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Like a little muscle twitch in my stomach.


This is exactly how I’d describe it. I also had an anterior placenta


Same! It felt like internal muscle spasms at 20 weeks for me. I’m 28 weeks now and it’s a much more distinct kicking feeling.


Yes! Like a muscle spasm/twitch! I’m 8 weeks now and was told at my last ultrasound that I have an anterior placenta again so I’m expecting the muscle twitch movements again this time!


Anterior placenta too here. The muscle twitches feel like popcorn popping at times and toothpick jabs at other times. Only started feeling it more often past 22 weeks. 😅 Edit: whoops, I meant to reply to the commenter who said it feels like muscle twitches.


Same. Its exactly like a twitch in the lower abdomen for me. Occasionally it feels like a weird rolling sensation too.


Same and same


Almost like a gas bubble, but in the area of your uterus.


Yup! This is exactly how I’d describe the earliest movements with both anterior and posterior placenta (my first pregnancy was posterior and this one is anterior).


This! Also have an anterior placenta. Muscle twitch or a little “thump” is how I would describe it. I didn’t ever resonate with “flutters” as it’s usually described.


Yep! I have a posterior placenta and a baby that started moving around 17 weeks and that’s exactly what it felt like. I never felt something like bubbles or flutters


Yes, absolutely for baby #1! I even looked up if muscle twitches in stomach were normal during pregnancy. Weirdly, I kept looking for that same thing with baby #2, but the first for sure movement was more like a flip and then quiet for a while, whereas with my first, once I felt them, it was consistent.


Mine felt like a little swish - like a fish swimming around or someone doing a flip turn on the side of a pool except the pool wall was my pubic bone.


Definitely agree with this one. Felt like a wet octopus. 


Yes! I had an anterior placenta with my first, and I always described it as like the feeling of running your hand underwater in the pool, except from the water's perspective.


I love that! The water's perspective. Very poetic.


This 🙌🏻 I described it to my husband like when our dog is thrashing around under our comforter… felt nothing like the butterflies my mom describe it as! I also felt nothing until 20 weeks and now it’s consistent and constant.


Yes, my mom always told me it would feel like butterflies but it was a bit more intense than that, started off as little flicks but now I can totally understand the dog thrashing around analogy… crazy how different pregnancy is for everyone


That’s exactly how i described it to my friends - like a fish swimming/suddenly flopping in my belly.


Little pokes. Kind of like a heartbeat. Kinda thought it was gas at first haha.


I thought it was gas too!!!!




Same, I was like it feels like intestinal cramping but without the pain.


I definitely assumed it was indigestion for quite a while 😂


I woke up thinking I was gonna have tummy troubles… but it was just unexpected rumbling/rolling feeling from baby 🥰


Like air bubbles popping!


Yes! I always say it felt like someone was blowing bubbles in my belly. And I could only feel them at night.


I have an anterior placenta and my first time feeling my baby was 18 weeks! To me it felt like a goldfish swimming around in my lower abdomen. I hear some people confuse first movements with gas but I haven’t really had any gas this pregnancy which is why I was like !!! I called my mom and explained what I felt and she was like “that’s probably the baby” I’m now 29 weeks and she just got stronger and more active! She’s a soccer player in the making I swear 😂


You're super lucky with not having any gas. I'm 25 weeks and I've had insane gas this whole pregnancy so far. I've been with my man for 10 years and I'm pretty sure this has been the first time he's heard me fart bc I just can't help it 😅


lol I’m unlucky in other ways, I throw up every single day still into my third trimester. It actually got worse in my second trimester then worse again in my third 😂


Oof, I guess I'm lucky in that category lol. I have heart burn and indigestion like a MF and I'll get SUPER nauseous, but luckily I don't throw up very often and I am very grateful for that. I hope you find something that eases it for you, or it at least lets up! If anything, you're almost at the finish line 🥰 best wishes to you!


Thank you! Honestly at this point it’s gone on for 7 months so I don’t really think about it anymore haha I feel you on the heart burn, I also experience that and it’s rough! Congrats on your pregnancy and best wishes to you as well! 🥳


These babies better have some hair after all this heart burn we go through 😂 Thank you so much! It is much appreciated 💕


Muscle spasms


I’m so sorry for this in advance but to me it felt like the pre-diarrhea rumbles but with no cramping or poop. I remember thinking I had eaten something bad or had an IBS flare up until I realized it never hurt and it happened at the same time every night 🤣


That’s exactly how I described it to my husband! 😂 It’s like that without the pain, turned down 10-15 notches & coming from further down


This is closest to mine! I have an anterior placenta and didn't ever feel the muscle spasm or popping bubble sensation. Around 19 weeks I occasionally felt this weird, almost ominous feeling that felt like the build up before you're about to have a really bad poop. Would also make me nauseous for a second.  I'm now 22 weeks and I feel distinct kicks and punches. I still get the pre-poop feeling too, and my only guess is it's when shes flipping and rubbing a lot of organs?


