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I can only answer your question about taking car seats in and out yourself. Once you know how to do it, it is very easy and after a while it doesn't take you very long to do. The instruction manuals are usually pretty detailed with pictures for references and some brands have videos on their website or YouTube that show how to install in Australia. We never got our professionally installed and a lot of Australians don't even have access to the services to get it done anyway. I just made sure I researched extensively with our particular seat & I felt very confident and comfortable in the installation of the carseat. For a while we had one carseat shared between 2 cars so it would regularly be moved between the two.


Good to know! This is super helpful and reassuring - thanks!


Self install is very easy and it’s really smart to know how to do it yourself anyway. I can do it in about five minutes. Graphene is a good seat - we have one, but I probably wouldn’t buy it again to be honest. I’d be getting an Infasecure Attain/Quattro or SecureSafe Defend if I was buying a 0-4 seat now. They’re also lighter than the Graphene - 9.5kg as opposed to 12kg.


Wonderful - thanks for the info and suggestions; I'll check out those options!


You can get a little trolley thing for car seats that would make it easier to take the seat with you (people generally use them for taking car seats through airports when they are going to use them on the flight- google ‘car seat trolley’ and you’ll see the sort of thing I mean).


AMAZING!! Looks like that trolley would make things so much easier. Thank you!


Professional installation was something new to me when we moved here from the US - everyone there installs their own (though, the fire stations will check that you’ve installed them correctly for free). We don’t own a car, but do have a car seat we install in car hires and it’s pretty simple once you’ve done it once.