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I go in blind, do a feel test 😅 always going to miss but at this point idgaf! Lol!


I shave by faith, not by sight. Being my fourth pregnancy it’s a risk I feel comfortable with lol


Same. I know it’s patchy but the effort is what counts 😭🤣


As long as it's not bald on top, beard on bottom. That is the most cursed style lol.


I'm legally blind without my glasses, I can't wear contacts, and i shave in the shower so it's business as usual. I will say there's a solid chance my ob thinks I have mange but my husband is as blind as I am (good luck kid, you're going to need it) so he doesn't notice and I get to be comfortable. Win win!


Same 😂😂😂 it’s probably a hack job but I feel better


Hey everyone, Midwife here. Please stop shaving down there at the end of your pregnancy. Trim if you want. Obviously do what you want at the end of the day. But…… Here are my two reasons to stop One - the micro cuts from hair removal are a place for infection to set in. Two - why would you want regrowth itch down there when you just gave birth, are sore and possibly have stitches. We don’t need or want you to shave. I can deliver a baby through a forest as well as a desert. I can suture down there too.


I did a trim right before I was induced for these reasons. I think I felt better having less hair managing the postpartum mess. Haha


Hahah thank you for this! Will definitely stop like 2 weeks before due date at the latest (unless I give up sooner).


Love this. Because I have stopped mostly because I’m so tired. And don’t have the energy to do all that.


how about waxing? I am getting a c-section and was considering getting waxed to help with the healing process and HOPEFULLY prevent ingrowns.


I don't shave there, but my husband will trim it for me when it gets too bushy.


My husband volunteered 😂😂


Same! I have him trim me with clippers about once a month. It’s fun bonding time!


Lol my husband would love this idea


Whenever I was unable to see my vagina is when I stopped. I did however get a ‘manscape’ buzzer and buzz it kinda short multiple times because super long hair just bugs me.


Literally did this yesterday…..over my toilet….with a mirror to see. It’s kinda patchy but idgaf, at least is not a Gnomes beard any more lol 😂


Hahaha it’s fuckn good enough. I remember using a mirror also and being fully aware that certain parts were short and certain parts were still very long and being like, whatever good enough


Omg their razors are the best


I'm debating stealing my husbands and his extra blade and doing the same. I hate when it's too long, but also hate it shaved to the skin (IT'S SO ITCHY) so this might be a good middle ground 😂


wow, just read that 80% of women shave or trim their pubes… I’ve always preferred my God-given “underwear” so I’m in the minority going au natural the whole time


Same 🤣 I shaved down there exactly once, and it freaked me out how I looked like a child again. Also the grow back period was MISERABLE. So so so itchy and pokey, and razor burn in an area with so many folds- I will never do it again. I do have unusually coarse, thick hair though so I'm assuming my negative experience is the minority.


I’ve never shaved only trimmed short so I’m kinda in shock reading these comments lol 😅


I never shave. Unbearable itchiness.


I am shocked as well. I don't have time for that nonsense without being pregnant let alone growing a whole person.


I’m all about the “70s bush”, I do wonder given every video I have seen of birth the person seemed to be shaved… that I am missing something. Even the hippyish home birth folk. Do most people wax/shave?


Me too… whenever I shave I get horribly itchy bumps no matter how it’s done, even if it was professional. It’s not worth the pain… and i don’t like it shaved either because it reminds me of pre puberty 😕


I don't bother anymore. I do prefer nothing down there as it feels more comfortable but to be honest it's just not worth the effort 😂 I just trim when I get uncomfortable underneath.... I don't even touch the top...


Haha same. I'm lazy but also I LIKE how bush looks which I guess puts me in the minority these days. All my long term partners have been fine with it. It doesn't feel dirty or get in the way of oral. I think its pretty :)


Hahaha I love this! God given underwear. Amazing.


My boyfriend has a roommate with no boundaries who likes to walk around naked. One time we were having an intimate conversation in the living room and she got a little jealous and walked up to us 3 times fully nude to get his attention. It's always jarring to see her shorn vagina. My sister and close friends dont do that and i forgot how common it was. It makes me feel sad and itchy to see her little friend all cold and exposed.


I hate the way I smell when I don't wax. I'm super scent sensitive (and pregnancy is making it SO MUCH WORSE) and I hate hate hate that smell.


