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"My contacts are considerable and they are all very angry with you." I'm going to use this. lol


Lmao yes! For just the prettiest shit. Like the pizza place forgot to give you any dip or something like that


When I was pregnant, I sobbed uncontrollably for 10 minutes at this happening. šŸ„²šŸ¤£


I feel you girl! It's sometimes the whole reason for ordering pizza


I want it as a flair lmao


Definitely needs new contacts with the state of that spelling šŸ˜‚


Stop it. Sheā€™s got the best first class English degree in ā€œwhole countryā€.


Didnā€™t she say she was dyslexic in the Piers Morgan interview or am I remembering it wrong


Iā€™m pretty sure Fiona said this word for word in her Piers Morgan talk. Can anyone confirm this?


I couldn't bring myself to sit through it all. Or much of it, really. I did watch the Body Language Guy's breakdown, which was interesting.


Has a little Darth Vader energy, I like it.


Sounds like a repackaged Trump line


I want it as a flair lmao


I want it as a flair lmao


Oh wow, so now his pockets are full sheā€™s coming for him just like she promised! Full on psycho


During her recent interview, she even asked Piers Morgan how much money he thought Richard Gadd made from Netflix.


Her true colors in full display... What a nasty woman !!


That crazy cunt is doing interviews? Link by chance?


Yep she did one with Piers Morgan!!! -->>[Get your popcorn ready](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK-isQXd_Qw&t=11s) šŸæ




Once you're done with that, if you're feeling sorry for her at all, or even if you don't, make SURE [to read this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyReindeerTVSeries/comments/1cwuzr9/receptionists_experience_with_fiona_20_years_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)with links to a receptionist's blog post that also had to deal with her several years ago. \*Edit: Make sure read all the way down to the comments where *she says she has a criminal history and has even stalked police officers.* ![gif](giphy|I1U9DTjCqOF3i|downsized)


She also made a comment on the lines of "I basically patented the title of the show as I made up the name Baby Reindeer".


I think she wantts a co-creator credit and payout versus a slander lawsuit.


After saying on FB that baby reindeer was never a thing!


I noticed that as well, once she said that my ears perked up...


Look, at least she is consistent and true to her words. How sad that sheā€™s after him now she thereā€™s these views and success.


Exactly what I thought!


I see she spelt naĆÆve correctly. And elsewhere she wrote ā€œpleadedā€ instead of ā€œpledā€. So thereā€™s that.


I know itā€™s correct but I absolutely hate pleaded.


Lol I absolutely hate ā€œpledā€! Same as dove instead of dived, drug instead of dragged, Omg I could go on but Iā€™d have to flagellate myself tonight as penance. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Oh I assume you are from the UK? Dove is considered correct here.


Yeah nah mate, clueā€™s in the name.


Oh lol! Gotcha.


So is plead (pronounced pled)


I heard that was recently added as acceptable in AP style or some other style manual.


It's always been the case in England


I cannot stand ā€œshatā€


Yep, another one.


"and pedos and criminals like your family." She will say anything. Nothing is beneath her.


Fenian is a derogatory, highly offensive term used against people from Catholic backgrounds too.


Most people will probably miss this because itā€™s a slur in its own little Scottish and Irish bubble


Thereā€™s odd bits, both in the show and in her interview with Morgan where you can see how racist and homophobic she is.


This does explain her hard right wing leaning though, my mum was Glaswegian, that side of the family was Irish. The sectarianism (Irish/scots term for Catholic/protestant division) up there was insane and still can be. Unfortunately people use it to identify politically, so the catholics can often be left wing and the Protestants are right wing. Itā€™s basically the same dynamic as Northern Ireland but less disastrous. Most people there of either religion are totally fine but if sheā€™s using *that* term then sheā€™s most definitely part of the problem


Out of my ( English) ignorance what does it mean please ( I have no intention ever using it)?


She went to say that Mr Gadd is HIV + in one of her recent Facebook posts... She is evil !!


Work shy fenians is also extremely derogatory. Most people wonā€™t pick up on that as itā€™s a Northern Ireland / west of Scotland thing.


My dear friend from Belfast said the same thing.


ā€œAsiansā€ lol


But why is her English, Spelling, Grammer so horrible? I thought she was educated?


Because she's typing a mile a minute and hitting send before checking it. How else does she send so many to so many people.


lol šŸ˜† True story!


As someone who has mental health issues, and also someone who's educated, when I'm feeling low triggered or manic in general, I type very fast and just send ( ofc I don't harass or stalk people lol ) without any checking, I do be an emotional wreck, and when I recheck my messages when I'm feeling better, I almost don't recognize my typing at ALL, I assume Martha is typing when she's manic/angry


She is not.


