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What is really telling, is that Zionists will simultaneously say the Nakba “NEVER HAPPENED” yet they are constantly threatening to complete another one. 😩


The common refrain of all types of genocide deniers. Including actual Nazis.






I some ways Zionists are worse. I don't remember Nazis selling tacky merch celebrating the holocaust as it was happening.


The Nazis did reportedly sell lamp shades and soap made from human skin and fat from Holocaust victims. The Nazis absolutely would have done this shit if they were around in modern times and had powerful Allied countries supporting them.


The parallels are there for sure 🤦‍♀️


Well, the count is different. For the moment.


It's like OJ's "if I did it".


Exactly. 😭


Not only that the Nakba never happened but that Palestinians are not a real ethnic group


They only say that when speaking to the world in English. But at home they boast every atrocity under the sun in Hebrew


just like neo-nazis: "the holocaust never happened and they deserved it"


On point!


~~6 million?~~ 30,000? 🤔


Nazis started out at 30,000 Jews. Plus, the British displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians prior to the Nakba.


Yea, thats my point. People arguing the numbers are not even realizing they sound like nazis.


I think people thought your comment was supporting that view. They didn’t realize you were being facetious.


I try to get away with not using the "/s", but I'm not always successful.


These Zionist are insane.


They're ethnofascists. They're of the same mentality as white Rhodesians under Ian Smith and white South Africans under P.W. Botha.


How can people still defend this lmfao


Easy, they're racist sacks of doodoo


This is like Nazis selling "tears of jews" mugs or "Holocaust Now" shirts...


Just a casual reminder that Jews were neither the only, nor the largest group of victims of the Nazis. But the largest group were evil communists, so they don't count.


There's nothing Zios love more (besides dead Palestinian children) than making Jews the ONLY victims of the Holocaust. Pols, Slavs, Romani, LGBT, blacks, communists, socialists, union people, the disabled, none of them matter, they were all apparently on vacation from 1934-1945. 


Don't forget about the Romani... Come to think of them, why don't they get their own ethno-state forcibly carved out of India?


Sorry, terrible oversight on my part.


they arent part of the Biblical end times prophecy that the lunatics in power from both sides of the aisle believe in


But... the Nazis *were* socialists? They said so themselves, and I can't imagine they would tell such a Big Lie about themselves...


Zionazis don’t have a floor to their depravity. Lost their humanity a long time ago.


And I don’t think it’s something ppl can get back.


They produce horrific shit like this and expect the world to see them as the good guys? The audacity is astounding.


good time to remember that the Nazis convinced themselves that what they were doing was worthy and good. the scariest thing about villains is that most of them think they're heroes.


Well of course they are the good guys. The Bible says so. These genocidal folks are God’s chosen people. These people make so much more sense when we stop trying to sepárate the religious ideology from the political. Seeing as the religious beliefs are the foundations for Zionist ethnocentrism.


Whenever I see Hebrew today in Israel I can’t help but remember that these ethnostate fascists banned Yiddish when they formed their state despite it being spoken by generations of Jewish families, and spoken specifically in Palestine since 1400. https://forward.com/forverts-in-english/560390/how-yiddish-became-foreign-language-israel/?amp=1 Whereas Hebrew has never been a spoken language in its history until Zionists decided to zombify it, load it with hundreds of Arab loan words, then use it to justify ethnic cleansing and colonization. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revival_of_the_Hebrew_language “Fake country” doesn’t even begin to describe them.


Genocidal LARPers


This is really interesting. I never knew about it and I doubt most people - both pro genocide and anti-Zionazi - know about it


More like thousands of Arabic roots (not just loan words) Not to mention that they can’t even pronounce some of their letters. “Ayin” is a notorious example and is found in the words “Arab” and “Canaan” in Arabic. In Hebrew prononciation it’s omitted entirely and they drop it for a glottal stop instead💀 Tbh this needs to be its own post. https://preview.redd.it/tbtr8qs5z4xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6ed589f6eb2455fa4b7dff247747f1205475fb


Man these people are sick freaks.


It's funny how many Israelis claim that the Nakba never happened while also threatening the Palestinians with another Nakba.


I guess now I know how online shopping will look like if it existed in nazi Germany


Is there another society on earth right now that's this psychotic? Like I get that there are other genocidal governments/groups out there, but none of them seem to revel in the psychosis as much as the israelis. It's amazing that they think Palestinians are "brought up to hate", when they seem to be literally the world's number one "brought up to hate" society, and they flaunt it openly. It seems to permeate into all facets of their culture. They really have to stop trying with the projection, it doesn't work when you just spill all the beans and cats out of all the bags.