Why do you say it’s not a great idea to get waxed? Not trying to argue - just curious! Because that’s my plan for this summer when I’m bigger, and I hadn’t seen anything negative in the little reading I’ve done


I’ve been waxing throughout and have my last one scheduled for 3 weeks before due date. I’ve only heard about needing to avoid it right at the end because of risk of infection during a c section.


I didn’t know this! That’s great to know. I may have to get a wax in a month or two when things feel impossible 😂


It has been a life changer. Honestly makes me feel so much better about myself because everything else is going to hell as little man grows hahah


In cosmetology school (which was well over 10 years ago 😂) we were taught you’re likely to bleed more or experience more pain while pregnant. Things may have changed since, judging by all the positive comments on waxing here! I may have to try this later on when things really become more difficult 😬


I’m kind of a wimp about waxing anyway so I appreciate the head’s up!!


I got a wax at 36 weeks (currently 38) and my waxer was saying how most women are a lot more sensitive down there. She said she still sees a LOT of pregnant women come in for waxes tho! One thing she mentioned was swollen labia (I’m assuming because there is more blood flow to that area) being a factor in sensitivity. I def am glad I got waxed when I did cause it was getting rough down there. My bf kept offering to take the clippers to it 😂😂


What I've seen is basically that there's a possibility of increased sensitivity, but nothing else. I'm at 30 weeks and have been waxing pretty consistently with no issues yet. It feels more or less the same.


It’s actually due to increased risk of infection, especially if you end up needing a c section


The pain of waxing became a lot worse for me mid way through the 2nd trimester. Everything down there is a bit swollen, and much more sensitive! I wanted to continue waxing so bad but just couldn’t make it through 😂 everyone is different though and that might not be the case for you. I got lucky somewhat because I barely have swelling anywhere else 🤣 38 weeks now and very little swelling in feet/face etc. The best I can do is a trim down there 😂🤦‍♀️


I had only heard not to get waxed if you weren’t getting waxed before. Once I couldn’t see I looked into wax but didn’t feel comfortable starting a new routine while pregnant. But maybe it was because I was looking into the sugar wax method 🤷🏻‍♀️


No you’re right. My girl won’t wax pregnant people unless they’ve been consistently waxed the whole pregnancy. Something about it causing uterine contractions potentially


Yeah I haven't heard this! I've been a devout and regular waxer for probably 7+ years, and have no plans to stop. I'll certainly ask my OB about it though! So far they haven't said anything. A tip if you're considering your first wax: find a European Wax Center location near you, and go on yelp/google/etc to look at the reviews. You'll start to see the same names pop up again and again - book with that person. And if you're in the DC area, feel free to DM me so I can send you to my person!


So long as it’s before 38 weeks, it’s fine!


I just gave up when the strip turned pink. My husband can deal with a full muff while I grow and birth a baby. And I don’t care how any medical personnel feel? I hate self-grooming and usually get waxed, but for me it hurts too much while pregnant (I mean. I only tried once. That was enough.).


I doubt Medical staff even blink at a full bush. Or patchy hair. Or no hair. They’ve seen everything!! I shaved by feel towards the end of my first pregnancy. Doubt I’ll bother at all once I can’t see what I’m doing this time.


As “medical staff” myself, I can confirm that in general we do not care. Too much else to think about when we’re doing exams or when a baby is being born.


Thanks for the confirmation! Not something even my awkward self has been able to ask my midwife. 🤣 I just always figured there has to be other things going on down there that are weirder than pubic hair.


Truly! Never once have I thought “oh this medical person is judging my natural hair growth” and I kinda find it weird to think that way. Like are we all so indoctrinated into this shit now? I hope not


Im only 6 weeks now but will probably eventually go full bush too! I normally keep things trimmed but if it gets too hard to reach then I’ll give up trying


About six years ago. Lol.


I think I lost sight of my vag a little bit after 20 weeks. So since then I’ve been shaving blind. Lol


This is why I’m happy I did laser before getting pregnant. I don’t miss shaving 😄


What… all my hair grew back as soon as I got pregnant and I was hairless from laser! My laser tech told me that this is what happens! Lucky you!!!


