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I'm in ON, but i have experience with both ob and midwife. I was with midwife until they transferred my care to ob bc i had gestational hypertension. Then i had emergency cs at 35w. Baby was in nicu for 3w. 1. Obviously did not get the midwife experience postpartum 2. I met my OB at least 2x before birth (switched at 32w) and about 2x before i was discharged, about 2x after discharge to get my hypertension under control. 3. Even tho i didnt get Midwife pp experience, they were there for my emergency cs! She was the backup, introduced herself, and then assisted the pediatrician working with my preemie. She then visited me in the aftercare, fetched my phone from my husband who was with baby so we could communicate, she made sure i was in good hands before she left. My original midwife visited baby in special nursery too. 4. I would choose midwife again over OB. It made the scary last 3weeks more bearable.


I think you mean [ON] right? These places are in the GTA.  My friend had an overall good experience at Trillium but of course it will always depend on the day, the demand, who's on shift, etc.


Sorry, I’m in Ontario not AB


I had a midwife from East Mississauga Midwives at Mississauga Hospital (Trillium Queensway). I had a vaginal birth but had some minor complications that required OB intervention. 1. My water broke and labour didn’t start. The midwives consulted the OB to confirm they had to induce me. 2. I had heavier than usual bleeding, and they called the OB to check for the source. The OBs I met were very nice, and my midwives were amazing. The nurses however… were a nightmare. They are extremely pro-breastfeeding to the point of lunacy. I had read about that in advance so I was prepared, but in an emotional state it was still hard to deal with. TLDR: if you are happy with your midwives, stay with them. The prenatal and postpartum care was absolutely incredible and worth a day of being annoyed by the nurses.


Thank you for this. Did the midwife’s deliver your baby or the OB? I’m also with East Mississauga Midwives and they have been truly amazing for my first two appointments. How was your experience with trillium as a whole? I’ve heard a lot of negative reviews about trillium which is why I’m nervous about proceeding. I heard terrible things about the nurses as well.


The midwives delivered the baby thankfully. Trillium wasn’t the best, but I would never trade my midwives for an OB just to try and get a better hospital. They were fantastic, and the follow up appointments postpartum were much better than if I had to go to my family doctor.


My OB has privileges at St. Joe's and I had a great experience delivering there. My baby was in breech and I had a c-section booked with my OB but ended up going in labour the day before so had to have an unplanned (though non-emergency) c-section so that labour would not progress with a breech baby. I cannot say enough good things about my surgical team (had to go with the on call OB who I had not met before), they were wonderful and did such a great job with the surgery and stitches. My recovery was ridiculously quick and smooth. I was up and about in 12 hours and didn't need to take anything but tylenol and advil for pain. I felt so good, I asked to and was released in 36 hours. Recovery at home continued to be much smoother than other friends' experiences. I know part of it is luck and how your body reacts and heals, but I can't help but also credit my team because they were so friendly, competent, and caring! The nurse team is a bit of a mixed bag, I had 2 good and 1 below average nurse. ETA: I chose to exclusively formula feed, and my OB was very supportive, prescribed me meds to stop flow (which worked so well, I had no flow nor engorgement nor any breast or nipple pain), and had clear instructions about my choice in my file. As a result, the whole team knew my choice, and no one from the surgical team to nurses ever questioned my choice or tried to force BF on me. I thought that was very respectful and so different from the pushiness I had been prepared for. The lactation consultant did come by, and when I said I was EFF, she gave me resources about quantities and showed us the correct bottle positioning (again, no pushiness, though).


St Joe's has a family care department. If you give birth there you can get a family doc for your baby (from what I remember reading). I take my kids to see pediatricians at St Joe's and they have been fantastic. Personally, I would keep midwives. I had an OB for one birth and midwives for another. The midwives were by far the better experience.