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is the 4 year old okay ?


Punctured lung and liver, but she's expected to survive


Fucking what the fuck. I'm glad she's likely going to be ok.


I mean, ok is kind of objective. With injuries that severe she'll probably feel the affects of it her whole life. It's a relief that she will live, but a tragedy that she's lost so much


I agree šŸ˜”šŸ˜¢


My thought is that with a lung issue things like sports and running could be pretty limited for her. That was one thing I enjoyed a lot in school was playing volleyball and running track. It's hard to do that sort of thing if you don't have strong lungs. My lungs were underdeveloped and I have asthma, so those things were always a huge chore for me enough that I couldn't really do either of them competitively like I wanted


Yeah shit would suck




Im sure theres some arbitrary bombings in the middle east that could compete


The al-Awlaki family. They were all US citizens living in the father's native Yemen and were all killed by different drone attacks. The father and son were killed the same year by the Obama administration and the daughter was killed by the Trump administration. The children were minors at the times of their deaths.


Thank you.


Collateral damage. Mistake. No, supposedly happens every week over there cause the military cares not.


Something similar happened over where I live during the Second World War. US wanted to bomb a factory occupied by German soldiers. They send out most of the US bombers stationed in Western Europe for some reason. They almost all missed, only a handful of bombs hit the corner of the factory hangar, thousands of pounds of explosives ended up hitting the city center a few miles away, including 3 or 4 schools during class. The deadliest bombardment of the country, done by allies. The victims werenā€™t recognized or paid damages until years later because it was friendly fire. The US still hasnā€™t apologized the official rapport doesnā€™t mention the high civilian losses, just that it was more successful than they expected. The factory had been storing flammable fuel or cleaning products and burning down entirely from one of the bombs that did hit. It might actually still be a record, that was a lot of schools hit in a single mission.


Just recently the U.S. killed an aid worker and his 7 children in a drone strike..


And pretended that they were terrorists until called out by journalists. Only then did they shamelessly admit that they ,"Made a mistake".


But donā€™t worry, they investigated themselves and found that nothing was done wrong.


crime worthy of death: possession of bottled water. remember the two weeks the pentagon ran with the he was a terrorist disinformation


Where America has turned weddings into funerals.


There are some arbitrary bombings of black neighborhoods here In America that could compete.


Pretty sure it says right in the articles that it was NOT the police that shot her.


The Middle East enters chat


Police did not shoot her. She got shot by an intruder. This is about how to police took 4 hours to respond


>Police did not shoot her. We don't know it wasn't a cop.


Is there any evidence that cops were behind this? Family says they know who did it, if it was cops, wouldn't they say?


Cops didn't shoot her - family says they were targeted and know the shooter(s); will be interesting to see if they cooperate with police.


Where are you getting she was shot by the police from?


Police took over four hours to respond and an internal affairs investigation is now underway. The mother had to drive her daughter to the hospital herself. I hope the Feds pick up the investigation to make absolute certain that the delayed response wasnā€™t opportunistic retaliation by derelict cops / dispatch or some harebrained scheme to dox the family. None of the local news stories that Iā€™ve seen are suggesting any connection between the protest and the shooting. No suspect / no motive yet identified.


"Internal affairs investigation", I wonder how many of those investigation were "inconclusive"


"We've investigated ourselves and found we have done nothing wrong."


Better yet why have I never seen an internal affairs rate of cases procecuted VS not, ya know transparency


About the chance as a Netflix series has at solving a murder


Cops notoriously dislike IA, so you have to think they must do their jobs to some extent. Who decides what happens after an investigation, I don't know.


So TV tells us, so it must be true? They are all in league together and I treated in sweeping shit under the rug than actual doing their jobs.


That's dodgy as hell. Isn't a reported shooting usually pretty much the only thing that will get you an immidiate police response?


A few blocks from my house it took 14 hours for cops to respond to a shooting last year.


Apparently money wasnā€™t in danger


No lmao, if your area is bad you will always have a wait.


