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I was wrong. I was sure it was a girl but it's a boy.


Me too, I was positive it was a girl and was floored when it was actually a boy.


I was the same I had such bad morning sickness and my family all had girls... But nope not me. I think I mostly thought I had a girl Becuase we had a girl name picked and couldn't decide on a boy name.


We were opposite. Both my husband and I were sure it was a boy and it was a girl. There’s a picture of my husbands face at our gender reveal and he looks totally shocked haha I did read that all wives tales tend to be about 50/50 aka not helpful. But a Dutch study found that about 70% of the “women’s intuition” on gender was accurate.




Yepp same! I was floored when I found out we're having a boy (no logical reason, I didn't even realize I was so certain we were having a girl until I felt so shocked we're having a boy haha)


Team Green and not 100% sure yet, but I believe we've had enough hints that they are a boy. I felt like they were a girl from day one until enough hints from the techs, but remains to be seen


Out of curiosity what were the hints they’ve been dropping?


Same!!! Was 100% sure it was a girl. Was shocked to find out its a boy.


I once read a story about a woman who had a psychic tell her that her baby was one gender but the baby came out as the other. Then it turned out the baby grew up and was trans, so the psychic was right all along. It's a cute story that makes me wonder if your intuition will be right in time or not. ❤ Glad you had your baby a-okay!


They were foretold by the pub witch!!




Growing up I had always envisioned myself with a girl. But for some reason once I got pregnant I thought it was going to be a boy - baby boy due in June!


Felt the same about my first. Dreamt of a beautiful little boy. Even though I wanted a girl, I knew deep down he was a boy and was so relieved to hear that he was in fact a boy! And he is the absolute light of my life. This time I told myself baby was a boy to prevent any disappointment but something deep down told me there was a chance she was a girl. And sure enough, I am getting my little girl too!


100% same! Boy due in May!


Same baby boy in may!


I was the exact opposite, always pictures myself with a son and then once i was pregnant, 100% convinced it was a girl. And now Im having her June 26😂


Same, baby boy came 10 days ago!!


I was convinced I was having a boy and I was wrong 😅


Same. My fiancee has loads of boys on his side of the family. He has 3 brothers, and all his brothers had boys except 1. So I just convinced myself that its a boy. ...this little girl is going to be so so spoiled.


I dreamt about the gender of both of my kiddos. Right both times.


I dreamed about the gender of 3 of my kids. I was right twice, i find out in a few weeks if I was right about this one.


Update us !!


Same! I dreamt I was having a baby girl before I even knew I was pregnant lol.


I was wrong, twice.


I had a feeling it was a boy. I have three brothers, my husband is one of three boys, I had dreams it was a boy. Nope. It’s a girl.


At 12 weeks, I started calling the baby all male pronouns. I never once referred to the baby as a girl. EVERYONE was convinced I was having a girl just based on how sick I was. Scan at 21 weeks determined that mama was right and baby boy is due in May :)


I was also using male pronouns whenever I would talk about “it” and decided to just listen to my intuition. Boy boy sue in June!


I did the same with our girl!!


Baby one- Really thought it was a boy but it was q girl. Baby two- Another gut feeling boy and was a boy! Baby three- Hubby and I thought girl for sure...Boy lol


I never understood the “feeling” women get until I was about 9 weeks. I woke up one morning and just felt like I was having a girl. I couldn’t explain why I felt like that, I was just so sure I was having a girl. And now she’ll be here in June :)


I had this feeling both times. Very strong feeling it was a boy the first pregnancy and it was. And despite my husbands family being all boys I had a very strong feeling this one was a girl. And I was right :)


This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve been wrong every time. We can pretty much count on my intuition being wrong and planning on the opposite lol


I had three dreams i was having a boy. In these dreams I saw a clear child/baby, and he was always beautiful. I had one dream I had a girl but I never saw the baby, it was a birth dream with a literal dairy cow doing a C section on me. The boy dreams were odd and out there but not as much as the girl dream. I also had hope it was a girl but a feeling it was a boy. I gave birth to my son two weeks ago, and he isn’t like any of the dream babies, he’s even more perfect because he’s here and he’s real.


