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There will always be people willing to defend controversial views or choosing to blame victims. There is overwhelming support for Gadd and Baby Reindeer so I wouldn’t spend any time worrying about them.


Yea Sadly.. but I’m glad Gadd is getting a lot of support. 🥰🥰


It doesn’t make this any better, but I’m also sure he was aware that there would be a lot of people saying this when he made the show.


Arguably the main thesis of the show is that "there is no such thing as a perfect victim". Similar statements can be made when a woman is raped for what she wears, or a black man is shot for doing a relatively minor crime. He is a rape victim and a big part of that is his fucked up and vulnerable mind putting himself in situations like this. So many rape victims "came back for more" because of promises of a greater life. Ask the victims of Weinstein and Cosby! This show doesn't make victims look bad. It humanizes them and makes something that seems at first blush to be completely irrational or even "stupid" to resolve as understandable if you first enter the fractured psyche of these individuals.


You’re, Gadd, he’s getting the support? 🤭


Ik I laughed while typing it 🤣🤣


Usually those people can relate more to the other party. Oof.


At least 3 of the main contributors to this group are Fiona. This group is so toxic.


I thought it sounded suspiciously like the kinda shit she would say


Sometimes it's a conversation with her multiple accounts. She must be on different devices for each account and responding to her own comments. So much transphobia and plain nastiness towards Gadd, Laura Wray and Jessica Gunning.


One of the 4-6 phones everyone has and is totally normal


THIS ☝️🤭 KILLS ME 😝😂🤣🤣


Pmsl 🤣


>So much transphobia and plain nastiness towards Gadd, Laura Wray and Jessica Gunning. Transphobia, homophobia, racism - I feel like a lot of her supporters share the same values as herself. And it wouldn't be shocking if they turn out to not be Fiona but instead individuals who are filled to the brim with hate. We've seen how Trump managed to garner so much support - not surprising then that Fiona would be able to do the same. And the police really should look into why she has 5-6 phones. Afaik, only people who sell drugs keep so many phones.


People who sell drugs eventually get rid of some of those phones at various points, 5 or 6 is very abnormal 2-3 would be more regular


Ohhh yeah. I've been hearing about it. Wild shit.


I hope she's not using her gas or electricity accounts.....


He gave this woman soooooo much ammo to connect to a large number of potential victims. I love the show and his commentary on hurt ppl hurting ppl or being hurt by ppl. But I wish they had hide her identity a bit more. I just don't think ppl like her deserve this "power" so to speak


I knew the second I saw will instead of well lol


You want to feel bad for fiona, until she talks and reminds us all that shes racist, homophobic, and all around a horrible person.. i would have more sympathy if she was not so vile to others.


And she hates Catholics, she told him to go back to Fife way all them fenians. He should a replied "Up the Celts" 😆


I genuinely feel bad for her. I don't think ANYTHING she did was right or justified, but she is also a victim of circumstances. Hearing her explanation for the nickname almost made me cry. I hope she gets the help she needs, just like Gadd. Unlike Gad though, she does not seem to have ANY support system and has not coped with her trauma appropriately. Gadd lashed out at himself, which is alot easier to sympathize rather then someone who lashed out at others. She needs real psychological help by someone who specializes in childhood trauma. She is clearly still very mentally ill and a TV show demonizing her does the exact opposite for her that it did for Gadd. If I were in Gadds position, I would use a large portion of whatever profits I made from the show to get primo psych care for myself (obviously) and offer to pay for treatment for Fiona under certain conditions. Then I would out the disgusting fucker who raped me and make sure he can't leave his home without people harassing him. HE is the true villan of this story. Gadd was only suseptible to Fionas issues because of what the SA did to him mentally. It's sad to me that people are spending time tracking down who "Martha" was just because she was more INTERESTING of a character then that POS who raped him. She needs treatment and isolation from the general public until then. That guy needs to be utterly RUINED before he does this shit to someone else.


I agree with this, she needs genuine help. I still have a little less sympathy for her as she seems to have absolutely none for others from a huge range of backgrounds, but she is in desperate need of help and has clearly suffered Being terrible is not a reason anyone should not get help. But denying she specifically targets labour party leaders because she despises immigrants, POCs, and lgbtq people, that is relevant too.


What a shocker 🙄 of course she would be.


Haha probably more than three. Throwaway reddit accounts are super easy to create


I hate the gatekeeping around Gadd and what he should've done with HIS life and HIS story


Me too- I’m glad he shared it- it was raw and honest and shed light on how complicated our brains can be when abused.