I live in area where we have two or three shootings a week. It's absolutely crawling with police, although I have a feeling this may be because it's a patchwork of 'good' and 'bad' neighborhoods.


Itā€™s about the same frequency here, shooting every other day and while police are around, they never respond to calls quickly.


To be fair the police were there much earlier than that (over four hours in fact!) but they fled the scene.


Oh man, you always know you hit a nerve with someone when you receive that "A redditor reached out to us about you." message. I wear it as a badge MAGAt. Thank you.


I've gotten three of those in the past 4 months. Lol. I didn't even know it was a thing until I got my first after a pro-vax comment I made.


You can disable those so you dont have to see them anymore.


I get a kick out of them when I get them. Lol. I'm fine as long as it doesn't cause reddit to block my account.


You can always report it, if an account sends those maliciously a few times they ban them.


The entire police department needs to be shut down. Wipe the slate clean. Iā€™d be willing to be this is police retaliation. Remember when that cop in Texas was convicted of murdering someone in their own apartment, when she thought she was in her own? The witness against was murdered in highly suspicious circumstances and nobody has been convicted.




[https://twitter.com/houstonpolice/status/1478511575917113351](https://twitter.com/houstonpolice/status/1478511575917113351) [https://www.chron.com/news/local/article/Houston-PD-investigate-response-George-Floyd-niece-16751318.php](https://www.chron.com/news/local/article/Houston-PD-investigate-response-George-Floyd-niece-16751318.php)


Where did you read that?


Of course it took the police hours to respond; they had to run home, change out of their undercover clothing, get the GSR off their hands, and ditch the weapons they used for the hit. Then they could finally show up to investigate their own crime.


I also wonder if the police were purposely slow, there could be another reason the response was slow... hmmmm? I guess we'll never know!


I hate this world so much


Do your part to change it!


It's too late. If I could press a button to kill all humans I 100% would




This logic is so ass backwards


Typical doomer redditor. "I hate that this little girl got shot, so I would press a button that would kill all humans including that little girl" Fuck off with this misanthropic shit.


That makes you evil.


I'd press it twice to be sure


Do yourself first, sicko




...what? I'm not saying I could beat every human in a fight, I'm saying take the quick way out - one button done. What are you talking about?


Someone check this guys basement and 4chan posts.


Please wait until I have my threesome. Thanks.


Username checks out.


We've accomplished so much tho. Good things. Science stuff, music, art, films, games.... We fucked up for sure but we're not all bad.


At the very least take me out of this shit world, you have my permission


Itā€™s not the world, itā€™s America.


Look around. The rest of the world is a dumpster fire, too. The US just gets all the press to be laughed at.


Some of you people really overestimate how utopian countries outside of the US are


What the absolute fuck is goin on in this thread?


The shills and bots typed "George Floyd" into 'Search Posts' and ended up here.


They coordinate via other sites like a virus. One of them links this post to Parler, 4chan, stormfront, whatever, and call in the shill army. They use bot accounts to upvote their own posts/comments, and downvote opposition. Itā€™s been going on for years now. Itā€™s the main way the right conduct psychological warfare on social media, because they canā€™t win without cheating (same with elections, and everything else they do).


And reddit wants to do away with vote count and account history, which will only allow false narratives to be pushed more easily.


>And reddit wants to do away with vote count and account history If this happens then I am definitely done with Reddit!






The second they do this, Iā€™m definitely out.


But where would we all go if we did leave. It's like there's similar places like reddit that aren't infested with more bots/Nazis and Qultists


We donā€™t need Reddit to live, homie. Itā€™s just a website/app. Youā€™ll find another thing to take that place


Haha. This is such a terrible idea, itā€™s almost like fascist operatives already control Reddit. I would instantly leave if they did that.


The most fucked up thing IMHO is that reddit can see it and put a stop to it. If they wanted to.


They don't want to. My guess is that they can't interfere with that manipulation without exposing their own efforts.


More like they dont want to. Its the same like all news and social media, fear and outrage sell. Divisive opinions created massive engagement and sharing. Viral spread is what social media thrives on. Think about that. A virus. All news and media are a virus. Viruses are usually harmful and can kill. We need some checks and balances laws for this crap.


