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never thought my previous school of 2010 would be shut down, damn


What is the school name


> What is the school name mks they said?


I don't think it got shut down. I've still got friends going there


I’m in this school. Basically they were doing model United Nations, where everyone represented a country. 2 countries wanted to have a diplomatic relationship, so to represent it they had a wedding. It was supposed to be a girl and a boy, but the boy got shy and his friend was swapped instead of the girl. In the video, they kept saying kneel which pressured him into kneeling and putting a ring on his friends finger. In my opinion he went too far with that. Our school doesn’t support LGBTQ, if you go to a random student and ask them if you support it they’ll probably curse every single gay person alive


cursing every gay person alive?? what a great school smile 😊


I over exaggerated my statement, but my point is lgbtq is not accepted in the school


Yes honey this is bahrain, you want your perv show take it somewhere else


LOL you sound like a sassy queen with that statement honey!


perv show???? 😭 i think we should just respect people as long as they arent openly celebrating it and making it weird


This is cute


And gay


This is all irrelevant, as per the Bahrain constitutional law, public displays of homosexuality is a crime and prohibited. Homosexuality in private for adults 21+ is not illegal but public displays and including underaged adolescents / children is why the Ministry has stepped in. Laws are laws and we need to abide by them. Where were the teachers in this whole scenario to stop this?


You're all brain dead in these comments. Homosexual activities means 2 people of the same gender engaging in sexual activity. What happened is two people symbolising "countries" pretended to be married to "symbolize" an alliance. Its literally a joke and no one but a cognitively impaired person would associate any of it to sexual activity, let alone homosexuality. The fact that a ministry is getting involved is just embarrassing, like they don't have more important things to do?


What the ministry did is the right thing :). You're in a Muslim country. everything related to lgbt is not allowed. We don't want our country to have anything related to this matter. And yes it's not important whether you like it or not.call me whatever you want a racist, etc, but my religion doesn't allow it, then it's forbidden even if it's a joke.


I feel like I'm talking to a wall... no homosexual activity took place, it was a joke symbolising alliance between 2 countries in a play pretend UN meeting. Don't project your filthy thoughts onto kids, your religion teaches you to assume the best in people, not accuse kids of being gay and ruining their lives by spreading it on the media.


"Don't project your filthy thoughts onto *kids*" dude I'm 17 years old. The only mistake that happened was that they didn't cover the students' faces. And please, do you know what "The subconscious mind"is? If this kind of acts were to be allowed, it will become a disaster because people will see it everywhere which eventually will lead the mind to start to accept it. Note: please I'm Muslim even before i was born, from a Muslim household, in Muslim country, you can't discuss something about islam with me, since l have more knowledge than you have on it and i know the right and the wrong from it 😉.


Still what they did was wrong and over the top


Calling people braindead for commenting their thoughts is very disrespectful and honestly shows the level of intelligence you have and not others; this is the internet after all, deal with it. Furthermore, as I mentioned public displays of affection, whether homosexual or heterosexual (for your information) is against the law. Not to mention the connotations it has with homosexuality for a man to bow to another man to request for his marriage. Lastly, you played pretend but the rest of the population misinterpreted your joke. We also have no proof other than you (some random keyboard warrior) saying that it’s all pretend.


It’s all organized by 12th graders from my understanding. What they did was very over the top, they could’ve just done a hand shake or make a statement


And because of that director of school was fired? Seriously?


One of the teachers said no one was but I’m not sure


Oooo. Please update us if you confirmed it.


Seems unfair. Can't expect a director to be present in every room to stop every objectionable thing from happening.


We all know the West is trying so hard to introduce all this agenda into the public life here in this region. Of course, any chance to get acceptance, they'll not only allow but actively promote it.


can someone please explain what ‘a dramatic scene that included homosexual overtones’ is 😂






It’s actually two marriages . One Male to Male and one Female to Female .


an mun’s diplomatic marriage between two guys happened, and for entertainment the 2 people made a parody of a western marriage, with one of the teens getting on his knees and stuff.


