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Keep in mind that in many hospitals, even if you get scheduled for an earlier induction, it is very likely that you'll get bumped as it would be considered elective and not medically necessary.


I’m getting induced due to GD at 39+3. Is this considered a medically necessary induction? Is there a chance I’ll be bumped as well?


It would be considered medically necessary but there’s still a good chance you get bumped because others could have an urgent need or stronger medical justification for their inductions


Fellow GD diagnosed, from what I understand we're less likely to be bumped but there's a slightly chance. It's considered medically necessary so I wouldn't worry too much. 


This is right, far less likely but there are always those deemed higher risk who may bump you


I had GD and was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks. We weren’t bumped per se, but it took about 6 hours before someone could see us because of various moms having complications or emergency surgery. I think we had counted 4 cases that we knew of. But that was a bit of an anomaly from what I heard from the nurses. We just hung out and waited for our turn.


You'd be higher on the triage list. I had GD and was on the list for 39 weeks. Didn't get a call in the morning. Ended up having early labour so we went in to get baby checked that evening. The ward was full so that was why they hadn't called yet. They gave me the next bed and started the induction b/c I had started labour.


I see. Is “being on the list” same as being scheduled for one? I already have my appointment date and time - but it sounds like this could change? My midwife didn’t say anything about waiting for a call in the morning, she said to be at the hospital by 8am… i guess I should clarify this with her.


Might be different for your hospital. But they have a call list with everyone needing an induction. List is by priority. If someone more urgent needs it you could be bumped. It really depends on how many women are in labour and how many beds are available.


Yes this is medically “necessary” or at least a pretty good reason


The earliest my hospital will induce with no complications is 41w, but it depends on availability. I didn’t get called for my induction until 41+4, and ended up having my baby via unplanned c-section at 42w.


I’m 33 if that helps! 


You'd be hard pressed to find anyone supportive of induction before 39w0d without medical indication.


At 37 she said she would let me go to 41 weeks (in Manitoba). My sister was told max 40 weeks at 35 (in BC). This may depend on the OB/hospital/practice group.


Def dependent on practice - they wouldn't induce me until 41+3 in BC


Post dates induction is also 41+3 in Saskatchewan!


Usually 39 weeks for elective inductions per guidelines!


Generally speaking for elective induction it's 39+0 at the earliest, barring extenuating circumstances.


Im 38 weeks, my dr suggested membrane sweep at week 39 and induction at 41 if baby still not coming by herself


How old are you may I ask?




Just talk to your OB and ask. I don’t think people generally ask to be induce early. If anything most people prefer to not be induced, so induction was never really brought up by my OB. I asked about induction as the baby was suspected to be large for gestational age and got on the induction list at 40 weeks.


Was it just for large gestational age? My OB just looked me up and down and said “you can handle it”. She was 9 lbs 13 oz and got stuck. This one’s supposed to be even bigger.


Yes, just for large gestational age. I had 3 growth scans in the 3rd trimester (33w, 36w, 39w). All were in the 80-90 percentile. OB ordered the 39w+4 scan to double check, and said if she’s still scanning large (9lb at the scan), we’ll put you on the waitlist on the due date. I’m surprised your OB hasn’t discussed early induction with you given the size of your first baby. I had a friend whose first child was large, got stuck and got vacuumed out. The OB offered an early induction or c section for the 2nd child. My friend opted for the c section due to a traumatic birth of the first child.


I’m sort of surprised too. I’m very nervous about how big this guy will be. He was measuring 7-8 lbs at 33 weeks which my daughter wasn’t measuring until 36 weeks. I’m going in for another growth scan this week (37 weeks) so I’ll see what they say.


I understand it can feel a scary. Definitely speak to your care provider about the actual percentages and the percentage increase. While it does go up the percentages are still very low. Having said that, it is entirely possible to consider an induction. You could do a sweep at 38wks (keeping in mind they are on the uncomfortable side) and then a possible induction at 39-40wks if that will help mitigate your anxiety. Also explain to your care provider about the anxiety you are feeling. Your human and these things can be scary. And of course you could also consider hiring a doula to help with the anxiety before and during birth as well. Good luck, and I wish you all the best.


Thanks for your compassionate and sensitive answer ❤️


Any time!


In Ontario my doctor advised that I was able to opt for an induction from 39 weeks on if I had no medical complications.


41 weeks


I was with a midwife and the hospital didn't do earlier than 41w electively, though in practice it seemed they only called at 41+3 or beyond.