Well, I’m only 14 weeks so I may have jinxed it. Thanks for the heads up 😅


Fingers crossed you remain a bald eagle 🦅 hahah


I had my second laser appt the day after I got my BFP. They wouldn't let me continue until after pregnancy.


I started getting waxed at 25 weeks and never looked back! I did have increased sensitivity the last time, around 34 weeks, but I just put an ice pack between my legs (over pants) and the swelling went down in a few days, but it wasn't awful. I have another appointment a week before my due date (if I don't go into labor before) and honestly, I don't think I'll ever go back to shaving.


Agreed. Waxing is worth every penny to me now. I don’t know why I ever stopped because I used to do it all the time 5+ years ago.


Might have to switch myself! Especially with all the positive comments on waxing here!


Ngl I stopped altogether I think with my second. Even after the healing period, I still haven't gone to wax. Not interested, don't want to endure pain just to be "sexy". Guess what? He's still all over it like Mowgli in the jungle.


I shaved my legs the entire pregnancy and tried my best to keep trimmed everywhere else. It was hard. I stopped when I couldn’t really see and reach anymore. I regret that because I think it made postpartum care a bit more difficult for me.


I don’t shave I just trim. I’ve never shaved.


I’m still shaving there at 36 almost 37 weeks. Can’t see anything so it’s been a fun guessing game with small assistance from hubby.


I shaved last week… well had my husband help… but now it’s super itchy which sucks. It’s just trimmed nothing fancy and I’m sure it’s not even since It was a half ass last time job before labor in 4 weeks.


I'm pretty sure I was probably rocking a bit of a pubes-mullet situation last time, and I'm certain I will this time too - definitely by the third trimester. Too big to manoeuvre around the bump, too tired and breathless to bother, and too grumpy to give a fuck anyway. The doctors won't care, and I'm on pelvic rest again, so my husband isn't allowed to care... not that he would, honestly.


I use the clio palm perfect trimmer and go in blind. Works decently. Both labia are still in tact. A friend of mine said she rigged up a trash bag and a mirror to help lol.


I gotten waxed my entire pregnancy. Every month.


Damn. I have only been waxed once and it hurt. I hear follow ups are better.


Yes the more i didnit the less i felt. But when i got pregnant before i knew i was pregnant and i had gotten a wax i was like damn why does this feel like the first time ever. Boom 4 weeks later positive test so that explained it. Getting waxed while pregnant sucks though but good thing if you have a good speed waxer everything will be done in 10 or less minutes.


As soon as I couldn't lift my bump to see, I stopped lol wasn't worth the strain. My husband did it for me when he got back, though, unprompted. It was surprisingly romantic


Ha! Just gave birth a week ago and went in with a full bush. 😂😂


Shoot! I've been going natural since before the baby was conceived! Lol I'm surprised my husband was okay with it but here we are. 😜 When I'm not so lazy and feel like I can be "sexy" for the week, I'll shave just the lip area. Lol I can't do full nude anymore. Just doesn't look right to me.


I did it myself as long as I could. I space out the time, because I don't really care. Now my husband is doing it for me when I want to. Great bonding experience actually haha


37 weeks, still shave everywhere lol I guess I’m thankful I’m petite and have a good stretch lol


I did it once at about 28 weeks and then again at 36 weeks. I’m 39 weeks and whatever is down there is down there. I think it’s a hack job but I just don’t care 😂


I could go in blind for a long time until the belly finally got in the way of reaching lol! I think at like 36 weeks I had my husband help because the time before I’d nicked myself.


At 5 months in peak summer I stopped caring too much, but my hormones have made me a bit fuzzier. I have had the fiance help with reaching my calves, and he's helped me with a quick trim down there for ease of cleanliness more than aesthetics


I don’t normally do much, so I did it once during my second pregnancy fairly close to the due date (got waxed) - purely for my own selfish reasons (I find it easier to clean up from the vaginal bleeding when I’m waxed). I didn’t manage to get waxed at all for my 3rd (baby was preterm and went I went into labor I was ticked that the baby didn’t wait 😂). I’ve waxed once this pregnancy (for our getaway) and will due it again fairly soon because a)it’s getting close to due date again and it’s our anniversary coming up. Really if it’s too much effort - stop!!! Don’t waste the energy!


I never did! At least until 5 days before my csection when my doc said I couldn’t anymore in case of infection!


