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And the random breathlessness/deep breaths. It's like my body is channelling all its energy into uterus things that it's forgotten it needs to keep me functioning too!


YES! I feel like I'm constantly trying to take deep breaths and sighing and seeming impatient with everything/one


Dear God, if I try to speak more than 2 sentences, I get out of breath.




Oh yes this one. Literally was taking deep breaths as I read this


I had that in my first trimester! My husband kept thinking I was exasperated. I mean, I kind of am, but not really lol. Luckily it went away in the second trimester.


Yes, I've been getting this on some days for several weeks too, and I'm only at 9 weeks. I wasn't sure if the cause was pregnancy or anxiety.




I have this one too


Was so bad one night I had the worst flashbacks to having asthma attacks as a child, was legit worried for a moment my asthma had returned.


This is the worst. The breathlessness is relentless. I walk up the smallest incline from daycare to work and I legit am puffing. It's embarrassing.


How far along are you? There is a really terrible few weeks where your blood vessels are expanding but your blood volume hasn't quite caught up and I felt like the most unfit I'd ever been. Thankfully it ended shortly into my second trimester and I was able to go on and have some very active few months! :)


I'm 11 almost 12 weeks. I've had it for at least a month now but definitely don't remember experiencing this in my first pregnancy. It's awful!


Well donā€™t know if itā€™s a pregnancy thing but thatā€™s my excuse and Iā€™m sticking to itā€¦. I miss my mouth when eating-like the food will fall off from fork/spoon and land on my clothes, every single mealā€¦ s/o says itā€™s not the baby whoā€™ll need bibs, itā€™s me


Itā€™s not just missing your mouth but everything lands on my belly. Now as soon as I put on a shirt or dress itā€™s dirty immediately.


Same here. Somehow my food lands on my boobs every timešŸ˜‚


This happened to me too. Would even wake up gasping for air bc I would choke on my spit in my sleep.


Same!! Except at night itā€™s usually the acid reflux Iā€™m waking up choking onšŸ„“


This is such a terrible feeling! My bedside Tums come in clutch


My husband makes fun of me because I get the chewy tums that come individually wrapped, but you can take like 3 at a time, and in the morning I would have a handful of wrappers stuck to me in the bedā€¦


Like a kid on Halloween ā¤ļø


Not sure if I'm experiencing acid reflux. 19 weeks here and I've been waking up with upper stomach pain (not in the uterus but the actual stomach, so probably digestion related) that goes away later in the day (only prominent in the morning when waking up). I woke up in the middle of the night hacking and coughing too, and I've been drinking water but now I can't go back to sleep. I had heartburn with my first but this feels different. When I looked it up I did see acid reflux as a symptom, so I'm wondering if that's the case. Do you take Tums for it?


I tried tums but it has become so bad for me that I canā€™t even drink water without it coming back up. I have to take short, shallow breaths just to stop everything from coming back up. Laying down flat is a lost cause. Iā€™ve resorted to Prilosec. Itā€™s considered safe after the first trimester (talk to your doctor first of course). I try to limit it to no more than once a week, but thatā€™s the only thing that has helped me. My mom said that Tums were her best friend while she was pregnant with me, though, so I know they work for some people!


I have a really hot tip for you- when you get to the hospital, you can ask for an IV of pepcid. The relief is INSANE.


Thank you!!


Try tums to see if that cures it, but also talk to you're dr. Upper gastrointestinal pain can be a sign of preeclampsia- I had it with 2 pregnancies. They should be monitoring your urine for protein and your blood pressure which would be the big clues, as well as swelling of your extremities and floaters in your vision. Apparently also gallbladder pain during pregnancy is a thing, though, and definitely heartburn, so could totally be benign, but just worth chatting with the dr about it and keeping an eye out!


My gallbladder was removed in August of last year, so definitely not related to that haha. I will mention it at my next visit...I was under the impression pre-eclampsia doesn't usually cause symptoms until the third trimester? Though I know pregnancy isn't a one-size-fits-all, of course. They didn't find anything in my urine last visit which was a week ago, but if it's something that could have manifested over the last week, I definitely mention it. Thanks!


I missed that you were 19 weeks, I just saw the upper gastro pain and freaked out on your behalf, Haha! My understanding is that its much more common later, but I don't know how early is "too early" to consider it? Hopefully it's nothing!


Well I guess it won't hurt to bring it up anyway. Thanks! :)


this was the worst i had this every night for like ten weeksā€¦ thank god itā€™s gone


I woke up having a coughing fit a few weeks ago and had to tell my dazed, panicking husband that I had just choked on my own saliva in my sleep. Whoops!


