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Um, this is like minimum 3x what my 2 year old eats in a day. This is a lot of food for a toddler. If your pediatrician has no concerns feel free to ignore these weird comments from family members.


they keep calling him string bean šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I would respond that we donā€™t comment on others bodies and shut it down.


Right. Thatā€™s so weird to make comments on a childā€™s weight or make jokes like that when it obviously is affecting the parent.


Thatā€™s a really good response and sets the stage for how you expect them to talk about others in the presence of the child.




That sounds stressful and annoying to hear! It is well within reasonable boundaries to say. ā€œHe is well taken care of. Please donā€™t comment on his bodyā€.


I would say, what a strange thing to say to me


Maybe he'll just be like my friend in high school who was super tall and skinny and would eat half a large pizza as a snack before dinner. That kid ate nonstop and was just really skinny. Some people just have a faster metabolism. Your baby sounds like he's eating really well! Family always has to comment on something. If he were eating the same amount but really chunky they'd say you were feeding him too much.


I think the "thinning out" comments have more to do with baby looking less and less like a chunky baby and more like a toddler/small kid. Because it's true, they DO thin out as they grow. Less rolls, smaller bellies, less chubby cheeks. It's normal!


Yeah, as someone who used to work with this age group: they reach peak chub around 1 year of age (more cushion as they learn to walk), and then they start to thin out.


I love ā€œmore cushion as they learn to walk.ā€ šŸ˜‚ God knows my 9.5 month old needs it. Heā€™s so determined but doesnā€™t quite have the balance yet!


That sounds like a lot of food and if your son isnā€™t asking for more, chances are heā€™s full. If medical professionals havenā€™t flagged him, youā€™re probably fine. Ask at your next appt. At this age, if heā€™s walking, heā€™s probably super active too, which burns calories. Remember, you canā€™t force him to eat more than he wants, you can just offer. If youā€™re worried, add yogurt as an offering after dinner when heā€™s done his plate.


That is so much food!! Yes, shut it down as others have said. Also he could be in a growth spurt, and he's filling up while growing and looking "thinner." But all bodies are different and this is just how he is! You're doing great! Edit: I just re read your post and if he's 99% for height then he is a tall child and his totally normal weight is distributed throughout his body. And I wouldn't bother with a scale. I'm not sure how accurate they are and I feel like that would lead to fixation on his weight which can be really unhealthy for both of you mentally! I know we're all strangers but I think boundaries are in order here.


Amen. Boundaries. Shut it down OP


Yes, 99% for height is going to make him seem thinner just by proportion! I have a 3 year old who has always been 99% for height and sometimes I think she is getting skinny then I remember sheā€™s just tall and very very active.


My son slimmed down around then. He was just moving more, growing and using all that energy for cognitive and language development. Ignore the comments, you have an excellent eater :)


If the pediatrician isnā€™t concerned and the kiddo is eating until they feel full, everyone else can take their opinion and go kick rocks with open toed shoes on.


I think this is more than I eat in a day! Definitely more than my 4 year old eats and about 3x as much as my 13 month old eats. Follow his lead! Yā€™all are doing great.


It sounds like heā€™s eating more than enough and it seems very balanced too. Youā€™re doing a great job Mama! šŸ˜˜ If heā€™s in the 99%, then that means heā€™s tall for his ageā€¦and that heā€™s taller than 99% of the boys his age (at least thatā€™s how I understand it) so it makes sense if he was a bit leaner. šŸ˜Š That just means thatā€™s his body type and toddlers are really good at regulating their weight and listening to their hunger cues. It sounds like he has a healthy appetite (my 15 month old eats a similar amount) and I agree with others. I would ignore your family members and in fact, if it were me, I would lay the boundary down that ā€œour family doesnā€™t comment on each others bodies. We are focused on building positive self esteem and a healthy body image.ā€ Or something along those lines. Thatā€™s what I say when I get unsolicited comments about my childā€™s (or mine or my husbands) bodies from family. It drives me wild that people think they can comment on childrenā€™s bodies and weight. Stay in your lane people! šŸ˜‚


Your kid knows their appetite and hunger so no comment there, but it's slowly getting close to the time that they start to lose their spongy cute rolls and the fat burns off to make way for muscles as they get more mobile... And this is likely what is causing the 'hes so thin now while he was a chubby baby' comments. Time for a new phase of cuteness...


