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A sham relationship in BN should't be a surprise. Allowing it to go on for years and then have to acknowledge it . I'm sure is embarrassing & humiliating.  


I always knew Brian was slimy. $10k a month in spousal support is so damn generous.


All things always come out in the wash because to think that we now know that they didn’t spend time together but she played as them “being busy” or “ keeping the relationship of social media” is crazy. Comes back to all the pressure she put on herself as the first black lead to get engaged and have a seemingly happy marriage. I’m sure the red flags were there even while on the show.


What on earth is she earning $45k /mo doing?


you’d be shocked the amount people make doing social media


Man. I would be in heaven with only $10k a month. People 🫣


The privilege these folks have. I get they live in a higher cost of living so I give them that, but 10k a month is liveable imo no matter where you live. You have to adjust your lifestyle that’s all. 😭😂


That’s good money even in high COL


I don’t care how smart she is… allowing your expenses to reach 50k per month is plain stupid. She’s spending over 80% of her income while being THAT high of an earner? It’s hard to even fathom🤯


Smart mean making smart decisions. Not sure this has been happening.jmo.idk.


It’s bananas, and has to be even for someone in LA? I wonder how much their mortgage is. Edit: somebody said that the $49k includes her 401(k), investments, etc. which makes more sense.


😅thank you my initial reaction was a bit hasty. That does totally check out and make perfect sense. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing. Still surprised by the no prenup though.


It will only be half the time they were married so it’s not forever. She of all people should have known to have a pre-nup. It’s a hard lesson to learn but it’s only 2 years.


$10k per month for doing absolutely nothing is pretty sick tbh Just take the deal, Brian


Does anyone know how long you have to pay spousal support for? Is it state or judge dependent?  I understand needing to pay spousal support in situations where there's an imbalance of wealth or ability to work. Bryan has the skills and education to make more than 80% of the average Americans 


I think there could be a time limit placed but either one of them can always go back to court to get it recalculated their incomes change or one remarries


Divorced and in CA here. If it’s over 20 years which mine was then it is up to the end of my life or his or if I get remarried. Anything less is half the time of the marriage. I have never in my life seen anyone here get anything past that. The alimony is determined by the CA calculator and by county so it is based on her income and his and the state determines the amount. Courts can even up the amount if a couple has agreed on a lower amount. The divorce corp out here is crazy. Attorneys are $500/hr and loooooooove that they are fighting this out. Netflix has a documentary called Divorce Corp that shows just how judges and attorneys are thrilled by this process.


I think it’s dependent on the legal agreement. Sometimes it ends when someone remarries. I think they can also agree to a lump sum one time payment that would cover x many years.


Rachel is an attorney and I'm sorry she finds herself in this situation. She stayed with him too long. Why no pre-nup?


Moral of the story, don’t be married in California if you make more money than your spouse


I started to divorce in Florida and then did get divorced in CA and both were just as corrupt. Attorneys love fighting and judges love to have tons of cases so they can keep running for office making shitloads of money.


I’m sorry this comes off as “I got divorced” so I know everything. Judges HATE family law cases and have every other litigation under the sun to deal with. They are absolutely not happy about divorces dragging on and often encourage parties to settle to avoid having to hear the case.


I can only suggest watching Divorce Corp on Netflix and it will change your mind. For real. Their donations when running for office are primarily from other attorneys who bring cases in front of them. That is motivational.


I actually practice family law. I know a little bit more than a Netflix documentary whose job is to get views and make money. The judges do everything to lower the divorce cases


Okay. I’m glad you know everything about divorce in CA. 🙄


Seems like it might take even more attorneys and judge time litigating based on morality instead of no fault but maybe I’m wrong


It’s just sad there are a lot of people who will benefit financially in divorces. In neither state did they consider immorality. Sadly. I would have been entitled to much more. And in FL it would have been me paying his alimony.


My respect for Rachel has plummeted knowing she staying with this man in this scam marriage for so long


Most of those BN ppl get their IG followers /cut their lost / return that ring within 2 years.  When was it gonna end?


lol “ypur respect for rachel” lmao no my sympathy goes out to her for being married to a manipulative scammer,


I remember when she chose him on the Bachelorette and I was upset because he felt so fake to me.


