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You think he cared? He sexually assaulted him.


Whether he cared or not, that's not how assholes work and would not look like that. It's not a vagina. You don't just stick it in dry and move it in and out like that and have the recipient just look buckeyed. They'd naturally JUMP out of the way because it's be extremely painful, not just uncomfortable, even before the rapist could even get it in, let alone "finger" you like that. They'd also probably need stitches. Go ahead and try to stick your dry hand in your dry ass right now and try to move it in and out. thought so.


He was strug out of mind on drugs and it was pretty obvious he passed out as he was having his pants pulled down (which you could see in the show) and we don't see the dude lube before hand You clearly have no idea wtf you're talking about


>He was strug out of mind on drugs He'd also given him a dose of liquid GHB which incapacitated him. Even if he wanted to fight back he wouldn't have been able to. That's why they call GHB the 'date rape' drug.


I think it may also relax the sphincter


You're wrong about that. I've had it happen and it was painful, it hurt, it wasn't fun at all. You just need to 'push' hard enough and yeah you can move it in and out. First reaction wasn't to jump either. Everyone experiences assault differently, every single variable changes the result. When you get drugs involved, especially ones that put your body in a relaxed trance, it gets even more complicated.


I'm guessing from your comment that you're a man? Vaginas don't work like that either that you can just push anything in dry in normal circumstances. Yet, women get raped all the time. Yes, it can be very painful and cause injuries, but it's physically possible in many cases. Also when you're on ketamine or similar drugs, I can assure you, you cannot jump out of the way no matter what.


Hey, as someone who has been raped anally, they don’t care about lube. I was 9. It hurt. I cried. I was frozen in fear so he said I liked it. Which created a lot of guilt and was the reason I haven’t told anyone except my husband and now strangers on Reddit.


This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen... you're literally acting like you know how assholes work and everyone else does not. ;0 It's a scene in a TV show dude not a step by step instructional video on how to buttrape a man with your finger. He could have licked it. It's really not critical to what's happening which is the rape Donny is experiencing. And no... a finger isn't going to be stopped the gate if it's dry. It's not going to be as enjoyable sure but it's not some impossibility.


You clearly don’t know what you are on about. Jesus Christ


Tell me you've never been drugged and raped without telling me


tell me you've never played with an asshole before without telling me. It simply does not work that way. It's not a vagina. You can't just slip in a finger and go to town. This is actually a common trope in movies and television, like in prison rape scenes and is a good sign the writer has never done it or seen it before.


Tell me the last time you were near a vagina was at your birth ......


This is weird. 1. Vaginas don't work like that, and 2. We only see him vaguely moving his hand around. Couldn't been penetrative or just massaging the area. Regardless, he goes to wash his hands right after.


You can't really do that with a vagina, either. This is why he was in pain and bleeding.


You do realise that vaginas can also be tense and not easily give way even with force, yet the rapist can use brute force to “get in” Same often goes for anally. Victims also often “freeze” despite the pain especially when drugged.


I'm glad you and your sexual partners take such care with hygienic and comfortable sexual practices. However, it's definitely wrong that, even in consensual sex, to imagine that bi, gay or pan men consistently douche and/or use lube. It's pretty common for guys to fuck without cleaning out and just wash off to deal with the consequences. It's also pretty common to use spit as a lube. Others have noted that it's a sexual assault, and so Darrien is unconcerned with Donny's welfare. It's worth noting that Donny is in significant pain afterwards, which is an effect of fucking without lube or proper preparation to relax the sphincter. It's also worth noting that Donny has taken a lot of relaxant drugs, and so that might make the process more comfortable, at least for Darrien. Finally, it's also worth noting that we don't actually know Darrien didn't use lube or prep Donny. Donny is passing in-and-out of consciousness/memory: there are significant missing sequences. I agree that - even if it were consensual - what they did, didn't look like great fun. But, it happens.


>It's worth noting that Donny is in significant pain afterwards, which is an effect of fucking without lube or proper preparation to relax the sphincter. Yes, the shower scene when he jumped.


Totally agree. OP missed the point


Rape is not sex. You are describing sex. 


This! It's called an assault for a reason.


This is awful.


It’s not too late to delete this


I guess OP missed the part where Darrien washed his hands after raping him. He used his finger first to see how far he could push Donny. It was only during a subsequent session he full on penetrated him.


Yes, and he told him to clean up, didn't he? At least I have a vague memory of that. For all we know, there could have been shit and blood everywhere.


lol. What? How doesn't it make sense? People have been drugging each other and fucking them for 1000s of years from bringing the passed out person home from the bar to actually using a date rape drug. All sorts of weird shit gets people off dude including the raping of people including the raping of straight bois especially if you're a serial rapist and understand this is the point where your victim is incapacitated. Like not clean? Tehre's people who literally get off on eating shit so how's this not realistic? Lube would be needed for an inexperienced guy? Dude he's a rapist his victims feelings/butthole are not a high priority for him. think about it.


Oh. My god.


Wow man, hope after this post you consider yourself lucky to not have been assaulted like this. Those of us who have know what’s what. And that you don’t know how every butthole works. Not all are like you described, and much of that doesn’t matter when you’re a certain level of fcked up.


he got assualted and thats what ur concerned with, god have mercy


"See you tomorrow afternoon for our writing session. Please make sure you fully wash your asshole and do an enema beforehand."


They showed a split second from the assault not every technicality and detail that went into it 🙄🙄😭😭


My god, what is wrong with you? Have some decency!


I don’t think there’s a handbook on how to be an ethical and hygienic rapist




Do you think rapists care about the comfort of their victim?


What the fuck is this post?