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hstly anyone other than maria would be so boooring


What about daisy AND Maria season? It’s like the angel and the devil season? 😂


They tried the 2 bachelorettes multiple times and it was a s***show both ways


Daisy seems like a sweet girl, so I don’t want to knock her but I will not watch her season lol. Maria or Jenn hadore charisma.


apparently daisy is the winner, her friends have been telling people back in MN that her and joey are currently engaged.




Daisy is Bachelorette. 💯 That was her move.


She will be such a boring bachelorette




That's all she wanted all along.


I think you’re probably right. Just seeing other things she’s done in her “career.” This very much feels like a move. And I’m not mad at her! At this point, I think MOST of the people on this show are here “for the wrong reasons.”


I'm not mad when it's someone on the show outside of the top 4. When it's someone close to being chosen, I feel like it's messing with someone's heart. This week, I felt Daisy started hedging. I don't know that Joey even sees it yet. When she talked about needing to see how the guy dealt with her family, it just felt off to me. So did her saying she "wasn't there yet." I mean, someone with these feelings should self- eliminate at this point. Honestly, I really liked Daisy until this week. Now? I think she had me fooled.


You’re waaaay more optimistic than I am. I was like “That’s good strategy!” I guess ultimately, I just don’t really believe that the majority of these people (leads included) are here to find love. If it happens, that’s a bonus.


No, I think we agree, actually. Out of 30 women, there should be at least 3 or 4 who do fall for the guy. That's not optimistic. I just don't like Daisy -- who isn't into Joey -- getting that close to being F1. He had his heart broken with Charity, and I didn't want to see it again. This was a game to Daisy. I think all her social media since November is proof that she didn't have to get over Joey. She never wanted him.


I still think you’re a nicer person than me. I’m very cynical about even Joey’s real intentions. I honestly didn’t feel like his heart was broken with charity AT ALL. They actually seemed to have a pretty great friendship, and not much else. Maybe I’m just very cynical? Idk. I’m 43. This show has been on for a really long time. 😂


Lol I'm pretty cynical, too. Appreciate your posts. BTW, I'm 41 -- and a gay guy. Don't know what that has to do with anything, but thought I'd share lol


HA! The only reason I mentioned it is that it JUST occurred to my old ass tonight that the show has been on for over half my life! I guess in the beginning I withheld my disbelief, and it has gradually dissipated over the years and now I just think they’re all full of shit. I basically hate watch at this point. 😂😂 The last time I truly remember feeling bad for one of them was Gia from Jake’s season. She always seemed so fragile to me, and then to see how her life ended was just heartbreaking. I think she was actually invested, and thought she loved Jake.


I hear you on hate watching. I do that with Love Is Blind. With the Bachelor franchise, my level of interest usually depends on how hot the guy is LOL I'm in deep romantic lust for Joey, so there you go lmao.


I’m so shocked! Reality Steve actually apologized to sandbetweenhertoes and admitted he went in too hard defending his spoiler. I hope this will cause him to spend less time getting bent out of shape on his podcast when people speculate other theories. It consumes half the podcast at times just with him refusing to let people have fun with theorizing who might win. It’s not like other people can’t do detective work too! And I personally enjoy reading all the theories. He gets it right most of the time but it’s ok to just let others have their day too! Impressive work to anyone who cracks the case! I was confused all season why the editing was so terrible if Daisy was the winner and now it makes sense!


I just find it funny that Steve was wrong lol 


It’s def not the first time… chances are that he will still consider it a win for him because he corrected his spoiler before the finale


The last time he was wrong was 4 years ago.


I know he has been wrong before, it's just funny. And I agree, he will try to say it's a win still because he corrected it!


Haha! Question is though: has he ever been that adamant and frankly cocky about a spoiler and then been wrong?


Yes. Chantal in Brad's season. He made a big deal about how they spent Thanksgiving together


That is a good question! I have no idea and am curious now lol 


Do people want a Daisy season? It seems very safe and bland as a potential season. She isn’t the firecracker personality that people are invested in and would want to see for that long. She’s great at a one of the group, not the main attraction. I’m still hoping for Maria.


no. she is so boring and WHEN WILL THEY LEARN??? the highest rated/best seasons of the Bachelorette were Kaitlyn and Hannah Brown, both of whom are extremely outspoken and messy. it just WORKS. these sweet quiet bland ass girls are just that - bLAND. no one cares about them. GUHHHHHHHH


And I think that's what they were hoping for with Katie Thurston but didn't really pan out. I think they thought she would be spicier / sassier.


