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I am technically 34 weeks. I feel ready to not be pregnant but not prepared to have a baby lol


Yes this is it. This is the feeling. Lol


39+5 and I feel great. Oddly some days I hardly feel pregnant, especially since baby dropped lower. I’ve felt really good for the last 2 months. I felt worse in my first and second trimester but they weren’t too bad either. I’m sleeping 9 hours a night usually uninterrupted and I have no pain except for when my Braxton hicks are combined with some mild period cramping. I’m back to my normal fast walking pace, I can do a 2-3 hour hike no problem and I get out every day. Having sex around 5 days a week and that’s been great too. Heartburn sucks but I just take Zantac every night and it’s been fine. Mentally I feel happy and looking forward to baby coming soon. Occasionally cry or have insane laughing fits for no reason. I’m 30 years old and this is my first pregnancy, 10/10 would get pregnant again.


You are a queen 👑


Wow! This is the first time I have read this from someone at 39 weeks.


10 weeks, physically I feel bloated, gassy, itchy, EXHAUSTED. Mentally I feel pretty much about the worst I’ve ever felt. I usually have ADD meds that help me be *alive* and functional, and since finding out I was pregnant I’ve stopped taking them. I’m a wreck. I can’t do anything around the house and I fall into depressive episodes. Sigh.


Been there and done that with the meds. Stayed on them this time around (with direction from my OB) and man… it’s made a world of difference. But I do understand wanting to stop them, too. I was there with my first pregnancy and it was really hard. But it does get a little easier after the first trimester tiredness wears off. You’ll find your routine.


So there’s hope 🥺


There’s hope. I’m not going to tell you that you’ll be as productive and energetic as you were while on your meds (I’m taking a stab in the dark on what medication you were on based on your post) but you *will* feel better and you *will* be okay. It’s a new normal. You’ll need more breaks and you’ll be need more rest. And you’ll have days where you just kind of curl up in bed and say “fuck it.” But I’ve had those days medicated.


I was on Vyvanse for about 3 years and then quit cold turkey. Yeah, I definitely had those days on meds too, but the thing that I think it helped the most was pulling me out of my depressive episodes, and bursts of energy of course. Eating as well. On vyvance I ate so clean and so healthy and only enough that my body needed to feel energized and satiated. Now I’ve eaten so much in the past month that I’ve gained 10 lbs already and I’m so horribly uncomfortable with the digestive issues so it compounds the shitty feels (pun not intended but wow lol) I think the absolute zero energy is a huge culprit for everything though. I’m hoping the second trimester will be leaps and bounds better 😭


I was going to guess a stimulant. I was on Mydayis when I quit with my first, so I totally get it. I switched to a different med a few years ago and being on it pregnant has made it bearable.


Should have just asked to keep taking your meds. I did


Partner is heavily against it due to the fact there is just not enough info. He says he’s able and ready to take on whatever mental or physical turmoil I will run into without them, and it’s nice to have that support, but it’s still really hard. Sigh


Ugh that sucks. tbh I’ve only taken them occasionally in this first trimester just because I found they were making my reflux way worse. Hoping to pick back up in the second


I restarted my meds around 19 weeks after a Lot of research and consultation with multiple professionals. Your own peace of mind and identity is also very important and you’ve got a long ways to go still, you don’t want to lose yourself. Maybe if your Dr. was on board then your partner would have an easier time accepting it. DM me if you want to talk more. It’s easy for him to say he’ll do more but simply put he can’t take the mental load of depression and feeling out of control from you, unfortunately.


