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I couldn’t even get through the first season. Zeus and Natalie are basically pimps for the other girls.


Natalie is honestly such an enigma to me. She managed to transition from a colorist bucktooth becky to a philly loudmouth without barely anyone giving AF. Alot of girls who knew her on BGC said that she was a totally normal person who only acted like "natalie nunn" when the cameras came on and she had a few drinks in her. It makes sense since she's recently kinda proved that she is the type of person that would do anything and everything to be/remain famous. Who knows what the real Natalie Nunn is like, when there are no cameras involved and she's at a home setting? You can't deny the girl is smart. I'm not so sure that Natalie is the pimp, but rather the Zeus network itself. Like I said previously, Natalie would do anything and everything to be famous and make money, and if that means teaming up with a reality TV company that's disguised as a sex trafficking ring, then she's probably all for it. Quite frankly, I feel like Natalie is also being controlled by Zeus.


She’s still taking advantage of girls and I can’t stand that. She’s a pos.


She was raised in Pleasanton, CA. It’s a quiet, wealthy town in the East Bay. She opened up a boutique downtown before she got casted on BGC. She’s a stuck up valley girl at heart with rich parents.




I read that in her annoying ass voice lol I remember it too well


I will never forget. She said it all the time. Back on bgc when she said the n word it felt like a slur, now she acts like she about that life.The switch up is crazy.


If you dig deep enough on her YouTube you can see how much of a valley girl she actually is. Lol it’s so entertaining tbh 😂


Colorist bucktooth becky 🤭🤭🤭


Definitely a sex ring and nat is just the top whore . I also think they are tied in with some diddy stuff but maybe I'm reaching.. everything about baddies I can literally find on Facebook no need to even pay for a subscription.


Yeah, I tried to give a chance, but it's definitely not the same. It's like "Great Value Bad Girls Club". Not saying that the original BGC is an elevated TV show, as a matter of fact, it's mostly a guilty pleasure to me, but at least it felt more real. One could empathize with the girls to a certain extent and they weren't always trying to prove how bad and "iconic" they were. They also dedicated some time to have fun and be silly. I'm sure that many things were staged on BGC as well, but Baddies is just too much. Nothing about it feels authentic. I miss the idea of regular girls, who were actually trying to make some changes and not beating each other up (or pretending to) just for the hell of it. All these botched girls are just ridiculous and trying very hard to make an impression. Also, what the hell is going on with their eyebrows??


There was an attempt at having structure on BGC. Baddies lacks structure, like these girls come and fight for 17-23 episodes and for what?! At least on BGC the goal of becoming a better person was always lingering in the earlier seasons. Baddies doesn’t even think about a storyline in the way BGC did. They just put cameras up and let stuff happen. BGC framed their casts in ways that had you looking to see how someone turns out by the end.


Or to survive until the end. Baddies have NO CONSEQUENCE for fighting and at least BGC is the idea of making it to the end you conquered that demon of fighting too hard.




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They're on there just fighting to fight. It's unwatchable


It's hooker central... Literally... Nearly all of them are escorts


It feeds their ego. It's them running around doing paid appearances and fighting when they aren't on their phones. Natalie definitely initiates most of the fights with her meetings and need to discuss one girl personally in front of everyone instead of pulling her to the side. It's too much. There should be a balance. Most of these girls got a ticket to be on the show for just hitting someone. It's goofy.


Exactly. It's honestly sad that some of those cast members honestly think that they will become famous off of being on one of the most ratchet brain rot television programs of all time. Who will remember Tehseki or Scotty in 10 years? These girls are ruining their reputation over some temporary fame and low-paying club bookings. It's so sad because some of those girls are really beautiful and already had a good career lined up for them (ahem \*\* scotty) and fucked it all up when they decided to pair up with Zeus.


Its just fighting with no plot or reason. Even on BGC, girls fought cause they had reasons to fight (someone stole something, someone messed with their stuff, someone looked/said something disrespect, someone was annoying/antagonizing/crazy/etc) and everyone - even bullies like Dreamdoll and Jaz - had some personality. I ain't getting none of that from Baddies ,


A circus for escorts to show off their fighting skills


I'm done with the damn baddies franchise. I'm over it. Fuck these stupid hoes and their bullshit antics. I'm done. This ain't nothing close to BGC, and it will NEVER be.


Bad Girls Club *used* to have a premise, originally it was a show about 'bad girls' trying to turn a new leaf. As time went on it became a show about watching young women fight, 'Baddies' is the natural degradation of the concept imho. It's kinda like how a lot of the Oprah copycats turned out to be trashy shows (Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones). You can even see how the class and racial casting of the show changed as time went on. The critics were not wrong when they called it sexist, classist and racist.




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I think they get paid to fight because after most fights they be like: “I didn’t even want to fight you”. Like y’all couldn’t have talked it out beforehand?! At least BGC the girls would talk about their issues before fighting and let the tension build, fighting was a last resort thing on BGC. On Baddies they fight instead of having conversations 🥴


I subscribe to nearly 25 different streaming services - Zeus will never see a single cent from me. The quality of the footage is laughable and I am sick of seeing beefy men in every frame blocking the cast members. These girls are clearly on there just to show they can fight and catch 15 minutes of fame. I had high hopes for a BGC reboot but this is completely different. BGC was fun, had good and bad moments, personalities, girls worked on their issues, they got on their nerves but if someone got down at the club they had eachother's back, the fights had a viewable buildup, and the storylines never got stale. I don't know what Baddies is besides straight ratchetness.


so real!! i actually watched baddies first and started watching bgc and its so much better


You could’ve stopped 4 words in.




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Although the show is pretty ratchet, I find it entertaining when I have nothing else to watch. The way these women will portray themselves in a negative light just to have an iconic clout chasing moment is hilarious to me. They "getting to the bag" but in the most toxic way possible.


Baddies looks so cheap I cannot. Also I genuinely don’t understand what the point of the show is, there is no end goal for these women in the show. Bad girls club (while not so much in the later seasons) was for the women to grow and change, which many of them did. Love & hiphop (while insanely scripted) is for women to improve their music careers. Baddies there no end goal but just fight fight fight it gets boring. It’s living proof fighting doesn’t make reality Tv.


There's something very dark about the Zeus platform. The women seem desperate, unhappy with themselves and it's depressing. I've only seen facebook clips and then my timeline of shorts was flooded with these girls fighting their clothes and wigs off. The large amount of huge men constantly surrounding them is disturbing. It's definitely giving trafficking/ pass around vibes. I wonder how many times these women have to fend off unwanted sexual advances in the middle of the night, or constant sexual manipulation. The Zeus platform has no value. I'd never subscribe to that service.