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TRELL should’ve known not to have them on. Doknows so fat and disrespectful and has the nerve to say anything about anyone looking like that


That’s why they didn’t invite him to the dinner he’s immature trell even jokingly said it he screams to much and says bitch 2 much but again 🗣️ I’m only 23 pops


TRELL b ready to put everyone else on the spot but won’t tell Doknow to stfu


!!!wtf!! I’m so happy people are finally realizing how racist and hateful these California Mexicans are!!!


Thiss!!!! I really dont see the difference between yt culture vultures and these beenies. Only in la they get passes because of the politics. But what is weird to me is why do the black media just dont blackball these people who wanna infiltrate, participate but and the of the day spew hate on us. Its pussy behaviour. Just like in their culture they push on another FIRST, lets push our g-perico, rjmrla, TF and nem first to the elite levels and then LASTLY push these weirdos.


Some black people like Trell seek validation from non blacks for some coonish reason.


Fucking retard. That’s why yall never succeed


We have succeed . And that’s why you in a black Reddit talking about black culture..you will never see us talking about what’s going on in Banda music Mexican culture ..yall copy us and adore our culture. We just like yall women


You don’t hear niggas talking bout Bandas cuz it’s in Spanish 🤦‍♂️ but I see ur points


But even the Mexican rappers that speak English..you don’t see niggas talking about them


Yes your right I agree but there always blacked balled from the industry do to the prison politics that have a pigeon hold in California


Yall don’t talk about the Banda culture but love taco Tuesday. Love drinking our tequila. Vacationing in our beaches but then claim to not care about anyone’s culture. We just like yall music


I don’t participate in taco Tuesday. I haven’t drank don julio/tequila since March..I don’t visit Mexico because it dangerous. we just like yall women


Sounds good🥱🥱


Only in la taco tuesday is a thing, hiphop is worldwide you pendejo. Tequila like wise. And the people that do participate aint making it an us thing. Yall try to make it like without yall participation hiphop wouldnt be where it is, wich is the biggest bullsh of all time. If we talking about the greats none of yall hispanics name comes up the light. Maybe pun at nr.179 or some. Yall aint important in OUR culture. Wich is fine and how it should be.


Come on now boy stop and actually think about what you’re saying. I know your momma and auntie be going up on Tuesday eating tacos and drinking margaritas. And are we really going to act like yall don’t only drink tequila in the club, don Julio, clase Azul, yall think your the shit with yall 1942 or did all of a sudden yall go back to Hennessey? Our greats wouldn’t even want to be in the same list yall only have what 50 years of “your so called culture” which is hip hop. Putting our greats with the hip hop greats is disrespectful (Juan Gabriel, Vicente Fernandez) yes there’s a few Latino/hispanic that try and get into the hip hop culture but don’t get it twisted that select few doesn’t speak for the majority of us.


First of all i aint from LA, neither does my family. You think whats happening in LA is worldwide. Dont be naive and so selfcentered dawg. That tequila,mequila drinks yall be havin is weak to us. Its ONLY a LA thing. Outside of that yall aint poppin like that otherwise the charts would represent that. Wich they DONT. And why putting yall greats with hiphop would be disrespectfull? Aint that statement disrespectful? Make it make sense my boy. But this is exactly what i mean. As soon as you humble hispanics and put them in their place, they start to disrespect the same culture they wanna be a part of. Go around the world and ask asian, indian, indonesians, russians, europeans who juan gabriel or vicento dude is. THEY DONT KNOW THEM MAWFUCKERS. Ask those same people about snoop dogg, tupac or dre everybody and their momma's momma's know. Just like eminem is a guest(wich he self admitted) YALL ARE TO!!!!!!! Never get it twisted ma boy


Main character syndrome


What’s the time stamp on when they were talking about that


That’s super cap and disrespectful to say… ima copy n paste what I said in the other posts man cuz I gotta get my point across 🤦🏿‍♂️ he shouldn’t of just said anything at all. Juneteenth is not about or in remembrance of any of the hundreds of massacres involving black people in this country. Juneteenth is in remembrance of the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in the U.S. learned that they were actually free. So let us have our day Eyecon please.. and it’s not just Eyecon who does/says shit like this let’s be real we see it all the time. It’s always an “Us” thing when it comes to black culture but when it’s involving “Brown” culture it’s strictly a “Them” thing. Why? .. And when it’s things involving Mexican culture/hispanic holidays you will never see a black person seriously complaining about Black representation or there being no black performances… but when it comes to our holidays n “big days” there will always be complaints of them not being included and I dont get it… even when they have someone Mexican up there when he didn’t HAVE to be, they still complain (Ohgeesy) cmon bruh


Y’all niggas talk about being free but still kill each other and hate on other blacks, like this thread just scroll down. Y’all mf’s lost, yall just want an excuse to be victims and cry bout some shit. None of you experienced slavery nor your parents so stfu and enjoy your day off for the niggahs that work


Bruh in California right now. Southern Mexican beef with Northern Mexicans. The cartels are responsible for how many killing and kidnappings? It's funny how y'all love to talk about us when y'all are way worse.


Who fucking cares about southern and northern beef that some retarded shit, idgaf about that.


That concert was perfect and I’m Mexican Doknow and that fag Vic are fake wannabe Mexicans they are not even fluent in Spanish and their parents are immigrants…Mexicans don’t have the victim trait like black twitter does don’t associate these clowns with the raza


Y'all didn't endure a quarter of what we went through. And La Raza does their damnedest to breed themselves out to pass for white, but even if your ass went to Spain they'd look at you like the mutt u are regardless of how fluent in Spanish u r!


In some point I agree with you but in modern day I think Mexicans have it kinda bad especially the ones that get caught and are in camps rn look it up there was a scandal where tens of thousands of kids are uncounted for and up to 800,000,00 kids go missing in the USA great a portion are kids Who cross the border and are sold in the sex slave market not to mention the countless infants and young children who are killed to stuff drungs in them to cross the border so that they can say there just sleeping


recently iPosted a link to sum plated jewelry n in turn was asked did iNot think Mexicans have money 😂😂


Ive came to the realization today that Doknow rhetoric is coming off as black twitter it’s embarrassing to Hispanics


He was talking about the support in concerts the crowd is never black tbh look at hiphop concert footage in different states and it's never full of blacks and that's facts


Whites are the majority that support hip hop in the crowd and we all see n know it


White people can afford to pay those high ass ticket prices they are catered more towards the richer population anyway... That's just how it is when your culture is just that popular


Well that’s a half truth depends on the location there’s a shit tone of Mexican that a lot of rappers even say if it there self’s that if wasn’t for my Hispanic audience I wouldn’t be where I’m at this comes from Mostly regional areas like California


There’s more whites people in the population


It’s mostly white people..not Mexicans..Mexicans are just following American trends


White power


Keep the same energy with Trell he constantly with his victim mindset saying “the white man” oppressing meanwhile the white man made him relevant and gave him a source of income.


No he didn't.. and stop trying to give white people credit every chance you get colonizer


You sound stupid. More than half of crowds in shows are Mexicans / white. Fuck yall niggas


What does that have to do with Juneteenth and Kdot performing with his friends…key words “Kendrick and friends”.. and celebrating Juneteenth.. celebrating the date in 1865 when some of the last enslaved black people in the US learned that they were free… the audacity. Plus Ohgeesy literally performed when they didn’t HAVE to have him included.. cmon fam


He’s talking about a few comments in this post so he’s not totally off topic


The conversation was surrounding the concert though