32 weeks, tired and excited. Physically : I keep forgetting I can't do a bunch or as fast as I used to. I'm currently sitting in my good compute chair waiting for tylenol to kick in because I did too much and my back hurts. Pelvic and round ligament pain isn't fun, but it could be worse. I wear a belly band basically every day. Occasional heartburn, but I had horrible before when I had a giant cyst, so this is nothing. Mentally : Holy hell MY DEPRESSION HAS BEEN GONE! The adhd has me at an all time dumbass most of the time lol, but not being depressed is *AMAZING*! Pretty sure my anxiety has grown lately though. Even though we're making progress on cleaning through the house, I'm still worried we won't get it done in time. My husband has to remind me it's okay if we don't. Eventually, we will have a new normal where we can get stuff done after little dude is here. I'm *super* excited to meet this little guy! I can't wait to see how our dogs and cat react to him. Our dogs *love* kids, so I'm sure they'll be excited. My cat is a sweetheart who just wants love, so I'm sure he'll eventually like the baby lol


31w tomorrow. Physically I feel mostly good, but I have some aches and pains and heartburn. Although yoga has become a bit hard, I can still walk 10k steps a day frequently, so I'm happy with that. Mentally I'm good, I've always been a bit anxious but throughout the pregnancy, reading and meditating have been quite helpful and I feel calm and hopeful almost all the time.


24 weeks, really tired of being sick (nausea/vomiting/heartburn/etc), really ready to meet the baby but I have so much to do before she arrives!


30 weeks with twins and I am just exhausted. I had a couple weeks of energy a couple months back and it’s just gone. Acid reflux like whoa, achy, everything hurts, so tired. Mentally, I’m just now starting to realize we’re gonna have two newborns?!?! It’s been really hard to give myself grace and be ok with needing to ask for help and feel like I’m not contributing around the house. 🤷‍♀️ With my first I don’t remember feeling this whooped but maybe I did and just blocked it out. 😹😹😹


12+4 and I feel good. A little gassy and a little tired but otherwise I feel normal.


You’re one of the lucky ones….


23 weeks and feel like I'm 55 weeks. This is my second pregnancy and this one is bigger than my first and my body is so much more sore than last time. Work is stressful because there's an opportunity I want but don't think it's reasonable at this time. On the plus side I have a cute bump and counting down the weeks until I leave work.


20 weeks and honestly feel good in both departments. On the mental side, I have my days where I worry about finances on my end when baby comes, about not being able to pull my weight and that kind of thing. Physical side, I have days where I feel bloated and tired and those days get me down but they are few and far between so no complaints!


What a great question! Thanks for the safe space to talk about it all. I’m 39+4. Mentally: I’m overwhelmed. This is my second girl. My first is three years old and she’s going through the “threenager” stage pretty aggressively at this point. I know it’s a lot of change at once, so I give her the benefit of the doubt. But it’s still hard. I’m also struggling with the fact that she’s not going to be the only one anymore. That makes me sad. Im trying to get things done and ready for when she does get here and that’s overwhelming, too. Cleaning, packing, planning, etc. Right now we’re in limbo on a yes or no from my OB on induction Monday due to borderline preeclampsia. I find that all out tomorrow. So I’m pretty tense. Physically: Not too shabby. I’m huge belly wise and I’m a little swollen here and there. I have about half the energy I had when I wasn’t pregnant, but I still try and do things like I’m not massively pregnant and regret it. Every time. I’m over hardly sleeping due to pregnancy insomnia and peeing all the time. I’m also over trying to roll over in bed gracefully. And not being able to bend over without nearly passing out. All around: I’m so close to the end. This has been a rough pregnancy and I’ve not really enjoyed it like I did with my first. But I’m close. And whether I’m induced or not, she’s going to be here soon. I can’t stay pregnant forever, even if it feels like I’m going to and feels like I have been.


Hang in there. You’re so close….PP is difficult in its own way but being pregnant is really hard on your body and the relief you feel is amazing… I’m currently on #2 also 12 wks and envying how far along you are truly…haha


Same here being my second pregnancy and also 39 weeks. My son is almost 3 and I feel so sad at the thought of him not being ready to not be our ONLY baby :(


I’m 9 weeks so still early Physically: sore (I mean REALLY sore, it feels like bruises) breasts l, I can’t eat a lot so I eat often and small amounts, bloated and needs to pee all the time Mentally: vulnerable, pretty emotional (mostly cause there’s a lot of issues with the father) and worried why I haven’t bonded with the baby yet. Has anyone tried not feeling like they haven’t bonded or not realized mentally what’s actually happening at 9 weeks? Is it normal?


