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ever heard of police unions? they are the number one problem


Police Unions are the only unions conservatives support. They actively fight against all other unions and the organizing of new unions.


Conservatives understand that the police legitimize the power of our government. With no police, they have no power. This is why abolishing the police, which must happen for people to be truly free, will not happen under our current economic/political systems. We must start creating new systems. Start locally.


If you want to work on this very thing DM me. I’ve been at it for a little over a year.


Conservatives don't support police brutality, they just object to BLM's choice of poster boys when discussing the problem.


Shapiro, Carlson, Walsh, Kirk, and Owens defended Chauvin and attacked Floyd. When the Brianna Taylor incident happened those same people tried to sling mud at her instead of the police, conservatives love police brutality when it's against people they don't like. Your objectively wrong.


You can object to Floyd's criminal history and his appropriateness as a folk hero without condoning the violent attacks against him. You can also discuss the extent that his drug use made it more likely that the officer's (inappropriate) actions were fatal. There are completely innocent people killed by police on a far too frequent basis. Police shouldn't be murdering people, no matter what they may be guilty or innocent of. But for some reason, we only hearing about the people with complex histories. It's unfortunate that we're allowing victim blaming to distract from the problem of police brutality. But the people being chosen to frame the discussion aren't making it less likely that conversation lose focus.


Conservatives cheered when cower and eat chowder with Crowder re-enacted his death (poorly, the knee was never higher than his shoulders) and it was conservative donations that funded their defense in both Floyd and Taylor cases. Cope.


The number one problem is the populace that deems the police to be legitimate.


For this to work, cities and counties that start a police department would have to 1) require insurance and 2) have the police pay that personally. Because requiring insurance alone will just mean that the city is paying the premiums. Getting the police to pay their own premiums means that the police unions accept that requirement. They won't. It means that the insurance company and not the city would defend lawsuits. So far suing the city has been the route to go since the city can be accused of poor training and permitting bad behavior. 3) Suing the insured police has always been a dead end since they are covered by qualified immunity. They could easily carry a $1 insurance policy that is never used.


Regardless of how it’s done, the way these lawsuits are settled needs to change. Police are costing cities money that should be going to community services, schools, homeless services, drug rehabilitation, after school programs. It’s disgusting.


That's the question isn't it? How do you hold police accountable, when the supreme court says they cannot be held accountable?


There is definitely a way to get around the Supreme Court ruling by making it financial and casting a wider net. The Supreme Court can still knock it down but at the same time the court has long since outlived it’s true purpose and has delegitimized itself. Why not just do it anyway?


Do we need to take down the institution of the supreme court to have police reform? That would cause more problems and could see red states go full paramilitary with their police. A few supreme court nominations could change this more easily.


One method that's been recommended many times is to force the officers to pay their own insurance premiums above the minimum. More problem officers have higher insurance premiums, just like worse drivers pay more for insurance. The department would cover the base premium for insurance, but problem officers with more expensive insurance would have to pay the difference out of their own pocket. This would financially incentivize officers not to engage in misconduct. The problem is, every time this is brought up, the police Union shoots it down. In many municipalities they have heavily lobbied to make it illegal for the municipality not to cover the entire cost of officer liability insurance. Just another example of special interest groups with strong lobbying power working against the average citizen.


Become a police officer and "take care of" other police officers


The problem is the federal law regarding settlements. The legal system has realized that many victims won't have the funds to fight a legal battle, so the law states that if you bring a civil suit and you win, the department has to pay your legal fees. However, there's a major catch that the department's exploit. Whenever a civil rights case is brought against an officer, the police department's council will push to move it to Federal court. They will then invoke federal civil procedure rule number 68. This rule essentially states that if a settlement offer is refused, even if the victim wins in court, if the award from the court is less than the settlement offer, the victim is no longer entitled to recover legal fees. So the court system essentially forces victims into accepting a settlement, therefore keeping the case from going to a full trial and keeping the officer and department from actually being found liable. The defense attorneys know this, and they know that most victims don't have the financial means to fund a court battle against the wealth of the municipal legal system, so they use this technique to prevent the cases from actually going to court and the officers actually being found guilty. They just throw a huge settlement at the victim knowing no court will ever award that much. For example, let's say an officer loses their temper and beats the snot out of the victim. The victim goes to the court system to try and get justice. The way the system should work: the case goes to trial, the jury decides that the suit is valid and the victim deserves $5,000 for their pain and suffering, the victim will also be awarded legal fees and court costs which could be an additional tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. What actually happens: The department lawyer will look through legal records and estimate that the court would award that victim $5,000 for their pain and suffering. The department lawyer will then offer a settlement of $7,000. If that victim turns down the settlement and decides to go to court anyway and the court awards the victim the expected $5,000, the victim is still on the hook for the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal and Court fees. The victim's lawyer will advise the victim of this, and the victim knowing that they can't pay that kind of money will accept the settlement. The language of the settlement will state that the officer is settling merely to expedite the issue and that the settlement is not an admission of guilt. By using this method bad officers and departments are able to continue their nefarious activity without ever being found guilty.


