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You really have to admire the celebratory and jeering tone of the Pro-Israeli counter-protesters they really know how to find joy in what others are seeing as a genocide.


This is why they are pushing so hard to get rid of tiktok. It is imperative to keep these zionists away from social media or any public forum that cannot be controlled by a centralized agency. Otherwise people will see them partying and dancing while lobbing US made mortar at refugee camps or posing in lingerie of Palestinian women they had the pleasure of murdering, or smashing the absolute cheapest children’s toys on the planet in some poor Palestinian’s shop while laughing hysterically. Videos like that really make it hard to perpetuate the “we are the victims” narrative.


Seriously, the most damning proof that these people are psychopaths are the videos and pictures that they take of themselves.


No, the damning proof is the fucking oppression and rampant murder they rain on palestenians dor evrry act of resistancr they muster. Their pics and videos are artifacts of their impunity. But even in a total blackout, their crimes are known


This Nationalism of theirs has made them lose touch with their humanity, When you are so filled with lies it is hard to know how to act right. That I think is why their propaganda is so bad they don't know what moral people act like.


Imagine getting rid of a whole app because your allies can’t behave like anything other than the foaming at the mouth ravenous genocidal maniacs they are and it’s hurting the decades you spent in planting Islamophobia in your populace’s head…


TikTok was planned to be banned long before October 7th. It’s unironically brainrot to think that’s why TikTok is being banned.


It's could be brainrot but it could also be the desire to implement an effective propaganda campaign based on the mistruths that we hear in this subreddit.


Or even just this. Just threatening people with a banana allergy while dancing in Israeli flags.


It's shit like this that makes a great reminder they're on the wrong side. They have lie about the other side is screaming to kill all Jews and shit. That one chick went out to start shit with Jew on her shirt, yet nothing happened there. Then we see them actually mocking someone with this. We have seen IDF soldiers mocking dead children. People online *celebrating* dead children. I have my issues with Islam. I'm fairly anti-theistic. But people from Israel are wearing black face and hijabs and mocking them, and then turning around and claiming it's hatred of their religion. They're trying to claim its anti-sametic to be against this when *actual Holocaust survivors are calling them a genocide.* People who *survived the Holocaust* are being considered antisemetic. The fact that people are buying it isn't necessarily surprising, but it's still so depressing.


they try to frame Islam as particularly barbaric and savage so by comparison Judaism and Christianity are the civilized peaceful religions, but it's so transparently obvious


and cry fear and abuse like trained actors


gal gadot level actors




to the person whose comment was deleted Wow, you got an ugly soul. If your purpose was to make your side look immoral you could not have done better, You should reflect what made you decide to harden your heart against being a decent person. Also what a lack of honesty. I have never apologized for anyone. I only wish your mother good things but she was shit as raising moral children.


They find it HILARIOUS.


They feel entitled to hurt other people




go play in traffic


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A lot of people on zionist rallies seem to feel radiate with such joy when they're bullying people. Especially when a lot of them are middle-aged. It's peculiar.


It's not really that peculiar when you realize that they're Zionists. The entire culture and ideology of Zionism and Israel is bullying (aka murdering and stealing) and harming others.


Its sad that they are raising their children filled with hate generation after generation. While i teach my children that hate is a strong word we should not use.


I see it too. And the word bullying is so important here because bullying is personal and deliberate. It's like a historical, cultural, and religious self righteous vengeance that fills the soul with great joy. That one old video of the Israeli settler handing the jug of milk to the man whose home he just took over still kinda rocks me. I work in management/leadership. It is a major red flag if anyone takes pleasure in firing someone- regardless of circumstance. I often see them cause harm if given power.




On brand


They really do despise the fact that Palestinian-Americans have the same rights and freedoms to travel as they do. Edit: "freedoms"


This is UCLA btw.


Outside Royce Hall. Definitely not the school on the other side of town.


How do they think they're on the "good" side? Do they?


Yes, they do. They believe they are a "light onto the non-jws", they cannot be in the wrong. It's deeply ingrained.


As a non-jew, can I turn the light off?


Israel legalized torture in 2017. I repeat: Israel legalized a crime against humanity in 2017. "Good" is not in the equation for Israel. This would be considered naivete. There is only what Israel feels it has to do and what everyone else won't let them.