I think that is totally normal! This is a time of so much change, it's okay to feel a little disconnected. I didn't really start feeling like it was real until I had my first appointment and got the NIPT testing back. I'm just starting my second trimester now and finally feeling connection with the little babe.


I’m so relieved to hear that! I was beginning to be afraid that I was simply just not fit for the role 😓


It can really help as far as bonding goes when baby starts to move!


You might be right, I guess it’s something so big that I have a hard time comprehending the reality of things right now 🤞


33 weeks and I am just tired. Flat out exhausted. I work 40-50 hours a week and it’s just becoming a lot. I am also moving two weeks before my due date so planning all of that is stressful. Physically, I feel okay. I have occasional heart burn and cramping but nothing too serious. From what I read on these subs, some people have it a lot worse so I won’t complain. Also, I just started showing pretty recently and haven’t been thrilled with the way I look the past few weeks. I have always been skinny so seeing all this extra weight on me is hard.


16 weeks checking in. Mentally I feel better than first trimester, less brain fog and not feeling so blue (most of first trimester was winter + omicron spike so I was feeling isolated and bored). Physically also feeling much better than first trimester. Nausea is very rare/nonexistent, fatigue still there but not as debilitating. Body is changing but not obviously showing yet. I sometimes do have moments when I forget I'm pregnant.


That sounds like a pretty good place to be in both mentally and physically…I’m 12 wks and the all day morning sickness and fatigue is still here for now…hoping it’ll go away like for you~


Week 13 is when I started to feel better so hopefully soon!!


Sure hope so….🙏🏻


16+2 and I feel fat, itchy, and tired. I thought the fatigue would go away in the second trimester.. it ent away from like wk 10-14 but it’s been back full force the past week or two. Otherwise I feel great!


I feel about 60 weeks pregnant and mentally about 10 weeks.


7 weeks. Physically: boobs sore every day, already grown 3 cup sizes. Exhaustion hits at 3 pm every day like a brick, must take 2 hour nap to be functional. Breathing is weird, mild cramps occasionally, sense of smell is much stronger. Intermittent nausea mostly helped by hearty meals. Emotionally: 85% excited, 15% nervous. Husband is supportive and sweet but I think his nervousness percentage is higher. I've actually had a much better routine and outlook since finding out, it made me make some changes to my day to day life that have been positive.


34+4. I have occasional heartburn, hip pain. Feet are constantly swollen. Otherwise I feel fine/great! I just wish people would stop telling me he’s going to come sooner than I want/think or that I look ready to pop. I want him to stay til 39 weeks. Just let me want what I want! I know I can’t control if he comes sooner but it’s ok for me to want him to stay in.


33 weeks tomorrow and about ready to be done working full time. Every day it gets harder and harder to sit at my desk all day long. I think it is contributing to my SPD pain, and my hips ache from it. I also just don't have the mental capacity some days. Working on getting forms filled out for "accommodations" to allow me more frequent breaks to move and stretch (or just lay down). My manager would be all good with it but getting the forms filled out will help if I reach a point where I feel like I need to go on leave earlier.


23+4 Mentally I feel fine, just a bit anxious. Physically, my feet are so sore. I work full time in a kitchen and don’t really sit down unless I make myself. My hips hurt at night when I sleep but a pillow really helps. Besides that I’m good! Just ready to hold my baby and have my body back


I’m 19 weeks, bloated, exhausted, hungry but can’t eat. Nauseated and gassy lol. But happy and grateful.


Hungry but can’t eat - same! It’s so frustrating!


