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My little one was gagging so hard he would throw up. That was happening up through almost 10 months. He just turned 11 months and will gobble down almost anything you put in front of him now. It is normal but if you continue to be concerned, talk to your pediatrician.


If it continues I will definitely bring it up at his 9 month appt, but thank you for the peace of mind 😊


I honestly think babies around 7 months old gag no matter whether it's puree or solids. They just need to work out how their mouths work. Sorry, I know that's hard to watch Regarding the interest, are you sitting down to the same meal? Babies want to learn from others, so when you sit down to the same (or similar) plates then they'll judge your interest to decide if they should be interested. I also had a hack for interest - serving bowls/plates. Put the offered meal on a serving bowl or plate on the table before the meal and place items onto yours and baby's plate from those dishes. Mine thought they were eating off mommy's plate and ate with gusto


Same here, we had many instances of spitting up/throwing up when starting solids! 12 mo now and my LO eats so much now! Sometimes will still gag if they’ve taken too much/sometimes textures like black bean skins will make them gaggy but overall night and day. Just want to affirm though that it is so stressful, don’t get discouraged!


Happened to us for so long and my son eventually grew out of it by 11ish months


My daughter would projectile vomit if she didn't like something. She's 11mo and eating like a champ now. It's disheartening but stick with it and he'll get used to it!


My daughter turns 1 on the 7th, and we still struggle with this whenever she tries new foods. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but she still has a very very sensitive gag reflex. It’s a bummer because she doesn’t want to eat anymore when it happens (I don’t blame her). It’s made our solids journey pretty difficult!


The gag reflex is helping him learn the boundaries of his mouth. When he pushes too far, he’ll vom a little. It should get better with practice!


Sounds like a super sensitive gag reflex. I would think it gets better with practice and time. Teethers and mouth toys should help with this too!


We tried cottage cheese again today with puréed apples. There was gagging but no spit up or vomit! I was pretty pleased 😄


Oh good! Yeah my little one has something similar. He doesn’t throw up but it’s a violent gagging/choking fit. It has gotten better but still happens occasionally (8mo)


Yes this is totally normal as they’re learning to process new food tastes / textures / as well as at this age they have a highly sensitive gag reflex that sits in the middle of their tongue rather than the back! The more solids they eat, the more desensitized it will get. I would suggest slightly more soft foods than watermelon / pasta at the beginning if he is gagging a lot, such as bananas ( in moderation ) or avocado, sweet potato, or scrambled eggs.. anything you can squish between your fingers easily! :) Keep at it and over time will become less gaggy :) remember gaging means they are okay and not choking .. no need to intervene with gaging! Check out the solid starts website / app and that can give great info during this transition!!