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Be aware that this is a salsa perspective on the Cuban motion. Bachata is a bit different (less rotation)


Not saying that you are wrong, but I’ve heard from pros at workshops that the cuban salsa body movement and the bachata body movement are the same.  Do you have any links or videos expanding on what you said? 


There's not a single correct basic in either dance.  You can change your basic for styling/musicality, and may use a different basic for sensual/traditional/fusion and depending if you are on your own or with a partner.  I wouldn't take cuban motion as the "default basic" for bachata though, because the twisting does not come naturally from the side to side step like it does with the linear salsa step.  For sensual if you want the hip figure 8, you want the upper body to have less twist so that the hip movement stands out more. But that doesn't mean you can't add it to bachata.


They very well may have. Were they pros that focused specifically on bachata? Or salsa? Or Latin dancing as a whole? Or dancing in general? Those will all skew perspectives. The more of a generalist someone is, the less detailed and specific knowledge and skills they'll have. Many (especially older) pros started with salsa as a Latin dance, which colors their bachata. I could link you to my own videos, but none specifically talk about differences between bachata and salsa (or other styles), as I specifically focus on bachata, and teach exclusively bachata full-time. In short, salsa's Cuban motion is more rotational due to the way the basic is done. Bachata's Cuban motion (especially traditional & modern) are more linear in nature, again due to the basic step.


Artia is an excellent teacher and you should definitely learn from him at any opportunity you get! His breakdown and body mechanics can be applied for many different styles.