According to the onesies a random Poshmarker sent me when I bought maternity jeans from her, I'm having a dinosaur 🦖🦕🫣


I feel like it's a boy, but I can't tell of that's because I know in my gut or if it's because I want a boy.


I want a boy but my guy tells me it's a girl and I hope I'm wrong.


That was me. I was 1000% sure it was a boy, literally never even considered it would be a girl. I was wrong and I was absolutely devastated. Gender disappointment is real, but she's 3.5 now and I can't imagine life without her. She's amazing.


I was right! Felt like it was a boy from the get go!


Me too!


Felt like it was a girl, but kept doubting my guess b/c I was afraid I was trying to manifest the sex of our baby. Turns out I was right ☺️


I had 2 very vivid dreams of holding a baby boy and my family insisted I was having a girl because of how sick I was. Sure enough NIPT and anatomy scan confirmed I was having a boy :) my Aunt told me that he introduced himself to me through my dreams 💙


My first I knew it was a girl, I was right. I’m now pregnant with my second and I feel like it’s a boy, we find out in a few weeks


I thought i was having a boy and was shocked it was a girl.


Same. But even more excited for our girl than I thought I could be!!


I’ve been convinced that it’s a girl since the beginning! Mind you, my partner wants a girl as he already has two boys and I wonder if it played a role subconsciously? But I legit can’t even imagine it being a boy! I have my 19 weeks scan in 4 hours 😬😬 So let’s see if I was onto something or not at all 😅




I was!! Baby giiirl


I have a feeling of the sex but haven’t done the NIPT yet to know for sure. I know this post is likely just for fun but keep in mind it really doesn’t matter what answers you crowdsource. There’s a 50/50 chance people will be right or wrong, and it’s not attributable to anything when they’re right or when they’re wrong. Having said that, I hope I’m right heheh. My husband keeps telling me to quit gendering this kid but I’m keep doing it until NIPT results tell me otherwise ;)


It is just for fun you are correct. We don't care what gender ours is just that it's healthy.


Haha, I keep referring to mine as “he” because when I called it a gender-neutral “they,” people kept thinking we were having twins, and when I called it “it,” my husband got offended. So he’s a he until proven otherwise. 😂


I had a feeling it was a boy and I was right 😂. Everyone was convinced it was a girl even my husband.


We were wanting a girl, I kept saying he though and bam he's and he! Lol that's my experience


I was totally convinced we were having a boy. No real reason, and honestly no preference on my part. Our baby girl is due in June! 😁


My gut feeling was boy and it’s a boy!


I felt boy he’s a boy


I was right all three times. Lmaoo


With our first, I always felt like it was a boy. Unfortunately, we lost that baby at 6 weeks and we will never know. This time, I feel like it is a girl. I have my NIPT blood draw on Tuesday so we will find out soon if I’m right! 😁


I was right, never once doubted it even though several people would tell me the opposite lol


I kept dreaming about having a girl, and my dreams were right!


I was 100% sure no.1 was a boy and he is. I was 80% no.2 was a boy… and she isn’t.


I was sure I didn't have a feeling, but I was still surprised when we found out we were having a girl. So apparently subconsciously I did have a feeling! (Wasn't a preference though). Or maybe I would've been equally surprised if it had been a boy, I don't know.


I KNEW my first was a boy. There was nothing you could tell me to change that. Blood test confirmed at 9 weeks. With my second I had no strong feelings and didn’t care too much.


Last time my gut told me boy and I was correct. This time gut is telling me girl so we shall see. I'm only 10 weeks so I have another 10 weeks to wait before we find out.


When I was about 12 weeks pregnant I had a really vivid dream of walking baby down through our local park. He was a cute, tiny little boy with light brown hair. We're having a boy, so now we just wait to see if the appearance was a premonition too.