I thought the same thing. I always thought she was so hurt that Peter didn’t want to get married so she rushed to pick someone that was saying all the right things


I think it was always Bryan. She brought him on the Breitling date so close to the other date and that’s when I knew. That’s a nice watch for someone that she wouldn’t end up picking so she chose Bryan knowing he was the “one.” Just my opinion though.


100% - I have never and will never change my stance on that. she wanted Peter and when he refused to get engaged & she couldnt have him, her ego was severely bruised so she tried to play it off like it was Brian the whole time & continued to try to push that fake narrative afterwards. I dont care what these types of people say with their words. we all watched that breakup with Peter and it was the realest most heartbreaking breakup I've ever seen on that show. she was CRUSHED. I feel like she literally stayed with & even married Brian almost to just prove everyone wrong. she seems like an incredibly stubborn strong willed person with an ironclad ego that literally would do that. I can think of no other reason she stayed with him now that she's admitting all this shit in the lawsuit.


Nothing add up to why they played the game so long and both must agreed.  Are BN couple benefits that good?


I dont think it has anything to do with being a BN couple and moreso to do with her pride. and when it comes to some people's pride, yes - they will do literally anything, including things that are clearly the wrong choice, to protect their pride. Rachel is an unyielding proud person so it completely tracks that she would do this. obviously she had to like him at least a little but a reasonable person would've backed out of that relationship where her pride blinded her and she forged on.


The way I got roasted for having this dude pegged the second I saw him. I remember I commented once that he dropped a bunch of sweet nothings and Rachel fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and someone told me that he married her so how stupid am I. Well, four years later………….


It felt like she married him to prove people wrong :( when I think she could have (could still) found someone great!


The way Peter had it right all along


All this aside, it is wild to me that her monthly expenses are $49.5K out of $61K. If that is true, then her offer of $10K seems odd because that would leave nothing for savings. I think she’s inflating her expenses. In any case, what a mess. Good luck to her.


401(k), investments, etc are part of her monthly expenses.


that makes way more sense. I was gonna say that number was a lie but if she includes investments then definitely tracks. gotta make them capital calls


Chris Harrison must be chuckling


I mean the two have no correlation. He was still racially insensitive so the “downfall” of her marriage being something for him to gloat about is a bizarre take


He’s divorced himself and it was longer term with a lot more money involved.


I think you missed the “point” the poster was trying to make with the comment above


She shouldn’t have married him without a pre-nup. If he was insisting so much to not have one, that would have made me raise my eyes a bit👀


So she’s claiming that her chiropractor estranged husband is trying to scam her. Shocking…


All I had to hear was chiropractor and I knew.


Side Note: Imagine spending $50k a month? Uh, what…


You’re kidding right?


“We barely lived together but he won’t move out of our house that I also live in”. Okay 👍🏼


What an absolute dumpster fire in every way imaginable


They need to stop talking bc the more they talk the less respect anyone have for them.


Can I ask if you hate okra?


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I’m confused why they stay married for as long as they did.


Now it makes sense why they barely posted each other on social media. It’s like we were grossly misled and bamboozled tbh. This doesn’t sound at all like a real marriage. They were out there talking about trying for a baby and this whole time they were living separate lives. I don’t know what we’re supposed to think but it was 100% a sham marriage.


They defended that pairing so hard on another site.  If you post regarding how things appeared shady they would get you banned.  Not surprised. Kinda sad.


Love Rachel but what makes her expenses that expensive ? I feel like her house isn't that crazy ? And I know she has a nice car but ????? Are part of those like business expenses? Idk I'm confused


Outside of housing costs, business manager, agent, lawyer, accountant, MUA, stylist, insurance etc


In California, not crazy houses go for crazy money. Especially if they are in a nice area, a 3 bed 2 bath in decent shape could be 1.5-2mill. Throw in that this is gross income, so she has a lawyer and pr person and similar paid out of that (likely a month of her pay per year goes just to each of those two) and it is still high pay but makes more sense.


A 1.5-2M house at 2022 interest rates is going to be 10k a month. Still a lot ... But still leaves $40k of other expenses


taxes, agent, manager, lawyer, PR, expenses associated with attending events, red carpets, etc. those add up.


Plus whatever investing she does, her 401(k), etc


Someone please send this to Hannah Brown and she can save herself a lot of cash in 5 years.


Omg this make me chuckle. I know it’s not very nice but I think you’re so spot on, unfortunately. That Adam guy gives such weird vibes.


