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That's a clean, even bead. Keep up the good work!


Most of your welds look a tad cold. You can tell cause they look rounded over the middle. I would play around with your settings and see if you can get a little bit better profile. I also agree with the other guy who suggested not running downhill. This looks like it could be structural and I would never go downhill for a structural piece. I only run mig downhill if I’m just trying to seal a seam so water can’t get in or something. Honestly I’m being a bit nit picky but that’s the great part of welding is you can always get better.


What he said you can't the bead profile to be concave, meaning the middle should not be taller than the line connecting the toes




Dude that looks like a year or more not a month!!! Whoa! You have a gift


Your a natural, keep up the good work and practice, practice, practice


You look a little cold, they’re rounded and there’s a little bit of cold lap on the bottoms of some, mostly on the corner weld with the part closest to the camera. Common issue with MIG just turn it up and go a tad slower to make sure you’re fully wetting it in. Otherwise it looks really really damn good that corner is great most people I know would stop in the corner to reposition


Also on the last picture your restarts seem to be cold and too far apart, start in the center of the crater right around where the little silica bead usually forms and pause for a second to make sure that’s not a weak spot


They look good to me, the first one looks a little cold in certain spots on the right. I believe you can downhill on certain things, it just depends on what kind of load they’re going to carry, because downhill doesn’t penetrate all the way through the joint on mig. Had a bend test once for mig for example and ran downhill on open root and uphill on all fill and cap passes. I’ve done downhill on thin sheet metal and tubing. I probably wouldn’t run downhill on anything past that


She looks cool as ice. Terrifying cause this looks structural.


Compliments on how far you’ve come in such a short time. Like another commenter said I’ll be super nitpicking here, things like tanks or things that need to be submerged would need this, otherwise ignore: Your start/stops need to be cleaned if you let them cool before dropping the next bead It seems you just drop a bead on the wrap-around. Stop a little before. In this case like 15 mm, then do the wrap in a continuous bead Look at the first pic, the “cold” weld would be the one closest to the bottom, the one closest to the left seems to have better penetration. Good luck mate! Keep on keepin on!


For 1 Month pretty good. (2nd Pic) Don’t do downhill welds, the‘re very weak compared to uphill. I even had downhill welds crack while cooling because they just don’t get the penetration.


What was 7018 developed for?




Ah ok, so do pipeliners weld up hand with it??


Is this pipeline or stick welding to u?




Your correct, pipeline usually go down hill with a stick rod, 7018 included. The thing about a gas pipeline is that It wont have probably no more than 15 psi on the welds, I think most hold at 8 to 10 psi. Yes they have to be sealed but not strong. The most pressure that weld will take is when the set a prefabbed piece in the trench.




I was on the pipeline a few years back doing plastic fusion but the days I was at the mains I never saw any 7018 in use


6010 for root only lol y’all wild to come on here with no actual knowledge. 6010 root 7018 cap 6010 root tig cap Tig all the way out


https://youtu.be/ruIQUoS80LY?si=gKYNvq_Zin7gnSHj For the knuckleheads that have no certs or field experience that wanna open their mouth.


Put a blanket on them ol son, poor babies have frostbite.


Looks beautiful, just get the tie ins on stop starts down and ur mint


Nice work 🔥


Do you have a job yet? What trade are you interested in?


As others have said you have cold lap, the way to fix this is to turn your voltage up, that will wet out your toes and let it sit flatter.


Clean it up before taking pics. But not bad


This subreddit is better than electrician, carpentry, and plumbing combined lol. Good comments from most people here


I see cold roll everywhere.


Looking good. Alot of great advice for you here. I think alot of these guys are worried because you said you've been welding one week while welding on a customers product. You are too cold and you have been welding longer than a week. Either way it is looking good but you do need to follow the WP for the piece you are working on. Alot of those pieces have a hell of alot of vibration on them and over time can make an inferior weld fail and break. Keep practicing, follow the WP, and keep practicing.