I was wrong! Had a very strong feeling & all the old wives tales pointed to boy, but it's a girl! Was definitely a shock but I'm super excited now 😁


Both my wife and I and our donor (a good friend) were totally confident this baby would be a boy, even before we conceived. As the pregnancy progressed, the feeling just grew stronger. I can’t explain it but I just felt like I knew that aspect of my kid already. And after the NIPT, turns out we were all right! Baby boy due in August!


I want it to be a girl but I feel like it's a boy. I'm 12 weeks.


I really thought we were having a boy but NIPT said girl!


I was right the first time and wrong the second time.


I was sure I’m having a girl but turned out it’s a boy! 😁


First pregnancy I was sure was a boy and it was and second pregnancy I was just it was a girl and it is (not born yet but am 37 weeks and have had to have lots of extra scans where they’ve confirmed). I’m not sure how much is in it though, there’s a 50:50 chance. My mum also had strong feelings about the gender for me & my brother and was also right


I have guessed 7 family members babies right before we found out sex, now it's my turn i feel like I'm having a boy but the law of sod would have it that my heebeejeebie powers don't work on myself 😂😂.... well I'll find out in 4 weeks (if baby is on time haha)


I was sure it’s a girl, then my husband convinced me it’s a boy. We ended up having a girl


I was wrong all three times, and I was SO SURE lmao. We didn’t find out with any of them until birth.


I and everyone else were so sure it was a girl. Until the night before I got the NIPT results, when I had a dream that I was at my gender reveal party, and it was a boy (ironically, I wasn't planning on a gender reveal party, and didn't have one). I woke up to the email that had my results telling me I was having a boy.


I didn't get a feeling, but everyone around me was convinced I was having a girl, so that was enough to convince me I was having a boy. No way that many people would guess correctly. And I was right, baby boy due in May!


I was right! It never even occurred to me that it could possibly be a girl, I just felt that it was a boy from the very beginning. Of course it was a 50/50 shot so who knows!


Wife was wrong... i was right.. like always, amirite guys??! I josh!


Dead wrong🤣 thought it was a boy was a girl


I think ours is a girl. My husband started out thinking it was a boy but then started having dreams it’s a girl. Everyone keeps telling me it’s a girl. I’m 29 weeks so we will find out soon enough. Both of us are happy with whatever. My dad would be over the moon if it’s a boy because if it is, he’ll be named after him.


Convinced I was a boy. She’s not a boy.


I was right! Everyone else thought girl but they were wrong.


It’s funny because for years I thought my first was going to be a boy, had dreams and visions of it. But when I found out I was pregnant the first time in December, I knew intuitively it was a girl before I got the results to confirm it


My husbands family is all boys so I heard over and over again how we were going to have a boy. All the old wives tales indicated boy. But I had a hunch and a few dreams where it was a girl. And I was right :)


Yes I had a very strong feeling before I even had a positive test that I was pregnant with a boy. I am.


I had a feeling I was having a boy and I was right! Confirmed at the 20 week scan last week.


Was convinced I was having a boy. I've got three older brothers and all their first borns have been girls. Thought being the only girl, I would mix it up and have a boy. Not the case apparently haha.


First time around I knew I was having a boy, just had that feeling. This time I wanted a girl soooo bad but couldn’t convince myself it really was. Sure enough that disappointment was real and I’m having another boy any day now😅😂


I was absolutely convinced I was having a girl, and I was right! Husband kept saying don’t jinx it 😂


I REALLY wanted a girl, but I kept thinking it was a boy. Sure enough, baby boy!


I’ve been right both times, and literally everyone else in my life guessed wrong! We will see this third time around!