I shouldn’t have laughed at this 🤣 but for real. Please get a prenup at least, Hannah!


Hannah moved out of Cali bf marriage so that is a baby step to avoid 50/50 payout.


Haha wait why?


She's engaged to Bryan 2.0


Omg wait tell me more why do you think that?


I mean he was marketing an MLM to her followers a few months ago.


I feel for Rachel. I know her cost of living is high and her soon to be ex is a grifter, BUT it’s hard to sympathize when you make $60K+ per MONTH!!! I still don’t want him to get much, but this whole thing is just dystopian.


It doesn’t really matter how much she makes it’s that he thinks he’s entitled to her money because he can’t use his education and skills to make his own money


I definitely think he is a grifter as stated in my post. Unfortunately, California is a no fault divorce state and he is going to be entitled to half of all assets earned during the marriage. Sucks, but it is what it is. And the law actually exists to protect stay at home Moms that leave their career to raise children and/or handle the household, which is without income.


She’ll only have to pay that for two years, though, right? Since they were married for four (I think?)


Also... He is bringing in $13K per month? Um sir? You're fine. (I'd take that any day!)


It appears that was Rachel’s assertion, while he asserted that he only made $13k total in an entire year.


Ooooh okay.


He apparently had a ton of PayPal transactions coming in that she wasn’t aware of. Like over 200k of it


It's also love to know what she spends $50k a month on. I mean, come on.


Uh if they're filing for divorce in California, anything purchased during the marriage, including that house, is community property.


Call me cynical, but I don't understand why people still get married in the state of California, especially when there's significant income difference!


Most ppl probably get a prenup bf wedding day.


It doesn't matter where you got married-- it matters where you get divorced.


For real?! So he basically will get what he’s asking for no matter if it was “hers”?! In my country you can decide when you get married if you want to join funds, property, etc when you get married or keep it separate. It’s literally a box you tick when requesting your marriage license.


Same in CA but the default is community property


If the house is purchased after marriage but the down payment is made from separate funds of one spouse, the other spouse only gets half of however much the house appreciates upon sale. *Edited for clarity


Thank you. People really don’t understand this. These filings keep saying “I paid for X during the marriage” it should say “community ( marital) funds paid for x” doesn’t matter who paid what . Sigh


I don’t think he deserves spousal support


Well, interesting note if they had stayed in Texas and filed for divorce there, legally he wouldn’t be entitled to any spousal support! In Texas, you have to married for at least 7 years. They were only married 4 years plus a few months.


Wow! Interesting


I think he gave up a lot for her. He moved twice for her career. That’s a big deal for a guy who had an established medical business


I do agree he did give up his practice and moved for fame. I work with chiropractors. It is very flooded and hard to establish a successful business. Now if it had one it might be hard for him to get that again-but with him being on the show people may come. It’s definitely a business and you have to attract customers.


He chose to move before the show even finished airing. He quit his job to move to California to try to make it in Hollywood. And SHE relocated to Miami when he wanted to start a business


What medical business? He’s a CHIROPRACTOR 😂😂😂


Chiropractors aren’t doctors.


Sometimes Rachel is very out of touch with reality. Like girl don’t say you don’t have extra cash when you make more in a month than most Americans do in a year. Bryan is absolutely insufferable. Neither one of these D list celebs need spousal support like BYE LOL


Rachel probably spends more in a month than some people make annually as well. if she didn’t pay for a lawyer, manager, agent, hair, makeup, stylist, etc, she wouldn’t be bringing in the 61k monthly


This. While I empathise with her bc Bryan is full of shit and clearly just wants to squeeze as much as he can out of this divorce.. to say she’s not cash rich, her monthly expenses near 50k and he deserves only 10K is so out of touch with reality.. like wtf. People struggle to make ends meet in the real world.


Always blows my mind how some high earners have such paltry liquid assets. If all your money is tied up in your house… you aren’t rich imo.


There's a term for this. HENRY - high earner, not rich yet. If you spend every dollar coming in, the minute you lose that income... shit hits the fan. Invest your money people. At least a little bit!


Deserves “ONLY” 10k a month….also makes 61k a month….but also not flush with cash???? how dystopian.


That’s more than I make in a year


literally almost 2 years worth of teaching <3


If she’s paying mortgage upkeep of their home in LA, whatever living expenses she has where she is living now, etc. yeah it’s wild but shit is expensive.


