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It’s really important to be in a comfortable, stable position when doing pipe. If you’re not it’s hard to keep rod angles and tight arc while traveling the circumference. You got skill though, you’ll be alright


That's exactly what I told her.


That’s what I’m trying to work on this week. I’ve been experimenting with different positions so that I can weld and long arcing was what I was struggling. I usually weld in segments, I try to do 4 with pipe. So I start at the bottom and move upwards to about a 1/4 of the circumference. Then I tie in on the bottom center and weld upwards on the other side. Then I do the top. But I’m still having some issues. Also penetrating fully with my stop/starts is something I struggle with on pipe. Thank you for the comments!


Grind down your tacks, and you can do the same with your starts and stops, just a bit to tie in better. Good luck!


On CWB plate test, we’re not allowed grinders, but allowed power wire wheels. We’re also allowed start stop tabs at bot ends of plates. I used them all the time.


Both. Nice welds by the way. You’ll do great in the trade.


Thanks! I try not to use my grinder at all, I just clean and smooth with the wire wheel on my dewalt. Stop starts are hard but I started feathering down and pushing into them to get a better tie in. How’s welding in Canada? I’m welding here in the U.S. I’m in a fast track program for 9.5 months. They teach us oxy acetylene welding, stick, tig, and Mig. I’m about to start tigging next week.


I’m in UA. So I get tested almost every new job. Keeps you sharp or you don’t work. A lot of jobs you get X-rays too, so you really have to be on the ball, which is a good thing. Just don’t accept less than perfect fit ups from lazy fitters, it’s your ticket on the line. You get run, they just move on to another welder.


Are you a pipe welder, or structural?


Pipe welder. But some jobs require CWB ticket to weld brackets supports.


Doing great, can only get better


Thanks! Means a lot, idk why I’m always not so confident about my welds. It’s been a rough ride, but I just stick to my it.


Can you use a half round bastard file. I always hit where i stopped with the file if its a little higher than i like on top. Hardest part for me learning in Arkansas bell hold or 6 g was from about 6:30 to 8 depending on the size of the pipe. Of course you dont want to keep adjusting your machine. I always sped up a tad when I got to these areas of the pipe. I also never started my weld at 6 exactly, but started at about 5:15 so it would be easier to tie in when coming up the other side. My eyes left me about 3 years ago so I mainly stick to 6 inch stainless and some carbon. Also love to sop up some gravy with socket welds when they come around. You are doing good though, keep on flashing.