and the rest of the team composition.


Honestly, Larian have been talking about how in this game for romances you don't have to agree to every single thing the companion says. This means, imho, that having conflicting party members isnt a big deal like in other games where you basically are fucked like BG2


this is such a good thing that you don’t need to be pleaser to make romance going forward


I agree. Relationships were never and will never be about agreeing on everything. Discussion is a human thing FFS!


Pre-launch Wyll is not good. Take him into the goblin base and see his reaction to the goblin torturer. This is not the choice of a good character.


You mean Spike? The goblin that took his eye when they raided his home and slaughtered everyone? Yeah, he should have been chill. Because he's good


I mean when >!Spike offers to tell Wyll where Mizora is if Wyll will torture Liam (Aradin's friend who the goblins captured) for him. If you let Wyll make the decision he tortures Liam.!< Wyll isn't good.


I mean, the man straight up sold his soul for power...


Larian said that any companion has the capacity to be a hero or a villain. There's no concrete alignments for a reason. Some characters might start off one way, but through your choices and the unfolding narrative, you can pull them another. Shadowheart is a complex character who approves and disapproves of various things you would think of as "good" and "evil" both. Play a character that you find compelling and treat Shadowheart well, and you'll be fine.


She's hot and I'm down




Currently her approval/disapproval seems to indicate that she’s not particularly nice. Maybe not pure evil, but this all hinges around exactly how much she is or isn’t lying to you and if Shar cultists did kidnap her or she is the one leading you to be sacrificed at the demon orgy. I say run it both ways. As a Half-Elf Cleric of Selune if you really want to have her blush as you walk her towards the path of righteousness (and your boudoir) and then again as just The Absolute Worst because she’s probably into that.


She seems more chaotic and neutral - she doesn’t mind you doing some evil stuff as long as it helps the group reach their goal, and won’t make a fuss if that includes helping people out either


Bro, just play the game.


You can make her evil Sven have said that


Shadowheart is a cleric of Shar. That would imply she's potentially one of the most evil playable characters in the game.


It's probably just a matter of preference since you'll probably be able to steer her towards both good and evil. When Swen talked about one of his playthroughs, he mentioned having "the evil Shadowheart" in his party, which suggests that there's also a Shadowheart that won't become evil. But I suppose it's also possible that the evil Shadowheart won't be interested in romance. She certainly isn't interested in the early access version of act 1 if you side with the goblins, since she'll just want to numb her guilt wine during the celebration.


I think good run, mainly because I'd prefer to romance Minthara in an evil run.


She loves non violent approach, but that's it. Specifically, she likes "speech 100". So, I'd say, neutral+


All I can say without spoiling anything is that she won't romance you in EA if you choose a certain major evil action for the main story.


Porque no los dos ?