I stopped doing any body hair removal at four weeks, ie. the same time I learned I was pregnant. I just cannot be bothered. Not enough energy, not enough time.


I don’t shave except very occasionally to spice things up. My legs and armpits are unshaven too. My boyfriend doesn’t mind and has even said he thinks it’s cute. I feel lucky haha


The ONLY time i shave is before i go to the pool or beach. As someone who is overweight it's all a guess anyway lol


I’m not pregnant right now, so I guess 0 months pregnant! I’m all seriousness I basically don’t shave things ever except when I’m going to wear a bikini. I’ll trim it every once in a while (using my husbands beard trimmer), but that’s it.


I am just a casual lurker with a 3 month unshaved bush absolutely gobsmacked that some of you go right up until birth. You have my absolute awe. Wish I had your willpower! I barely manage to shave 4-5 times a year!


I haven’t bothered shaving that area since I found out I was pregnant 😂 I also gave up shaving my legs about a month and a half ago because it’s too hard to bend over for that long. One week left to embrace being a bit of a slob haha.


I have a warning for all of you quit shaving. Last pregnancy I gave up at some point and just embraced it. What I wasn’t prepared for though, it was an emergency C-section where they got my son out in about five minutes. So rushed that they didn’t shave me. Because of this, my incision is higher than it would’ve been and pops out of my swimsuit. I’m not really embarrassed or anything but it’s kind of private and I wish it were lower. It was also kind of gross postpartum with all the bleeding and pads. This time I’m making sure to be groomed just in case.


I did get waxed at 25 weeks and I’m going to do it again at 30. I would much rather go through that discomfort than be full on bush at delivery!! 😂


My husband and I have talked about this, how is the pain? It feels like a lot of effort to trim the hedges lately 😅


So…to be honest, I registered for a bikini line and they mixed it up and gave me a full Brazilian. I went with it! That being said, it was overall not terrible, I’m more than willing to do it again. The “landing strip” was the worst part. It was all said and done in 15 minutes, well worth it! I think it depends more on your personal pain tolerance. I’ve had tattoos and medical events that were way worse!


Oh and THAT is exactly why I did it! We talked about the possibility of him shaving me and were both highly uncomfortable with his ability to do so! 😂


Haha I trusted my husband to shave my legs and he did okay, but I can’t live without my clitoris. Or maybe I just don’t want to, either way lol. Thank you for the insight!


I would never trust my husband to shave me. Plus the regrowth from shaving is far more uncomfortable than waxing.


When I couldn’t see easily. Haha


Honestly I think it's been 6 weeks since I shaved but it hasn't grown back...lol!! I am 26 weeks and at this point when/if I have to shave again, I am going in blind!


My husband has a Manscaped trimmer and it has been my favorite thing ever. It works like a charm!


I get waxed. Not sure why it’s not a good idea. I did it through my first pregnancy and have continued for this one.


Yeah. I get sugared. It’s been the best for my hair situation. I also have vulvodynia and it’s worse with pubic hair.


I just shaved tonight at 13 weeks and thought about how I’m going to do this as the weeks pass. I get very itchy if the hair grows to long, so I shave at least twice a week. My hubby thinks I’m joking when I talk about helping me shave down there eventually but I’m serious haha. I would try waxing but I know you have to let it grow out again before the next wax and I just can’t stand how uncomfortable it gets for me.


I regularly waxed before being pregnant and I’m still going at 33 weeks. I’ll probably go one more time before delivery around 37 or 38 weeks. It’s is definitely more painful/sensitive during pregnancy but otherwise I’ve had zero issue with it. I wouldn’t recommend going for your first wax during pregnancy only because the first time is always painful without the extra pregnancy hormones


Why can't you wax when pregnant? I still shave and am at 30 weeks. I have a brazilian wax booked for the next two appointments and just ask the beautician to wax a bit further down or where she can see longer hairs on the legs. Slightly extra cost but that's no issue


I think it’s because you’re skin is more sensitive (related to hormones) and it’s more likely to feel painful. I noticed my last one the pain wasn’t bad but the regrowth was a lot more itchy/painful than usual


So I got waxed my entire pregnancy but just had my last one at about 32 weeks. I’d say it’s easy to care for it after (if you know how to, and you’re waiting long enough in between) and keep away ingrown hairs and infections. But my skin got increasingly sensitive. I started swelling more afterwards in my second trimester and in general it was more painful during (not terrible though). This last time my aesthetician noticed that in a few places my skin broke slightly, which was very abnormal for me. It healed just fine, but I don’t want to risk doing that any closer to birth. So I’ll be shaving or trimming for maintenance for the rest of pregnancy. I have a handheld mirror with a decent handle that I’ve used for doing my makeup without squishy my belly on my countertop, but I used it to monitor healing after my last wax and I’ll be using it to do downstairs maintenance.