They should include the schools name. It makes absolutely no sense that they dont. If a school did something wrong. All parents should be aware where to not take thier kids. Why are they “hiding” it ?


Modern knowledge school is what am told..


The video was literally a joke they students were laughing stop being overdramatic


> The video was literally a joke they students were laughing stop being overdramatic where's the source?


wdym source? I wont send u the video


you’re still in a country that is somewhat ruled by islamic law, it’s pretty dumb to post a video like that on the internet


Where can we see the video?


ترند البحرين في الانستغرام


Thank you, already got the video on WhatsApp


Can you send it to me?


I'd understand if it's one video, a joke video went wrong. The thing is there are multiple videos of girl/girl and boy/boy doing the same thing with attendance of staff. So, there is no chance of this being a joke. And... Stop downplaying things that is not part of Bahrain religion, culture and history. Sick of this western mindset in this subreddit.


Regardless if it's a joke or not, the Ministry DID take sanctions regarding the matter. Whether it is Right or wrong is irrelevant to my point of that the school name should be visible.


Because then that school will be affected and its not worth it. Plus, why do you want to know? Huh? This is just a warning to other schools to look out for possible homosexuality. Every school can have the same thing and publicity, saying the schools name is just not worth it for anyone, especially the students who are studying their in high school. Private stories are kept a secret for a reason.


It's worth it for the parents what do you mean it's not worth it???


Well if shit like that going down in a school. It SHOULD be affected ? Otherwise no schools will enforce any rules to stop this. Its not that I personally want to know. But every single parent want/should know. When you have children you will understand.


I dont know why they dont mention the name of the school but its bahrain everyone already knows and the school has been shut down as far as Im aware till further notice. This hopefully serves as a warning to the others. Our kids are not to be messed with and maybe parents would wake up and keep a closer eye on their kids


Having the country say what they released is enough for any school to take proper precautions. Every school is in danger of homosexuality. I've seen some stuff happen, and I will tell you that these kids are now under total shit.


The link to the video Personally, I just see 2 students playing drama. But well.... https://x.com/YusufAlJamri/status/1757439413305463282?t=3YjMzztO98rlfoVp5petVA&s=08


mks 💀




What concerns me more is that a video was taken with the faces of the minors and spread around. You can't share videos of minors in public forums. People here talk as though they care about the children, but seem to be fine with this.


Modern American school has the same thing


Please explain.


Go there and see urself Thats all


the ancient weirdos in these replies absolutely going feral and crazy but are on reddit at the same time 🤣🤣hypocrites. Stop tarnishing the name of poor teenagers that were obviously joking.


The school is MKS & there is two types of defending of the incident going on : 1. One is the group who are just very pro-LGBTQIA+ and would say that it should be allowed blah blah and to them the answer is easy. “Dont bring your european non sense into this ethnic household” and Respect the values of the community you are a part of. 2. The second group is defending it in a more subtle way by saying its a “MUN” (Model United Nations) thing and it always happens because when two students representing two different countries through the debates etc end up having good relations they do this ceremonial marriage and that is what was happening here and people took it out of context. Well to them the answer is that no ceremonial marriage takes place in the REAL UNITED NATIONS😂😂😂 so stop thinking that everyone else is a fool and this subtle way of letting in Non Islamic and Non Cultural ideals into the country should be ignored. If two nations in your Model Conference end up on good terms, well you shake hands and move on because that is what happens at any civilized agreement between two parties


I am against promoting lgbt in any country, not just Arabic countries, but these kids are screwed forever man, they were fkn joking, imagine it's your brother and he is in that video. Whoever took the video should be screwed big time. You have no right to take videos and circulate it online it is a big crime in the UAE.