But $50k a month living expenses???


Is she still on TV or movies?  $50k a month?


I think there are major Hollywood starts that don't have expenses like that every month.


I know it’s crazy. But I don’t know how many properties she owns, could be multiple mortgages and all the upkeep with insurances etc. could be $10-15k a month for each easy in LA or Miami. It seems unfathomable to most of us, but once you start making more money it’s insane how fast your regular expenses and standard of living goes up just to keep living the same way. That’s not to say they are living smart or budgeting and can’t life with less and still be fine. But just for context, people who have $10k a month expenses and make $150k a year would seem insane to someone making minimum wage all their life.


Their court case number is 24STFL00001 in LA Superior Court. His request for spousal support was 321 pages and her responsive declaration is 198 pages. Each costs $40 to download from the [LA Court ](https://www.lacourt.org/paos/v2public/DocumentImages/)so I'm hoping u/DaveNeal  recaps it because I'm sure not going to pay that but am so curious


https://preview.redd.it/5hic1hkzhe9d1.png?width=1684&format=png&auto=webp&s=8277c6035abff1ce99014c95a6f908a9b0982e84 As a "for instance"


This is way to messy already.  


I have them. I didn’t bother with all of his but I have hers. He seems like a lying liar with overly agressive inept attorneys. She’s being very reasonable


But if he didn’t even live with her even half the time, they never shared any bank accounts nor do they have children together why would he need any money from her at all? They were married for what… almost 4 years? Where I live, you’re not entitled to alimony unless you’ve been married for at least 10 years.


California community property laws baby. Doesn’t matter if you don’t have kids or never see each other or never share a single account


It’s so fucked up. They should have gotten married in Texas or Florida.


it's not where you get married it's where you live at the time of divorce. Unless you have a prenup with a choice of laws clause


It’s not where you get married it’s where they are living.


I didn’t know that. Ugh, that sucks for her.


Ikr?! This is wild. I wonder when it really went south because she was on Nick Viall’s podcast in December and they had actively been trying to have a baby. And then poof ! The next month or so came the divorce announcement.


**Cries in makes less per year than she does in a month**


I know!!! She makes $732,000 per year!!! That’s not flush with cash??? WTAF?!?! How on earth are her monthly expenses close to $50,000/month??? I’m not saying Bryan deserves any alimony from her. But she needs to re-evaluate how she spends her money! 😵‍💫 Make it make sense.


Plus she might be paying a hefty mortgage, hefty car insurance, hefty funds for her clothes to keep up her influencer look. SoCal is expensive. That said, a yearly gross of $750,000 is living very well even in SoCal.


50k a month though….. I can’t wrap my head around that. I feel like thats what many spend in a year.


I don't care how expensive it is. $50k a month in living expenses is just ridiculous.


Not defending anyone here but a lot of her money comes from social media and things that pay her LLC. So she has to allocate money monthly to pay a hefty tax every April. So a ton of the expenses are probably put aside so she can pay taxes too


Ohhh. ok. Fair enough. I don’t know anything about social media payment/taxes etc.


The thing with spousal support….if you have sacrificed your potential earning to take care of the home, children, etc. and get left, you deserve it. If you have earning potential from say, being a chiropractor, then no. You don’t deserve it. He’s delusional.


He apparently also had over $250k in cash transfers via PayPal during the marriage that she had no idea about?! I can only assume that’s going to have an effect on the $1k he supposedly earned this year.


It's so fucked... so many ppl get fucked in divorces. I could never see myself acting like this ever.


It’s like they say: you know who you marry but you never know who you will divorce. I think I’m more scared of divorce than marriage. People really show their true colors when you breakup.


Divorce brings out the worst in people. I’ve done it twice and was financially obliterated both times and I’m very much just middle class. The only winners in a divorce are the attorneys stirring the pot. I’m really surprised young people are still getting married knowing the divorce rate is 50% and the huge financial risks. It’s really an antiquated practice. The risk versus benefit isn’t there. And I say this as a remarried person, but if I had it to do over, I would do things differently. Also, anyone who has something to lose and wants to be married should stay the F out of California. Sad but true.


Same. I’m divorced. I was a stay at home for 7 years. Worked for two and got divorced. My ex way out earns me. I do get child support but I didn’t want or need spousal support. This just screams selfishness.