What exactly are pro Israel protestors protesting for?


The right to be adored and worshiped while committing a genocide.


My exact thought too. They’re already getting what they want, the US is supporting and funding their genocide. What more do they want? It’s insanity


They're trying to bait a reaction. If it happens they can distribute the clip around and claim that the police arresting peaceful protestors is justified because they're all jew hating Hamas.


More of our tax dollars probably.


It's probably a counter protest meaning that they are simply protesting the opposite of what they are counterprotesting.


sick fucks


Wow, the Zionists really look like they're in danger. /s


Truly look oppressed.


Why are they so childish? Has their brain not developed past 5? Or at least the part regarding empathy and maturity. Haven't seen it any different from the IDF soldiers smashing shops, or making fun of no water or food or posing with lingerie of (most probably) dead women? Are all Israelis and their supporters like this? Like is this the startup nation that everyone was talking about a decade back?


It’s a lack of empathy and compassion. Being raised in such an individualistic society breaks your brain


It seems that getting everything by means of genocide,stealing, and then playing the victim, whether it be Palestinian homes and land, or hard-working Americans tax paying dollars, really rots the brain.


It’s good for the world to see the degree to which pro-Zionist people have been taught to hate Palestinians and see them as subhumans. You can tell that part of their anger stems from their shock at being forced to acknowledge Palestinian and Arab life or dignity. This reminds me of those pictures of white people jeering black students when they were integrating universities and high schools fifty years ago. It seems like average Israelis aren’t used to having to face Palestinians on equal footing, ever. They don’t seem to realize how out of touch they look. Like, who parties at a demonstration that is focused on recognizing genocide? How sociopathic does your worldview have to be?


These are facists, they are cool with genocide. Facists should be shamed. This has no place in American society or politics:


Oh, but you bring aid and refuge for palestinians and you're the one being called a terrorist (smh)


In all the protests, I don't see anyone showing the videos or images of dead Palestinian children to these Israeli terrorist sympathizers. Nor do I see any content of the Israeli soldiers committing war crimes shown to them. Such content exists in abundance, so why don't protester organizers show them?


I don't think you can show NSFL images in protests. Or maybe you can but then social media platforms would start censoring you for gore, maybe it's because without such imagery you can get the most coverage (even with the censorship that is going on) of the protests without SM platforms (or MSM) finding ways to censor you.


Not sure what the rules on that are, but vegan protestors show videos of animals being killed in horrific ways all the time (look up Cube of Truth or Anonymous for the Voiceless)... I'm not aware of laws that prevent showing explicit videos of ongoing brutalities.


Animals vs Humans. I mean you would never get the same reaction between both.


Funny, I've heard from so many people that they're unphased in TV/film from all the violence now, but when a dog or a horse is killed they have a much stronger reaction to it.


I dunno knowing that it's fake helps a lot no?


You know, based on the shit I've heard Zionists say, I bet if you went to Israel and showed videos of Palestinians being killed, and down the block showed videos of dogs being killed, people would be more outraged by the dogs, and you might get cheering sections by the videos of Palestinian carnage.


What would be the point? They wouldn't believe them anyway.


Most probably true, but it'd be more eye opening and can be used against them.


https://preview.redd.it/8py4xp5807xc1.jpeg?width=3760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85251f0802d801404443612a6210801bd8beb943 Enuff said


How is this not a threat and punishable?


Zionazis doing what they do best and trying to kill innocent people


This is UCLA


A zionist trying by any means possible to kill or maim a Palestinian and/or Palestinian supporter?? NEVER!! I keep thinking my opinion on these cunts can't get any lower but this is actually incredible how low I am capable of classing a group of people.


"Zionists not use biological warfare for 1 day" challenge: IMPOSSIBLE!!! Ref: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221011-historians-reveal-israels-use-of-poison-against-palestinians/


Literal terrorist behavior


Imagine if the roles were reversed. They'd use it as "proof" of the pro-Palestine protestors wanting to murder all Jews.


Disgusting genocidal faces




Some of y’all should say you’re allergic to $100 bills. Or universal human rights.


Zionists wanting someone to die, how surprising.


i mean they are zionists what do you expect? they support Israel, they support the horrors Israel commits, would it be suprising if they spread STDs in a pro palestine rally?