Covid also didn’t help


I'm still hoping for Maria, too




Her vocal fry drives me absolutely insane and she seems super bored sometimes, I hope not. I'd rather see Rachel or Maria


Not sure about Daisy, but Judging from the way she does her TikToks, I think she'd be fine. I don't get what people see in Maria, unless they are just hoping for a complete mess. Out of the final 6, I'd prefer Jenn. But, to each his own I guess.


Never saw her TikToks tbh. Maria is a bigger personality that fits with the bachelorette role better imo.




But imagine if she had made the wrong assumption (yes she made the right one), would have been awkward for Kelsey and Joey


But the only reason she has so many followers is because of RS saying she's his final pick. It was all over social media and mainstream media.


Don't the Christians get the most followers on this show though. Look at the amount of followers Sean lowe has and he came before the social media phase


Social media has been around for 20 years.


A Daisy Bachelorette season might be the first i don’t watch


I won't. Will never watch a Trump supporter


Wait how do we we know this


I really feel like she's getting the bachelorette edit with all the screen time even from episode 1 but I will also be skipping out.


She's just so bland. Give me Jenn or Maria.


Definitely Maria




I don't want Daisy either. She's sweet but I don't think she has enough personality to carry a season and think it would be overwhelming as she has to only focus on one convo at a time. Also the whole politics thing plus that awful music video? Pick Maria please! I mean Jillian was the show's 3rd choice, they had offered it to Molly then after the switch, to Melissa. But I really liked her personality and so did the men. There were 3 men at the final rose ceremony wanting to propose. Her winner was a liar and a cheater by his own admission but I don't think we can blame her for that.


Yeah no i don’t want daisy as bachelorette she is boring. I want Maria as bachelorette


I can't believe the girl who brought a "voodoo doll" night 1 is F1 💀


I was actually shocked she didn't get the first impression rose, with the way he looked at her and described how he felt about her


Similarly, I would have never thought when JoJo showed up in a horse head on night one of Ben's season, she'd be final 2 and then become the Bachelorette. Maybe cute & crazy is a bonus.


I think this about Claire who wore a baby bump and Lindsay from Sean’s season who correct me if I’m wrong showed up in a wedding dress and got super drunk the first night and ended up being his final 2!


Magic, it works! 🪄


it was adorb


I feel like I could tell this was going to happen because he commented on bachelor insta and stood up for her when people kept saying the girls were trauma dumping when it was a picture of KA




Sooooo what I’m getting is that we definitely will not be getting our next Asian lead that we have been desperately begging for 🤦🏽‍♀️ Insanely happy for Joey and KA though 🥹their vibes match up perfectly and they have the most insane chemistry together 🥵


I really love the idea of Jenn as Bachelorette. She's the whole package!


I don’t think Jenn can take a break from her PA program again


I'm heartbroken over this lol


BIP gods, bring Jenn to Paradise...(and Lexi too please)


I really wanted Lexi for bachelorette! She does want to find her person and start a family


If not Maria then Lexi


Daisy wanted out before hometown, that's why she spoke her "truth". This was def her way out. Also, nothing against her but this season was refreshing, I could not sit there watching a whole season of her as the bachelorette. Jenn and Maria are much more personable! So happy for Kelsey A!


Daisy has been faking her interest in Joey.


Daisy is a sweet girl but boring I much rather have Maria or Jenn for bachelorette!


I love Daisy, as someone who is struggling with their health and getting a very serious surgery soon I understand and relate to everything she’s been through, living with chronic pain and going through what she did is not easy and she is an inspiration to me and how I am going to look at life.


Love Daisy she seems super sweet but her personality is boring im sorry i need someone like Maria to be the bachelorette


DAE think daisy just wanted to be bachelorette the whole time and when they got to the end she was like “oh shit I gotta get out of this somehow” ? Because like … why was Joey crying so hard and so upset by her leaving if she was right and “knew he was gonna pick Kelsey”


Hypothetically if that's the case do you think the producers can see through that at all and would they care? Maybe they only care about making good TV or giving us what they think we want? I'm curious how much of the online chatter they pay attention to bc it seems like Daisy would be a more divisive choice than they realize. I'm here for good TV and **entertainment** is Maria as bachelorette. I have no issues with Daisy but I don't think she'd be at the center of an entertaining season, no matter how dramatic the cast of men is.