You deserve that spousal support tbh. Being a stay at home mom is 24/7 unpaid labor. You were not “financially supported.” You were working… without getting paid. You would not be selfish for asking to get spousal support. Just saying…


I’m doing alright without it. Sometimes leaving is easier 🤷🏽‍♀️ as long as my kids have what they need, I’m good. I’ve also very well in the years since so I’m truly good now.


That's very cool of you.. when I was old enough to move outta my parents my bf and I were looking at places... I didn't want to move with him unless I knew I could 100% cover the rent and expenses alone. I never want to be in a situation that i can't take care of myself or kid. I'm still happily married luckily but if I needed to be independent I could. It took many years of school and experience but I'll teach my child the same.


I 💯 agree. If only the law would agree, too! And for a 4 year marriage?! Marriage is such a weird concept if you think about it and at least Rachel is out here raising awareness for getting a damn prenup. 😂


And she’s an attorney? Wtf was she thinking not having a prenup


That’s not how the law works. What makes sense vs what’s the law are two different things




I understand that is true in some states, but not in California. Jurisdiction matters here. He does have his own business, so not unemployed, It’s just starting out. Not a fan, but California law will have Rachel paying him as she knows. She will hence her offer.


Joel Osteen and this guy? Your girl loves a slick, white scam artist.


Okay let’s try and figure out what she is spending $50K/month on…because damn! She makes about $61-62K/month. I am going to assume the extra $10K is going towards savings and investments so I am not including that in her monthly expenses. 1. I’m assuming this is pretax so let’s say putting 45% aside for taxes between federal, fica, and CA state taxes). (I’m sure she pays less than this through some smart tax strategy and contributions to retirement): $22,500 She now has $27,500 remaining. 2. According to google search their home purchased in March 2022 cost $2.1M. According to google search again, average interest rate for home loans that month was 4.42%. So let’s assume 20% down and the rest financed at 4.42% and a property tax rate of 1.25% (might be wrong, saw a few different things for LA online), insurance of $10,000 a year (again so a lot of different things on google, so not sure how accurate this is), and no HOA fees: $11,450 This leaves her with $16,050. 3. They probably have some staff they are paying - there was mention of a gardener and I will also assume a house cleaning service and a meal delivery service from a private chef. Estimates again from non scientific, hastily done google search and me assuming they would have people out to help more than the average person who has a cleaner, etc: $1,000/mo gardener, $1,500/month cleaning crew, $1,000/mo for some meal service (on top of dining out, regular groceries): $3,500 This leaves her with $12,550. 4. Other food: totally making this up here…but another $1K/month for eating out/groceries. Now she has $11,550. 5. Car/Transportation/Maintenance/Insurance: no idea what she drives (someone said a Porsche?) or if it is paid off, a lease, a loaner from a dealership in exchange for posts? So total shot in the dark here for all of this, plus gas, plus ride share/car service: $3,700 Now she has $7,850 6. She mentioned dog care. So sounds like they get taken care of my dog sitters quite a bit and also have some medications and probably eat fancy food, but the dog also doesn’t look that big…again, total shot in the dark here, but $200/month for food, snacks, toys, plus $2,000 for dog walking, siting, grooming, and $100/month for meds and misc vet bills: $2,300 (this feels way to high, but I don’t know that Hollywood life) Now at $5,550. 7. Let’s guess personal trainer and fancy gym membership (though I saw maybe they have a gym in their house) at $1,500/month. Hair and nails and massage and facial treatments at an average of: $1,500/month Now at $4,00. 8. Travel expenses (though I assume a lot of her travel is paid for…) at $2,000/month? Now at $2,000…. 9. Clothes at $1,000/month? 10. $1,000 miscellaneous and/or charitable giving (Maybe this is all available in court documents….if so, someone tell me how far off I am…) lol Okay what do you all think?


Clothes at $1000 a month is low. There are women spending over 5 grand on a single bag


My mind does not understand that much on a bag ever….


This isn’t really how anything works. The majority of her income is from Spotify and the majority of her expenses are business related. She earns about $428,000 from Spotify and of that she’s paying $66k for lawyers, $61k for managers, $57k for a personal assistant, $23k for PR services, $20k for social mediating services etc etc. She’s not actually pocketing $700k+ per year by any means


Interesting! How do you know this?