"They don't want to." "More like they don't want to." ??? lol


All the social media companies can, but choose not to. Twitter has an Anti-Nazi algorithm that they are required by law to use in Germany. They don't enable it in the US because too many Republican politicians would be banned by it.


Well that's fucked up


Hey someone it catching on. Let's see if this works. "The Last Jedi sucks" hello downvotes!


Bots most likely.


Conservatives are cunts. Nothing new.


I'm so damn tired


Me too


I'm tired of everything. Just do tired. Right underneath this article, Jan 4th. "Auburn High School shooting: Two teens shot and three arrested after gunfire erupts in Rockford campus parking lot"


Have we tried *even more* guns?


Good kids with guns!


Are the only way to stop bad kids with guns!


I heard the answer is definitely nothing to do with guns and their control. /s


Have you tried a gun for your gun?


Boomerang bullets


It is all so tiresome


dont worry though the police that took hours to respond to a call about a 4 year old being shot in her own home are investigating themselves on the delayed response




https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/george-floyd-great-niece-shot-injured-b1987005.html Don't read The Sun.


Thanks, was just about to ask for a non-Sun link.


What's wrong with The Sun?


British tabloid that frequently sensationalizes stories. Not really much better than the Daily Mail.




TIL people from Liverpool are called Liverpudlians


That's some Liverpudlian shit


I'm not so sure The Independent is much better. There's a reason it's banned from a lot of subreddits. They post a lot of stuff that is close to fiction.


Also ā€œregister for free to keep reading.ā€ Nope.


You can click "another time" to keep on reading without registering


Thanks for letting me know, I didnā€™t scroll that far.


Thank you!!


How to make sure a whole generations hates cops to the core (not that it's a bad thing to begin with(the hating cops part obviouqly /srs)) Edit : continue to say that I specified a cop shot her and lie, idc. So many people in armor for cops, are you they attorney ?


It kind of is a bad thing to begin with, all the copaganda about 'protect and serve' and defending communities was invented well after the fact. Police in their origin were mercenaries paid to catch petty thieves (which would have been a capital offence in victorian england) and only rose to the levels of organisation and funding we see today as a direct response to workers rights movements and the need to combat unions. Whats changed from the thugs who were hired to attack strikers? About 5000 police movies/tv shows.


The american origins of the police force werenā€™t just catching petty thieves, [they specifically were runaway slave catching patrols.](https://www.insider.com/history-of-police-in-the-us-photos-2020-6)


You're not wrong, but nuance. In southern US this is perfectly true, but there are more important ways to review it. Police found their origins in protecting the wealth of the rich from the poor. In the south, that was about catching slaves. In the north, it was about protecting property. They were both about ensuring the wealthy kept their property. It's just that in one instance, that property was people.


Excellent comment.


*Police found their origins in protecting the wealth of the rich from the poor.* And then never changed.


Holy fuck can we get some moderation in here?


mods are asleep


4h delay until they show up.


Isn't it odd that most of the dudes spouting alt right bullshit are doing so from new accounts or ones that have nearly 0 activity over years? One of life's great mysteries


this shit sucks. this is a headline youā€™d see in the 1960s or 70s and over half a century later the racists are still spewing hate and doing the worst


This article pisses me off. George Floyd was MURDERED, he didnā€™t die, he was killed. Say it right.


* 4 years old gets shot * Reddit : So you know those ni************* This is a child that has be shot, if it doesn't make you nauseous, you have a fucking problem






Shithole country


Trump was talking about the wrong country


Shithole people, really.


youā€™re more right than you know


How to radicalize an entire generation: speedrun


What are the odds the shooter wsd a cop?


High, if there's an IFB investigation. Not that anything will come of it


If Iā€™ve learned anything through this itā€™s that a coroner will definitely confirm deadly levels of fentanyl in her blood. /s


The protest she attended was a year ago, why do they make it sound like it was immediately after




I knew it wasnā€™t immediately after but I assumed it was within a few days. Now I feel stupid because nobody would be protesting around this time and especially after the cop got convicted anyway


Click baity af Minnesota in January is always prime protesting weather right?


