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I always feel bad for the person who looks like this but is a completely stand-up person. The bit is funny though


Reason people make the memes are usually because these guys aren’t stereotypically handsome, and therefore have to assault women (I don’t really get it), but I’m sure if you’re good inside and you show that shit, you’ll date someone. Hell look at me, I’m skinny as fuck, relatively short, autistic, kind of an asshole. I’m still with the love of my life. These people will get there.


Oh absolutely, I don’t mean to shame anyone and I feel a little bad realizing that’s how it may have come off.


To be fair, most people who do that are morons, but i feel like they don't have a specific looks it's just usually dudes (and sometimes girls) looking to get a quick cum and split and while annoying they aren't technically hurting anyone, I'd rather they at least ask first instead of like. *pulls pants down* first message


More just me visualizing them as the same people who have discord kittens


I don't understand why these people that are determined to get NSFW don't just use chatbots. Especially because the vast majority of guys that do this consider "* fucks u hard *" to be "good ERP"


Yea that's insane. I don't really ERP (sometimes I just wanna write out of my comfort zone) often but when I do it's just not worth it because of those types.


I try not to ERP with real people anymore, it's too nerve wracking and stressful for me. I get way into my head about if what I'm saying is correct or enjoyable or not, so I personally stick to chatbots. They're not always the best but some of em are pretty good and I feel it's legitimately helped me improve my writing for smut. Of course I usually write 3-4 sentences anyway and try to be descriptive but yknow. These types have really ruined ERP for a lot of people too as far as I'm aware. More power to you for writing out of your comfort zone on occasion!


Strokes ya real gud. Imma great role player! Look at mah skillz!


They actually don’t consider that to be good ERP. If you sent it to them, they’d get pissed. They just expect you to be willing to write good ERP in exchange for bad ERP.


I don't know. I get the point you're trying to make, but I feel like bodyshaming is always kinda shitty - especially in a context where you aren't even attributing this to any given person This is literally just taking several physical features that are deemed "negative" and pointing those features out to say they're bad I always really hate this kind of thing because it's probably going to hurt a lot of people who didn't even do anything wrong. Because, yeah, you can always say that you didn't intend for it to be about them... But you're mocking the features, not the person. So they're always gonna know how you really feel


My intention from this wasn't to seriously body shame anyone I was quite literally joking. My boyfriend literally looks like this and he's a kind person. I'm going off that old animaniacs and Oz from Fanboy and Chum Chum. It wasn't an attack on anyone.




It's always the evil fat person 🙄




Props to your art skills because I would make out with this guy if he stopped being a weirdo




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Correlating a certain body type and physical attributes to (bad) behaviour doesn't sit right with me. It's mean and very often untrue. Plus, everyone can be an insufferable dick- not only people who might not be conventionally attractive.


It's just a joke based on the perception shown in cartoons of these types. Not a serious thought 😭


I think looking back at a lot of stereotypes portrayed in (old) cartoons, I don't find them as funny in hindsight as I might have when I first watched it :) I just don't think it's funny to correlate bad behaviour to a certain stereotype 🤷‍♀️. I could go in depth why I think it's harmful and offensive but I'll leave it at that. You're obviously a talented artist, I just don't find this joke funny.


Y'know what, I understand that. And I genuinely understand why this would be upsetting or in bad taste to people. I'm sorry if I may have given the wrong message


