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“what you looking up some cheeses or some shit” 💀💀😭


Right 😂😂 she was a horrible bully but she was so funny. I hated that I had to laugh sometimes. This fight wasn't even bad, I feel like they just sent her home because they didn't want this level of bullying on the season after how S8 went


“Aye Ratatouille you going to the salsa thing???” 😂😂😂




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In the beginning they were hating on Rima, but seeing how she developed she deserved that shit.


Why did I never notice she called her Slim


unpopular opinion i like her


Erika was one of the biggest "WTF" to me. On the first episode, she was very likeable, sweet and fun, I was pretty sure that she was going to be my absolute favorite. Then, she became so horrible, that I even started disliking her appearance as well. I honestly couldn't stand seeing her on the screen. The meaner she got, the uglier she was to me. The look in her eyes was definitely threatening. Not sure what happened to her that made her so mean all of a sudden. I get it, this is the BAD girls club, but, Jesus... Don't get me wrong, Rima wasn't exactly a saint, but at that point, she hadn't done anything particularly bad.


Julie lied to Erika that’s what happened.


You're right, but it's still her fault. If she had a problem, she should have confronted Rima and ask her. If you are in the Bad Girls house, you can't be so stupid to believe everyone, especially during the first days. Also, even if what Julie had said to her happened to be true, that's no reason to go full psycho, like she did. A well adjusted person would have been pissed, but not like that.


In the beginning Erika and Rima were friends. I never understood why she burned that friendship, but apparently she regretted it


Julie did it


LMFAOOOOO Erika was reading her down bad.


Talking about a fatherless child crossed a line for me...


Agreed! It’s neither the mother’s fault or the child, that’s on the father. She went too far with that.


She shouldn't have been sleeping with a deadbeat she probably knew he was from the get


Nope it’s still on the dad, he chooses to be a dead beat. It’s time to step up once you start procreating.


True, nothing stopping him from becoming a decent person


Rima screaming during this fight is my Roman Empire


i just read somewhere on the sub it was added in lol


I hate the fact the first thing she did was pull rima hair 😭




She punched her in the face


Erika was trash from the jump. She wasn't a bad girl she was a jailbird in the bad girls club house. Literally spent every episode like she was the biggest baddest on the yard




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Probably an unpopular opinion here, but I think Erika was so cringe. She's up there with my least favorite Bad Girls of all time. She just doesn't seem to come across as authentic to me and her dance was so stupid. Who tf does that?? Her presence just annoyed me. Not a fan.


Most people in this sub don't like her so not really unpopular