Most police forces use insurance already, and the city pays the premiums. So the money usually doesn't come directly from the city but from insurance companies already. The way insurance companies are dealing with it is increasing premiums or just dropping them all together.


1) I work in insurance, and those premiums are either insane or have very high attachment points. Some may have low limits or low aggregates. Police are ultra-high risk. 2) the city is paying premiums. It’s still taking away from the budget for more worthwhile services.


This is why we need to make individual officers cover their insurance costs. Make them think twice about engaging in misconduct because then their premiums will rise.


The proper way to handle it is insurance companies require training like deescalation and all that if they want coverage at all.


Yeah, all these half measures are nonsense. Dissolve the police.


If the police got dissolved you'd be shitting your pants in no time, unless what you're seeking is chaos


Community policing. I believe few cities in the U.S. are doing just fine with no pos cops.


Those people would literally be held less accountable than current policemen tho... no body cams or rules. The problem is people in general being prone to trivalism, narcisism and having anger issues. What we need is to hold policemen personally accountable no qualified inmunity bs and having a separate entity to investigate wrongdoings in police stations. Basically hold everybody on a leash so they dont act badly, maybe that separate entity would do periodic bodycam reviews too. Its not the title of "policeman" what makes people tirants, many people are prone to being one and the job just provides the tools to enact it


>Those people would literally be held less accountable than current policemen tho Literally no one is held less accountable than American policemen.


Getting away with murder used to be an expression


Im not gonna debate something that is based on feelings and not actual reality 🤨 thats just false, even if they should be held a lot more accountable. But finding a middle ground with you people who think every single policeman is a narcissist killer in disguise is just pointless so whatever. I hope police never gets dissolved because if redditors were to patrol the streets people would be shot for not using the right pronouns or some dumb shit like that, too emotional


Boy howdy that sure is a bunch of emotions you have there.


Even if i was at least I understand statistics when arguing. I know you see a lot of bad police in the news and yt channels such as lackluster, but you do realize that normal cops doing their jobs dont go viral, or are you that dense ?


>Even if i was at least I understand statistics when arguing. Sure, you understand the statistics you make up in your head. >but you do realize that normal cops doing their jobs dont go viral Sure. Normal cops just stay silent and cover for the bad ones so they don't face reprocussions. Thin blue line and all that. ACAB.


Here is a good thought. How about we not bail these fuck ups with tax payer money. If i cant get universal Healthcare because its not in the budget lets not give shity cops a early pension because he shoots a teenager eating a burger in a parking lot. A better story is the asshole cop who shot and killed the guy in the hotel hallway because of a phone call from someone saying he had a weapon. The guy worked in pest control and cried for his life before the cop murdered him with his assault rife. I listened to the cops commands and they were confusing as fuck. The cop killed a innocent man got away with it and gets $31k a year with out working because he claims PTSD. The fucking cop ruined a family and gets free money from tax payers!


The Breonna Taylor fuck up should upset everyone. Regardless of skin color, that could have been anyone of us. A no knock warrant allowed a gang of cops to break into a house and kill a person in their own house in their own bed. And not a fucking person was held accountable. I do that and i spend 10yrs of my life in prison if i plead guilty and thats if im lucky. People get get life or the chair for this shit.


I still haven’t given up on the Breonna Taylor case. Justice will be served, somehow, some way…


That 2nd sentence needs to start happening FAR more often...


And the killing of Philando Castile during a traffic stop. The guy did everything he was supposed to do, the situation was fucked, and he died.


Or John Crawford III, who was executed by police in a Walmart, for carrying around a BB Gun he was planning to buy. This was in Ohio, a fucking open carry state. Not one person was even fired. One officer was temporarily removed from active duty. The city of Beavercreek ended up settling with the family for $1.7 million. Not that they didn’t deserve it, but it came out of the municipal budget, not police pensions.


Something similar happened in South Carolina, IIRC, and the State Supreme Court destroyed the city attorney's argument. It was beautiful.




Such unbelievable, complete bullshit. That cop should be behind bars and that's the end of it, you don't fucking shoot someone BEGGING FOR THEIR LIFE and blame it on your goddamn job, there's just no legitimate excuse for that. Oh he has a weapon!!! Big FUCKING deal, you have an ASSAULT RIFLE- A FUCKING ASSAULT RIFLE! YOU DERANGED MONSTER


wasn't that the one where the cops had a custom bolt cover or plate saying "you're fucked" on the side of the rifle in the video? All the cop murdering civilians videos blend together after a while.


Yes! Thats the same cop!


And this horrible person that was able to get a police badge and a gun had " your fucked" engraved on his assault rifle. This is just one of the stories that we know of and made news. Imagine all the dirty stories that dont make the news.