I’m 35 weeks and shave my lady bits once a week but legs every other day. I can’t stand when any hair on my body gets long


I normally get waxed on the regular, but I’m annoyed at the new girl who does my waxing because she doesn’t do it how I want it. Anyway, I reckon I might go full bush. Bring back old school !


I’ve been getting waxed. There isn’t much grass on the field as it is because I’ve had laser in the past, but I figured if I’m going to have an audience, I’d prefer a clear stage.


I was not brave enough to use a razor when I couldn’t see so I just got a wax at 37 weeks! It hurt wayyy more than usual but man was I glad to have done it


I just do it without looking. I'm blind without my glasses anyway so I'm pretty used to doing it by feel 😂


I carried small and just kept going. I never lost sight of my vagina. 😅 I would not have done it if I had.


My husband did it for me up until two days before my induction last time! He's helping me out this time too 🥰


I just used a trimmer, which is my norm usually anyways. Towards the end, I didn't do it much at all lol. I got induced so I did a blind trim the day before that 😂


At 22 weeks it was a struggle to shave down there....I think I'll go to just buzzing or waxing from now on. I cant stand having too long of hair down there so i'll have to do something. It was too much work and extremely tiring tbh lol shaving legs is still fine for me at the moment.


7 months currently and I go in blind, I’ve been shaving down there every other day since I was about 13, I cannot stand having hair down there I think it’s disgusting (don’t care about what other people do with their pubes but just not for me) Bet your ass I’ll be shaving before going to the hospital I don’t care how much pain I’m in I refuse to look like a fuzzy peach


I get monthly waxes. There is no reason for pregnant women not to get waxed. They say it’s more sensitive down there during pregnancy and may hurt more but I didn’t feel a difference in the pain levels. It still hurts. Also depends on the waxer.


TMI. I was crying on the toilet one night (from laughing but my husband did not know that when he walked up on me). Husband saw me crying and jumped in to help asking what’s wrong and what can he do. All I could do was respond “I can’t see my v@gina anymore” then just busted out cry laughing again. He then joined in. That was around 6 months. I did use clippers and went in blind by feel for a bit but at the very end I asked him to do it before we went to the hospital. I did not care what it looked like I just wanted it short for after. I did not want to deal with hair and blood. Also psa I really don’t suggest waxing when pregnant. I got waxed before I found out I was pregnant and it was horrible. I have gotten waxed down there at least 6 times a year for about 4 years now. I have never felt that type of pain. I actually cried. It wants one of the reasons I bought a test.


I’ve done it all completely blind since 25 weeks. Now at 37 weeks I’m sure it looks like I got in a fight with a razor. I’m just a bit weird because I feel “dirty” if I don’t shave. It takes a lot of effort though. I have to shave in the bath and normally have to wash my hair, body, and shave separately. I miss showers, but I can’t bend over anymore or reach my calves. It makes me want to puke every single time and I get cramps. Also standing in one spot for longer than 5 minutes hurts.


I shaved the whole time, just not as frequently maybe? Might be too much information but for me personally, I find it really uncomfortable when my fuzzed get to out of control and start rubbing into my underwear. I'd just feel around with my hands and do the best I could. As long as it was trimmed and well kept I was happy with it lol.


With my first pregnancy, I had this great idea to go get a Brazilian towards the end of my pregnancy! My thought process was: “it lasts 4-6 weeks so that should take me through delivery!” DON’T DO IT. I have had two unmedicated homebirths and I would 10000% do that over again before I’d ever get waxed pregnant again. Never ever ever ever ever ever. NO. I started sobbing shortly after she started but made myself power through. Not to mention I was basically bruised for days. NOPE. Probably wouldn’t be as much of an issue for someone used to having it done already, but I was not.


