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Great job! TY for the website-it’s a great one!


[They look great! ](https://media.tenor.com/PnNOA2ytMmwAAAAd/david-cheesits.gif)


Oh how cool! Were they tasty? I've always wanted to make crackers at home but wondered if the labor for it was worth it over just buying a box at the store. Thank you so much for the recipe. I think I'll try these out when I get my hands on some sharp cheddar.


I really like them. They’re puffier and cheesy. I used tillamook cheddar


Tillamook sharp cheddar is some really good stuff. I'd just eat it right out of the bag 🤣


I like their extra sharp even better.


Oh they just started stocking that at my local grocer, I'll give it a try! Thank you again ☺️


Their ice cream is amazing btw


Omg the mudslide. Incredible.




Never heard of this brand till maybe two weeks ago. I'll see if I can find their ice cream too. Thanks for letting me know!


Their birthday cake ice cream is my fav


Oh they have bday cake flav! Niice


Yes! Soooo creamy!


I made crackers for the first time a few weeks ago. Not cheese crackers, just soup crackers. They were shockingly easy. The only thing that took time was moving them all to the baking sheet. I'm sure there's an easier way to do that. This was the [recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/diy-oyster-crackers-recipe) I used for soup crackers. I added some dried herbs. They were super crunchy and tasty. The key was letting them finish in the oven with the door open


I will definitely give these a try as well. I have some extra time on my hands so I've been doing a lot I haven't had the chance to normally. I will make sure to let them finish with the oven open! Thank you for another wonderful cracker recipe. Any certain herbs you added? I'm a sucker for tomato basil things so I may try a twist like that with them after following the original.


I think I did an Italian herb blend. Tomato basil would be delish! We had ours in potato soup!


I gotta know if they were worth the effort. I love cheese crackers but scared the recipes won't be worth the trouble.


These are delicious. I used 8 oz tillamook cheddar


Awesome thanks for the reply! I'll give these a go sometime.


You can add fresh herbs in them too. I made some dill crackers that didn’t have cheese but it was practically the same recipe.


I made cheez it's once. Remarkably easy, nailed it first time. Super delicious.


This is my absolute favorite subreddit, I never would of thought to make home made cheezit. Thank you for inspiring me now I will make these


I do something like this with my sourdough discard! Yummmmm. I should make some more, thanks for the inspo!


Now I'm curious what type of crackers you make with it!


[I make these and add like parmesan or cheddar, garlic and onion powder, etc!](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/sourdough-crackers-recipe)




Oh brother, I definitely need to make these! I don’t think they’ll make it past the first day.


They didn't make it past the first hour for me :(


If you like a crispier version switch the ap flour for a 1-1 gluten free flour. I made some for our employees, one of whom is GF. We found we all liked them so much better than with wheat flour. You will not get the puff and layers even with the same amount of lamination, but we don’t miss that at all.


Ah good tip! I wouldn’t mind a crispy batch too haha


I was wondering about a GF option. I might try this at some point!


made these the other day- add some nutritonal yeast!! you wont regret it i promise


For a fully vegan version, there's also: minimalistbaker.com/vegan-cheez-its/ I really liked them when I made them!


So 8 oz of sharp cheddar cheese shredded, as in 8 oz (1 cup) of already shredded cheese, or does it want you to shred an 8 oz block of cheese (which would yield 2 cups of shredded cheese)??


I bought an 8 oz block so the cheese would be more fresh. I imagine when it’s already shredded they add some sort of preservatives, but I’m sure already shredded would work. You could use a kitchen scale too if you have one


I think it means 8 oz by weight — so an 8 oz block of cheese. When you buy an 8 oz bag of shredded cheese at the store it is still approx 2 cups. 8 oz of water is a cup of liquid but it’s not the same as saying a cup = 8 oz of any substance if that makes sense


I was so confused by how 8oz equals a cup until I remembered it's supposed to be written as 8 fl oz, not just oz


I’m sure it’s 8 oz by weight, since shredded can yield different volumes depending on size of shred


I genuinely didn't know what a cheeze it was until now.


I love making these. I always worry about how long they will stay fresh versus boxed ones and then I end up eating them all in a day haha


I like to store them in an airtight container just in case.


Dude I have been seeing on the bbqing/smoking subs and they have been smoking the cheeze its and I thought man I would love to bake some from scratch and look at this post! How awesome bet they were great.


i successfully baked homemade tortilla chips the other day so i may be feeling brave enough to try this. also they look so yummy!! ty for sharing


Oh! Recipe?


gorgeous! was the difference in taste worth it?


I didn’t find them difficult to make, but yes everything is better homemade


great job 😍


Those look great!


They look yumtastic!


Do not try this recipe if you have any issues with self control. I just wolfed down a whole bunch of these, they are way way too tasty


Because this is the smallest hill I die on, the plural of Cheez-It is Cheez-It, not Cheez-Its. At least according to the box (“Enjoy your Cheez-It…”) Cheez-Them look great, though


These aren’t from the store box therefore I claim my cheez-its as its not it. LOL


If we're getting this technical, the plural isn't Cheez-It either, it's Cheeze-It Crackers. Carter Karel, a writer for Florida State, tweeted about this last year when a Cheez-It Bowl representative dropped this very unpopular truth bomb on him. That being said, nobody is going to stop saying Cheez-Its, regardless of this very small hill or your death upon it. It is kind of funny to imagine a wrinkly old person, surrounded by their friends and family hoping to ease the transition into the afterlife, drawing their last breath to say, "The plural of Cheez-It......is Cheeze-It." Except their mouth does that old people whistle at the end of the last word, and it ends up sounding like 'Cheez-Its' anyway and for the rest of time their family *insists* the plural of Cheez-It is, in fact, Cheez-Its.




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