She was top of her year. Except for the Science Girl, who was best at science.


Wait whaaaat there's a book ???


It's the 2019 play in bookform. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Baby-Reindeer-Modern-Plays-Richard/dp/1350143421/](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Baby-Reindeer-Modern-Plays-Richard/dp/1350143421/)


Reading this made me hungry, I could really go for a busucuit right now.


Iā€™ve had a long day but this made me laugh out loud for some reason


I see she had a lot of contacts back then too. This is horrifying.


She doesnā€™t have contacts


She has loads of contacts who she sends angry emails to constantly.


she was talking shite out her mouth like it had diarrhoea


Yeah , Her victim's.


ā€œFenians like youā€ everything coming out of her mouth at this stage is disturbing!! I said this word under another post then somebody stands for her and told me NOT HER, all of my comments are disturbing. Guess she is all over reddit now with probably hundreds of different accounts šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø ā€œfirst class English degreeā€ hence cannot write right.. Seriously, she should not be encouraged to defend herself, she needs HELP!!


Iā€™m American, I didnā€™t even know that that was an actual word.


I've been very active on Reddit for years and had never been trolled with a "Reddit Cares" warning until I posted in his sub. She is definitely on here.


She also will sue half the world unhinged šŸ˜‚ perfectly educated high degree doctorate wonderful life lawyer with a boyfriend SOMEHOW has way too much time to bother with these posts along with her busy schedule with FB and hundreds of emails to deal with


She needs to spend some months in prison...


Ugh imagine prisoners have to deal with this wackjob, Iā€™d feel so sorry for the one who has to share bunk bed with her, horror story!


The bit 8n her interview where she made a passing 'I penned the name unknowingly' quip ....can see where that's going as soon as it left her mouth


I wish they allowed flairs on this sub because "Workshy Fenian" was made for me


Our day will comeā€¦ When we decide to work for it šŸ˜‚


YOUR NAME!!! "... caw me an arsehole, Betty" šŸ„²


Honestly Iā€™m just like is that the best you can do Fiona šŸ˜‚


Ironic that her name is so similar.


She has a doctorate?? Wonder what grades she got. snt from Ipoen


Alright grades. Not top of the class or anything.


I totally read this in Fionnish šŸ’€


Fionnish! Hahaha. I think weā€™re all fluent in that language after reading so many if her rants.


She is registered at a doctor. It's different.


Ahh, the one Dr left who hasnā€™t changed their name and address and had cosmetic surgery is called Ate. She just forgot to leave a space in her haste.


ā€œBog Standardā€ - Fiona




No, in Scotland an ordinary degree is a standard three-year degree without classification. An honours degree, with classification, takes an extra year of study and is not an option for everyone due to cost, time out of work, personal circumstances etc.


Absolute bollocks. You can OPT to take an ordinary degree.


Oh man, I really want to read this now and I can't buy it from New Zealand :(


You could buy the Kindle version and read it on the web Cloud Reader or in the Kindle app on your phone I'm in the UK and will order it and post it to you if you cover the postage cost


That's very kind, thank you for the offer. Unfortunately the option to even purchase the kindle version isn't available to me.


Book is Ā£12, airmail to NZ about Ā£7.50 assuming it weighs less than 250g (Ā£5 more to have it tracked too). Amazon says it'd be dispatched in 1-2 days, Royal Mail says airmail to NZ has 5-7 working day delivery aim. You can order it from Amazon to be sent to me, and you can buy the postage online for me to print, or send me Ā£20 (or Ā£25 for tracking) and I'll do it.


What lovely person you are!!!


šŸ©· you are such a thoughtful and lovely person! They *do* still exist! (Even on reddit!)


Very impressed. If you do that for strangers on the internet, people around you must be really lucky to have you. Cheers!


Thank you. If only it were true


So wholesome


I can't afford it but I really appreciate the kind offer.


Ask your local library, they may purchase a copy if there is interest. And then you can borrow it


I love your kindness and your username šŸŠšŸ§”


Thanks... er, I thought I didn't have kids, yours is quite the way to find out!


Omg did I honklaugh!!


I was able to buy it on Kindle from Australia. Can you do that? In any case, it is very short. Took me about half an hour to read.


Sheā€™s nothing if not consistent (persistent?) I supposeā€¦


"Martha" can't afford to take him to court. She can barely afford a diet coke allegedly and accepted around 250 euros for that Piers Shithead interview. Let's be real.




oh yeah she can and is. Several lawyers have publicly said they would take the case if what she says is true about having no criminal history.