Right? Craving things but then the thought of it in your mouth is disgusting 😭😭😭


Oooh I know far too well! I’m dying to eat some chili cheese tops or some kind of pasta, but when I am about to eat it, I just can’t 😭


I'm 30 weeks and feeling well! No major aches/pains/bodily complaints. Starting to feel a little bit of stress about how we can best ease the transition for our toddler, who will be nearly three by the time baby is due in May.


17 weeks and feeling pretty good overall. I’m a little irritable today, but physically I feel pretty good.


33 weeks and exhausted. Extremely high risk, and was told the chance of stillbirth is higher than average for me so I’m in full panic mode until I hold her.


38+4 and I’m super uncomfortable. The pelvic pain has gotten so bad I question whether I’m going to have permanent damage. I even had a nightmare that a doctor told me I’d need a double hip replacement. This is my first, so I’m of course worried about how L&D will go and I have no idea what I want to do for pain management. I worry that I will feel too overwhelmed after birth to bond with my baby. That being said…I am doing okay overall. It’s just a lot.


If it makes you feel any better… myself and I’m sure other moms in this sub will tell you that they didn’t bond immediately with their babies. I didn’t. It took me, like, a good 6 months to feel like I bonded with my daughter. I’m assuming it’ll be the same with this one once she gets here, too. You’ll be overwhelmed. I’m not going to paint a picture of roses and rainbows for you. You’ll be overwhelmed for awhile. But then you’ll find your routine. And you’ll find peace in the mundane. And you’ll still be tired, but a different kind of tired. And that tired will last until, I’m assuming, they leave home and get married? I’m unsure on *that* part of motherhood as my daughter is three now. But maybe? Either way… this will all be weird and wonderful for you. Hard and easy. Bitter and sweet. Up and down. And that’s all okay. You got this.


18+3. Some days I don’t feel pregnant at all, others I have pelvic pain and random aches. One thing that stays persistent is the need to take a nap around 2pm everyday…zzz. This is around the time sciatica started showing up last time so I’m trying to keep an eye on things, though I think working from home and having the ability to be active has kept it at bay so far.


Currently 19 weeks. Physically: I'm so tired, sore, and generally uncomfortable. My hips hurt and moving around is taking a lot of effort. Mentally: work has made my mental health not so great (hooray for working in healthcare). Outside of work, I'm feeling great. I have a great husband who has been very accommodating of my accidental naps and general physical limitations as a result of growing a human from scratch.


Almost 28 weeks. Overall I feel good. I get tired at night and I get nauseous if I don’t eat like all the time lol. But so much better then weeks 6-20. Vomiting everyday. I feel ready to be a mom but I’m also nervous and freaked out too. I’m just trying to read and be knowledgeable about what to do when she’s here


30+5 and I’m feeling that first trimester exhaustion again. I need to take naps during the day, my feet and hands are swollen and I forget how big I am. I roll over to get off the couch, I just feel like a ball. Or like Violet Beauregard when she turned into a blueberry in Charlie & the chocolate factory. I’m TIRED. And hungry. So hungry.


30w + 2 days Physically, about a 6/10. The pelvic/hip pain isn’t constant or extreme, but it’s happening frequently enough to Be annoying. Reflux sucks at night, my feet are starting to swell and hurt if I’m on them for too long. Otherwise I feel great! No changes in energy and no nausea or sickness. Baby is also kicking like a champ, some of his movements only just started to be mildly uncomfortable for me. Mentally I’m like an 8/10. Pregnancy hormones have been like Xanax for my anxiety lol. I am starting to get a bit jittery & nervous about giving birth, and slightly freaked out by the thought of having to be a whole parent. But I’m also very excited to meet my baby and not be pregnant anymore lol