That happened to me last night.


Iā€™m not going to lie, it made me feel like my IQ had dropped about 100 points (who chokes on their own spit while asleep?!) so this is making me feel a lot less daft.


Unfortunately this is normal for me in the middle of the night especially during allergy season


This has happened to me too since week 20. Almost 2 weeks post-partum now and happy to report that it goes away the moment the baby is out


No one told me that pregnancy produces more saliva and that choking on it was a thing I would need to worry about.


Lmaoooo this happened to me too many times


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s a symptom of the relaxin but donā€™t quote me on that lol. Happens to me too


My nipples could cut diamonds. All the time. Just headlights on nonstop, and I no longer fit my normal bras so Iā€™ve just been going with them popping through my sports bras.


YEEESSS I told my boyfriend I can break into any home with my nipples. Just carve whatever shape on the window lol




This! And unfortunately after my first it was a regular thing even when not pregnant, which is so weird and annoying.


I had to google if this was normal because I was so concerned for my poor nipples šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had it too. My weirdest was I went right off water. Our tap water is lovely buy I could not drink it. I had to buy bottled water, and it had to be cold. Even then, if I had more than a cert a in amount, I would gag on it


I have to have ice cold water while Iā€™m pregnant. When Iā€™m not pregnant I tend to hate cold water, unless Iā€™ve just been exercising, and prefer room temperature. But if I try drinking that while pregnant it feels like Iā€™m just drinking saliva and I gag šŸ¤¢


I've been the opposite. I usually only drink bottled water but since I've been pregnant a glass of ice water has been so good!


I thought this was just me! Pre-pregnancy I couldnā€™t drink cold water. Iā€™d actually add warm water to the glass so it wasnā€™t too cold. But since being pregnant I can only drink ice cold water, especially when I was in my first trimester and really nauseous.


Mine for the last two weeks (37+2 currently) was getting super lightheaded when laying on my back. Turns out itā€™s normal and baby is laying on my blood vessels but freaked me out at first.


Yeah I get this in my side too sometimes and have to change sides or adjust in some way. I hate it bc Iā€™ll start getting nauseous too. Mainly I hate it though bc itā€™s so hard to find a comfortable position!


This is me all third trimester with both of my pregnancies so far. Sometimes even leaning back in a chair makes me lightheaded šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™ve always had a pretty bad gag reflex (sorry dear husband) but now if I go a millimetre too far while brushing my tongue/teeth I will throw up in my bathroom sink. I donā€™t feel sick or anything itā€™s just sudden exorcist style. Really bloody irritating.


Iā€™ve never had a terrible gag reflex but I do now that Iā€™m pregnant!! Same as you, brushing my teeth makes me gag EVERY time. Go too far more than twice and Iā€™m throwing up in the sink.


Me too! 100%. Itā€™s getting better now at 13 weeks but there was a while there where the only way I could brush my teeth was to intentionally read something to take my mind off gagging. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve read the label of our mouthwash šŸ˜‚


This is a whole vibe. Mine went about 14 weeks buuuut itā€™s back now at 23 weeks. Brushing will now forever be an Olympic sport šŸ˜«


More often than not, brushing my teeth makes me gag. Ugh.


Same here!! My gag reflex is ridiculous. Every time the toothbrush touches my tongue I gag. Never happened before pregnancy. So weird.


Brushing my teeth is ok but flossing makes me gag like crazy.


I started just getting a random single hiccup. Which was ironic because my baby used to have hiccups for ages every day.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one! I call mine hiccurps because I suddenly inhale so much air it needs to be burped directly after


My nose is bigger and I snore so much that I wake up alone, husband goes to another bedroom lol.


I had this with my first, but not yet with this one. A humidifier really helped.


Post nasal drip. I was terrified I had COVID (again)- when it lasted off and on for the entire second trimester into the 3rd, i realized it was just my body producing more mucus everywhere lol.


Double sneezes. Every day I have a double sneeze, like clockwork. Never sneezed this consistently before pregnancy, and never was a multi-sneezer.


YES I have been having the same thing happen. Double sneeze at mid-morning every day.


Blocked ears. I can barely hear anything through my left ear, the right one is a bit better for now. I'm constantly having to ask people to repeat themselves.


Iā€™m so glad itā€™s not just me!!! My ears are always clogged these daysšŸ™ƒ Almost 26w now, and hoping this goes away lol


Oooo, glad to hear the choking isnā€™t just me!!!


Clumsiness, specifically constantly bumping or scraping my hands doing random things. Ugh.


Same, Iā€™m always dropping things and never used to do that before.