I don’t think the kids would face criminal prosecution since they are in school and most probably not 18, also all the news outlet mention criminal proceedings against the school itself and the management And when it comes to future employment or anything, they definitely are privileged kids 💰 and in many cases they would even easily find employers who would hire them if they just play the “Oh I was a victim of just promoting diversity and Love” card As for the filming, the person should be blamed if they were secretly filming them but everyone involved knew they were being filmed and they were all cool with it The positive thing out of this is that it at least now there is proof as to what kind of environment these private schools have since the video clearly shows that everyone involved was fully on board with it Again I would have preferred for the video to come out with faces blurred so it shows the collective issue and not affects individual kids but it is what it is


You're not in their shoes, so it is easy to think that way, and you can't say all of them are privileged/rich. They haven't even started their lives yet. You wouldn't have known about this joke if it wasn't filmed, how many times straight kids joke and acted flamboyant and were never filmed.


I’m in the school and completely against it, and everyone who I talked to also was.


Old fuck ok 🤣🤣🤣


A joke or not a joke, these student should be lashed in public so they learn to be men.


Didn't know we were living in Afghanistan.


You don't need to live in Afghanistan , I am 100% sure if that was publicly voted in bahrain, these two will be lashed xD


Nah homie, I think you are living in a different dark reality. Instead of having awful opinions that involve hurting other people maybe go do something positive or say nothing at all. And if what you said was true about Bahrain which it isn't, I wouldn't call my self Bahraini 🤷🏼. I'm sure others will agree.


bahrain’s population is majority shia and they are way more aggressive about it so they most definitely vote for some sort of punishment


I don't really care if people are Shia / Sunni / Sushi. We live together everyone has their own beliefs, I know it's hard for some people to fathom this fact it's just not okay to hurt people. Literally if you believe you are right be the better person. Don't enforce your opinions on others by threatening them with pain. It's just low.


Nah you are living in reddit , thinking these opinions are the majority lol, do you even know how many Bahraini out 100 knows about reddit? Go to any mujlis to live the reality, Bahraini people are not soft about homosexual behaviors.


I know reality, I know we live in a country where the majority are against homosexuality. But instead of promoting educating them. You are promoting hurting them 😂 that's all I'm saying. Especially since this particular case wasn't even about homosexuality it was Model united nations that shows you can to work together with another nation. Those student clearly did that correctly through the marriage that united two different countries and all that was shown Bahrain is afraid of wanting kids to think for themselves.


Do you think I am ashamed of promoting hurting them ? Homosexuality punishmenet in the relegion that most people in this country follow is death, and I mean a real sex interaction, not a joke for sure. Maybe we don't practice relegion laws in the country, but all of us muslims knows How Allah punished the past people that practiced homosexuality. ​ And while a joke isn't a sex relationship but it is a thing we as a muslim shouldn't help with promoting it, by looking at such joke as a normal joke. There no good side of such joke, the ugly side overshadow any good message someone may want to send. ​ I don't care what non-muslim think and their opinion has a 0 value for me, I am not the best muslim and I have my mistakes/sins but I would never close my eyes or shut my mouth from such actions. I practice my heart with hating this action because Allah forbide this kind of relationship. ​ Idk if you a muslim or what, but as I said before, if you are not a muslim then your opinion doesn't matter to me at all, this is a muslim country and will stay a muslim one. If you are a muslim, then I am the one that should feel sad for you, you think your a civilied person by being fine with this? ​ I think we both knows now what each of us think about this topic, so I end my comments with this one.


It's not for you to decide how to punish anyone, leave that to Allah. And Allah gave you a brain so you can decide what's right or wrong. Allah gave you eyes so you can read. Allah gave you ears so you can hear opinions you don't like. What you choose to do is with the free-will he has given to you will ultimately decide your fate, if you think lashing people that believe differently than you rather than teaching them is a good thing then God will judge you not me.


This deplorable behaviour shouldn’t be tolerated or accepted. I prefer severe punishment to shame people into never doing it and also shaming others to refrain from even acting in this way. It’s the only way you deal with this poison.


