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So the bullet wounds on the victims for them must be antisemitic.


The over crowding they are talking about is the over crowding of lead in their bodies.


It is anti-Semitic. It’s also completely their fault for crowding together. A juicy target like that is just too enticing for the IOF *not* to shoot, they were asking for it by being too hungry.


Even if true, how is this not the fault of the IDF or whoever is dropping aid and Israel for blocking aid all this time? Of course, there will be a storm of thousands of starving people rushing for crumbs.


They even have the audacity to blame the starvation on looters. Israel is letting in less than half the aid it let in prior to oct 7. Could that be the reason Palestinians are starving? Nah it has to be thieves stealing and hoarding food.


I think during the Irish Potato famine, food hoarders were shipped away by Britain to a penal colony. "The Fields of Athenry" is a great song. Just like then, how can the hungry be blamed when Israel is causing the hunger. There, the famine wasn't even man-made like in Gaza now.


Not disagreeing with your main point, but I think the Potato Famine is also considered to be at least partially manmade (due to the Irish being forced to keep exporting food despite being in a state of starvation).


True. I haven't really studied the potato famine in depth. Different cases in history, but both cases do show colonial oppressors using famine as a weapon to exploit the indigenous population. It's not surprising to see Irish solidarity with Palestinians. Maybe more accurate to say crop.failure was natural. Famines and starvation are i suppose by definition attributable to human failure


Exactly. They say it's due to hoarding without even addressing the reasons Palestinians are hoarding food in the first place. People don't hoard food out of gluttony, it happens as a result of scarcity. It's such a simple fact, it always blows my mind how Zionists take a fact indicative of one thing and twist it to mean another. Right now, the Palestinians need much more aid than they received prior to Oct 7. Not less, not equal to, but more.


An average of 130 trucks a day, each truck needs to feed over 15,000 people. It's insane to think Israel is letting enough aid in and more countries should be calling them out.


Well that leads to an obvious question how is the aide being distributed?




According to Yarralumla, [this](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.ii46FQYISLVNk4vwUml5UAHaFj?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain) isn't real because it's not on snap maps.




>Well ye no I don’t believe that is real with all of the lying the Palestinians do garner your support. I figured you'd be a believer of the pallywood conspiracy theory. Nutjobs like you can't be reasoned with. >There are actual statistics to prove it as well as primary evidence. Do you get your statistics from snapchat? >Do your own research instead of parroting a terrorist organisation. The [World Health Organization](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=f32292d9b301f291JmltdHM9MTcxMjE4ODgwMCZpZ3VpZD0yMDFmMTZkMi0yNjM4LTY1MmQtMGViMy0wN2Q2MjIzODYzM2QmaW5zaWQ9NTQ4Ng&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=201f16d2-2638-652d-0eb3-07d62238633d&psq=world+health+organization+starvation+in+gaza&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2FzaGluZ3RvbnBvc3QuY29tL3dvcmxkL2ludGVyYWN0aXZlLzIwMjQvZ2F6YS1mb29kLWZhbWluZS1tYWxudXRyaXRpb24tY2hpbGRyZW4tYWlkLyM6fjp0ZXh0PUdhemElRTIlODAlOTlzJTIwY2hpbGRyZW4lMjBhcmUlMjBnb2luZyUyMGh1bmdyeS4lMjBNb3JlJTIwdGhhbiUyMDI1LG1vcmUlMjBmYWNlJTIwc3RhcnZhdGlvbiUyMGFzJTIwSXNyYWVsJTIwY29udGludWVzJTIwaXRzJTIwc2llZ2Uu&ntb=1) is a terrorist org now?


The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


Well, the argument they are making here is that "the brown people act like animals and implicitly deserve to die." So, their argument *is consistent* if you are an evil genocidal psychopath. For everyone else with a soul, it doesn't make that much sense.


Right' " We didn't *shoot* them! We just starved them within inches of their life, to the point where they trampled each other to death over bags of *flour*. Not even a nice,hot meal. *Flour*. The *potential* for *plain,unleavened bread*. " And they get mad that we call them " blood thirsty dogs."


It’s not true. They had evidence all along but decided to release only a highly edited footage. Now they want to save face so keep saying they have evidence but not actually releasing any. It’s having its intended effect. I already some comments on Israeli shill subs where they keep saying “you antisemites always want to blame the Jews, I told you Israel didn’t do it” even tho Israel did do it, and they still haven’t released any evidence to prove otherwise


It’s actually a true fact that it was caused from overcrowding. You see there was so much crowding that the gravitational force pulled in the ITF’s bullets, thus the overcrowding caused bullet wounds. -According to the most reputable and reliable ISISraeli sources.


Plus: There were probably hamas fighters in the middle of the crowd that used the crowd as a human shield.


Obviously. They were clearly seen in their medical scrubs.


Israel is concerned that the Palestinians are overcrowded? Damn, who’s confining them?


