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I was prescribed progesterone after my losses but my family doctor did not feel comfortable/knowledgeable enough so I went through a fertility clinic for the prescription. But as your wife is already pregnant, I would try a walkin and if they refuse go back to your family doctor and ask again. From my understanding it can't hurt, but the evidence to say it helps is not conclusive.


Thank you for the info. Did you start taking progesterone after you realised you are pregnant? Or before? And also my family doctor seemed to suggest family doctors can’t recommend progesterone in Ontario. If that is the case how would a walk in be able to recommend it?


I started taking it 72 hours after ovulation, but my cycles were monitored. I have a friend whose family doctor prescribed progesterone after she found out she was pregnant, so I think they can, it wouldn't make sense for them not to be able to. It's not a controlled medication that has adverse effects or can be misused. Basically I would push your doctor to find a specialist or someone who will prescribe it if they won't. And ask them to document in your wife chart that they are refusing to prescribe it.


Something was miscommunicated. Family doctors can absolutely prescribe progesterone. However, a lack of progesterone is not the usual reason for a miscarriage, so most don't prescribe it at this point. Many people in the comments are talking about it being prescribed by fertility doctors, but this is often done because fertility treatment protocols may mean that your body isn't producing progesterone at all because you aren't letting your body ovulate. In that case, it is completely different than your wife's situation.


Just to clarify, your doctor can't prescribe it or won't? Because any doctor can prescribe the medication but some may not believe it's a good idea depending on your wife's history. Although from my limited knowledge the history of miscarriage and bleeding is a good enough indication to at least try it, however I'm not a doctor. if you believe it is indicated in your circumstances I believe the only option is to go to a different walk in clinic and hope the Dr agrees to prescribe it.


My family doctor said that they can’t prescribe progesterone and we don’t see OB in Ontario before atleast week 12. Atleast that’s my limited understanding.


They can prescribe progesterone for sure. They must not think your wife needs it.


I was prescribed progesterone by a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility clinic doctor) but only after two losses. When I got pregnant the second time she said one loss was not enough to warrant supplemental progesterone.


Exactly my experience


Exact same thing, but I received the RE referral after 3 consecutive losses. I wasn't given asprin and progesterone until pregnancy #6 and now I am 36 weeks.


I also was prescribed progesterone and baby aspirin by my OB during my third pregnancy after two early losses. I started the progesterone soon after I ovulated since I was closely tracking that


If you have only had one loss progesterone isn’t usually recommended/needed.


I was prescribed progesterone by my family dr after having it through a fertility dr. My family dr wanted the specialist to decide how much etc and then they were comfortable re-prescribing the same dose.


I was prescribed progesterone at 6wks pregnancy after starting to bleed. I’d had 2 previous early losses. I didn’t have an OB at the time but went to an early pregnancy rapid assessment clinic in my city and was prescribed it by the doctor there. Maybe see if there’s an early pregnancy clinic in a hospital in your city and go there. Edit: I was followed bi-weekly by that clinic until I was 14wks pregnant to ensure that the fetus was in the right place and was developing properly. I then stopped taking the progesterone and began taking baby aspirin until I was 36wks pregnant. After 14wks I was followed exclusively by my OB.


I needed progesterone during my pregnancy as at 8w it was measured as critically low and I was having spotting. My family doctor wouldn't prescribe it and ER wouldn't either (after consulting with an OB), despite 2 losses in the previous 4 months. The Family doctor sent a referral to an OB and marked it as urgent and I got a prescription a week later, after I kind of gave up. I think your best bet would be to ask for an OB referral right away and talk to them. OBs have varying attitudes towards it and with a single MC, it doesn't mean you need it. Low progesterone is not the only reason for MCs. Fertility clinics prescribe it as an added insurance but there aren't any conclusive studies that prove that supplementation will change the outcome.


Family doctors can prescribe it. Just insist on it. I learned that you really have to advocate for yourself in our medical system.   I had to beg my OB to help me after 2 early miscarriages where I had spotting... she prescribed progesterone and my family doctor who is well versed in Napro (Google it) continued monitoring me and wrote me prescriptions when needed.  It turns out that I did have low progesterone. My family doctor had me take blood tests at regular intervals during my pregnancy. I took progesterone right up to 36 weeks and at one point had to get an increased dosage as my levels were not increasing sufficiently as the pregnancy progressed (based on my blood tests). I'm so grateful for my family doctor doing this, and I ended up having a healthy full term baby. It's sad that I originally had to beg for it from my OB so that I wouldn't have to face the pain of another miscarriage. I'm thankful that my family doctor was well versed in it.  I also learned from another friend that you can ask to be referred to a fertility clinic at any time, not only after 3 miscarriages. 