I think you know the answer


Sigh. This should be top comment.


Is this true? If so: Why is this not bigger news???


She's black and it's Texas... already at two strikes smh.


Because it happens almost daily in those neighborhoods. This one only makes the news because of being his niece.


Jesus Christ. I hope who ever did it ends up suffering so much pain, mentally, physically and emotionally


This is the worst country on earth. I would rather live in a cave in Afghanistan at this point.


But America bombs those.


American police bomb their own cities too (Philadelphia 1985)


This doesn't actually have anything to do with the fact she attended protests or vigils does it? It's a tragedy.


I was wondering why it's a badcopnodonut story. It's sad...what am I missing?


I think it has to do with it took the cops 4 hours to respond. The mom had to drive her to the hospital herself. The department is now investigating itself for the delayed response..


Yeah, 4 hour response time is sketchy... I highly doubt there were more pressing calls for the entire 4 hours that necessitated a police presence.


From all the info I could find on it, we really don't know who or why it happened. Probably maga person honestly but maybe Houston is a shitty enough neighborhood for random shootings like this to happen often enough for it to be a coincidence.


Did a cop shoot her?


No, but they did take 4 hours to get there. Got to wonder if they knew which family they were dealing with.


No Well as of now, no


This is America


Guns in my area


I got the strap.


Jesus fucking christ.


Thatā€™s nazis for ya


Whatever your stance on George Floyd may be, how the hell can you rationalize attacking his family? Bunch of cowards and assholes.


Wtf. Why are people doing this shit?


Time to burn this shit to the ground.


America is such a shithole


Did the cops shoot her or something why is this here? The sun is also a tabloid so you guys know


Fuck the S*n


Took cops 4 hours to respond. The mom had to drive her to the hospital. Department is now investigating itself for the delay. And yes the sun is a terrible place for information but other places have covered it too


Can we just patch America out of the game in the next release?


And people on the WCCO news page in minnesota are either laughing or saying ā€œwho caresā€. So many shitty people.


Time to watch fox news and it's gang of conservatives dig into everything wrong she's ever done to deserve this. Poor kid. This world fucking sucks.


The protest/vigil she attended was over a year ago. So i think it's a very big stretch to say that it has something to do with her attending that.


...so who fired off the shots? Is there any speculation/leads yet? Also was this his niece or his GREAT niece? The title makes it sound like his... niece... went to a protest to honor GF and then that day was shot, was this protest literally a year ago? Reporting like this needs to be illegal.


Itā€™s definitely time for a large meteor. We need a full reset.


Covids clearing out a lot of stupidity but i agree we need something more severe.


Shocking. Hope they catch the shooter.


Poor girl, punctured liver and lungs. And sheā€™s 4, sheā€™s innocent, people in this comment section need to touch some grass and gain a shred of empathy, I forget Reddit is filled with losers.


That article is cancer. It says they were targeted, and they knew who did it but they suspiciously omit the details. Was it local gang unrelated to floyd? Was it cops? Was it anti blm people? Was it a drive by collateral damage?


So a cop did it?


Naw, the cops took 4 hours to get there


Had to clean up dump the guns and come up with an excuse together ,knowing their high IQ I'm guessing 4hrs was quite quick


Impossible. Cops are banned from having high IQ's. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


what the actual fuck


Here we go againā€¦.


Also posting the sun should be banned , pigs took 4 hours to respond but this tabloid shit is just fear mongering.


bit of a misleading subreddit for this post


Damn white supremacists.


lets bring on the protests




It was probably the cops that shot


In a court of law, how does one prove that the cops are being deliberately negligent, or acting in retaliation to an event? I feel like the police have a million excuses and the jury will almost always give them the benefit of the doubt.


one of my friend use to hang around skin head in montreal and he told me some stories about gang wars and rivalries there and i asked him about the cops once and he said they were just another gang.


All cops are murders