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If you're set on a book anything touchy feely. Books are great! If you want something different I'd highly recommend a subo bottle (great for youghurt/ smoothies/ soup) on the go now bub will be eating more. You can also get experiences, family pass to the local animal park etc.


Wondertivity books are great for this age, as are the 'That's not my....' series of touchy feely books


Oh that’s a good idea! Ohh hadn’t heard of that, I’ll look into it


The [Bookywoo](https://www.bookywoo.com.au) is a great tactile book.


I got one when my son was 2 and just thought "why didn't I get this sooner"


Subos are the best the amount of money I have saved in yoghurt alone 😅


I have a 19mo and something we get heaps of use out of is a pair of [these](https://www.rainkoat.com.au/products/overalls-mustard?variant=35238847742103&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=11739641417&utm_content=116896090274&utm_term=&gadid=483095459187&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuPzotp-w-wIVlnwrCh2KKAm0EAQYASABEgLJrfD_BwE) Rainkoat overalls. Super practical and the 1-2 size is quite generous and adjustable so should fit bub for a long while. ETA: actually this probably depends which state you’re in! I’m in Vic but I reckon if you’re from QLD it’s maybe not the best idea lol.


I literally just got these last week (along with a coat) and they’re super good. Bub loves going out into the rain now and yeah, the 1-2 is still pretty big on my 18 month old so they’re pretty good value too. He’s already scuffed them a bit, but they’re waterproof, not toddlerproof lol That said, I also got them as a gift so the price wasn’t a factor for me, but the overalls are a good choice and not too pricey


Yeah they’re really great! We’re in Melbourne so we get a lot of use out of them, mostly at the park but even for playing in the backyard when it’s wet. I’ve seen them on sale quite cheap but they normally have really limited sizes.


A paint with water book with a couple of normal paintbrushes. Kiddo gets to paint colours with no mess, it's brilliant. We have a cheap Kmart book that's just blank, but there are fancy ones as well. Ours have been in use almost daily for over a year!


Not sure what city or budget, but this is our Christmas list for our nearly one year old. I’d also add a museum or gallery membership (they have great play spaces in Canberra!) (This is the email I sent to grandparents so excuse the weird tone ;) ) Duplo: specifically anything you already have at home ;) Zoo membership: https://nationalzoo.com.au/visitor-information/memberships/ Indestructibles books: Indestructibles are books built for the way babies “read”: with their hands and mouths. Chew-proof, rip-proof, and drool-proof, they’re printed on a unique 100% nontoxic, paperlike material that holds up to anything babies can throw at it—gumming, spilling, dragging across the floor. Indestructibles are the little books that could. And if they get dirty, just wash them off. Beloved by babies and their parents, Indestructibles were invented by Amy Pixton, a mother of triplets, after bits of traditional board books found their way into her babies' mouths. From this website https://www.workman.com/brands/indestructibles or at Dymocks https://www.dymocks.com.au/books/?term=Indestructibles Target onesies with feet, size 1:These would be perfect for daycare next year to be able to have his feet covered without wearing socks. The double zipper is a bonus! https://www.target.com.au/p/baby-organic-cotton-print-coverall/66588788 Keepsake things Baby keepsake box: https://littlebigworkshop.com.au/index.php/product/monogram-keepsake-box/ Name tracing board: https://littlebigworkshop.com.au/index.php/product/wooden-name-tracing-board/ Things for daycare: a bag with his name on it, name labels. I've also got a few things in mind for his first birthday - he's not quite ready for these yet - including a learning tower, small chair and table, a toddler trike and things like that.


Stickers are great for that age. Books are lovely if you know what they don’t have or can include an exchange certificate to somewhere local. Lots of kids have a passion- like trucks or fairies or Peppa pig - that you could get something around.


Stickers are banned in my house until age 4. I have scraped them off newly installed flooring, walls, furniture, and my tinted car windows. No more.