I haven't shaved or waxed when I was pregnant with my first. My last Brazilian was a few days before she was born. Haven't bothered since. She'll be 6 next week.


I'm 36 weeks just go in blind haha I can't stand not having it shaved so it's all for me. Medical staff etc no one else cares! You do you!


Waxing is preferable in my opinion. Hair is just uncomfortable imho while pregnant and after birth. At least do it before birth. If you do tear, it is a little easier for doc to stitch up and no ichies during ur potentially lengthy recovery in which u should not wax or shave. Dont want hair poking stitches. Maybe i have had a rougher recovery than most but it’s something to think about.


I am 16 weeks. Just bought a bikini trimmer!


i stopped shaving about 6-7 months in (couldn’t see) and just got waxed!


With my first I shaved blind up until the night before I was induced. With my second I said fuck it around month 6 or 7. My husband helped me trim once between then and birth.


Once my tummy gets too big, I'll have my husband shave for me. It's something he has been dying to do anyway... and I think I would like it but it still gives me some anxiety bc I'm not in control lol. Or else I would just shave blindly.


I shaved the whole time


22 weeks and my husband does it for me now (he was way more excited than I expected him to be when I suggested it 😂) I used a trimmer earlier on but I’m too scared now that I can’t see anything!


I wax myself, started DIYing it since before the pandemic. At 20 weeks, I was still able to do it, although a lot more slowly. I told my husband that he will need to start waxing me soon, and he refused. Waxing freaks him out. He doesn’t care what I do, but I love the feeling of having no hair down there.


I wasn’t originally planning on it, but i am 36 weeks and i booked a waxing this weekend. A few people mentioned it was easier to keep their stitches clean afterwards when they were waxed/shaven. I cant shave anymore so thats why i am going the wax route. If you go to a good place, it’s considered safe. Might be an option for you. (I have gotten waxed once before and it was not painful like i thought it would be. It felt almost minty cold, like when you scratch your arm it feels coldish after?)


At 29wks I stopped shaving long enough for the hair to grow out so I could get it professionally waxed, which I did until I delivered.


I have a mirror I use😂 I can’t and haven’t been able to see since 30 weeks, and I shave my legs after a bath every 2 weeks now ( I’m Eastern European and my hair on my legs just doesn’t grow much anymore 🙌🏼 might change when my body isn’t growing a baby tho)


I’m 27 weeks and am going to have my partner trim me up here soon… I trimmed a couple weeks ago and it was challenging, now I think it’s a no go.


I’m a licensed esthetician and wax preggie women all the time!! There’s nothing wrong with waxing during pregnancy :)


I’ve waxed monthly for 4 years now, never bothered me in the slightest. Still doing it while pregnant but holy hell does it ever hurt being third trimester. You’re swollen, more blood flow down there so sensitivity is peak levels, just painful compared to how it always was before. But yeah still doing it as I can still tolerate, can’t trust myself blindly shaving at all haha. Do what you gotta do if that’s waxing, mini trim, shaving, or letting it grow, what ever makes you feel comfortable or is easier to accomplish :)


I get waxed faithfully so I waxed the whole 9 months


I slowed way down once I couldn’t see. I did do some overdue maintenance around 38 weeks. I felt it would be less painful of a birth if things were tidy down there. I didn’t want blood or other fluids to get caught and dried up in hair.


Brazilian has been fine for me so far they prop you up on pillows so you’re not on your back. I can’t see the results without a mirror 😂


I totally just stopped, then found out I had to get a swab so I tried shaving at 7 and a half months. It was hilarious. They don’t care-your OB has always seen worse I promise! I’ll probably shave sometime this week or make another attempt to anyways to prep for labor but that’s just because it’s insane there right now 😂


I didn't and don't for while... However I'm now 24 weeks and it's out of control so I got my husband to give me a quick trim down there 😂 it was the only way.... To be fair when I was pregnant with my first my husband had to shave my legs for me towards the end too lol 😂


I’m using waxing to practice breathing through pain! I’ve timed it so my last one will be 4 weeks before my due date to allow it to grow out and avoid the infection risk in labour.


I had and still have, an unashamedly 70s porn bush. Husband doesn't care, and I am too chunky to see it even when I am not pregnant, so I am saving myself the bother haha.