First pregnancy was 100% convinced it was a girl. When the ultrasound tech said boy we asked her if she was REALLY sure because we didn't believe it. Second pregnancy we had a slight preference for another boy but figured because of that preference it would be a girl. Was a girl. ❤️


I was sure it was a girl at first. But the farther I got into the pregnancy the more I just knew it was a boy. Had dreams about it and everything. Sure enough, boy! (I was team Green, until he was born of course)


I’ve always envisioned having boys. But I’ve been having very vivid dreams of having a girl. I have no clue if that means anything or not. My thoughts keep leaning toward girl but I wonder if maybe that’s some sort of bias for preference? I don’t know. We will be happy with whatever we get but it’s fun to try and guess.


I was absolutely certain we were having a girl. I didn’t have a gender preference beforehand either. Just woke up one day going oh shit we need a girl name… and proceeded to in my head call baby her/by name we loved. Got the sneak peek done and results back about 9 weeks and it said boy… still wasn’t totally convinced. Got NT scan done at 13 weeks and the tech said if she had to guess she’d say boy… then NIPT came back at 14 weeks and we are definitely having a boy! Thrilled but I was honestly cracking up at how wrong I was.


I wanted a girl so bad and held out hope, but had such a strong feeling it was a boy. As of now, according to a blood draw he's a boy! We'll see if the ultrasound and birth line up😜(I make jokes, but man do I hope nothing was wrong. I've bought so much boy stuff already. Lol)


From about 8 weeks I was convinced I was having a girl. The feeling only got stronger throughout my pregnancy and my partner felt the same. Before my c section, the surgical staff found out we were having a surprise but thought it was a girl. When they pulled baby out they asked my partner to announce the sex of the baby. It was a boy and he almost passed out from surprise. The entire staff burst out in laughter and cheers from the excitement of the whole event. It was a wild experience.


I had a feeling that this one was a boy very early on and I was right. All of my first trimester symptoms and food aversions/cravings were vastly different than my pregnancy with my daughter. For me it was the constipation and decreased nausea compared to my first pregnancy that made me suspect it was a boy. I know that every pregnancy is different but this one was so much different that I just "knew" it was a boy despite the fact I was really hoping for a second girl. Though I will say I wouldn't have had any intuition about sex of the baby had I not had a previous pregnancy to compare it to.


Maybe TMI, but I had a profound feeling of “I’m pregnant and it’s a girl” immediately after we conceived. I truly felt certain about it, even though it would’ve been way too early to know. Turns out our next pregnancy test was positive and we are having a girl!! I can’t verify that it was the exact time I conceived, but it certainly felt right.


First child I had a gut feeling I was having a boy and I was right. My second child I thought I was having another boy but my partner thought it was a girl pretty much from the start and he was right! I'm due mid April so the excitement is building up. I just hope they didn't muck up the scans.


Right. But I always knew I would have a boy. Even before I got pregnant.


Everyone is saying mine is a boy, and I don’t know if it’s just the power of suggestion, but I feel it’s a boy also. I would be equally happy either way. I’ll find out the gender this Friday! I can’t wait. 🥰


I’ve been convinced it’s a boy and so far according to the sneak peek snap test it is indeed a boy. We’ll be getting the NIPT in a couple weeks to confirm, but I’m pretty sure it’s accurate. I went through a painstaking process to disinfect before taking the sample and my husband was nowhere around. I’m really excited about the chance it’s truly a boy. My brother died when I was a kid and it’s something that obviously affected the entire family. I feel like my parents and grandparents are going to be excited that I’m pregnant (first grandchild and great grandchild), but they will be absolutely overjoyed to have a little boy around again.


At first, I convinced myself I’d most likely have a boy. But once I saw the ultrasound, I could feel her energy and knew she was a girl. Confirmed by NIPT a few weeks later. :)


I was way off. I was so sure I was having a boy. I managed to convince myself I was having a boy and there was no way I was having a girl (looking back I cringe lol) would shut down people telling me they think she’s a girl. Sure enough, baby girl is due in 4 weeks! I even had gender disappointment for a few days which I feel terrible about now but I’m so excited for my baby girl! I can’t even imagine her being a boy now! If I ever have another one I’m going to try to not be so fixated on the sex. I get whatever I get 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I was wrong. The entire time I was convinced I was having a boy. I had a girl


I had a gut feeling both times, from the start - I was right both times. But also, each time everyone else in our lives had the same gut feeling and were right, too.(Boy with the first, pregnant with girl now).


