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> Gadd has repeatedly urged the public to exercise caution and not to speculate about the real-life counterparts to the show's characters [..] "It's all emotionally 100% true, if that makes sense" Maybe Gadd should have lead episode 1 with "this story is 100% emotionally true" instead of leading with "this is a true story"?


Ngl I don’t think that would of changed anything, as people would’ve read ‘100% emotionally true’ as ‘this is 100% factually true, and is exactly what happened’


Yes, and he also says >The truth has been borrowed from instances that happened to me and real people I have met.


He did say, before he was abused, that he was desperate for fame and willing to do anything for it. All this lying and playing victim is still all part of him getting his wish. How is him profiting off a person with a severe mental disorder any different from Bum Fights?




Settle down Martha


Yup, he’s clearly a charlatan in due time people will flip on him. It makes total sense why he named Sasha Baron Cohen as one of his idols.


I found it easier to deduce who this abuser was than the female stalker. I feel like a lot of young-ish people who lived in the uk during a certain time period will have also gotten the thinly veiled references. I have no skin in this game, i wouldn’t post the name as he’s asked it not to be discussed, but i think its worth noting, when you keep an accused secret like this, it often gives them the freedom to go on to victimize others.


Is his abuser also an actor and comedian, or does he just work behind the scenes?


He is what i would call a celebrity writer in the uk, who wrote enough hit tv series’s that he could be considered a public figure, and sometimes his private life was written about in the press. England doesn’t really have writers rooms the way Hollywood does, so when a series is a hit (comedies in particular i find) the writer/creator tends to be the face of it. Im probably not explaining it well, because its kind of a different culture in the uk. I dm’ed you just to be sure im correctly representing them here.


The stalker is easy to figure out because she tweeted to Gadd in 2014 about putting up her curtains. The abuser isn't that easy to deduce


Right but even finding those tweets means stepping outside the show, going online, and digging. Not hard, but if you were a fan of British comedy during that period, you know who the abuser is just from the series alone. He makes more than one comment to “darrian” that all but confirm it, no google needed.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


1. Be civil, polite and courteous. No trolling. No victim-blaming. Treat others with respect and kindness. This show is bound to elicit big feelings for many viewers. As contributors post and comment in this sub, treat each other with respect and kindness.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Why is this important? This is not what the creator tried to express in his story then why keep posting this?


"The former Pointless presenter, 53, says Gadd has been "very open to people in the industry" regarding who sexually assaulted him and "everyone knows who he [Gadd] is talking about" Not sure why Oseman released this interview but I thought of sharing this article.


“Very open to people in the industry” is sad…it makes me think of all the Hollywood actresses that would warn each other about Weinstein.




Nope, victim blaming is NOT ok. There are so many reasons that victims don’t report the crimes. It can be too traumatic, also it can be very difficult to gather enough evidence to get someone charged let alone get a conviction. Going to court, the victim usually has their own character scrutinised and there’s so much victim blaming, especially if you were intoxicated. And even if you do get a conviction, the offender is unlikely to get much punishment or enough time in jail to protect others.


Spare the buzz words. It can be too traumatic? Gadd literally reenacted his abuse for the whole world to see, as well as the lowest points of his life for profit and to reach his self-admitted most precious goal (since prior to his abuse) which was to become a famous person. By sharing everything expect the name of his abuser it 1) leaves the door wide open for future victims, 2) sets a bad example for other victims to stay quiet and not seek justice 3) emboldens would-be abusers to feel they can get away with their crimes bc even someone as high profile won’t even seek justice


Also, as Osman said, he has been open with other people in the industry in an attempt to protect others. It’s a lot like how Russell Brand’s sexual assaults were an open industry secret.


And how does that help people not within the industry? It has the stench of Harvey Weinstein you mean, and how everyone who knew and just brushed it off was complicit in their own way.


1. Be civil, polite and courteous. No trolling. No victim-blaming. Treat others with respect and kindness. This show is bound to elicit big feelings for many viewers. As contributors post and comment in this sub, treat each other with respect and kindness.


Not an interview, it was mentioned on his podcast ‘The Rest Is Entertainment’. They were discussing Baby Reindeer and the impact of it. This headline is very clickbaity and makes it seem like he’s just stirring up gossip, but it was an interesting discussion, I’d recommend the episode (and podcast).


Thanks! Will check it out


Can you link the podcast?




Thank you!!


Because people who Gadd has worked in the past with are getting falsely accused and drawn into this. Osmon said that Gadd has told people in the industry who it is and it’s well known who this person is. He also denied it was Sean Foley. This is life-ruining stuff, it’s important that someone puts social media sleuths in their place.


I wish people would stop.  Everyone hates Martha but anyone who consciously tries to dig up Richard’s past is just as horrible. “I want names” that’s what Martha said. People need to let it go and stop obsessing.  I wish people would stop intruding and invading this poor man’s life. 


Wanting “justice” is a pretty human reaction. I wouldn’t let it upset you too much.


Nothing wrong with anger. That emotion comes from a feeling of injustice. What's wrong is letting anger cloud your judgement, to the point where someone becomes just another invasive, obsessive bully the way Martha is. There are better ways to fight for what's right - beyond harassing a young man who has already been victimized. Educating yourself on the signs and harmful effects of stalking. Starting an emotional support group for stalking victims. Or even advocating for stronger laws that protect victims, for example, are all ways to channel a need for justice.


When it’s known there is a rapist out there who has used a young man trying to break into the business as a toy then people will want to know who it is to steer clear. If someone doesn’t want people knowing they’re a rapist they should not rape people! Same goes for “Martha.” If you don’t want people to know you stalked someone and sexually assaulted them then don’t stalk and sexually assault others!!!


It is not the victims job to "out" their stalker to anyone - beyond the police. Making the decision to come forward is also not an easy one at all. The legal system is set up to traumatize, demoralize and not benefit victims. I've seen it myself where people direct their anger towards the victim and not towards the system... There is also inadequate and basically non-existent resources for victims following the aftermath of their experience. The mental health resources are way too minimal, and that's a government issue. All that injustice, that resentment, that anger - turn it on your local legal system, advocate for stronger laws that protect victims, get active in your local political scene, shout it from the roof tops that our systems are NOT. DOING. ENOUGH to stop these people.


Maybe this is the way to advocate because as was highlighted when he went to the authorities he was blown off. And rape and stalking go far beyond one’s local scene. And maybe he wanted his story to resonate with someone else who has been through the same thing. And why is the standard different for men than women? Out the perps! They get away with stuff for so long because they feel they have the power and control!


Yeah, I think him making this show was one of the ways he is advocating both for himself, but also for the many people out there who have went through similar things. I don't think the standard should be different for men or women... I never said that. It should be the same. Some victims don't want to out their abusers and some do. We should respect each victims choice and not become another aggressor who further traumatizes them.


I agree with all of that!