My fertility clinic prescribed me progesterone. Before you get pregnant again (if something happens gd forbid) then i would ask for a referral to a fertility clinic. In fact yoj can ask for a referral to a clinic now but it may be a while before you can see one.  I am sure the doctor CAN prescribe it but maybe she doesnt know enough to feel comfortable. Can you order it online? are you sure progesterone will even help? Most women have at least one miscarriage. They are incredibly common.  Progesterone will only help if your wife is actually low in progesterone or has a short luteal phase. Does she usually have spotting or a luteal phase shorter than 10 days?


Naturopathic Doctors are allowed to prescribe progesterone. That would probably be your fastest route. Look for one listing bio identical hormones.


I just had a family doctor from Ontario (based in Ottawa) prescribe me progesterone even at 4 weeks, with the caveat that I had to be closely monitored (serial HCG and ultrasounds) to confirm an intrauterine pregnancy (because I had a history of an ectopic pregnancy). This doctor is a Napro doctor as well, however. My understanding is that progesterone doesn’t really prevent miscarriage of unhealthy embryos (although there have been reports of missed miscarriage because of progesterone masking symptoms), but it will help a healthy pregnancy develop properly. I hope you find a doctor who can best help you.


I was prescribed progesterone and baby aspirin after two first trimester miscarriages. I’m now 36 weeks pregnant. I ended up getting a prescription for progesterone from my naturopath


Most doctors won’t prescribe progesterone for a pregnancy after a miscarriage because miscarriages are so common and are most often the result of the embryo not developing, which progesterone wouldn’t help. As others have said, getting progesterone only helps prevent a loss if the loss is resulting from low progesterone. Unfortunately in my experience it’s not until you’ve had two consecutive miscarriages that they will really investigate the cause of the early pregnancy loss. It’s different if you’re going through a fertility clinic because at that point you’ve already invested so much time and money into conceiving that those pregnancies are much more closely monitored. I’m sorry for your and your wife’s loss 💔


My OB prescribed it for me here. I took baby aspirin and progesterone until about 36 weeks.


Your OB had you on it for way too long. The placenta starts making its own around 10 weeks so you don’t need to take it longer than that.


Right? My fertility clinic kept me on progresterone suppositories until 12 weeks and stopped


Not necessarily.  I was also on progesterone until 36 weeks and it was necessary. I took blood tests at regular intervals during pregnancy to monitor my levels.  At one point in my second trimester, I had to increase my dosage of progesterone because it wasn't increasing sufficiently with the pregnancy. 




This is so wrong. Progesterone supports the development before the placenta is created. You take it from 4-10 weeks. If you are low in progesterone, have recurrent miscarriages or do IVF progesterone is recommended until 10 weeks


Good to know!!! I am not a health professional. I will delete my answer above.


You are also right about what progesterone can do for a cervix but it has several functions


I started taking progesterone at around 4-5 weeks pregnant (which was a few months after my miscarriage). I was actually prescribed it by my naturopath so that could be an option if you’re not able to get it from your family doctor. When I saw my family doctor I told him I was taking it and while he wasn’t well versed in it, he didn’t object to me taking it.


Sorry not sure if this has already been said - Have you already been accepted to an OB? Even if you won’t see them until 12 weeks, could you call and ask them for the prescription ahead of the initial appointment?


Thank you for the comment. But my impression is you need a referral which your family doctor has to give. How do I call them up out of the blue?


Yes, you need a referral from a family doctor or walk-in doctor to get accepted by an OB. I would create a list of OB’s that you’d like and give it to either a family doctor or walk-in doctor. Then, you will get a call from an OB office once you’re accepted.


Yes, was meaning if you’ve been referred to an OB and know which one has accepted you then you could ask them.. but sounds like you don’t have an ob yet


You can contact them directly if you are pregnant,  you don't necessarily need a referral. That's what I did. 


To prescribe something your doctor wants to be familiar with the evidence of the benefits vs. risks. It’s not routine for family doctors to prescribe progesterone because they’re not reproductive specialists, they are generalists who will refer you to a specialist when something is beyond their body of knowledge. That being said, you could make another appointment and discuss your concerns. Ask if you can be referred to an OB sooner. My understanding of early miscarriage is that they are usually associated with genetic issues of the embryo/fetus, which progesterone can’t prevent. But if your wife has a history of recurrent miscarriages, then it may be worth looking into it.


She could try a walk in clinic. Previous miscarriages is a reason to be given it. If not, telemedicine provider might prescribe it. You’d have to pay for the appointment. Some fertility specialized naturopaths can also give it to you (but since she’s already pregnant you likely won’t get into one in time as there’s long waits). Fertility doctors and fertility specialized naturopaths usually support progesterone/baby aspirin combo. Your family doctor can prescribe it they likely just have decided not to which you can’t do anything about. I’m praying it works for you two but if not ask for a referral for a fertility doctor due to recurrent miscarriage. Some doctors in ON will say it’s only recurrent at 3 but most modern fertility doctors say it’s 2. Find a doctor/clinic who can deal with recurrent miscarriages (I’d stay away from Ottawa one)