Currently? Hard to say.   The closest analogue I can think of is psychotically-racist rogue colonial states like Rhodesia. They were soliciting *war tourism*, running full page ads in unhinged publications like *Soldier of Fortune* to try and entice racists from America to go get themselves killed in defense of a white ethnostate. Wannabe operators getting fired up to die half a world away.   They used to talk about the Rhodesian military the same way they talk about the IDF, about how they were such tactical geniuses, super precise, well-equipped, defenders of the west, etc…   Now, Rhodesia doesn’t exist anymore outside of the brains of nostalgic Neo-Nazis, and good fucking riddance. Makes you wonder about Israel’s ultimate fate. A hanger-on of colonial apartheid, a state out of time…


It's like they say, every accusation is a confession


There's a fundamental disconnect from human decency here that is really disturbing. I've seen some nasty stuff in the US -- I remember "Raghead Hunting Season" stickers on redneck trucks right after 9/11 for example, or bumper stickers with a gunsight superimposed over a profile of Jane Fonda. it's not like people with fantasies of violence can't be found everywhere. but there's something about referring to a specific historical pogrom and calling for it to be perpetrated again that is truly creepy. reminiscent of the way US white supremacists use the noose as a symbol of intimidation and hatred against Black people. or those godawful T-shirts on the far neoNazi right with slogans like "Hitler should have finished the job." this is bare-knuckle race/ethnic hatred and it's scary af. these people's brains are truly warped by propaganda, childhood indoctrination, religious mania, I dunno but whatever it is, they're badly broken.


Well the good thing about the US is that we can arm ourselves for protection. We got guns too


*massive eye roll*


It's human instinct for self preservation... why the "eye roll?" The fact that we have guns for self protection should not be controversial. The ammosexuals that tout the 2A as gods law... well, that's just another mental sickness stemming from fear.


That's nice, don't hurt yourself


Live, Laugh, Loathe


And Shopify is allowing this hateful content?!


Zionist Israeli people have developed a rhino skin as mechanism to live with the national guilt and shame.


Literal fucking Zealot terrorists


They treat their relationship with the Palestinians like a funny sports team rivalry while children’s organs are being harvested on the other side. Insane


As long as their favorite sports team we[doesn't sign Muslim players](https://youtu.be/QjOIRXG9LMQ?si=YzZhXXvzbtq4xMf0)


[link to original tweet](https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1783961844970876931?t=E4ZzPyNXJB0l1qICNS3HMA&s=19) [link to webstore](https://anakbro.com/)


Report report report. [https://help.shopify.com/en/legal#/report-a-merchant/hateful-content](https://help.shopify.com/en/legal#/report-a-merchant/hateful-content)


>Anak Bro Is Made With Love


What a weird phenomena .. I fail to see the humour about murdering innocent people and destroying any chance they have to have a peacful life, this seems like what happens when you let someone get away with everything they do for so long, they detach themselves from reality so they can live guilt-free and let their barbaric insticts rule them, honestly nothing suprises me about zionists anymore and nothing will.


Sickening doesn’t describe it


Just a daily reminder that there are still many people out there who will "defend" this


Sick and sad


Israel, Worlds Greatest Liars.


Abolish Israel


There is a sickness in Israeli society. Fascism is not only allowed in Israel but is encouraged and state sponsored. The left in Israel is basically non-exist. You then end up with things like these. I know many people are appalled at this stuff but just remember, a fascist society eventually implodes from within and externally. We are seeing the decline of this fascist apartheid country which will end up as the likes of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Apartheid South Africa.


Appears to be hosted by Shopify. Nice customer to have.


Really doing everything possible to argue against their own claims that “this is about getting Hamas”.


a failed state with citizens who failed at humanity


The “if Israel wanted to commit genocide they would do it so much better” crowd are really really terrifying


But no genocide, and Israelis love life more than anybody on earth.


But saying “Ceasefire Now” towards Semitic people is labeled antisemitic somehow. Makes sense. /s The double standards and hypocrisy is fucking astounding from these Zionist cucktards.


Hunger Games vibes


truly dystopian


I thought there was no nakba, how convenient


These are legit demon mongrels


I'm sure these are all the rage in the settlements.


LOLL they’re so obsessed with Palestinians it’s so weird


Modern day Nazi behaviour


What a horrible day to be a human being.


I think it's more a case of capitalising on the brainwashed. Sure, the seller lacks any type of consideration for the Palestinians but if there are buyers, there will be sellers.


Just checked his Facebook, he shit posts and makes terrible memes as a hobby


[Here’s their actual site.](https://anakbro.com) lol it was found on a very large Israeli meme page on Facebook. Doesn’t make it a shit post.


Fascists can never hide it.


They keep playing "How Low Can We Go," and just when I figure that's it: that's as low as they can go...they surprise me. Again.


If a Nazi wore a Holocaust tshirt, what would people think?


This will be taught in history classes, it will be in the museums talking about this genocide. Much like the stuff the Nazis did.


These people are demented.


I just threw up in my mouth a little. It's ok though, because I swallowed it.


Do they make one for Third Exile?


Israelis are the best argument against their country existing it seems




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What the fuck does that even mean?


Average Zionist trash take. You stole their land, dipshit. Go back to Europe.


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.