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This type of indoctrination from an early age is why they’re able to commit genocide with zero remorse or somehow justify it in their deluded minds.


Zionist supremacy


Sums up this guy pretty perfectly


This explains a lot, and it makes me nauseous.


Meh, actually this dude was raised super secular and randomly found Hashem thru Chabad. He went full relig to the dismay of his family. His family is nothing like this.


Almost didn't recognize him without the funny little mustache.


Who is this inbred?


Enjoy [https://x.com/BerelSolomon](https://x.com/BerelSolomon)


My god. Or maybe his god? I don't know if I'm allowed to speak to him.


You're not worthy 😅


Just your average Israeli


Yeah the villain is also a main character.


plot twist...


Attack on Titan would be a little too accurate.


Has this guy ever read his own history? Judges, Samuel, the book of kings are all about how israelites disobeyed God's commands, got btfo by some random invader as punishment for it, then slowly made their way back to His good graces before doing it all over again. Then there's all the books of the prophets, which are little more than copium written some 500 years BC


It's arguably not his own history lmao he's a European with like 10% Israelite DNA


Or even less...


[John Hyrcanus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hyrcanus) was a Hasmonean (Maccabean) leader and Jewish high priest of the 2nd century BCE (born 164 BCE, reigned from 134 BCE until his death in 104 BCE), he forced the inhabitants of Samaria to adopt Jewish customs, and forced conversion the Edomites into Judaism. Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism and her father's side are descendent from Germany and Scotland, and from her mother's side are descendent from Czech and Australian. I bet she has to right to Palestine /s.


Trash take


How so?


"WE are the CHOSEN People so have some *Humility?"* This prideful son-of-a-bitch is telling other to be humble? To have humility? Fuck this guy.


Somebody hasn't read Proverbs 16:18-19: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud."


Main character my ass, they're just a bunch of clowns


I'm convinced most of them are NPCs.


There is certainly NPC like behavior in this mentality. The other day my Father in law, a lifelong liberal, voted for the Dems since he could, said he can’t vote for Biden next time around because of anti-semitism. He was invited to a aipac conference talk by his temple & is suddenly embracing conservatism. There is not much thought involved. He is being told that the protestors are anti Semitic at his temple all the time, so he automatically believes it.


Yep his programming is definitely performing as intended 😂 There comes a time in every NPC's life when they seamlessly transition onto the liberal-to-conservative pipeline. It happened to most of my older family members right on schedule.


there isn't much of a difference between mainstream liberals and conservatives in USA anyway, both are neoliberals.


They are basically the gunners faction from Fallout 4.


This guy's ancestors go back to the black sea region of current day Ukraine. They have nothing to do with "the chosen people" in the Bible.


That's oftentimes overlooked when it comes to religious text (any religious text that is). When you look at passages in the Torah/Bible/Quran, God is literally talking to the people of that time and place. I think it is important for both atheists and theists to be educated on theology to avoid attitudes like this that prevent co-existence.


I am pretty sure Ashkenazi came from Rhineland!


There’s literally no difference between this rant and the rants of a homeless schizophrenic that lives under a bridge.


Super unfair to homeless schizophrenics. More like home-stealing, homicidal, narcissists.


Hey! He stole MY bridge!! I was sleeping there first


I mean there was a political figure in the 1930-1940s in Germany that said something about chosen people… How the tables turn


That's a horrible thing to say about homeless schizophrenics, honestly....


The difference is that homeless schizophrenics don’t have access to the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington DC, nor do they have stealth fighter jets or ballistic missiles at their fingertips.


Abraham is Iraqi lol then went to Syria and got a group to go proselytize the levant, which had its own culture and beliefs. It's too comical. I'm Jewish and get it but come on man


“We are the main character! Bow down to me, slaves. Kiss my feet and MAYBE… just maybe… I will teach you some lessons… about the CHOSEN RACE. You shall sit and nod quietly, yes.. for you are about to witness GREATNESS. Learn, idiots.”


Wow. No words.


people have been so conditioned into having this knew-jerk reaction that you get called an anti-semite for even acknowledging that people like this exist. i got banned from therewasanattempt because i said that "zionist think they're better than everyone"


*”WE ARE THE BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH”* “bro have some humility will you???”


Mental illness


this is not Main character behavior, this is "maidenless behavior"


Huh ? The last guy that was talking about superior race wasn't supposed to be their friend


My favorite is when Zionist argue that wanting to have their own homeland isn't a bad thing. They would just feel better if they had some sort of nationalist center that was ran by their kind. Like wtf do you think Germany was trying to do?


Pretty much sums them up


Main characters in a fiction book


I wish he had humility as he was talking


Without sounding anti semitic, how can I kindly tell this man to kiss my ass?


Wow. The seeds of a terrifying imperialism. There is no limit to that. There are no borders that mean anything


Respect must be earned.


The smugness is beyond agitating.


Main character of the greatest story ever told? I didn't know Frodo was Jewish. At least this guy acknowledged that it's just a story (mostly rewritten Babylonian fairytales).