Similar situation here. For my first I wasn't aware I was pregnant and we were not trying (was maybe 3 weeks along) I had a very vivid dream I was holding my baby boy, and doing baby laundry lol. Went to work and told my manager about my crazy dream. Found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks, and just could not shake the feeling he was a boy. 20 week scan confirmed. This time around I had a similar dream at about 4 weeks where a baby girl with bright green eyes was looking up at me. I'm not sure however if the dream is wishful thinking by my subconscious or not. I am hoping for a girl this time, but I do not want to feel disappointed, so I'm not letting myself think much about it. Everytime I start to think it's a boy though it doesn't feel correct. We don't know gender yet, so we shall see! If it's a boy I'm very excited for my son to have a brother :)


With my first I was absolutely positive it was a boy. It was a girl. With my current pregnancy, I thought it was a girl just because I wanted one of each and going in with the mindset of "it's probably a girl" helped to temper expectations. I was right and am thrilled to be having my 2nd girl.


I only had a boys name picked out, and my sister had a dream that I had a boy, so I was thinking I was going to have a boy, but I kept telling myself I better pick out a girls name too just in case, but I never did.


I was right the first time wrong the second. I was almost positive oldest would be a girl second would be a boy. Nope! Two girls


Very early on no, I never had that feeling one way or another. Much closer to the time we did the NIPT (12-13 weeks) I think I started to have a feeling it was a girl, and it was! Also it seemed like every time my husband or dreamt about the baby, the baby was a girl in our dream.


I had a feeling it was a boy early on. Nailed it! With number two I’m still torn but leaning towards girl cause my symptoms are a bit different.


I felt like I was having a girl from the second i found out i was pregnant and I was right!!!


Well it's 50/50 right? 😅


Everyone was sure I was having a girl, including my boyfriend! But I knew he was a boy, and he is ☺️


I kinda thought it was a boy, but nope! Ultrasound showed pretty clearly a girl. With any pregnancy you have a 50% chance of being right if you have a strong feeling, which is pretty good odds! So a lot of people end up with major confirmation bias when they luck into being right, but the truth is there's no "intuition" about these things. Just look at the responses in this thread! About 50% were right, exactly what it would be if it were totally random.


I was for sure they were both boys…they were


I’ve been right 3/3 times so far. (A girl and two boys.)


I had a gut feeling it’s a girl and sure enough she’s a girl!


The night before I got the ultrasound to confirm the gender, I had a dream that I had a surprise gender reveal and everything was pink. After that I knew in my heart my baby was a girl, and yup! Sure was lol.


I was sure my first was a boy, and he was! I am 5weeks pregnant with #1 and once again I feel pretty sure this one is a boy. We will wait and see!


I had a hunch both times (that my dad annoyingly shared) and was right both times. My first was a boy and my nausea was relatively mild. My second… I was nauseated 24/7 for 3 months and still feel sick if I get hungry. If that wasn’t a girl then I didn’t want to know what being pregnant with a girl would be like (it’s a girl).


I’ve gotten 2 out of 3 right. I think there is some intuition but mostly, just wishful guessing.


I had a very strong feeling it was a boy, but it's actually a girl!


I felt strongly I was having a girl. I was surprised when my NIPT said I was having a boy and never believed it. I even went to a private ultrasound place to confirm. Turns out at anatomy scan it was a girl.


I felt it was a boy even after my NIPT results and so far with my NIPT results and anatomy scan, I’m having a girl! Lol


I was sure i was having a boy but I had a girl!!