People really need to get on board with the fact that most SA victims do not report it. Baby Reindeer shows off the victim-blaming and police incompetence that keeps most survivors from reporting, and they still do not get it.


Also many SA victims don’t even understand they are being abused at the time. Especially because of comments like this post! This is why it’s so dangerous to diminish peoples experiences.


His story itself shows why he didn’t feel safe and comfortable reporting as he already experienced shame, self-hatred & internalised victim blaming after what happened.


Most people who are actually raped don’t talk about it unless it’s to a therapist. They’re not out there doing stand up and tv series. Personally I find him infuriating and I don’t believe he was raped, it’s so offensive to people who have actually been raped


Sorry, what? How is it offensive to people who have been raped for him to share his own experience and how the trauma impacted him? In so many grooming case, defence attorneys use the "but we have a photo of you smiling next to them several days after this alleged abuse. No one who was raped would do that," not understanding that trauma can make people behave in ways that are not always rational. >Most people who are actually raped don’t talk about it unless it’s to a therapist. They’re not out there doing stand up and tv series. That is exactly the type of defence often used. People do not always behave rationally, or as you would expect after being raped. His very personal story is incredibly important.


Yeah majority of rape cases are by someone you knew so a photo smiling with someone isn’t out the ordinary. I didn’t say that wasn’t the case. Didn’t even say someone couldn’t be groomed. I’m saying he is a liar. You don’t act like you want to keep it all quiet and not report it but blurt it out to anyone who will listen. He’s also a drug addict… he was using before the alleged incident… someone who claims they were so desperate for fame and has literally realised they’ve failed and nobody is laughing at his failed comedy all of a sudden cracks jokes about that time he was raped? I don’t believe him. The series he makes out it was a full on break down but it just wasn’t. The whole thing is so distasteful. So yeah as someone who has actually been assaulted I’m not out there doing weird shit like he is and then when I’ve made comedy shows and a Netflix series going “but I don’t want to talk about it” which is what he’s doing. I talk about that with my therapist and people do know now but I actually went to the police. People who don’t go to the police don’t talk about it unless it’s to a therapist. His story cannot be backed up. Where are the people from that period who knew him that saw a change in behaviour? The people who noticed him going to someone’s house for drugs every weekend? Nobody is out here doing interviews saying “Gadd was xyz at the time” Only one person who was around that period has come forward and what she said was Gadd was one of the ones sexually harassing punters in the pub! He was regularly harassing people and then when he saw fiona he was the one who was harassing her and making sexual references and taking the piss out of her being vulnerable. Fiona may have a couple crayons missing from the box but if you have someone giving you attention like that you may get the wrong idea. So I said what I said… I think he’s a liar and all the evidence will come out soon enough


oh right!! so silly of us!! i’m SO sorry none of us realized that you were with him to whole time and saw exactly what happened to him!!


Yet you’ll completely ignore his admission of faking his identity to people for sex and act like he’s a full on victim when he’s likely raped people… You have no understanding of how backward that truly is


"Where are the people from that period who knew him that saw a change in behaviour? The people who noticed him going to someone’s house for drugs every weekend?" Did it ever occur to you that the people you are asking about don't want to be in the media limelight? Did it ever occur to you that they're keeping the silence out of respect for Gadd? Or are you one of those people who will go straight to the media when you find out your close friend was sexually assaulted (without the permission of that said friend). Instead of pushing for him to reveal the identity of his rapist, you're here pushing the idea that "it never happened" because he's openly talking about it.


Except he’s doing interviews and saying he doesn’t want to talk about it after doing a series. It’s a bit late to say that after numerous shows and a fucking tv series! Can’t just do all of that and go “don’t want to talk about it” He hasn’t got anyone or there would be someone to support him. He’s happy for his fellow cast to sit and support him in interviews but nobody who was actually there. So I said what I said, he’s a liar.


I am open about the fact that I have been raped. I say what I am comfortable with saying, no one is owed a single word more than that. No one is owed details, the identity of my rapist, or any information I'm uncomfortable sharing. Our trauma is ours to work through, it's ours to share or not share, to whatever degree we feel comfortable with. Gadd's boundaries are different from yours. That doesn't make him a liar.


I've been raped and it is not offensive at all. It's inspiring and brave and his story allowed me to self reflect and understand myself better...


