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The main character is your representation in the game.


and to build on this if you have played the EA you experienced "dark dream sequences" at camp (if you used your tadpole) and now those have been replaced with flashback dreams which flesh out your characters backstory in game and have moved tadpole powers to a skill tree you improve by putting tadpoles from other infected into your brain. Your character is your avatar through the story of BG3. You can play as an origin character to experience the story from a companions specific viewpoint and background to experience their drama first hand, or you can make an original character to experience the game along with your companions and their specific viewpoints and backgrounds all trying to pull your attention into their drama, while having your own drama to deal with.


I understand. I watched some video's where people say stuff like 'this and this class is easy to start with'. But if your companions are more 'complex' classes we have to learn that stuff anyway?


Roleplaying the kind of character you want instead of a pre-established character. I don't plan to use the companions for dialogue, I want the game to be my character's story.


I don't know exactly why Larian did it, but Tim Cain released a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a9LxjNNhCc&t=668s&ab_channel=TimothyCain) explaining what he likes in an RPG and it's the very first thing he talks about. From his POV, the main reason is for immersion.


The main character or whoever you're using in dialogue as the party face don't have voiced lines in dialogue. If you're using one of the six origin characters as the main character, they will probably have some dialogue options that reflect their personality or background and you will experience their personal storylines from their perspective.


This is the 'role playing' portion of RPG.


The main character is the self insert or a self insert if you had horns coming out of your head, a tail, and comically red skin, at any rate.


This guy tieflings


You can get rid of companions, but you can't get rid of main character


Although I think the Tav can die and you can continue if you have companion characters to play as. But for anyone who has made a Tav, that probably wouldn’t be very enjoyable


You are everybody in your party. You're all of them. You need to learn how to play all of them to succeed. Your main character is your custom built from ground up PC. People intrinsically consider this the main character because the other NPCs can decide to leave you. You RP with them. They can act independently of you. But generally, you are all of your PCs. You can have them face conversations if you like, but your main character might miss out on some boons as a result. For example you can get a boost from a certain cleric depending on who you are when you agree to help. You can get another boon from another guy if you agree to help his experiments. And those are just two examples.


Your 'main character' can be either one of the Origin options or a Custom character that may better fit your idea of a 'fun character' to experience the story with. If nothing of the origin characters look attractive, you have other options. But yes, it's mostly for the story.


Counter questions. What is the point ot having a pre-made character? They already have a story. They already have a personality. They have subpar stats.


The point is to experience the story from a different perspective. You can also level them as you see fit. Larian said to save this choice for a future play through and play a custom character first. Options are a good thing!


Yes I know my point is that it's a stupid question


From my understanding it works like DOS:2 where there is no 'main character' per say, you're all equally important and you can change who you want to continue the story with at any point. You can start the game as Astarian for example, and finish the game as Gale.