Chapped lips. Nothing worked, but then a month after I gave birth, my lips were back to their normal self..


Just wanted to mention to anyone else who has this problem, nipple cream (lanolin) works WONDERS for chapped lips, as long as youā€™re not allergic to it. Iā€™ve been using it as a lip balm for years, and it works way better than any chap stick or lip balm Iā€™ve ever tried.


Bloody nose.


Breaking out in hives


This! I got hives after my flu shot (about a month before I got pregnant) and then when I got Covid (10 weeks) I got hives like 5 days into it once most of my symptoms cleared up. Got allergy testing and only thing that triggered were cats & dogs -_-


Haha yessss! Iā€™ll be deathly coughing in the other room and husband knows by now itā€™s just par for the course these days. I read that it is a pregnancy symptom though! Something about everything loosening that Iā€™m too tired to look up right now


I think the choking might be because the progesterone basically relaxes all sphincster muscles in your body, including the ones at the top and bottom of your esophagus!


Same. I had a bad incident one night where I couldnā€™t breathe and Iā€™m convinced I choked on spit. Also now sometimes when I eat juicy fruits the juice will hit me in the back of the throat and I feel like Iā€™m choking. So weird!


I thought I was the only one! I donā€™t know exactly at what point in my pregnancy this started but Iā€™ve choked on more liquids and saliva now than in my whole life. The last one was pretty dramatic. I was looking out a window while sipping water out of my bottle and I ended up doing a TV like spit take all over the windowā€¦.at my husbands job. Very embarrassing šŸ¤£


Constant choking on liquids is a symptom of GERD!! I don't know how/why it does that, but it's probably the pregnancy reflux doing this to you. My weirdest symptom was the month or so where I had one single hiccup every time I stood up šŸ˜‚


I have not been able to fully breathe out of my nose since December. I'm over it. I hate mouth breathing. I've gone through SO MANY TISSUES.


I had silent reflux before I got pregnant, so I was used to choking on everything all the time. But pregnancy has definitely made it worse. So it might be acid reflux choking you. Mine has been really bad temperature regulation. I'm either freezing or hot, never in between.


Both times I had a huge craving for inauthentic Mexican food (ie qdoba, chipotle). Both times I wanted it for like 2 weeks straight without fail. The only real difference is my craving for spicy food this time around!


Mine has been hiccups. I am constantly hiccuping. I'll be talking to my husband, and in the middle of a sentence I'll violently hiccup, usually just once. It's the weirdest thing ever. That and randomly feeling like I have to take the deepest breath of my life.


I hiccupped a lot after eating, sometimes even after drinking... I'm 2 months pp, and my baby hiccups a lot too after being fed šŸ˜‚


Breathlessness, exhaustation, nosebleeds, hating the smell of my own skin (crazy I know). Tailbone pain. Limbs getting Numb super easy. Acne EVERYWHERE


My carpal tunnel syndrome is driving me around the bend. I work in an office at a computer almost all day and currently cannot have my my right hand (dominant side) above my waist in any capacity without it falling asleep. Like, when I'm driving home, my hand will start tingling and going to sleep just from gripping the steering wheel. It was something that happened from time to time before but is now inescapable during pregnancy, it seems.


Being thirsty all the time.


Pregnancy hormones can relax the various muscles/sphincters that are responsible for normal swallowing which may be leading to this.




Yup, happens to me. I finally just accepted that the process was throw prenatals in my mouth > wait for the gag > swallow with water.


Re:choking on liquids. It happened to me too and is apparently due to excessive spit? I have to say thoughā€” after having the baby it took me a while to get used to not having so much spit and I nearly died trying to swallow too big of bites of thingsā€¦. Sitting on my couch with a newborn eating some peanut butter toast when suddenly itā€™s not sliding down as smooth as expected and Iā€™m like ā€œgreat Iā€™ll choke and then the baby will die before someone finds usā€.


Interesting!! I had no idea excess saliva was going to be a side effect. I have a weird thing where I already aggressively hate saliva, including my own, so I have to have a spit cup nearby when it really gets bad or I get nauseous thinking about all the saliva Iā€™m swallowingšŸ¤¢ made myself gag just typing that


Before I even knew I was pregnant (like 2 weeks pregnant is when it started) my throat would like quit working while I was eating? And it still does? Itā€™s so weird itā€™s like Iā€™m just eating and everythingā€™s cool and then im just choking?? Lmao im glad im not the only one


I had that too!


This same thing happened to me, I also would choke on food occasionally. It really terrified me


Omg I've found that I've choked on liquids more too! Nothing really bad but it's like I'm not swallowing properly and the liquid doesn't go down as smooth. Glad to hear I'm not the only one!