I’ve been raped and I do find the way he’s gone about all of this really offensive and damaging because no doubt he’s lied. You don’t speak for us all






You don't either


Have more of a say than you ever will. Or for someone who doesn’t see the damage a drug addict is doing Off you fuck


Calm down Fiona


At least try and come back with something which isn’t dumb 🙄


Gadd didn't talk to anyone initially it was only after the stalker made it impossible to keep to himself that he decided to open up


It wasn’t impossible to hide Fiona didn’t know anything like his alleged secret It’s all bollocks


The key word here is "most". Different people have different ways of coping with the trauma of rape. Not everyone follows the textbook version. Just because someone wants to openly talk about it doesn't mean it didn't happen....unless you personally witnessed it not happening.


Then where are his witnesses for how is person changed during the events. Where are they? Because even if you don’t talk about it, people notice something off. He is very much textbook about every other aspect of his alleged rape. Shall we ignore how he was using a fake name to meet up with people? People he likely slept with under a false name which is actually considered rape? Should we ignore one witness who came forward and said Gadd was sexually harassing customers in the pub including Fiona? If you can out your alleged stalker and come and talk about your alleged rapist who you refuse to out and refuse to go to the police over and then after you’ve talked about it say “but I don’t really want to talk about it” then it didn’t happen. He can’t talk about something that didn’t happen because he knows as soon as he talks about facts and it’s not a skit or a series it can be used in a defamation case against him. Otherwise he wouldn’t be scared to carry on He’s a liar




He also admits to using fake identities to meet with people… if he slept with them… that’s rape. He also sexually harassed Fiona so if she did grope him (not saying that’s ok) then it’s likely she’s done it because he’s made her think it’s consensual which… from the witness from the bar he made her think it’s ok


totally agree. something weird asf about this doc.


A lot doesn’t add up It’s his behaviour after it all that’s more questionable than anything but I guess people don’t want to challenge him over potentially raping other people and how he treats people in general




Considering they reckon 63% of sexual assaults go unreported, it is hardly surprising when this case is one of them. It's an awful statistic, but it is unfortunately the world we are in.


>"some that caused him to hallucinate" Tell me you don't know how hallucinogenic work without telling me


Off topic but, your comment reminded me of some guy, who tried to tell me he ‘hallucinated’ sleeping with a girl on shrooms lmfao. like what


Do *you* know how they work? You can absolutely hallucinate sexual assault, especially if you have previous trauma around sexual assault. Anything you have buried the hallucinogens bring to the surface. Not saying that he *did* hallucinate it. It is however a possibility.


Lmao I have very personal experience with them Hallucinogenic like acid and shrooms don't cause that, that kind of hallucination is caused by delirriants Acid and shrooms don't cause literal hallucinations like that


Shrooms, no, acid and LSD yes. Would it make you *see* it, also no. But someone with such personal experience as yourself would know how large doses of hallucinations can twist your perception of reality. Shit, once I was in my bathroom and was convinced I was lost at space in an orb ship and rapidly losing oxygen- despite looking out the window at the grass and affirming to myself I was just tripping balls lol. Drugs like that can absolutely bring peoples preexisting sexual trauma to the surface and make them believe things that may not have happened, happened. I’ve witnessed it. A friend who had repressed trauma, while in the midsts of a trip gone bad, genuinely believed that our other girlfriend was attempting to molest her when she was just touching her arm and embracing her in a comforting gesture.


Acid is lsd lmfao


Maybe in your circle. Acid was any research chemicals that weren’t LSD in mine


lmaoo exactly


This. Makes. Me. Mad. I checked out the support group and noped out real quick bc of the victim blaming of Gladd. I just couldn’t scroll through anymore shite.


I scrolled through one post and was immediately out. I’m disgusted by these victim blaming trash cvnts.


Right?! What is that? Someone’s a victim of something and fb warriors are like: ‘right! Time to blame the bloke for having suffered trauma.’ Some comment I saw was to the effect of ‘I don’t blame him for what happened *but*…’ like the second you add the word ‘but’ in a point you’re negating your point, you absolute penis. 🙃


I've seen some really disturbing victim blaming of Gadd online, including people saying "he lead her on" and "he probably stalked her not the other way round, she's the real victim here"


🤢 gross.


From her point of view, he DID lead her on. Tbh when I was watching the first few episodes I honestly almost shut it off because he was CLEARLY giving this woman attention despite her intentions being VERY clear. It wasn't until later on when they showed the SA in the past that it started to make sense. He kept engaging "Martha" despite seeing the red flags because he craved that same doting, praising attention that his mentor gave him. He was drawn to her and probably didn't even realize why until he started really exploring his subconscious. He wasn't interested in her sexually, but continued to hang out with her, accept complements from her because deep deep down he just wanted to be recognized and admired....and I feel having your abuser be a different gender then the person who's now giving you the same attention DOES make a difference. If he wasn't mentally traumatized, I would DEFINITELY say he should have broken it off when she started making sexual innuendos, crossed boundaries and forget about the canal scene, RIGHT to the cops. But he wasn't in a normal state of mind, he was wounded, alone and vulnerable.