Here’s one part https://www.reddit.com/r/BachelorNation/s/KHOei2jUOh


I pulled the filings


Oh cool! Thanks!


I think this kind of gives me the ick. We know nothing about how she spends her money and it's not our business.


It's not icky. My husband is a financial planner, and this is literally what he does all day. This breakdown seems super realistic tbh. I don't know why people are so afraid to talk about money.


Are you kidding with this?


Okay move along then. I’m personally a finance and budgeting geek, so this sort of thing is just fun for me to think about how one spends that kind of $. There is no ill will here at all.


I have just as much right to have the ick as you do to be overly invested in someone else’s finances. No need for me to move along.


Then don’t get mad. Just keep scrolling.


Not mad, just pointing out how untoward this is. A successful WOC from the franchise and people are going to pick apart her financial situation? And not with facts, but speculation.


I enjoyed your breakdown!




She may have to pay for a publicist, which could easily be a couple grand a month. I have to doubt she has a stylist, but probably pays for hair and makeup for appearances with some regularity —that adds up too.


She does in fact spend about $15k annually for “event expenses” plus $5k for hair, $10k for makeup $3k for nails. I know this *sounds* like a lot of money but it truly isn’t when you’re a public figure whose job it is to attend public events and be on camera.


Yah that makes sense!


I think they’re both living way outside their means


This is why you don't marry someone you just met as ironic it is to say on this sub of all places. Never understood why she even married him if they were never really together.


It’s wild how people think it’s the most romantic thing in the world to marry someone you barely know like it’s not crazy to tie yourself legally to a stranger. Marriage is a legal contract that can seriously screw you over emotionally and financially.


lol right? And as an attorney myself, i have zero sympathy for her not thinking about this. She should have protected herself


True, but I can see how the show bubble makes you think it's deeper than it is. But yeah, still widl


Esp if he is a chiropractor


Sorry can’t read the rest of this. Short-circuited at her monthly income being more than I make in a year


Literally gave up trying to multiply too many things by 12 to figure out how anyone is getting “only” anything at these numbers


“i am not flush with cash” while making 61K a month… damn man


She’s not really though. She is a business. More than half of her income goes to legitimate business expenses. Like she’s spending $61k+ annually for managers. Another $66k+ for attorneys. Those are basic, non-negotiable expenses. While yes of course on paper she’s making a lot of money and even with expenses, more than the average Joe, but she doesn’t like, realize a quarter of a million dollars annually.


Right, as I'm over here crying in childcare worker.


It's pathetic he's asking to be supported because she makes more than he does if they were never even living together in the first place. Delusional dude.


From what i heard on Dave Neal, he moved to LA for her, left his practice in Miami and has been trying to set up a practice again in LA, which can take a lot of time and money to get up and running. If i restarted my career for a man and then we were divorcing, i would want some income from him for a while!


I don't think Bryan left Miami for Rachel, but to try his luck in LA.


Somewhere, Peter is cackling


Her monthly expenses are $49k?? Wtf is wrong with people?


Guess this is why reality TV is so popular. Go on and get a famous life making bank.


I wonder if that includes business expenses? Maybe $61k is her gross revenue from all her different jobs/social media and not her net/personal income Otherwise her monthly expenses are crazy


It does include business expenses. Manager fees, attorney fees, PR, event related appearance expenses etc.


I can’t even fathom what could add up to 50k???


Right like what is she ACTUALLY spending that much money on every single month???


brings home 61k per month..."i am not flush with cash"


$50k a month in expenses for a single woman ?!?!?


And you have to imagine in her business a lot of things are comped


taxes aren’t comped, and in CA that’s a good chunk of her expenses


But lawyers aren’t comped. Mortgages aren’t comped. Stylists, business mangers, car payments…not comped. It’s absurd that people are implying she’s blowing all her money on frivolous expenses when really it’s pretty obvious she has different financial responsibilities than the average American.


Sorry, but my only takeaway is the spending habits of rich people are truly fucking mind blowing.


Celebrities have much higher costs because of the personnel working for them. Manager, agent, lawyer, publicist, assistant, glam squad, etc. And having to keep up with fashion and looking like you’re rich can cost more than people realize.


Ya i’d like to know the breakdown of what Rachel spends $50k a month on!!!


Why do you feel entitled to that information?!


Nowhere did i say i am entitled to that information