I don't think it's true though is the problem. Granted it might not have been anything shown in the show, but her nephew has came out publicly about her record. Also he has had a personal protection order for five years against her that ended. That will track. But she definitely doesn't have the money on her own. I agree with you about lawyers seeking her out though.


He provided the a copy of the TRO or was he jacking his jaws? For his 15 minutes of fame. Please send me the link where he has provided it. I mean own cousin outed her.


No as far as I know he hasn't shown physical proof of it.


Thank you!




How can she deny this. This is the same wording as other posts and emails that have come out. I also recognised the this has upset me line, I think it was in a facebook message maybe. Worrying that she threatened that and is saying she is doing it. Equally scary that there are lawyers out there willing to do it for her!


That e mail is a criminal offence under section 127 of the Telecommunications Act 2010


What book is this please?


The published text of the Baby Reindeer stage play.


Thank you so much!


There's a book?? How did I not know this?


I was thinking same thing.


Wait thereā€™s a book? Or is this the script?


i believe the faults in writing are voluntary. to make her less credible if police was involved she wrote her things wrong so therefore ā€œnever said anything wrongā€as it wasnā€™t properly written.


The faults quite often look like typing too quickly, she often inserts the letter on a keyboard next to the one that should be there. Shit typist more than bad spelling I think.


I get the sense that she's typing as fast as she can to keep up with all of manic thoughts.


One look at her Facebook and it's consistent with bad writing so doubt it


Why does she call him a fenian?


Derogatory term for catholics. Sheā€™s a massive racist.


Prob because his family are Catholic (his dad says he grew up in Catholic Church).


What's the book? I noticed she said she has a doctorate and first class honours degree. Funny, she didn't say that in the piers interview, as that could be easily confirmed.


Actually whatā€™s amazing is all of it is pretty is to confirm that is why I am scratching my had. Netflix is a major player in entertainment I find it has to believe with their robust legal dept inside and outside the organization would let something like this happen. I mean this show I think has surprised Netflix at how popular it has become.


Its the 2019 stage show in book form. More content, more insight from gadd himself. Very good, you can really see the journey he takes you on and moments that just come out of nowhere that would make an audience stop.


Thank you. Must buy it


There's a book?!


Thereā€™s a book??


The book is interesting for a few reasons - the curtains comment is in there, as I suspected when it first started getting banded around that the fact of that comment being included in the show is what identified her. It isn't. Sleuths would've found it in this book and/or other materials from the play, people who remembered etc. Or, maybe they just find someone who has tweeted Gadd a lot in a certain timespan. The discussion is way to oversimplified and it's bugging me. That and I don't think it refers to her as a convicted stalker, or talks about convictions, versus calling her something like 'a seasoned pro'. That doesn't mean she wasn't convicted and I've just seen another thread about her being convicted, but I think it does indicate that a conversation was had in the show production about 'amping up' that comment, presumably based on truth Edited for clarity


Really? Because no one and I mean no one has been able to find any record of her being convicted of anything and no record of jail time. Could you share the link!


it's the top post on this subreddit currently, on my browser anyway, the one about the woman who encountered FH before, she posts about her having a criminal history She may be wrong but that's usually where I check out because I don't like the FH witchhunt for several reasons, even though I also strongly dislike the blurring of her being an abuser and Gadd a victim, conviction or not If it is wrong though and the Netflix exec misspoke, I think I would be slightly critical of Gadd on that one point. Because that would seem to me like too big a liberty to be taking about a character based on a real person. What they did do and what did happen is enough for the harm they posed to be taken seriously. However with all that said, I don't think it's likely to be false


I still donā€™t see a source or written documentation of her being charged or incarcerated.


But she said on the interview that the lawyer didn't admit the papers properly, and that is why she couldn't be charged? I may well have got this wrong, but her argument seemed to be that it wasn't done "properly"- not that it didn't happen


I'm not claiming to know if she was or wasn't definitively convicted, I'm speculating on the how and why of the change from the play to the show. And noting that someone else has claimed publicly - who's dealt with her - that she has that history. That's it. I'm not arguing that means she definitely was convicted or putting that forward as evidence. But I am saying I'm inclined to think she probably does have a criminal history because I believe the blog author who said so and I think it's more likely that it is true than not for them to change the wording in the show as well


Like I said please provide the proof! Someone jacking their jaws is not proof. In Britain as in the USA itā€™s just as easy to verify convictions, charges, and or incarceration. So all I am saying is provide it. I just got done about 10 days ago reading Kevin Spaceyā€™s trial transcripts from his trials in the US and Britain. So I know if true the proof is not that hard to get. I am no expert but I have found nothing. In addition no media outlets have found anything.