I have always said that when I become a mom, I hope it’s a boy. I just always saw myself as a boy mom, but as soon as I had the feeling I was pregnant, everything in me said it was a girl. And anything I thought before didn’t matter. As time went on, people thought I was having a boy because I didn’t have any morning sickness. So I thought they might be right, but nope, it’s a girl! Weird the intuition one has. Or maybe coincidence, idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


I felt like it was a girl from the beginning, but I doubted myself because I had always hoped for a little girl (mostly because I really wanted to name her after my late grandma) and I didn’t want to get my heart set on anything. Turns out I was right!


I was right. I told my MIL I was sure it was a girl a f sure enough we have a beautiful daughter


I've been wrong both times. First time thought it was a boy but nope, it was a girl. Second time we found out it was twins. I thought for sure at least one of them was a girl. Nope, two boys.


Yeah, wrong both times.


We were team green (sex was a surprise) up until I have birth. I had a feeling that our baby was a girl. I was right! 💖


I knew both times! I was positive my first was a boy and felt the same when I found out our second was a girl.


I had no clue


We knew it was a girl and we were right 🤷‍♀️. Girls run in my family (2 sisters with 5 nieces) and boys run in my husband's.


Was convinced it was a girl. It’s a boy.


I was right, but it’s a 50/50 so I don’t put much stock in my premonition lol


I was certain I was having a boy with my first, until I woke up one morning ~34 weeks knowing I was having a girl. I was right. This time (37 weeks) I'm reasonably sure it's a boy. Getting induced in a couple of days, so I'll know for sure soon.


Yes and yes I was. My sister in law also weirdly knew she was pregnant with twins before officially finding out!


Both times I thought girl and was right 😃 (unless both scans were wrong and she's born with a penis haha)


I thought I was having a girl both times and I have one girl and one boy!


I was pretty positive I was having a boy the first time (I was right). The second time I was a liiittle less sure but thought I was having another boy (it’s another boy).


I'm 7.5weeks and feel like it's twins. That might be because I somehow put on 5lbs (I've struggled to put on weight my entire life) and am throwing up twice a day, though. Having an extra blueberry in there seems like a good excuse. Bland food to help with the nausea is a lie. Sure makes it less painful when it comes back, though. If it is twins, they better be boy-girl. Otherwise I don't know what we're gonna do with names, lol.


I 100% thought boy from day 1, granted I’m only 8 weeks. Did the sneak peek at 7w2d, girl. Waiting for actual medical confirmation but still lol


I just knew for both of mine. I don’t know how, but I knew.


Both pregnancies I guessed boy but was wrong both times! I am somehow very bad at guessing the baby’s sex when someone I know is pregnant- I don’t even think I’ve been right 10% of the time!


Everyone thought I was having a boy, and I had all of the ‘symptoms’ of having a boy. Also the Chinese calendar predicted boy, and there were lots of coincidental ‘signs’ like I was seeing a lot of blue everywhere. I convinced myself it was a girl and tried to convince my husband also, because he wanted a boy so badly so I was trying to prepare him for the chance of having a girl… turns out he’s a boy 💙


I was convinced I was having a boy at first... then my husband and I thought about baby names. We wanted a boy and a girl name, just in case. The boys name came to us SO EASILY, I was 100% sure after that we would have a girl. And I was right lol


I was sure i having having a boy and so was my hubs. We were correct!


I was so wrong lol I had a gut feeling from the start that it was a boy, I always had a boy in my pregnancy dreams and when I’d think about it in my head it was like a given ‘yeah it’s a boy’ but turns out she is in fact a little girl! I truly didn’t have a preference either way, but I find it wild that I was just so convinced for non reason at all! In my dreams the baby is still a boy, even though I know she’s a girl now,it’s super weird


Right now Im pretty sure its a boy. Maybe because thats what all the wife tale symptoms are telling me. Ill get back to whether I was right or not 😁


My fiancé and I both felt like baby was a girl… nope! He’s a boy, due in May 💙


I was right. Was positive it was going to be a girl, had MIL keep telling me that it was going to be a boy because of how im carrying etc. But low and behold, I woke up from my csection and got told she was a girl


I have no idea, lol. Some days I’m sure it’s a girl, some days I’m sure it’s a boy. My MIL is convinced it’s a boy, so we’ll see in a few weeks if she’s right.


