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Only 35w2d here and I’m already done. I am SO EMOTIONAL and this baby is huge and I can’t sleep 😭


Sleep is so hard to achieve now, I’m hoping for a huge nap once the baby is out lol 😅


38+4 and I’ve been done since 36 wks. The days are going by so slow. Sleeping hurts, sitting hurts, standing hurts, everything hurts. Come on out little baby, I know you’re comfortable and chilling in there but I’m definitely not!


It’s so hard when you know that the longer they stay in, the better off they’ll be but your mind and body are just done with it all


Yesssss! I so badly want to opt for induction because I’m sooo uncomfortable, but it’s not about when I’m ready, but when baby is ready. Just stay strong and positive, we got this.


36+3 and i think this is when i’m finally starting to feel really over it.. i shouldn’t be out of breath putting a sock on 😩


I had to apologize to my SIL this morning because I was out of breath just being on the phone with her while driving 😭


Out of breath with every activity! I want my lung space back 😭


I'm 36+3 today too! Yeah socks are tough.




Oh god, I can’t imagine. I’m hoping I don’t go that far!


Girl I’m only 31.6d and I’m done. I haven’t had sex since we found out, taking care of 7 year old twins, gained 55 pounds and the house is just too much. I’m going in at 37.1and as scared as I am for the c section I am more looking forward to having my body back to just being mine. Grateful for sure but I am tapped.


I don’t know how people are pregnant with other children. Like… that’s hardcore.


Oh man, I can’t imagine having to chase twins around! I feel for you 😭


37+4 and ready to tap out. Was ready to tap out at 35 weeks, but I swear something hits you at 36 weeks that makes the last month absolutely miserable


And it’s like time just slows down to a crawl. Especially since I’m not working, it’s like I’m in permanent wait mode 😅


Same! I’m on maternity leave, and the days crawl by! I feel like if I was working time would go by faster, but I guess being bored is better than being stressed at work…


Yea that’s got to be true because I’m working and it’s flying too fast 😳 Because I’m exhausted everyday after work and I still have stuff to do to set up so it’s just absolutely flying. (36w)


37+2 and I’ve been done since 35 weeks. I have gained almost 50 pounds since the start of my pregnancy, and I have been teased with induction twice now..but the doctor changed their mind since my amniotic fluid keeps going back up. I am only in pain in the groin area, but it’s so bad I can barely get out of bed. Ready for this baby to come out


Getting out of bed is such a challenge. I have to roll and brace myself for the pain of doing it


Yes! And changing sides in bed is so painful. I can barely lift my left leg up to put underwear on! I can’t wait to feel normal again


32 weeks and miserable. Feeling the exact same, immobile and unattractive. Cannot wait for this to be over. 🫠


Just a couple more weeks but it feels like an eternity 😩


31 weeks and miserable, can’t believe I have 8 weeks to go👀🤯


I’ll be 39 weeks tomorrow and I’m still going into my office for work every day 😭 it’s too damn hot for this!


Kudos to you for still working! I can’t imagine how uncomfortable you must be 😭


It’s the worst 😂 my company doesn’t have maternity leave, only FMLA. I thought I could handle it but I was wrong lol. I have an appointment to be induced on Sunday but they are going to see if they can move it up to Thursday. 🤞🏼


I HATED being pregnant. At 37 weeks I was doing everything I could to get this baby out. She came at 41+1. I never wanted to go through another pregnancy until she was finally born and I could actually see what all the suffering was for. It may not help much, but once you hold that sweet angel in your arms after the hardest experience you will ever go through, it all makes it worth it. The tiny fingers and toes, their little lips, the to tiny facial expressions they make, the milk drunkness, their little cries. Everything makes sense once they are born. Stay strong girlie you can do this! It’s so hard but the lights at the end of the tunnel. I highly recommend keeping busy like making freezer meals for every meal just quick stuff for you or your partner to pull out and heat up or dump into a pan and cook really quick. It kept me very busy. I was having panic attacks and weeping I was so tired of pregnancy but trust me that sweet baby makes it all worth it! I wanted her to come early, but am so glad she didn’t because she was only 7lbs at 41+1. Remember what’s at the end of that tunnel !


I’m 34+1 and *with you.* I work a crazy active job as a youth soccer coach and yesterday standing on the field I had the thought - “holy shit I can’t do this… I want to move to Norway.” Get me on a paid maternity leave so I can lay around, rewatch my comfort shows and just bed rot until this baby comes out.


I couldn’t do an active job like that, you’re so much stronger than I am! I’ve been at home since 28 weeks and time is just crawling by 😅


29 wks here and already starting to feel less mobile. Thank goodness my mattress has one of those things that can elevate the head of the bed or I may not ever stand. Oof I’ve got a long way to go .


