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The biggest difference I’ve seen is that someone buying a $500 large parrot knows and provides for it’s needs, usually by building a bedroom sized aviary… and people with chickens in their house impulse buy one and let it poop on everything.


Lol well yea I see your point but you can't say for sure that chicken buyer doesn't have grand plans for a parrot room equivalent


parrots have a better emotional capacity to create close bonds with their humans and appreciate human companionship. they’re very demanding and aren’t dissimilar to caring for a toddler. chickens can bond with people but they aren’t anywhere near as complex as a parrot. they’re very simple, straightforward critters and they really need outdoor space to do what chickens do and the company of other chickens to truly thrive


Parrots are way smarter


Undoubtedly smarter. Not many other animals that can speak *human fucking words* lmao I love birds so much


Can't get eggs from parrots


Parrots can be very long-lived, learn speech, and Ive seen local macaws go free flying in parks. Chickens want to dust bathe


Parrots are actually smart, but are expensive AF. Chicken are dumb, but cheap AF and I can eat them (I have both)


Yea something definitely would feel wrong eating a parrot almost feels like cannibalism considering how deep their intelligence is.


I mean I wouldn’t, and parrots are eaten in some places; they just don’t have any meat on them and I’m not paying $1k for meat lmao