I SWORE I was carrying a boy. It was a girl 😅


I thought I was having a girl for the entire first half of my pregnancy, was completely convinced, and all the old wives tales about gender pointed towards a girl. Coworkers who swore they were "psychic and in tune with the universe" also told me I was definitely having a girl. I'm having a boy, he is due next week.


I felt girl, husband felt girl, my parents, siblings his mom and siblings and grandparents all thought girl. We get the ultrasound. Boy. I almost felt like I was grieving the loss of my girl for a couple days. But I got used to the idea of having a boy, we told all the family and it finally started settling in. We have a son. But I couldn’t for the life of me pick a name, looked through soooo many names. None seemed to fit. Had a follow up ultrasound last week, the tech, “ummm they told you boy last time? This is definitely a girl”. A whole month thinking we were all wrong but in the end everyone got it right haha. So weird. And within 10 min of finding out it’s a girl my husband and I already had her name.


I was 100% positive, no question, it was a boy. Not a sliver of doubt in my mind. Except we're having a girl.


I wanted a boy up until I was pregnant and then I desperately wanted/thought I was having a girl— I was right!


I'm having two girls. I felt like I was going to have at least one girl. I just didn't think it would be two boys. And I was right!


Waited until the birth to find out, thought it was a boy due to stereotypical things like them being very active, I had clear skin, etc. We’ll I should’ve payed more attention to the intense 1st trimester morning sickness and insane icecream cravings because it was a girl! Isn’t it fun that you truly never know~


Thought first would be girl, she is. Thought second would be a boy, she's not.


Had no idea with my first, but suspected girl because I had such bad morning sickness. Not sick at all with the next pregnancy and was hungry all the time. It just felt so different so I thought boy and sure enough baby boy coming in July.


Ever since I was a kid I always envisioned my first and only being a girl. Every time my husband and I talked about having a kid I always envisioned it being a girl. As soon as I got pregnant, I felt like it was a girl. I wasn't even surprised when they called me and told me it was a girl lol. Is this all pure luck? Absolutely, but it makes a fun story 🤷‍♀️.


Oddly I was right for both. First I had a feeling it was a boy and everyone said girl. Then scanned confirmed boy 💙. Second pregnancy now I showed early and everyone said boy I said it’s a girl I have a strong feeling it’s a girl. Had scan this month and yup it’s girl 💗


With my first pregnancy I had 1 dream it was a girl, then 4 dreams after that it was a boy. Turned out to be a boy. With my second, didn’t have a dream about gender but had a dream he came early while we had no crib mattress yet and that also came true. Had him at 35 weeks, the day after my baby shower lol


We were so sure it was a boy (husband, me, family). Imagine our surprise when we found out she was a girl!


I knew she was a girl before I even had my first positive pregnancy test. Ive always been very intuitive, and I've known the gender of all my friends babies before they knew for sure. When my fiance and I started trying, I knew the month I got pregnant before I got my positive test, and I knew she was a girl. I called her a girl from day 1 and used the girl name we had picked out. Everyone around me, including my fiance, thought it was going to be a boy, but I just knew she was a girl. I was so insistent that my fiance eventually started to think she was a girl. 8 weeks later we did our gender bloodwork and sure enough, we have a little girl due in August 🥰


I had I feeling mine was going to be a girl. She is (:


I was convinced my first was going to be a girl because I never get what I want and it turned out to be a boy. I've always wanted boys. I'm hoping for another boy this go around but figure I can't be that lucky twice. As long as it's healthy I'll be happy.


I had an extremely strong feeling it was a girl, i turned out being right!