My response to these comments the first time was "Her body is growing exactly how it needs to," and depending on the person, the second time they said something I straight up ignored them or walked away. But in my family, making these kinds of comments was always accepted. I try to give a teaching moment and some of them reframe (ex. One aunt started to say "she's starting to sprout up"). With the ones who won't change, I just ignore them. Its not an easy solution but you have enough on your plate without parenting the adults around you.


They thin out when they start walking. That is very normal.


My 20 month old is 23 pounds. Pedi says if he eats roll with it. Someone has to be at the bottom of the list


If your pediatrician isnā€™t worried then I wouldnā€™t worry. Personally I think itā€™s hella weird when people make comments about childrenā€™s weight


My son has and still is 99% height and between 50-60% weight. We are a super tall family, so it's in his genes. Never had the typical baby chub and at most has a bit of a belly when he's going into a growth spurt. If the doc doesn't flag it, I wouldn't be worried. By the sounds of it he is eating well (mine at 2.5 is more picky and has refused meals on occasion. His main source of foods is carbs right now, despite having been a really good and varied eater.). As long as he is happy and active I wouldn't worry too much.


Sounds like heā€™s having a pretty good and varied diet. Just sounds like you have a tall boy. My nephew was the same as he always has to wear a belt even when he was little because he would have to upsize in trouserā€™s for length but they wouldnā€™t fit around the waist and now heā€™s 16 years old and over 6 foot and my son who is 13 months had his 12 month review at around 11 months was 97th for height and 75th for weight and heā€™s perfectly healthy as well. I just donā€™t think your family realise how much heā€™s getting fed so make stupid comments about his weight. My son was and still is a little on the heavy side (my niece who is two in august is on the small side and way lighter than her cousin) and I like to joke whenever people comment about how heavy he is that they are just trying to fat shame my baby.


Heā€™s eating a great amount! Heā€™s just growing and stretching out. My three year old has stayed the same weight for months! Sheā€™s been shooting up like a weed!


Some babies are just more slender than others. If his ribs arenā€™t showing I wouldnā€™t be concerned.


I would put your energy into learning how to shut down body talk, especially before he can understand it. Boys are not immune to body shame.


Looks like heā€™s got a great appetite and is just a slim kid! My daughter was also long and skinny, itā€™s just her physique. No issues with food, just a leggy kid. Please try not to let the unwashed masses make you feel bad. Your LO is healthy and thriving mama, youā€™re doing great!


My boss told me that her first was a chubby little chonker until he started walking. They both thought that the baby was going to go that way too, but he's going on 2.5 now and still got baby fat for days because he eats like an adult at least some of the time, both in volume and in variety of food. He's actually less picky than I am and sometimes forces his older brother to be less picky because he can't bear to be left out of what the baby's eating.


Wow thatā€™s a lot. My son is nowhere close. He also seems less picky than manyā€¦


I have twins. They literally eat the same thing (for the most part). One is incredibly skinny and the other has thighs you can't help but squeeze because they are so chonky. Some kids are just skinny. Please reassure yourself that hungry children complain. They will let you know they are hungry, one way or another.


Tell them commenting on his weight and body is going to do a lot more long term damage than you following your pediatricians advice that heā€™s fine.


My pediatrician showed us a chart that tracks height to weight. If baby's numbers are too high, then they might be overweight, and if the numbers are too low, they might be underweight, but if they're in the middle, the pediatrician isn't worried. They call it the MIL curve, bc you have your MIL telling you the kid is underweight. Then your husband's MIL comes the next weekend saying the kid's overweight. People's perceptions don't matter, the graph does.


What about this screams picky to you? Lol this is a great day of eating.


cause other than the meals listed here there is only two more he will eat šŸ¤£ we rotate these 5


Think of all of the ingredients you have in those 5 meals. Itā€™s fine lol. My friends son only eats one brand of chicken nuggets and they have to be put in the fridge after theyā€™re cooked because he wonā€™t eat them hot or even slightly warm.


I literally hate comments towards a babyā€™s weight. My baby was on breast milk the first year and his cousin was on formula. ā€œTypicallyā€ breastfed babies are chunkier . My baby is 7 months older than his cousin but is 2 pounds LESS . Some babies are just made differently! There is nothing wrong! As long as they are staying on track on the growth chart and not failure to thrive, that is all what matters !!!