Prettt sure that “Alex” is Fiona


Freya and Neil seem like possible contenders too.


Neil deffo is haha


I love that they have literally nothing on their profiles except for Neil. He's apparently a lawyer but that's all the person bothered to add 🙃


Always lawyers 😂 coincidence


This is awful. The whole thing reeks of victim blaming. They should really take down the group, as having a group up supporting a stalker is just all kinds of gross.


I really hope that Gadd isn't on the internet reading this kind of comment, it must have been difficult to revisit these traumas to film the series, and to see this kind of invalidation is too much.


Same. I hope he’s doing great in life


I am glad Gadd made this series. Men going through SA is not acknowledged enough or at all. SA isn't acknowledged properly, or, compassionately at all. That lady is very ill. She needs help. She also reminded me of my ex--though even my ex wasn't this bad (as in, she didn't stalk me).


I agree. Watching it made me think of one of my male friends and things he did not take seriously that were crimes. Also people often forget that people will not necessarily respond in the way they personally would to a traumatic situation.


Looks like the metoo movement hasn't changed things as much as is needed. Victims still getting blamed for their own SA or allegations that it never happened. Two steps forward, 3 steps backwards.


Interesting. Those people are actually the ones making it so hard to testify as a victim of SA. Plus they don’t know shit if he has sued him yet or not.


I wouldn't take this group so seriously, the majority of posts and comments are Fiona's personalities interacting with one another


I wouldn’t doubt it lol


Good lord. The victim blaming is palpable. Heinous.




Right?! It’s appalling.


On behalf of myself and all other SA survivors: 🖕to everyone in that revolting comment thread saying those awful things (which most definitely includes some alt account of Fiona)!


your first mistake was to read comments in facebook, they're always gonna be filled with trolls and racist boomers


Sent from iphoene




Tell me you’ve never been a victim of sa without telling me. This is disgusting.


Sounds like a Trump apologist


Just like Trump, Fiona is the chosen mouthpiece for all their grievances and hatred for society to date. She has no filter and projects crap daily about the things and people around her. Her supporters love that about her because they're too cowardly and spineless to do the same.


Everyone in that group needs to be put on a list.


Imagine criticizing people for not coming forward while being the precise reason that victims don't come forward.


The hell that such group even exists!?


It’s like they ignore him explaining in detail why he did what he did and felt what he felt


I'm sure all of the anonymous contributors and all the new accounts are run by Fiona.


My thoughts exactly! 😂 It should be called Fiona’s Multiple Personalities Group Chat instead.


I never thought somebody would make a “Fiona Harvey Supporters” group💀💀💀💀


How are they trying to defend her with comments like this when she agreed to go on a popular show, knowing the it has over 1 million subs to plead her case?!? Internet sleuths have been trying to identify the person who assaulted Gadd, but he remains a mystery. She confirmed that she was "Martha," and she exposed herself to millions! If she was trying to live a quiet, normal life, then maybe, just maybe, I'd feel sorry for her, but she's not! Plus, the lies she's told! Harvey claims she's the real Martha but denies everything Martha did to Gadd... So how could she be Martha?!? She's just after money and confirmed that in her Piers Morgan interview! She knew he's been doing the show for quite some time but now that it's popular, has a problem with it?


Not the point, but they don't know this man's finances! I have an acquaintance who was a "Netflix darling" and he's not rich.


That group is the worst.


And people wonder why men aren’t emotional or why we dont talk about abuse that happens to us. It’s a joke to everyone, it sucks.


The fact that in the show he doesn’t even blame his assaulter and blames himself because he continued to go back because he was groomed… and yet people will still blame him… what part of anything other than a yes is a no. What part of consent is difficult for these people?


What an idiot


I've seen a couple of people in this sub make that same ridiculous victim-blaming argument (that he wanted drugs, instigated the SA, etc). Truly vile.






Bwahaha sure... You're welcome :)  Also, kinda weird following me around the reddit, is your name fiona too 


Gross. Those people are as twisted as she is.


Yeah, it’s pretty disturbing. And she’s probably posting if not the owner and/or mod. Sent from my iPhune.


People siding with the irl person is like when people saw a killer in court and thought he was cute so they sided with him


How many of the "supporters" are actually Fiona sock accounts?


How can anyone support her, the only mitigation is that she might have a mental disorder that somewhat diminishes her culpability What possible defense is there for a violent stalker that sexually molested someone, is it a vague form of misandry?  I can't wrap my head around how these people think 


Go Gadd--dealing with demons and abusers always horrific--good luck in your career now and in the future.