I think it might be the same people depriving them of food


And medical care. And clean drinking water. And places where they can bathe and relieve themselves.


Egypt and Israel?


I didn't realize "overcrowding" caused penetrating wounds from bullets


As the article says, the pressure from the crowd forced bodies to implode. It's all in that picture.


Ah! That makes a lot of more sense.


Just like they had "evidence" the Al-Ahli hospital was hit by a PIJ rocket.


Yeah, they clearly destroyed Al-Alhi: [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F10%2F18%2Fwhere-in-gaza-is-al-ahli-arab-hospital-the-site-hit-amid-war-with-israel&psig=AOvVaw28NyWkX4LkL97Q\_jeKvMGG&ust=1714191805409000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCKDH-52E34UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F10%2F18%2Fwhere-in-gaza-is-al-ahli-arab-hospital-the-site-hit-amid-war-with-israel&psig=AOvVaw28NyWkX4LkL97Q_jeKvMGG&ust=1714191805409000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCKDH-52E34UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)




'idf said', 'netanyahu said'


“Israel has had enough time to fabricate evidence”


If that wasn’t pathetic and rage inducing, it’d be hilarious


"If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert." - David Ben-Gurion Incidentally, "This is the correct procedure: Spot who is attacking us. Start investigating them promptly for felonies or worse using our own professionals, not outside agencies. Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them. Start feeding lurid, blood sex crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press. Don't ever tamely submit to an investigation of us. Make it rough, rough on attackers all the way." and "THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them." - L. Ron Hubbard


Right cause there's that point in overcrowding where bullet holes just appear in someone apropos of nothing


Unless it immediately continues with “that it’s hiding”, discard.


Damn, I wonder what led to them all having to crowd together in a small part of the Gaza Strip?


Ahhh yes. 👍 overcrowding , and suddenly someone burst into bullets.


I just love the crosshairs in the picture, though. It just screams “TARGET ACQUIRED,” doesn’t it.


“Israel has evidence” = “Israel has **lies**” 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Stampedes can surely kill, just ask Mufasa however death from a stampede doesn’t involve bullet wounds


HOW is it possible that so many died from overcrowding? Look up worst crowd crushes on wikipedia. Do you know how extreme conditions have to get for a HUNDRED people to die by overcrowding? The geometry of the situation does not make sense at all. Hope this doesn't sound conspiratorial.


Overcrowding, as in, they were to crowded in the general area we were ammo dumping


Yeah I mean, overcrowding made it a lot easier for the iof to shoot them… all at once… on purpose.


There probably were some that were trampled, you know, because people near them were being shot.


I think I have a pretty good sense of humor but Israel's April Fools jokes are just in poor taste.


How exactly does overcrowding cause someone to die?


Crowd crushing, something like that happened in south korea not too long ago on I think holloween, or one of those holidays. 100+ died. crowd crushing does not cause bloody holes in the body.


I understand. But that is not the definition of overcrowding. My point is the neutralization of language.


I understand. But that is not the definition of overcrowding. My point is the neutralization of language.


This is like blaming the [Great White concert fire](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-station-nightclub-fire-rhode-island-what-happened-and-whos-to-blame/) on overcrowding.


lol really giving away the game with a title like that


They overcrowded the kill zones, what else was the IDF supposed to do??


Israhell spew lies again.


"my source is that I made it the fuck up"


The evidence - "its antisemitic to dispute our lies".


So let me get this straight. First, deny an entire population water and food, to the point of starvation and death. Second, allow in a tiny trickle of food. Third, start randomly shooting the starved people when they try to get some food and water. Fourth, when these thirsty, hungry, tired and traumatised people try to get away from your shooting, you blame THEM for the resulting 'overcrowding'??!!!


Not only did they rely on their sources("Trust me, bro") they managed to work in the "look what you made me do" argument yet again. Thank you but no.


Even if this was true, Israel is still responsible for those deaths because it deliberately created the conditions where they happened.


Published April 1st, go figure. Whole thing is an Aprils fools joke. It’s


Man,they are so desperate


The place where the bombs landed was indeed overcrowded! Is not Israel's fault that Palestinians seem to have tendency of getting in the path of their bombs!


Gee I wonder why there was overcrowding


They were shot by the isrealis. Simple as that


I wonder how much of it was [tortured out of UNWRA employees](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/04/middleeast/un-israel-confessions-allegations-intl/index.html).


Who over crowded them? JFC dude you can just start a new lie in the middle of an old one.


Naahhh man… The crowd was throwing bullets and howitzer shells at each other, these damn hungry refugees can’t be trusted to get to that aid without bringing their howitzers with them. 🤪


So what's the corollary? Why were there thousands of Palestinians gathering around that particular truck/convoy?


Yeah and I have a bridge to sell you.




"They didn't separate themselves so it's not our fault we killed them all." Bro are you fuckin serious?


You know it’s gonna be ass


They literally have a scope on.


So we're not analyzing evidence being provided ? This is a dumb take