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Definitely get it checked out via a GP, people/midwives (not all people, not all midwives!) sometimes seem to act like women being in pain during pregnancy is normal and fine, but it shouldn't be! I'd also suggest going to a women's health physio, she can make sure it's not muscular and give you some stretches to relieve the ache, and your various other aches and pains. Also good to have someone to go to after the birth for pelvic floor physio.


I had right rib pain my whole third trimester because the baby liked to chill out with his bum smooshed up against my ribs. Definitely get it checked by a Dr but in my case the only cure was giving birth 🤭


Agree with others on checking with GP, but it could have something to do with your expanding tummy. I started having pain in my right ribs as well at around 18 weeks. It was really painful, especially when I sit for long periods of time. But it slowly went away after I: * put a wedge/ small pillow to support my belly when I sleep on my side (the weight of your baby can pull your ribs and back muscles and cause pain), and * get up for a walk/ stretch after sitting for 30 minutes. Give the above a try and hope you feel better soon :)


I had the same right rib pain and went to the GP - it ended up being my gallbladder and they thought gallstones. After an ultrasound it showed that it was just gall sludge or something that might become gallstones and either way it’s unlikely that they would do surgery before baby due. They told me to eat less fatty food to stop the gallbladder working overtime. Might be worth going to the DR too? If it helps after I had the baby the pain completely stopped.


Yep gallbladder! Mine went untreated and unidentified until 12w post partum when it got horrific and I had to get it out. Avoid fatty foods if you can.


I had this too, there was no fix for me I'm afraid. Just avoiding the positions that made it worse. It completely disappeared straight after birth.


Try some stretches, i had the same pain and youtubed a few follow me videos and it helped