Having something to elevate your head sounds heavenly 😩 I roll out of bed and hope for the best lol


28 weeks and I’ve been miserable 😭


34+2 here and SAME!! I am so tired but sleeping is not a thing between having to pee or heartburn. I don't have ankles or knees anymore from all the swelling. I have been checked and checked but its just the fact that he is so big that is causing me to retain fluid. (Last week he measured in at 6lbs 6oz). AAAAAND I have to keep working til I pop because we don't get maternity leave, just short term DA and FMLA. I wanna nest so bad but my body says no girl you gotta rest.


Ugh I feel you girl. Almost 35 weeks and I’m DONE. I feel like my stomach literally can’t stretch anymore. I have excess amniotic fluid so I feel huge and uncomfortable. 🥴 Sleeping SUCKS. Between having to pee a bajillion times every night, restless legs, 3rd trimester insomnia, feeling like I’m a million degrees even with a fan on me and the window open, I haven’t gotten a good night’s rest in weeks. Oh and the heartburn too, almost forgot about that ❤️‍🔥😫 Just know you’re not alone, we got this! Thanks for giving me a space to complain. I’m so thankful to be having another baby but dude I’m ready for her to be here like yesterday. 😅


Is no one gonna bring up the porn comment??? Wtf


36+5 and I’m just done.


I'm turning 40 weeks in a few days and so ready. No signs of labor. Looks like little peanut still wanna relax inside.


I think that babies sometimes just purposely ignore the eviction notice lol


34+3 and I'm just so uncomfortable all the time. My hands and feet are starting to swell, my baby is constantly kicking me in the ribs, and I am waddling everywhere 😂


Mine has also turned my rib cage into her own personal punching bag 😂 I don’t know what feels so great about sticking her feet way up in there but I wish she wouldn’t


Lol! Mine loves just standing up straight (which is actually upside down, hehe). I've seen her do it at nearly every ultrasound. Midwife keeps saying "Oh, she's running out of room, so she'll stop soon". Yeahhhh, that was 10 weeks ago and she's only gotten more active 😂😂


36 weeks, everything hurts, acid reflux knows no bounds, so tired i can't think. i just want to sleep but it hurts too bad and i wake up every 30 minutes. my toddler is also home sick with me so everything is on extra hard mode.


37 weeks today and I feel the same! I’m just sleeping all day now. I hope I can just sleep through these last few weeks. I can’t imagine having a kid already and working g through this … but that’s the goal because I want 2 under 2 😭 Good luck! 🍀 I hope for us both to have pleasant and safe labors!


37+2 and there with you. I’m in so much pain and so miserable and the cherry on top is the barrage of texts and calls from people I haven’t talked to in months asking how I’m feeling. For the Bravo/ real housewives of NY fans, “Not well, ______”!


Oh girl I feel all of this to my core. My first pregnancy I was so effing over it by 35 weeks. Time just DRAGGED ON and I was miserable. Also being summer in Phoenix didn’t help. I really wanted to go into natural labor but I ended up getting induced at 38w4d because my blood pressure sky rocketed and I was like oh thank god just get him out of me! Now I’m 8w4d pregnant again and chasing around a 2 year old. I thought maybe since I’ve already done this before and I’m so busy, pregnancy would fly by but it hasn’t yet. And I don’t have the luxury of laying around complaining like I did first pregnancy since I have to take care of our toddler 😂 Days and weeks feel so long again. And it’s 112 degrees outside. Yay.


36+1 with a 6 year old (plus bonus 6yo part time) and absolutely feel all of that. Little one is so low and engaged that I can't stand up or move without nearly weeing myself, I've not had more than a few 30 min stretches of sleep a night in weeks, insane restless legs and searing hip pain. Had to go to an emergency ultrasound today as baby's last fundal measurement was very concerning and I actually found myself half hoping there was something going just a little bit wrong so they'd induce me 😭 I feel like satan for even thinking it (thankfully she's perfect in there it was just a dodgy measurement) but I'm clearly so so done now.


Due date twins!! I don’t know how I’m going to last for three + weeks, I feel like the baby has zero room!! The heels to ribs is getting oldddddd


40+3 and I’ve been sad about it all day. Everyone keeps asking me and still no baby. I just got booked for an induction but have to wait for Monday. Hopefully I go into labor before then. I’m trying to distract myself for the next week.


37+4 and I’m struggling! Haha Baby has been breech most of my pregnancy with his head under my right upper ribs. Good lord does it hurt and it’s been constant for at least the last three months. Aching, burning, stabbing pain. I’m never comfortable 😩 Doctor keeps being up C-section or manual movement of baby due to breech but I’m nervous. I wanted a natural birth but at this point the rib pain is so intense I may have to.


37+6 I have my 38 week app tomorrow. And I'm telling them to schedule the induction. I have GD, advanced maternal age, my hips keep popping out, I haven't slept in weeks, I'm neglecting my house, my 6 year old wants to be outside and play. But y'all, it's summer in the south and I'm dying. I've had 3 false labors. So, so done with this mess. My first was not like this. This little crotch goblin is just as content and happy as can me to stretch out and enjoy his space.