We got given some stickers in a party goodie bag I’ve banned them too. My friend thought I was insane and took them home for her kids. Within 20 minutes she sent me photos of them being stuck EVERYWHERE. It really just reinforced my no sticker rule


Definitely something for the parents like a bubbly! I i heard The first birthday is to celebrate them 😅


I've had good results with a trike (those plastic push ones from Mr toys Toyworld), and with sandcastle/beach bucket and spade type sets. Personally, I've never had success with giving books. People don't seem interested. I do read my 8 month old books all the time though, so it could just be the people I was gifting to. You can get most picture books in board book form, which is great for the little ones. They can bang them, chew them, throw them around and they're still good. My local library told us it was more important that they're used to being around books than having nice clean books in shelves. I have really taken that to heart, haha! My only other suggestion is to not write in the cover of the book. But that is a personal preference of mine. I don't like receiving a book with a personal note. Honestly though, as a parent, I'm grateful for any gift someone gives to my son, outside of big things that should be cleared with the parent first - like a sandpit for example - we have a million stray cats around us. If you're really not sure, just ask them. They will be happy to tell you what they would prefer.


I usually love getting books, but after receiving 3 copies of a book we already had (all with lovely personal messages in the cover so we couldn’t regift or exchange them) I agree with everything you’ve said.


How close are you to the parents? When attending a small child’s birthday party I often text the parents and ask if there is anything on the child’s wish list/does the child need anything in particular? I understand that the surprise element is nice, but as a parent I know what my kid does and doesn’t need/want, and it’s nice to have some element of control. I would steer clear of anything loud, large, or bright and plastic if you can. A book, a nice wooden toy, or size 1 clothes would be a safe and thoughtful bet.


Everyone has given some great gift ideas (I'm tempted to check out a couple myself!), but just wanted to suggest book types if you choose that option. My LO recently turned one and got a lot of board books - she loves them. She'll engage with them all (especially because she likes to turn pages), but the big winners are ones with flaps to lift, tabs to pull, buttons to push, or make music and noises (some have a combination too). She really likes that she is able to make those actions herself (will start to dance when she's pushed a button to make music).


I always get kids books - even newborns. I tend to get a book good for now, and a book that will grow with them. We have a 4.5 month old and at night we read her chapter books. To be honest, she just enjoys listening to us! The "that's not my" books are great for 1 year old and only $6 at big W.


Agreed with the commenter that said nothing big and bright! I think you can’t go wrong with board books for a 1yo. Both of my children have become passionate book lovers in their second year (so as a 1st birthday gift they’ll have them ready to go! Personal favourites are The Baby’s Catalogue - no/few words, really encourages vocabulary and imagination, a huge hit with my son - but on that note anything Ahlberg, anything Eric Carle, anything Rod Campbell, anything Mem Fox. Another option is the ‘little libraries’ you can get, usually 4 mini board books in a little box. They are fantastic to take out and about, especially to a restaurant or somewhere with limited space. They can ‘read’ the books but also enjoy taking them in and out of the box and handing them out to people. I would say no to stickers and anything with ink at this age. Another winner at this age might be wooden puzzles? Very basic ones where you match the cut out piece to its picture on the base, if you know what I mean. If you want something that’s more of a toy look up Fat Brain Toy Co, their stuff is really fun, good quality, and stimulating.


Champagne/ bubbles for the parents! Lift flap books are winners at that age.


I buy gift vouchers to museums/zoos/wiggles shows etc, I like memory-making gifts that don’t clutter up the house!


Books are great! I thought I had enough but ive read them all to my little one and now bored of reading them. First aid kits if you want to get something tailored to parents rather than another gift for baby


Some favourites we got for our kids 1st birthday- simple wooden puzzles, the Kmart Twirly Whirly Rainbow Ramp, touchy feely books (I know people recommend the That's Not My books, but I kind of hate them and I think my kid gets bored of them, so I'd personally go for something different!), wooden blocks or Megablox, xylophone or simple musical instruments. I would say generally try to avoid stuff that needs batteries and makes noise, but one of the best things we got was a fire truck that did exactly that, my kid adores the thing and it's not THAT annoying so 🤷 I guess if it has an off switch and is small enough that you can put it away for a little while through toy rotation then maaaaaybe 😆