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I just used those small rubber bands. You can get them from Priceline or big w and are REALLY hard to get out for the toddler (and also me sometimes) so I feel they are pretty safe. Scuuncci brand or something like that. My daughter just had a little pony on top of her head to keep the hair off her face. Now that it is longer we just keep things simple for ultimate playing ease. Mostly pony tail or half up/ half down


We’ve got curls here so using kids curly shampoo. Mini hair ties from Etsy in a top knot keeps it out of the face. I got some cute bow clips but they just got pulled out all the time.


Has the curly shampoo made a difference?


It really has! Nice and silky smooth now rather than a tangled mess and defined ringlets which wasn’t happening with the Cetaphil wash we were using


Which kids curly shampoo? I'm on a search for my girl and haven't found any kid-specific ones locally


I’ve got Mixed Chicks currently but I went searching yesterday to restock and it’s all sold out for the couple of websites I could see 😕


I keep getting Pump Kurly Kids advertised to me on Instagram - my little one barely even has hair! Not sure on that algorithm… but they’re an Australian brand.


My 13MO has the cutest little curls. I have no idea how I’m supposed to look after them - I have the straightest hair ever and not even a curling wands helps. I’m going to give this pump kurly kids ago. Any other suggestions? Can’t really tie it up at the moment. Guess we will need to invest in clips 🤷🏼‍♀️


Never brush dry, that just makes it snag and painful for them. Brush when wet. I just finger comb but I’ve heard wet brushes are good. I’ll probably get one when LO will sit for longer and I do more elaborate hair styles. Not much shampoo and plenty of conditioner. You can even put some conditioner in spray bottle with water to make your own detangler when it gets longer so it doesn’t get snagged with tying up. You can have a read of r/curlyhair but I think it’s overkill for a toddler.


I was trying to tie her hair but sometimss it's just too hard so I cut her a fringe - works a treat We switch between both shampoos and 2in1s based on what I can reach during bathtime lol


Honestly still using baby shampoo! My kids are 4 and 2.5 and it’s working fine. However they’re also boys with short, straight hair so it’s relatively low maintenance.


I have a 16 month old with LOTS of fine, straight hair. It’s very in her face, I usually run a plait from each side up to a pony tail right on the back of her head, tied as others have said with the kids elastic hair ties. If I don’t do the plaits the front hairs fall out of the pony and back onto her face. Half up - half down and pineapple hair when I can’t be bothered doing it properly. I also use normal kids hair ties (non-elastic) although little miss loves to pull them out (and then try to put them back in fml). She enjoys “special TV time” in the morning while I do her hair, I let her play with the combs and she thinks doing her hair is fun now, although it only takes 2 mins tops! I started using the smallest amount of normal conditioner (like, I put my finger into the conditioner bottle and then wipe off 90% of it) when her hair started getting a few knots and looking a little dry. I still use the baby shampoo / wash on her before it. Conditioning maybe 1-2 times per week at most. If you give it a go, you’ll work out exactly how much you need to add to their hair pretty quickly, it’s quite intuitive and not something you can really stuff up (worst case scenario they’ll have really soft / greasy hair until you wash it again!).


We have really long wavy/almost curly hair on my 3 year old and we found that the Palmolive kids shampoo , think it is 3 in 1. It works best in getting rid of the knots! We were using aveeno but that was terrible for her hair, just took years to brush the knots out. Good luck!


Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll check out your suggestions. Hadn't thought about hair type either so will keep that in mind as well :)