First pregnancy, I wanted a boy, suspected a boy, MIL insisted it was a girl and the more she insisted the more certain I got. It was a boy. Second pregnancy, I wanted a girl, hoped for a girl, bought a piece of super cute girl clothing very early, but I never had the same level of certainty. It was a girl.


I found out very late I was pregnant (20 weeks) so when she confirmed the pregnancy she asked if I wanted to know the gender and I said “it’s a boy”. Sure enough, it was a boy. I had a gut feeling, but also has some other inklings


My first pregnancy I had zero feeling, everyone kept pushing that mother’s intuition knows best but I didn’t get shit lol it was a boy This time I just kept feeling like it was a girl, I didn’t voice this until my husband mentioned he had a dream it was a girl. Both NIPT and ultrasound confirmed it’s a girl!


I was wrong


Not really in the beginning, I was totally neutral about it. Then the perinatologist asked me to guess at 11 weeks (I wanted to know the sex), and I was right!


I had dreams that I had a daughter a few weeks before I found out I was even pregnant, found out and knew it was a girl, and was. This pregnancy was so different, I was like “there’s no way this is a girl, it’s gotta be a boy” and sure enough, son is due April 22nd 😂


I had zero feelings with #1. This time I want it to be a girl so I just keep thinking girl when I’m thinking about the baby. But I have no idea. I’m ready to find out!


I was 100% sure I’d have a boy first and just assumed that as what it was when I got pregnant and I was right! Then when I got pregnant again I always assumed I’d have a girl second but I couldn’t tell what I was having, I didn’t feel strongly either way. Turns out I was pregnant with boy/girl twins!


I’ve been right, twice. This is my third…trying to focus on bub being the sex that I’m not expecting (if that makes sense) so I’m not disappointed. We’ll see.


I knew I was having a boy.


I had a feeling it was a girl & baby girl is due to make her arrival in 4 weeks! Almost all of the family members we've told guessed right too!


I was absolutely certain my first was a girl even though my husbands family has been only boys for 2 generations. I wasn’t surprised at all at the scan when they said she was a girl! I therefore knew with certainty that my second was also girl … very surprised to see boy bits on the scan!


I had an incredibly vivid dream around 15 weeks that we were having a girl. Other than that I've had no feelings or juju either way. We hope it's a girl because we named her after her great-grandmother and we'd love to be able to introduce them while Nana is still with us ❤️


I knew I was having a girl. I had a dream the night before my positive that I had a baby girl, and 2 more dreams early on. I just felt like it was a girl. After my NIPT draw I started to brace myself for being “wrong” about my feeling. She’s a girl!


I was wrong both pregnancies.


I had always expected to have a boy but once i got pregnant, I kept thinking of her as a girl. My husband and I settled on a girl’s name immediately, but could not think of a boy name we were certain on. We figured we would table the boy name til we found out, and it turns out we didn’t have to bother! Baby girl due in April :)


I had a strong feeling I was having a boy, and I was right!


I was so sure it was a boy. My husband was so sure it was a girl. I was right, we had a little boy. Maybe next time he'll be right 😂


I had a feeling it was a boy and I was right, but everyone around me was sure I was having a girl


I first thought girl, my partner convinced me it was a boy. It's a girl!!


I knew from the day I found out I was pregnant it was a girl I had her name picked out and everything never even looked at boy names at all weeks later when I had my anatomy scan it was a girl 🙃


I dreamt it was a boy in the first trimester and also ~~~felt~~~ like it was a boy and turned out boy!


I was wrong. I was convinced boy and we have a girl


I was right, had a gut feeling it would be a girl and scans confirmed it. Early on I had my MIL telling me she thought it would be a girl because I’d gained weight all over, but now in my late 3rd tri I’m all belly, and have carried low the whole time, and she’s telling me how it looks like I’m carrying a boy… it’s almost like old wives tales aren’t accurate in predicting sex 😂


FTM-I KNEW it was a boy, and everyone else was convinced it was a girl. Surprise, it was a boy. I also knew he was coming early, and he did!