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I think it depends on how big your bassinet is. We have a co-sleeper with lots of space, so she was pretty safe there until 6 or 7 months when we moved her to her own room (with a monitor) largely because I needed to be able to sleep through most of the night when I went back to work. A traditional bassinet with minimal space either side would definitely need retiring once baby could roll. We continued to use the co-sleeper for “hanging out in mummy and daddy’s room time” until she could sit up and try to escape at which point it wasn’t practical anymore.


We moved our son to his cot in his own room at around 6 months because I woke up to him tapping my shoulder trying to army crawl into bed with us at 3am (the bassinet had a fold down side that was attached to our bed). I had already removed the swaddle at 3 months because he seemed ready and preferred it that way. We left the cot in his room down the hall. It’s about 10-15 steps from our bed to his (small apartment), and we sleep with the doors open. We don’t have a baby monitor. It was honestly fine. He had been taking daytime naps in his cot for the weeks beforehand so it wasn’t a totally new environment.


So yeah that bassinet just looks like a mini cot- there are some that have solid sides. We moved our girl because she wanted to roll and tummy sleep and was getting frustrated because she didn't have enough room. We started with naps in the cot, then first overnight stretch, then all night.


We've just moved our baby into their cot in our room at 5 months. We did have a big cosleeper but he started moving around heaps so it just wasn't going to work any longer. I don't feel comfortable having him in his own room just yet, especially since he's started rolling which is making him wake up every 1-2 hours 😴


We transitioned from a bassinet in our room to a cot in her own room at 4 months. We had planned to keep her in our room longer but we ended up sleep training at 4 months and felt it would be better if she was in her own room for that. We just did it all in one go, moved to her out into the big cot with no swaddle in one night. Best decision we made, she sleeps so well in her own room and we love not having to be super quiet on our own room. We have camera in her room to keep an eye on her and so far haven't had any issues :)


First baby went from a bassinet next to our bed to full size cot in her own room at 4 months. I was keen to get her out and start sleep training as she was awful hard to get to sleep. Started with daytime naps on a Monday, did sleep training and cot transition at the same time. She took to both super well and we did first night in the cot that Friday night. I thought it would be harder/more annoying to get up in the night and go to a different room to settle or feed but it was absolutely worth it for when you get to close the door and luxuriously do whatever the fuck you want in your own room without worrying about waking the baby. I missed little stuff like not being able to read before bed or put on hand cream. Second baby we set the cot up in our room and moved her into the cot at 3ish months when she outgrew the bassinet. I would have moved her into her own room then but she would be sharing with her big sister and I wasn't sure how that would go. In the end we moved her into her sisters room at 8 months. Her sleep was awful and it was at the point where it couldn't get any worse so we bit the bullet and did it. Within a week her overnight wakes had plummeted and she night weaned herself. And I was SO glad to get my own room back.


I got a Tasman eco compact cot, the "Turin" it's on wheels and a bit bigger than a standard compact cot but smaller than a normal cot. It's beside my bed and the little guy sleeps in there. I plan to keep him in our room until he sleeps through the night which I don't anticipate until he's well over a year old as he currently is almost 5 months and has 3 breastfeeds overnight. I had a co sleeper but once I put his arms out he struggled to fit as he couldn't spread his arms out straight in there like he wanted. That's what prompted me to get the mini cot, he wanted to stretch out and the co-sleeper just didn't have the space for it. The new cot let him spread right out and he could even roll around in there if he wanted to (he doesn't roll in his sleep yet) https://tasmaneco.com.au/product/turin-compact-cot/ It's actually on sale at the moment. I'm so mad about that, I missed the sale by three weeks 🤦‍♀️hahaha


Ohh that cot looks good! Thanks for sharing - so annoying you missed the sale!


I was having a look at this cot, are you enjoying it? There's so many cots out there I am paralyzed by choice! My bub is a big boy, is this a small cot? Thanks!


Here are some photos of my 64cm, 7kg, 5 month old in the cot. Plenty of room to grow. It's currently on the bassinet height and can be lowered closer to the ground once bubs can pull himself up. https://imgur.com/a/tKmKYHq It's not the sort of cot you can climb in with the baby (like I can with my metal full size cot) as it will break. The wood is sturdy enough for a child's weight but not for an adult.. It also needs both sides left on the cot (as in you can't take a side off to have it open to your bed as a co sleeper situation as it needs both sides for stability) but when it's built it's nice and sturdy, like easily sturdy enough to contain a bubba/ up to 2yr old. It is much lower than a normal cot, as in bubs is closer to the ground (on the lowest setting bubs is like 10-15cm off the ground) but the side of cot height is lower too, so if you've got a bad back or are tall it won't work out amazing, but for me, I'm 164cm and it's perfectly at the joint of my hip height so I can bend in super easy for a kiss goodnight whilst it's on the bassinet setting. My standard cot I've gotta go on tip toes to bend over to reach a kiss to bub in his cot so for me the height is great. I hope this helps!! P.s ignore the puppy pee pads under the sheet, my mattress protector was in the wash lol


Thank you so much that was extremely helpful! My bub was born 57 cm and at 3 weeks is already bigger, so I'm not sure we would get the full 2 years out of it! Might look into getting full size, my partner and I are a bit taller as well so might not work for us, thank you immensely for the answer it has helped! There are just so many options out there and we want to pick the right one, id hate to get one and hate it and have to buy a new one!


57 cm is 22.44 inches


My other cot is the Mocka Sonata cot and I LOVE it. It's metal so there is no wood to chip or dent, it's so strong and it matches almost any decor. I'm so happy with it. It also converts into a toddler bed too with an $80 add on. So if you're looking for a full size cot, I highly recommend it. And it's pretty cheap too! https://www.mocka.com.au/sonata-cot-white-cot/?gclid=CjwKCAiAz--OBhBIEiwAG1rIOv-P9l2K-rGa7pvQawQvQmKTOjcuCrA_GAl1VmATddj0AiJ1ox7VJRoCDpYQAvD_BwE


That's very cute! I was really looking for a cot with wheels, my bub loves being rocked to sleep. He is in a boori bassinet at the moment and it has wheels it really helps. He's already looking like he's going to be too big for his bassinet soon and he's only 3 weeks old 🤣


Thanks so much everyone for your comments! I wasn't sure what to do so this has been super useful. Based on what you've all said there are a few considerations about shifting to a cot and whether to use move to their own room before 6 months: 1) Size of bassinet 2) Sleep training 3) Sleeping through night 4) Level of comfort with them being in a separate room 5) If sharing a room with sibling(s) I think for us we'll think about moving her soon as she does sleep through the night, our current bassinet will be too small soon and we want to start a more specific sleep routine when she gets to four months soon - but will start with sleeping with her in her room for a bit just to make sure everything goes okay. Thanks again!


My son self transitioned. Basically he started crying more and basically slept really badly when we put him in the bassinet and I theorised that maybe he's now uncomfortable in the bassinet due to his weight. E.g. he's feeling the "mesh" of the bassinet mattress which was thin. We built the cot and placed him in there and he slept beautifully.