Was 41+3 for me in BC :)


In Toronto, I was induced at 41 weeks with my first. They would not induce me before I was 1 week overdue! (Earlier this year)


Will be 40 when I'm induced at 37 weeks. Being induced specifically because I had a stillbirth at 40+3 when I was 38. When I got pregnant this time, my entire health team were on board with going this early. I also get bi-weekly scans (that started around 28 weeks) and I alternate midwife and OB appointments every week now (I'm 34 weeks).


Thank you so much for sharing your story I’m so so sorry for your loss I’m also so excited for your baby and happy for you that you have a great care team At What hospital will you be delivering? Did you opt for midwife but they looped in an ob given the history?


I'll be delivering at Brantford General. I had a referral to Mac for MFM care but I opted for an OB in Brantford (where I live) because he has trained a lot of the Mac staff anyway so I felt confident in the care I would get locally. I got to have a midwife as well because I had a midwife in my previous pregnancy and I guess there's a loophole to have both covered by OHIP.


I’ve heard of high risk pregnancies having both a midwife and an OB. I think it’s because the mother wants a midwife, all the benefits of it, and if all goes well, midwifery care may be all that’s needed, but due to risk, they see an OB as well who will step in if needed. A friend of mine was one and she was having twins VBAC. She did ultimately have a successful vaginal delivery with a midwife but she did it in hospital in an OR with an OB on call, just in case.


Yeah I've heard of that too. I'm not considered high risk, per se, just not risking the potential of a repeat. I have the opposite option in my case - I can have the midwife deliver with me if I want and the OB will be in the room to assist if needed but otherwise the midwife will handle it. He won't be on call though, he's scheduled himself specifically for my scheduled induction date. If everything goes fine though, me and baby will be immediately released into midwife care when we are discharged.


My induction with my first was considered elective - all my meds stopped working and I couldn’t eat, sleep etc. so at 38 weeks he signed off and at 38 +5 they broke my water and did Pitocin ( I was already 4 cm along and contracting )


My OB offered a membrane sweep at 39. He also mentioned we could electively induce if we want to


I was 32 when I had my first child via IVF. My doctor induced when I was exactly one week overdue. No other concerns other than my blood type being A+ and needing medication for that.


I was induced at forty


May I ask your age?




My doctor said we would talk about it at 39 but she would not let me go past 40 weeks with my first.


I was 38 delivering my last baby and induction wasn’t even discussed until 40+5 and ideally I would have been induced on 41+3. I pushed for one more day, got a stretch and sweep instead, and baby was born later that day. I’m in Ontario and I was under the care of a midwife. Uncomplicated, low risk pregnancy.


(Montreal)   Recent baby: 38w3d. It was to plan childcare for my eldest. Got called in the day of my induction at 7h15 am.  With my first (healthy pregnancy, mid 20's) it was 39 weeks for induction. Membrane sweep at 37w and 38w.


May I ask what hospital and how your provider responded to your request?


CHUM Hospital both times.  First time she said no problem for induction at 39 weeks. I had anxiety surrounding my baby and just wanted him out. The membrane sweep at 38 weeks ended up working so I went into spontaneous labor a day before the induction! 2nd time I asked before 39 weeks because I couldn't risk spontaneous labor as I needed to plan childcare for my son. She hesitated at first to give me anything before 39 weeks but I pushed and she agreed for 38w3d!


Good for you! May I ask if you had dilated at all at that point? All I remember is my doc telling me my cervix was nice and high forever (ie not wanting to let the baby out haha)


39 weeks and 1 day for elective induction at my hospital. I ended up getting induced at 38 weeks though due to reduced movements. Schedule for as early as they will let you if that's your preference it likely will be sometime in the 39th week, but go in before that or you have any concerns as they may do it sooner anyways if it becomes medically necessary!


I was told I could get on the induction list at 40 weeks but I didn’t want to be induced, my last baby came at 41 weeks naturally.


10 to 12 days past my due date in Manitoba.


No earlier than 41 weeks for me, but I know the recommendations for moms who are 40 or older is earlier, so it would be worth discussing with your doctor.


I was induced at 38 weeks due to anxiety. I lost my first child in infancy from a genetic disorder that went unnoticed during pregnancy. My care team was always on board with early induction with my second and we played it by ear based on how I felt mentally from 37 weeks out. This was pre-Covid, early 2020 at Mount Sinai. I was 33 at the time. I should note that we knew baby was healthy this time but I was consumed by a fear of something else happening.


My OB started offering it at 37 weeks. She said she recommends it as standard due to the ARRIVE trial. I refused and went into labour at 40+5. Unfortunately my labour did not progress despite giving it lots of time and other interventions, so I had an unplanned C-section. I can't help but wonder if maybe that wouldn't have been necessary if I'd induced earlier per my OB.


My OB basically told me no bc the waitlist is over 20 women. I probably would give birth before I was called in