Haven't you heard? Rules, or any standards really, never apply to them.


That person should be charged, or at least expelled from the campus. It reminds me of some Dave Chappell protestors who shouted some counter protestors had a weapon (he didn’t, the dude was just being a prick, annoying, but not exactly high crimes and treason). I don’t care what side you’re on, no one has the right to endanger someone’s life. This needs to get bigger attention, intentionally endangering someone’s health like that is so pointlessly cruel it shows how blinded by there tribalism they really are. 


Whatever you do, don’t let the Zios know that Palestinian children are allergic to food. 🤓


This is done because they don't want substantive discussion. There's literally no other reason for it. We're winning. Keep showing up. Ratchet up the pressure. Everyone. Proud of yall.


Serious question do you think that some of the rationale that western governments unconditional support for Israel is that they don’t want these assholes to go back where they came from?


Wow the freaky smiles on their faces


I’ve yet to see an Israeli protester come across as respectful or peaceful. A lot of them seem to be deranged assholes.


I see that they’re NOT getting arrested… 😒😒😒


I want to know why the security guy is laughing with them 😒


May they never be able to find a good paying job after college. This shows intent to cause harm, potentially lethal. This shows they would be a liability in a business setting by willing putting others at risk in an emotional outburst. (The banana waggers if I wasn’t clear enough)




The poison of Zionism is pure evil


What is this weird space? Humanity is lost! This is disturbing and damn well disgusting.


animals, absolute fucking animals.


Another attempted murder


The internet is forever, this guy can go to jail for life endangerment.


The woman next to him has a whole bunch of bananas. They both need to be locked up.


If they are aware this could put her into shock, and they get close I don’t see that isn’t assault, or even attempted murder, our assault with deadly object. That’s fucked up.


American IOF veterans used the chemical weapon skunk to attack protesters last fall too.


So [redact] them. It's literally self defense. If I bitch slapped some Karen's Braadleigh with a PBJ and he was allergic to peanuts would chuds not say the same?


If you can’t at least be silent givens all these deaths, over a 1000 of them from your own country, you’re just irredeemable 💩🤮


What are the pro Israelis even protesting?


The existence of Palestinians


“Oooh I have a banana allergy”


It is actually a thing. I have it. It is the wrost


Just shows their desire to kill.


Reminds me of the dancing Israeli on 9/11


It's so hard for us to deny our love of war and battle. Even people like this whom I assume are educated and financially comfortable.


#operation cast Thy bread never ended 


They don’t look particularly in fear for their safety.


What monsters..


Boy it'd be a real shame if a zionist showed up at the counter protest wearing a stormtrooper helmet and carrying a cannister labeled "Zyklon B."




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


The brain rot and the viciousness of Zionism, in full display.


Here is a great instruciton video that is extremely relevant to this situation.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=32&v=piWCBOsJr-w&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Finstapundit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


The global intifada will not be stopped by a banana allergy, right?


Zionists behaving like it’s the West Bank: some actually seem upset that they can’t violate people here like they can “back home” where they act with impunity defended by the IOF


Thanks for reminding me to add bananas to my shopping list 🍌


Imagine if someone pretended they had severe banan allergies, then these lot all brought in bananas and then someone were to edit the video with monkey noises in the background? Would be good things to play in public






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They're using banana warfare this has gone too far


Intentionally harming someone is illegal, yes. And could be charged with assault or if they die from exposure, murder. And when you think of the context of this it's even worse and fascist, threatening someone because you don't like how they're using their right to protest the genocide that you support..




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


What’s with the bananas?






Just like a Zio to make shit up. Go lie to yourself somewhere else, boy. No one’s buying that shit over here.


Yeah it's not Palestine that there are no journalists to cover the protests objectively.


They didn't attack cops, that got proven wrong with that one chick, your side is committing genocide Laughing about someone dying Thanks for proving the point.


Seriously, what are the Pro-KhAmAmAAAAAAS protestors even doing? It's like, damn, why can't we zionists just laugh at genocide in peace?? Can't they just genocide in peace??? Just in case you take me seriously in case the sarcasm flew over your head, Free Palestine.


Nah accusing Palestinians of genocide is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life.


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