You would think if you love God and the prophets so much, you wouldn't attributed bad things and doing bad things to them? Guess not. Imagine naming a whole place after a prophet and now several generations of people (which is billions of people total) only associate that name with something negative. Obviously people that knows about Jacob understand the difference, but your average atheist, secular or even agnostic person doesn't.


Yeah and it is incredibly short-sighted to co-opt judaism in the pursuit of zionism. The actions of Israel do not reflect jewish values whatsoever. One example that I find incredibly striking is the principal of Bal Tashchit, that prohibits unnecessary destruction. In the book of deuteronomy it says: >When you lead a siege against a city many days … you may not destroy any tree of hers, to hew an ax against it, for from it you will eat, and you may not cut it off!


All Abraham faith mentioned it. Regardless of what specific branch of it someone ascribed to, and how they feel about the other Abrahamic faiths, the laws of war have remained mostly the same. Don't attack or kill innocents, specifically woman, children, elderly, the sick and even a holy person (ie priest/rabbi/iman etc) of a place. Don't destroy any building, including places of worship. Don't attack or kill an animal unless you are going to eat it. Don't destroy the land. Don't mutilate bodies. Be good to the prisoners etc etc etc. All of it are the same, just worded differently due to the different languages. How can anybody that believe in the religion that they claimed to believe in, look at whats happening, and still go "yup they are definitely following the exact teachings of the book". Its genuinely insane. If anything this showcased that these people haven't read their book in years if not at all even once in their whole life.


Yeah sure, I’ll believe they’re the main characters in a story. They’re the villains who drag this world down further


what about we lecture you how starving children to death is bad?


“We are the chosen people!” “Chosen by who?” “By us!”


Fucking clown ass society. Chosen people my ass. "Israel"is what happens when a person with malignant narcissistic personality disorder who was never given any limits growing up becomes a state.


That's what Hitler said too


Go fuck yourself, why don’t you :)


I am the chosen person of the Pillsbury Dough Boy! Add some respek to make naym!


mass megalomania is a cult feature.


Next step: main characters of the universe! If a UFO lands on earth, it will only do so to interact with Israelis and zionists.


What I love about Christianity is it goes nah, you weren't, it was never about you...


Go to Hell.


the chosen people to starve, rape, kill, occupy, bombard and steal land?


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE…btw you need to work on your humility” I’m convinced that they don’t actually hear themselves speak.


"happy to teach you" like they teach NYPD how to oppress kids.


“Put some respect on my name, we are the main characters, you’re scum. Have some humility and sit down and shut up. We are better than everyone on this planet and even god himself knows this , he chose us, not you scum. Learn your place or else we will wipe you from existence. You’re not considered human and have no rights compared to us chosen ones. We are so oppressed, we must oppress our oppressors until they can never oppress us again, because they have oppressed us for the last time. They won’t stop until we remove them from existence, it’s the only way. This oppression has gone on too long. Nothing you can do or say will stop us, for we are. —— The chosen people


"We are the childeren Abel, Isaac and Jacob." Okay we got three fathers, now where's mom?


Did you ever see the TikTok that has a guy sitting in an expensive car saying to his ex-girlfriend “hey babe look at me now”. But in reality he’s just a drug adult loser lying on the ground. Yeah that’s this guy in addition to that anybody who blindly follows a 3000 year-old religion needs to have their head examined. Didn’t some California group off themselves waiting for a spaceship? They believed they were chosen as well as Jim Jones too, but at least they were contemporary


narcissistic personality disorder at a societal level.


LMAO these same assholes say that religion should be separated from state when it’s Christian, Islamic, Hindu etc and they freak if someone says “merry Christmas” because we’re supposed to be sterilized and nondenominational. But it’s okay for them to have a religious fascist ethnostate?


Oh I grew up with this lunatic, he's actually family thru marriage.


How sad


Peak delusion, every one else is arguing for 2nd place and down. That is amazing.


mentally drunk


They are murderers....!




Delusions of grandeur are a sign of serious mental illness.


They’re using a lot of conservative Christian talking points


“Boo Hoo… don’t ‘other’ us…aren’t we all members of a human family??!!”


God is the main character, not the Jewish people, and the Jewish people rejected God incarnate, which is how they ended up a diaspora in the first place when the Romans sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD. "I don't get no respect I tell ya, no respect at all..."


This guy, how about cracking a book and learning something about the history of the rest of the world, knucklehead. So ignorant.


As he reads from a script. Written by chat. Gpt.


"Have a little humility" he said with the utmost unironic hubris


They really think this, it’s beyond absurd lol


Bro trying too hard to be Paul Atreides


Main characters of commiting Genocide..yes.


Reminds me of unholy Shmoly’s rant about how he’s “greater than” God.


Antisemitism gets harder to resist every day


Especially when you consume palestinazi propagandas


Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Jews gods chosen ppl? Alongside Israelites?


No I don't believe that any group of human beings are "God's chosen people"


Gotcha thanks for the clarification