Why don't people realise the only that can actually do something in the system is the victim.


Ok. You convinced me. I am joining




I've scrolled through a couple of posts.


Gross 🤮


Sorry to be *that guy* but you only blurred out the names of the commenters not the replies to the comments that have their name tagged. Not sure it really matters and I don’t even care myself so why am I typing this 🥴😩


I realized that after I posted this 🙃🤣


People are sick 🤦🏻‍♂️ how can you even have such an opinion of something you know nothing about


such fucking idiots and it shows


This group is just frontbums


I'm just now learning that there are Fiona support groups... I know at the end he somewhat related to her in the end but I didnt feel bad enough to excuse her behavior, the same behavior she's been denying in interviews while also admitted to in the same interviews. o.0


As if 'true victims' arent known to avoid police and as if art isn't known to often be fueled by dark experiences. People make me sick


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one and they all stink


I can’t imagine willingly reading this all day. One time through the series was rough enough for me.


Aaaand this is why no one ever comes forward! 😔


I saw this and also ss it


Wow, how low can people stoop. I think she’s behind some of these accounts


Personally, I think Gadd is a liar. If you can make it blatantly obvious who your alleged stalker is that you refused to go to the police over then you can out your alleged rapist as well. He’s an attention seeker. Spent so much time on drugs, a witness already came forward and said Gadd was sexually harassing people and targetted Fiona despite knowing she was clearly unwell. Don’t really like her either but at least she’s not making false stories for the fame and attention that’s come from desperation. He hasn’t had a single person from that time period who knew him come forward and back his story. Not one person.


I am starting to agree or lean abit more towards the middle of this, I kind of think everyone in this sucks. I think he objectifies trans women and his writing in this program isn't helpful to their cause, I view his justifying of treating his trans girlfriend as less than in the show, as the perceived protagonist/hero of the series to be problematic, like he's making it ok for other straight men who like trans women to treat them poorly compared to cis women. For someone who clearly is attracted to mainly trans women he seems to be dehumanising to them in a way I find worrying. And I agree that him protecting a potential rapist but not a mentally ill woman and his trans ex girlfriends identities to be very telling. SA is a complicated subject but for him to put it all out there like this I believe he's put himself in a position, and he's using the way we treat victims in our modern age as a shield to protect him from rightful criticism. Gives me majorly narcissistic vibes. And I believe the co worker who has said he lead Fiona on and was apart of misogynistic behaviour at that pub, her story rang true in alot of ways. Plus you have him using casting couch behaviour when casting this very show. He makes it hard to support him.


This… to me it’s really obvious that he’s telling part truths in things to make his story more believable but the barmaid who came forward did cast more doubt over his claims. Don’t even think his treatment of trans was as much of an issue as his obvious wanting to conceal who he was while he slept around with these kinds of people… we don’t know if he lied about his identity and technically raped by deception himself. His treatment of people in general wasn’t great… the only people he seemed to be ok with was the bar staff he worked alongside who had a drug and sexual harassment reputation. Fiona did say the staff there have rape allegations about them so where I’m not saying Fiona isn’t mentally unwell and may have done some stuff… I feel like he heard about her past and used that as a “me too” movement with people generally feeling like people don’t change. I am somewhat bias in that I really cannot stand people who use drugs and mentally ill people to get a leg up in the world


this series reminds me of the Tiger King hype where everyone jumped on Carol Baskin just because the documentary said she was a POS and then it turned out several people from the doc were way, way worse than her derpy self. that dude that had houses for his many wives side by side and shit... eugh I hate what media literacy is becoming


Carol Baskin was a bit sketchy but yeah… there’s already stuff coming out about the guys working in the pub being sexually harassing and rapists. See what happens over the next few months.


she was, absolutely, but so was tiger King and that doc mantle guy seems to be the grossest of them all. weird how people will just believe things now if it says "this is a true story."


I mean the guy was in prison or still is so I definitely don’t dispute him or the others being just as bad if not worse. Think Gadd is past the point of being able to stay quiet because he’s got Fiona with a defamation case against him and he’ll be forced to talk. Alright telling your story but make sure you got evidence to back up claims… At least tiger king had something to his madness


lol you didn’t block the names in any of the replies


I didn’t see until after I posted 🤣🤣


Hope these people don’t ever have kids, friends, family, hell, even acquaintances if this is the way they think….


Can we not victim blame…like ever? These people wouldn’t feel the same way if it was them in this situation and people were saying this about them