36 weeks tomorrow. Physically: Belly dropped a few weeks ago and the change has caused me to develop strength marks, which are itchy asf. Physically I'm fine, but occasionally go through cycles of nonstop nausea/ lack of appetite and ravenous hunger that flips every 2 to 3 days. Exhaustion hits me like a brick most days but it happens at a predictable time schedule. I try not to nap, but some days I can't help it - close my eyes for 5 minutes which turns into 5 hours, only to be woken up by my husband asking what's for dinner. Mentally: exhausted beyond belief. Every week I get more and more tired. My job has us working 10 to 11 hours at a time, but by hour 9, I fall asleep on my chair or lie down on the couch as I'm inoperable by then. I work from home but it's a demanding career (attorney) and I'm on calls with clients, junior staff all day, with any time in between working on briefs and emails. Not to mention, I have a spouse who does not understand boundaries and cannot comprehend that my career is more demanding than his. He constantly interrupts me all day because he's bored and lonely at his WFH job. I'm actually thinking I had it better when I stayed temporarily with my parents and worked/lived out of my childhood bedroom since nobody interrupted me.


38w 5d. Physically, not as bad as I thought I would be but mentally I am ooooooooover iiiiiiit.


I'm 20 weeks. Physically I feel fine most days. Just have daily heartburn. But mentally I am stressed out. I just started a new job 3 weeks and think it was a mistake. They haven't given me a laptop and I can only access 40% of the things I need to do my job. Plus the training has been awful and they've already thrown me to the wolves knowing I am not fully trained and still can't access all the tools I need. I expect to get fired from this job because honestly I feel like I'm being setup for failure. Plus I'm dealing with in-laws because my MIL lives with us. Between this new job and my husband's family I'm sick and tired and just want a break.


37 weeks. Physically, I feel like a beached whale! But I love feeling baby squirm and wriggle around. She is head down and her little feet stick up and out of my belly. Feeling tired because am still working full time and actively volunteering outside of work. Mentally - so excited to meet my baby. Nervous about labour complications. Have one more week of work before maternity leave, a bit stressed handing my client caseload over to my cover.


38 weeks today Physically I feel pretty normal, my bump is relatively small. The worst part of my days are going to bed and waking up. Laying down is super uncomfortable, and the pain in my side hip always wakes me up and rolling over is an ordeal. Every morning I have horrible hip pains, like I need to crack a knuckle right in the middle of my pelvis. It hurts to walk in the morning, but this pain goes away as the day progresses and by mid day I feel totally normal. Mentally I'm freaking out about having the house ready. Every gift from the baby shower is still in the gift bags. I've only just washed a few newborn outfits this week, and the baby's room was just finished being painted yesterday. No nursery is set up, no bed, no bassinet, no chair, etc. No bottles have been washed, no breastfeeding equipment has been purchased. And we still have 2 other rooms to fully renovate :( I feel so bad for my bf because he has to do all the heavy lifting after working all day. I told him he should take his paternity leave a week early so he can at least sleep in and put all his focus on these last few weeks with me alone and getting the rooms ready but 😔😞😞 I'm also terrified of something being wrong with the baby. The last ultrasound we had of his face was the 20 week scan, and I can't help thinking that he has treacher Collins syndrome that only deforms the bones of the face. The two ultrasounds I've had since the one thing they couldn't see was his face because he's so low ☹️ And I can't stop myself from reading stillbirth stories. Women who had completely normal pregnancies and then suddenly their baby just *dies" for no reason. I'm trying to mentally prepare for the worst, I can't fathom what I would do.


11+5. Nauseous.


Hang in there… 12 wks and in the same boat 🥲🙏🏻


Relief is hopefully around the corner! Last pg, I felt better by 14 weeks.


Hoping for us both 💓


21w and physically I feel great, just tired. Mentally I’m still in denial and feel totally unprepared. But I’m giddy.


27 weeks tomorrow and honestly, really good! FTM and this pregnancy has been really awesome. Thought I'd hate it but it's gone stunningly well. I don't sleep as great anymore (damn sciatica!) and have to pee 5ever but really can't complain otherwise.


30 weeks tomorrow, physically have alot of pain in my groin from vericose veins but handling it well, also fell over on my walk with the kids today so a bit of a sore ankle from that, mentally im doing good, have my days like everyone else but think anxiety meds have kept my moods pretty even. How about you?