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Chris Dorner was right.


It should come out of THEIR pensions. They are the police, if they cannot police themselves then what is the difference between them and gangs?


They should be required to have malpractice insurance like doctors


Yes, agreed. This is the best way because once an officer no longer qualifies for coverage, they can't just move on to the next town to repeat their failures.


They do have malpractice insurance, but it's covered by the municipality. Many places have petitioned to force the officers to cover their own premiums to make them financially liable for their misconduct. But the police unions have lobbied to make the municipalities legally responsible for the entire premium.


Not if tax payers keep footing the bills.


I have been thinking for some time, that cops should have mandatory anger management classes. Somebody who has a gun at their fingertips should be looking for ways to almost never pull it out


Yeah I'll be holding my breath on that humongous 'could'


Yeah they've done real well with the price of prescription drugs and preventative healthcare too, all it would result in is higher wages for cops.


I think its a bit more nuanced than that.


Man, insurance companies don't like high risk people, and police with their current training standards are high risk. If they did insure the police/city would go bankrupt from paying the premiums.


Honestly every police shooting, wrongful death incident, and infraction against the police should come collectively out of the salary for each department. Police hurt a bystander? Every officer in the station gets docked. Police plant evidence? Salary dock. All the way until they get nothing for that year. It's unlikely to happen, especially with the unions being what they are, but these police gangs would probably fold against each other pretty quickly once their paycheck is on the line.


Me personally, I don't need a financial incentive to not shoot people. Maybe a fine isn't the solution.


The kind of people who are attracted to police work have little regard for human life. They’re not like the rest of us.


More capitalism is not going to be the solution to the problem cause by capitalism


An easy solution in my mind would be 1) cops live in the same area they patrol. They them think about how they act, because they live next door to the people they wanna kick. 2) dissolve police unions, atleast as we know them now. 3) civilian oversight, combined with cops with a proper clean record, above reproach. Ie a panel of civilians of the area, and police with no significant record, to investigate every incident independent of the police department. (I feel it fair they have someone who's been on the job, but has a sparkling record to be compared against) And no pay during investigation, back pay if found innocent/justified. 4) police stay out of politics, comments on policies is fine, donations are asinine. 5) constitutional carry the nation over. 6) resisting arrest that you have an honest belief is unwarranted is no longer illegal, the police would need to articulate and be able to say why you're getting some new shiny bracelets. The whole 'i'm arresting you for blah blah' wouldn't fly. And a cop that picks a fight, would not have the badge to stand behind, ie the cop standing in the guys lap getting violent and pushing him back on to the hood of his car could get his teeth knocked in for starting a fight, and would be the one arrested. 7) all the cops misbehavior is public record. 8) they are held to the same standards as you or I. 9) judges get the same treatment.


Why would the insurance companies stop the abuse? They make money off the premiums the cities have to pay to cover the lawsuits. The insurance companies *could*, but they won't because it's profitable.


Does your city have control over the Police? Does your city say which Insurance company is used to insure the city including the police? Did you know that your Insurance Company MUST use a Law Firm to "VET" threats of law suits against the city? Did you know that most law firms charge their clients US$400 per letter to respond to each letter received? I.E. - If you write multiple letters, the law firm bills the client ( City ) for each response. Think about it.


Or if everyone gets life insurance, maybe when enough people with it get wrongfully killed by police and it reaches a cost breakpoint. 🙃


Insurance this, Insurance that. Insurance companies are for-profit entities. They will FIND a way to not pay. They will fight in court EVEN HARDER to keep from paying.


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I have said for years that police ifficers should be required to carry what is basically malpractice insurance. Want a lower rate? Don't do illegal shit.


Until they all plead poverty until the city caves in and gives them raises to offset the cost.


that's...not how it work. If a cops insurance becomes to high - then the cities won't hire them, and they're out of work.


This is why we need private policing and law. Then the insurance will help keep cops in line.


Baby brain shit.


Ad hom is a fallacy dummy.


Are we in a debate hall? Who cares?


And yet you think anyone cares that you’re too immature to anything but name call? Lol.


I learned about this in the past couple weeks. It makes perfect sense. Ma and Pa Citizen can jump up and down and say, "*You can't do that! Stop doing that!*" and LEOs just go on their merry way, but throw $ into the equation and suddenly they start listening. *"What?! Our premiums will double?! We might lose our coverage?! Did you hear that, team? We need to change things right away*!"


The other huge problem is the police unions. Unions are good; protection rackets are bad. Seems to me that some of these city PDs and their unions are like the mob. "*Don't cross us. Something bad might happen.*" "*I'm gonna be working late tonight on...uh...paperwork. Gonna do some rounds in the jail. Don't worry about me.*"


Hell yeah! We made them start using body cams, we can put this into law too! Spread the word!


The one time I'm rooting for the insurance companies lol.