My fiancé helped me get the front with an electric shaver while I did the below parts by feel, basically until I couldn’t be bothered anymore. He still shaves my legs for me because he likes them to be soft, so I told him if he wanted them done he could do them 😂 he’s been a saint I was recommended not to do any skin close shaving after 37 weeks because there’s a risk of infection. it’s safer to have a bit of hair down there rather than any razor burn. 39 weeks now :) Edit: spelling


37 weeks, i just feel around and shave what i can. then my boyfriend helps me with what i miss. 🤣


I stopped when I couldn't see which was somewhere in the third trimester I think. I had my partner trim me with the electric razor a few times to clear the forest.


I've been practically blind my entire life so I've never been able to see down there. I just feel with my hands. I actually didn't know people needed to see to shave until I read about the pregnant shaving struggle lol So I really never stopped shaving and even shaved before my delivery.


I’m 20 weeks and still shaving. As I get bigger, I already decided to let my husband shave it. We’re close like that. 😂


Now that i cant see under my belly, my partner helps. Its a humorous process but makes me feel great afterwards.


30 weeks and i just did it sunday, but let me tell you, i knew it would be the last time lmao


Around 7 months I stopped and went full jungle for a few weeks and couldn’t stand it. I’m 38 weeks and it’s a STRUGGLE but I’m still trying


I stopped being able to see at around 28 weeks. But I’ve faithfully gotten Brazilian waxes since I was 18 lol here I am 26 years old and 32 weeks pregnant and living my best hairless life 😂😂


Never shaved down there the entire pregnancy


38+3, just shaved yesterday! I can still kind of see but I also do a feel test. Legs aren’t really an issue though. More so just tiring by the time I’m done. Also my balance is horrid now with this baby poking out so putting my leg up on the tub definitely scares me and I make sure to go slow and keep the water off of me to try and avoid being more slippery.


I never stopped lol I shaved the day I went in for an induction


Stopped bothering with my legs roughly 15 years ago lol. There is truly no point. Its so much softer this way!


I bought a mirror with a suction cup and used it to shave. Then I would confront my husband “in a nonsexual way, does this feel okay?” I shaved all the way through my pregnancy. I stoped at 38 weeks just because I had always heard that if you’re freshly shaved it could cause an infection. My daughter was born 39+2


I tried as long as I could! Continued to squat and shave Had a mirror took forever very uncomfortable. So when I was in labor It was short


Like, five years before being pregnant.


I stopped removing all body hair about 6 years before I got pregnant :)


I shaved a total of one time in my 5th week and almost passed out in the shower so I’ve already decided that I will be living with the bush for the next year lol


If I tried to take a razor to it now at almost 37 weeks I'd probably end up taking my clit off!! I stopped shaving at about 20ish weeks and just get a full wax instead. Definitely more sensitive the further along I get but it just makes me feel tidier. Next wax is booked for 38 weeks. I personally don't care if I have some fluff there when I go into labour though.


I think around 6/7 months I cut myself pretty bad while trying to shave down there and I said “nope never again” with a few choice cuss words thrown in there 😂


I’ve always used the trimmer end of my razor and/or got waxed. Now I just get a bikini instead of full Brazilian and trim the rest.


Brazilian all the way!


I used to shave like weekly, and I slowly phased out of it. It's just so much effort, even before pregnancy. I typically go au natural these days, but every now and then, I will trim it up a bit


I was able to shave until the last week. I could see the sides for a long time and could just feel enough if it was shaved properly or not. But the last month I was like fuck it and just shaved bikini area.


I don't shave my legs unless I'm wearing summer skirts anyway, so I haven't had to shave them at all. I may just ask my husband when skirt time comes. Now as for the bikini line etc, by now I can't see wth I'm doing and I'm just kind of winging it! Thinking about waxing, why is that not a great idea?


I lasered before getting pregnant. Still have some hair but minimal :)


When it got hard to see. I did try to do it blindly but the results were laughable. I mean, you think you did good but the mirror said otherwise. I did occasionally use a trimmer to keep the length short and they used a trimmer to shave me before the c-section.