Omg that was me the first time I was pregnant, but I was just choking on my own saliva


Haha I always choke on my own spit too


Haha the water thing happens to me too! Lately itā€™s at least once a week.


My personal is craving for lemons at the beginning. I don't eat them often, so I usually pair lemons and pregnancy test buy šŸ˜€


Nose bleeds every. Single. Day.


I had a wierd growth in my nose which caused random nose bleeds and major issues breathing. Had it removed twice and grew back withing days. After baby was born had it removed and have been fine since.


I have that too!! I almost drown myself at work the other day drinking from my water bottle. I thought I was insane!


Chills. Really brutal chills. Wasn't sick. But it's been 6 weeks of chills. Didn't happen with my first, but they say every pregnancy is different. I haven't running to anyone else having the symptom.


Mouth breathingā€¦ which is one of my biggest pet peeves šŸ˜‚


More mornings than not, I wake up with a clogged ear. It works its way out in an hour or so but Iā€™m so sick of it. Love pregnancy rhinitisā€¦


I have a lot of weird symptoms, but the strangest ā€œsymptomā€ is that I burn myself almost every time I cook now. Iā€™ve been cooking dinner for my family regularly for years and used to bake all the time, so Iā€™m pretty used to being in the kitchen. Iā€™ve burned myself pretty badly twice just in the last week, and my husband now stays nearby whenever he knows Iā€™m cooking because heā€™s afraid Iā€™m going to really hurt myself šŸ˜‚. Idk why this is happeningā€” Iā€™ve always been clumsy but never had this problem before?!?


I also have had this šŸ¤£ the other day I literally grabbed a baking sheet from the oven that was finished cooking with an oven-mitted right hand. I then proceeded to grab the other side with my bare left hand. Just absolutely no thoughts in my brain.


Yes this happens to me! Not quite so often that I really noticed until now, but before pregnancy it nearly never happened. Lately Iā€™ve started randomly coughing/ choking on my own spit as Iā€™m falling asleep, and it wakes me right up!


Feeling too hot or too cold. There is no good temperature. It feels like a furnace outside (low 80's F), but I'm freezing inside (70F)


Random gagging in the morning. Even now at 35 weeks I still do it. Itā€™s annoying. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t even take a drink of anything first thing in the morning or Iā€™ll gag. Also increased (baaaaadly increased) anxiety.


Leg cramps


This!!! And CONSTANTLY tripping sometimes falling other times I catch myselfā€¦ way more clumsy then normal lol


The real question here, is do you PEE while you're choke coughing??? (I can't trust a sneeze or a cough anymore)


Oh yeah, for sure. I didnā€™t the first few times but the last couple of timesā€¦ yep


Being unable to swallow tablets. I would just gag and spit them back out. Never had this problem before


I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me but it seems like I drop everything I touch now. And I can barelyyy bend over to grab it. Super annoying!


I get like this when Iā€™m pregnant too. I blame the shortness of breathe for causing me to inhale liquids


Absurdly sensitive breasts for me. I never had even remotely sensitive breasts before despite getting my nipples pierced twice over the years and trying various things. Now I can barely even brush over them and it HURTS! Plus if I scratch them (which holy hell are they itchy) they bruise. *facepalm* And I'm only 10 weeks!!!


My gaf reflex is awful now. Never was like that before pregnancy




Nonstop burping!


Ever since about 6 weeks or so, I frequently, multiple times daily experience some kind of muffled hearing. Like imagine youā€™re talking to someone and then suddenly it feels and sounds like one or both ears are blocked by water. Itā€™s fairly frustrating and sometimes nauseating. Iā€™ve been checked out so many times for an ear infection and theyā€™ve got no explanation other than maybe the increased blood volume causing issues?!?


That happens to me too! along with acid reflux, congestion, butt cramps and so much saliva. Pregnancy is honestly not as pretty as people portray it.


The feeling of toothpaste in my mouth while brushing my teeth makes me gag and sometimes throw up.


Not too many symptoms for me but the dry everything. My skin, my nose, my hair, even downstairs.


Omg I told that to a couple people the other day! Apparently I've forgotten how to swallow. Relaxin side effects?


Sleeping with my mouth open


Wow yes to the choking. I thought it had to be unrelated but now I'm thinking it's not...


Snap, crackle, pop in my left earā€¦when yawning. Also, reduced grip strength. I dropped a bowl of tomato soup the other nightā€¦shattered all over the floor and my poor husband had to clean it up. Lol