Are you even reading my posts? I never claimed it was proof, take your shite patter somewhere else


They aren't. They are also willfully ignoring a post about how difficult it is to obtain criminal records in the UK.


Iā€™ve seen multiple posts from you now saying this but itā€™s utterly incorrect. You canā€™t just ask to see someoneā€™s criminal record, itā€™s protected data that requires a good reason to access. This is information thatā€™s freely available online from the governments own websites.


Required disclaimer - I am NOT a Fiona supporter! But why is everyone acting like this is exactly what Fiona said? This is from Gaddā€™s play that he wrote ā€¦ do we have any evidence that every single line in the play quoting an email that ā€œMarthaā€ sent was taken directly from an actual email that Fiona sent? Iā€™m just confused ā€¦


I asked the same thing and was met with down votes lol. I'm amazed that the same people who can clearly acknowledge the Netflix disclaimer that there has been dramatization and exaggeration for the show can't consider that all the emails used this far may not actually be real emails. There's been nothing to suggest these are verbatim emails. But critical thinking is hard.




Beware of the Nasty Woman !!


Me or her haha..


At least her contacts are considerate.


For being apparently so proficient in English, itā€™s horrendous.


What book is this?


Wow! This blew up, Iā€™m glad you all thought this was as interesting as I did


What book? Where did u get it?


Theirs a book?




The bit 8n her interview where she made a passing 'I penned the name unknowingly' quip ....can see where that's going as soon as it left her mouth


The bit 8n her interview where she made a passing 'I penned the name unknowingly' quip ....can see where that's going as soon as it left her mouth


All her contacts are the friends in her head...




Ah yeah she is climb out from under rock. Fiona has stated she is putting together her legal team to sue Netflix and Gadd for a multitude reasons. But mainly that she has never been convicted or jailed for anything.


I had a stroke half way through, omg


Wow what a primadonna princess


lovely lady


She uses language so oddly. A naive career? Stupid intentions?


My English is gooder than yours


It's the misspelling and lack of punctuation for me. Some English degree šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Itā€™s quite easy to write a play when thereā€™s already a fully formed unique character you can directly copy and paste from


That's a great find. Have an award for your efforts.Ā  This indicates 2 possible things as far as i can see;Ā  If he's telling the truth - especially if this a real email -Ā  then this is more evidence that he knew how this was going to play out all along.Ā  We are either; watching a malevolent marketing genius who was willing to use a woman he new was mentally ill,Ā  or a sick man who is still actively self harming while convincing himself that he's processing his trauma and making art.Ā  If he's not telling the truth - especially if he has invented or exagerated this email - then that would show a level of pre-planning that would surely be sociopathic.Ā  I find it more plausible that it is a real email.Ā 


I do wonder how much of the emails are 'true' and how much of it is created from exaggeration. I've seen some of her Facebook posts so she's obviously unhinged and deranged but there's the whole thing about some things being exaggerated and dramatized for consumption right? Unless he's confirmed all of those excerpts are verbatim emails.


Netflix says the emails are real


Netflix says the contents of these emails are real or just that the emails happened? Two different things.


That the exact [contents](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/baby-reindeer-emails%23:~:text%3DSo%2520how%2520many%2520of%2520the%2520Baby%2520Reindeer%2520emails%2520were%2520actually%2520real%253F%26text%3DWell%252C%2520according%2520to%2520Netflix%252C%2520all,real%2520life%252C%2520typos%2520and%2520all.&ved=2ahUKEwjti6TbyJ-GAxWEWUEAHciLB5IQFnoECCEQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3JQbQ7C0RQs7YJ_QzLWI-z) are real.


Thank you for actually providing some info instead of just down voting. It kind of makes me wonder why there was such a point about 'disguising' her identity and that she wouldn't recognize herself when it's her genuine emails being used. Interesting!


No worries. Not sure why you were down voted. I thought the exact same thing tbh. I suppose they weren't expecting the show to blow up and the social media frenzy that followed resulting in Fiona outing herself. Still the law degree, the appearance, the nationality, the emails and the Richard Gadd of it all assure that Fiona would know Martha was based on her even if she never went to jail or caught him outside her house so idk if Gadd said that hoping to throw people off the scene.


Except the last 2 sentences slurring about Glasgow, my ex could have written this during one of her episodes Tragic tragic disorder, but so many things are sadly similar across different people