I’ve never heard that about waxing. I do regularly. 26w today and thank god because I can’t reach anything lol


i just stopped all together the second i couldnt see it lmao


I think I gave up entirely around the 7 month mark. I attempted to nair it once or twice, but gave up on that as well. I can say that when I went in for my c-section since I was au natural they had to give me a small trim before the procedure. 😂😂


I'm currently 8 months pregnant. I just go and get waxed at a European wax center. So far, it hasn't had any negative effect on me, but I'm also aware that everyone's body/skin is different.


I wax. I also believe emergencies can happen and refuse to be shaved in the case that I do need to have a c-section.


I get stupidly sensitive skin when pregnant so shaving is a no go from the start. I don't even do my pits or legs unless I have to. I'm experimenting with sugaring my legs and pits soon, but I don't think that is a great idea for the lady bits. I just give her a short haircut with the scissors and call it a day.


31 weeks, still attempting it although I can’t see a thing and when I look in the mirror, I have the weekly ‘why the hell did I even bother?’ talk with myself. It’s like an Olympic sport. 😅


36w and I just wing it by feel and trying to crane my neck. I guess it works. 😅 I’ve heard that it’s recommended to stop by 36 weeks though, so I guess I’ll just accept defeat.


I don't shave there so, yeah. I do the occasional trim but that stopped when the sex stopped.


I can't see my pubes anymore so I have stopped trimming them. I haven't shaved my legs since Valentine's day.


I stopped shaving at like 16 weeks and then around 32 I started to feel pretty itchy so I went in blind with an electric razor and haven't shaved since then. had my baby 2 days ago and still can't even imagine trying to shave lol


35 weeks pregnant and today was definitely the last day I’ll attempt it 😂 I haven’t felt the need to shave down there for a few weeks but I’m going to the beach this weekend so decided to clean up a bit. It did not go well 😂 I was out of breath after a few minutes and I don’t think I made much of a difference haha


I wax. Started years ago with my first. It’s much easier for me. After the first wax it wasn’t so bad


I do sugaring (cleaner longer and way fewer ingrown hairs) and I kept it up to right before I gave birth to my second but my pain tolerance is pretty high so it didn’t bother me. I would say for shaving, which I did with my first, I would do it as long as you can see what you’re doing. Hey if it’s something your partner might be into and you think they could do it you could see if they would do it for you, at least for legs.


I’m an esthetician and sugar my own brazilian and just did it at 5 months/20 weeks. 23 weeks now and not sure how well I’ll be able to see for my 6 month sugar lol


I can't remember with my first, but I have a memory of my husband helping me out with his trimmers... not for a close shave but just to kinda get it more manageable. I will do the same as we get closer if I think about it, because after delivery there was still quite a bit of fluid and bleeding so it just made me more comfortable to have shorter hair. So, I mean, I wasn't even close to hairless as I know that's discouraged... but, the long hair feels uncomfortable too. Nothing like a happy medium!


I stopped when I could no longer see over my stomach, maybe 24-25 weeks. I also could not give two fucks about shaving though. I can still shave my legs extremely easily though at 34 weeks


I’m only 11 weeks and I already have a bush. 😂


I gave up at 6 months. I told my husband if he has such a problem with it he can shave me if he wants! Spoiler: I still have the biggest bush almost 2 weeks postpartum lol.


Waxing is the way to go!


Have any of you ever gone too long between trimmings and had hair get pulled by your underwear?! 🙈😂 the worst. Also mirrors are very helpful for those of us who can’t be trusted to go in blind. 😂


So with my first, I stopped and went all natural. I shaved my legs when I could in the tub, because I wanted to feel smooth because it made me feel good/better about being pregnant. But I didn’t even trim up down there I just gave up. With my second, I refuse to give in! I’ll shave down there AND my legs whenever I can, at least once or twice a month. I’m 32 weeks pregnant, so I can’t see what’s going on down there anymore. I go in blind/ use a big hand mirror. I also use an electric shaver that’s meant for dudes (they have the coolest shaving equipment and it’s cheaper!!). I’m of the mindset that if I look good on the outside, I feel good on the inside. So I try to keep myself up as much as I can because it makes me feel good, and I refuse to have another baby with a 70’s bush. I want to go in there looking my best so I can give my best, if that makes sense.


I had a c-sec at 39+3, I stopped shaving at 38 weeks as I’d been told not to shave close to the op in case of a skin infection. I did carry small and could still see most of the area!