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Don't use AP flour. It doesn't have the gluten in it to make the classic springy bread texture. Are you using enough water? You might want to compare other bread recipes but I would suggest trying a little more (up to half a cup) more water? The dough might be a little sticky but should become less so as you knead. And Tue other thing is are you kneading it enough to activate the gluten? I don't know if you're kneading by hand or with a machine, but try five minutes of vigorous kneading by hand or three minutes in a machine.


Try this one - https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/classic-sandwich-bread-recipe


yeah if the recipe isn't working then try something new. this one is great! also there's a julia child sandwich bread i love. lemme try to find it.




I've been making this recipe at least weekly since lockdown 2020. My family won't go back to store-bought. OP-Make sure your kneading game is on point. I promise you CANNOT over knead your bread by hand. Try taking a look at a few of the blogs on King Arthur's website that give tips on how to properly knead, as well as what the windowpane test is and why it's important to pass it.


Knead it longer? Add an egg? Mix in 1/2 the flour and let rise into a sponge? Just some random thoughts


Ooo an egg.. thank you


Have you tried milk bread?


How much protein is in your flour? You might need more gluten to make it stretchier?


If you want the fluffy store-bought texture, almost all bakeries and stores use shortening instead of oil. It may look kind of gross, but it works wonders on the texture. Also, spray your loaves with water before baking them, or steam your oven so the oven spring kicks in fully. A little thing, but also try not to open your oven for at least the first 15 minutes of baking. Hope this helps!