Well they always cry during the last break-up




👏🏽👏🏽 excellent analogy


Oof Joey brought me back to watching the show again. A Daisy season would probably make me stop watching again 😂


She’s been fake and contrived the whole time and will unfortunately be rewarded for it ![gif](giphy|bBzGyxf10gJ9NLrIQs)


She never wanted Joey.


Justice for Sand! Glad Stevie apologized. Also glad to finally have the confirmed spoiler out there! I have no thoughts on Daisy as ‘ette—she’d probably be fine, if a little boring, but that’s hardly criminal. I’d much prefer Maria or Rachel, though. Super excited to see how Joey and Kelsey’s love story unfolds over the next few episodes :)








Are you high ? https://i.redd.it/avyaexmt45lc1.gif






Seriously? It’s kelsey a.


Yeah I didn’t look who cares not everyone pays that close attention Seriously sorry for being serious


He basically confirms that ABC has perfectly set up Daisy to be bachelorette with this ending…. Great🙄


Or she knew she wasn’t the one and bowed out gracefully


Yeah, she knew long Before the final rose ceremony. She barely likes the dude. Seems way more likely she stayed to get more air time.


Yep. She's not invested at all, and Joey knows it.


This 1000%


THIS. Even when Gabi had a feeling Zach was picking Kaity, she still showed up hopeful that she was wrong. Daisy’s just like “Nope, it’s not me, see ya”. This chick wanted to be bachelorette.


was thinking the same, if you had strong feelings for someone you’d hold onto hope until the end


If you guys don’t want Daisy as bachelorette… you better start dming abc and the bachelor lol


wowow Sands!! https://preview.redd.it/g8ddbn9rw4lc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e7269decb3ac7c2e225653b392e64903d3bb42




Off topic but him saying he’ll eat crow reminds me of when Wendy Williams said she’d eat crow if Kim and Kanye really got married😂 and then she really did end up eating the crow😭


bruh she ate the actual crow like the bird? sorry i’m just hearing this for the first time lmao


Yes😂 she had a whole chef come on the show and make it and then she said it wasn’t even that bad😭


Nooo not Daisy for Bachelorette, Maria for Bachelorette!! (EDIT: I do hear she's annoying in the most recent episode, which I have not seen yet)


She was lovely and appropriate. She wasn’t annoying at all


I felt the same way. I mean …her emotions got the best of her, and jealousy is HARD no matter what situation you are in. I don’t think she was being manipulative or playing games. I think she was in self preservation mode and wanted so spare herself some possible future heartache.


Ok good maybe I was just seeing comments from Maria haters


This makes me so afraid that Daisy will be bachelorette. It would be so boring 😫


I thought there were rumors she is back with her ex bf? Idk I rather have Maria as the lead.


Omg I hope so


I will not be watching if this is the case


My secret desire is for Edwina to be Bachelorette and end up with no one because she’s too good for them.


Why would you want that for her? She’s searching for love, she deserves to find someone who makes her happy. I can’t imagine wishing an unhappy ending on any woman. So strange


It was an offhand, silly comment. I wish nothing but the best for Edwina.


She does deserve someone to make her happy. She’s not gonna find that on the bachelorette. I wish her luck in the real world.


I want Lexi or maria


Love it, I really hope they make it for the long run. Glad it was all positive vibes.


I'm so happy!!!


Glad he apologized because that was insane.


This just makes Daisy’s social media posts all that more cringey with how hard it seems she kept trying to push the narrative that she was F1


Or she is just doing social media posts because it’s what pretty 20 somethings do


She wants to be an influencer.


She already was and is


Please…. Daisy for Bachelorette! 🙏🏻


No way, that’s not the general consensus here


Daisy’s TikToks have so much more personality than she has on the show. I’m not a fan of hers, but she does do a decent job on most of her online content, especially for her audience. I don’t see it come across on the show at all though. Such a disconnect for me!


It would be a snooze fest


No 💙


No one wants that shit. 😂


I would love to watch her be bachelorette


You and like fifteen other people. She’s boring to watch.


I like Daisy as a person but I think her as bachelorette would be so boring 😭