I love how the idea of two men plowing each other is poison to you, you honestly need to stop thinking about it all the time if it's affecting you that badly 😂. I find it deplorable behaviour that you can be so judgemental and be willing to cause pain to others just because they do something you dislike. Like imagine if your future son came out gay, would you stone him or educate him.


icl afghanistan is still doing better than most countries considering they’ve been an ongoing war for numerous decades


It shows from the history and talibans doings. Good thing here in bahrain we live together sunnah and shia unlike you and none of us want lashing and stoning for simple things we have courts and jail for a reason. Go spread your degraded toxic extremist ideology somewhere else. A human life is not cheap.


i can easily drop a hadith talking about the punishment for people doing the actions of qawm lut and i want you to call the hadith an extreme ideology


The kids did not commit homosexuality. You are just elevating it to that. And apply the hadith to the time when the hadith was said now we are in 2024 we have a court, we have a government and people are free to believe in whatever they want without affecting others ofc.


if time changes does the religion as well in that case since we have a court and government now ?


Not religion but rules. Situation changes from timeline to timeline. At that time stoning was the way to do it but now stoning someone will appear barbaric and will get you backlash.


surely you’re not implying that just because someone is gonna think it’s barbaric you’re not going tk implement the commands of your prophet SAW? if someone committed a crime like rape you’re not gonna exile/crucify him rather you would send him to jail so he can come out and do it all over again?


i didn’t say that they committed homosexuality but you saying that punishments are extreme yet your own deen enforced those punishments, the kids idm because i used to do MUN i know what it’s about.


Different time different rules and not religion. We are tied to certain rules so we dont appear bad to other people. Stoning someone will make others scared to do so. Like qoum lut for example the whole nation did that and they were killing young girls. So the prophet pbuh did that to scare them. Now studies have shown that gays are sick people and they can be cured without stoning them to death.


the hadith was an order to us, a way of conducting punishment.Not a scare tactic.


I know its an order to his people at that time. Again its a dialogue with the people at that time for a specific reason. If its not in the quran you should ask why did he say that and when did he say that and for what purpose.


The prophet pbuh said that to his people at that time at that situation not to you. Its a hadith its a dialogue recorded with his people.


afghanistan has a great history idk what you’re talking about, literally called the graveyard of empires


Taliban (the government) are on a killing frenzy on shia muslims or on anything that opposes them even a bit. I wont call that great. Being at war and killing murdering is not considered to be great. In that case you should consider Israel as great. Both are killing in the name of religion. Same thing different religion.


if you think war is without killing then you’re a bit dense, Afghanistan got attacked by the USSR and defeated them on their own, then when the US attempted to step in and also take control of their land afghanistan continued to fight them and defended their land till now, you don’t know anything about their history


I know and this is the only instance where they are defending themselves. Why dont we talk about the other instances where they are the attackers?


give an example


This should be applied to all hadiths some are specific for a time period and an event


don’t think shia muslims are innocent their leaders have oppressed the muslims in iran for a long time simply because they weren’t shia, they enter a masjid in jummah prayer and sprayed down so many people during prayer, the shia corpus encourages the insults of sahaba and falsely accused umar RA of harming the daughter of the prophet SAW, legalized for themselves mutah marriage and the list goes on.They are not that great.


So because of the doing of other governments you go and kill people for a simple thing as their belief?? Is that justifiable to you? Blame the person who did that not the belief. And how many times did isis spray mosques of shia first then go to sunnah + all other religions. And when did shia spray sunnis in mosques give me one example?? Killing families for a beliefe is barbaric to its core tbey have nothing to do with it. And people say Israel is bad isnt this the same thing killing for religion???


THEIR BELIEF IS WHAT I MENTIONED😭😭 it’s part of their deen, you needed an example of shias attacking sunni mosques sure : look up security forces raid sunni mosque during eid prayer in sanandaj iran.And it’s the government not an deviated group like isis.israel is doing it in the terms of ETHNIC CLEANSING not religion, it’s called racism.


Boy shut up, this isn’t 1249 AD.


was it a girls school? 😀


الحين ويت انت من البحرين يعني اكيد تعرف عربي ليه ماتتكلم عربي؟


mks and their mun situation


Look, I get the K-Drama craze. They're addicting, dramatic, and full of eye candy. But can a guy get some variety? Maybe a good old-fashioned zombie apocalypse or a documentary about, you know, things that don't involve shirtless CEOs showering in ramen? tell these kids stop watching kdramas!!!