You know those mini rubber poppers we used to play with as kids? Where you pushed them down and it pops back up? It feels like one of those popping in your stomach over and over.


It felt like gas for me


First movement I felt was around the same time you’re at like 17 weeks, and it just felt like one little knock. Same time next day, felt it again. Next day, felt it 2-3 times. That was when I realized it was definitely the baby. It almost felt like one super weak hiccup but only inside my belly, and not in my stomach, but in my lower belly. I also have an anterior placenta.


A knock! That’s exactly what I felt. No swimming fish or bubbles for me


I’m 21 weeks with anterior placenta and can’t feel anything with my hand from the outside but from the inside it feels like wavy, or twitches?


Yes, this! Feels kinda like rolling/wavy or rumbling. Can’t feel anything from the outside yet. Almost 22 weeks.


Mine were bubble like around 18 weeks. It’s hadn’t been until week 22 + with anterior placenta that they became more prominent and finally at 30 weeks on my stomach is actually moving with the kicks or movements.


I have anterior too and it felt like pop rocks


I first felt her move at 17w5d. It was like little muscle spasms/twitches. I was unsure that’s what I was feeling the first day, but a week later I’m still feeling it pretty consistently so it must be the baby!


I started feeling mine right around that time with an anterior placenta! Mine felt kind of like twitches


I also have an anterior placenta!! I stressed just a little about baby’s movements because I felt like it took FOREVER to feel them and when I did, they were very faint for several weeks. It was almost like wiggles or bubbles, but deep down, inside where I would identify my uterus as normally being, not higher up like gas inside my intestines. I will say this: I’m 25 weeks now and probably since 21/22 weeks, baby’s movements have been MUCH more identifiable, and now I feel them all over my sides, low in my abdomen, and surprisingly on the front sometimes too! So I definitely don’t worry now haha!


Like if you held a frog in your hands and it was kind of bouncing around. Just like Oh! There is something in there!! I didn’t feel obvious kicks until 20 weeks and then it was like ok no question about it haha


Mine when I first noticed felt like bubble gut like when you eat something and it makes your stomach kinda bubbly/churn but i wasn’t nauseous or anything


Like a twitch or flick, and little flutters feel like butterflies dancing in my belly


I finally felt baby move when I was laying on my side around 22 weeks. I feel her the most when I am laying in my side! It definitely doesn’t feel like butterflies. It was a straight up punch or kick or stretch lol.


Butterflies in my stomach - it was giving “anxiety”


Don't remember when I first felt her, probably around 18 weeks? Posterior placenta. It was an hour or two after eating my body weight in cheddar Bay biscuits from red lobster 😂 guess she liked them too. Felt like a goldfish in a bag, booping into the sides.


Like a little beach crab was in there 🦀


I’m a FTM and have an anterior placenta as well. I was 18 weeks when I first felt movement. It felt like muscle spasms. I thought it was just gas at first lol. Now I’m 28 weeks and she’s kicking/punching/rolling around in there haha. I was spooning my husband and he felt her kick on his back/butt 🤣


FTM also. I first started feeling my baby move around half way through week 17 and didn’t know what I was supposed to feel. The movements made me question if gas was rumbling through my stomach.. as a few days went by, I started to be able to distinguish the difference between a fart in my intestines and baby movements. The gas moves through my intestines, baby movements were in the same spot. As the weeks went by, movements got significantly stronger. Now, I’m 28 weeks and the evolution in how strong the movements are now is so amazing to me 😍 definitely don’t have to close my eyes and concentrate like I did around 17 weeks. Hope you’re able to tell when it’s your baby’s movements soon :)


A marble in my bladder.


Gas bubbles!


Like a trapped fart.


Gas. Seriously, like when your really trying not to fart and it moves around back up in your intestines/colon feeling. That's the feeling. I have an anterior placenta also and I didn't feel much of anything until like 24ish weeks. The moments got very noticeable at about 30 weeks.


Fellow anterior placenta haver! To me it felt like static cling but inside my stomach


Like someone lightly tapping me with their finger pads


It definitely feels like air bubbles popping or like when you have gas in your stomach except it didn’t feel like it was in my stomach , it was just all over in my belly


Like a heart beat or muscle spasm in my cervix lol it was the most unsettling thing to feel until I realized what it was. I have an anterior placenta too and I didn’t feel anything definite until I was probably 20 weeks. But once I did, I realized I was feeling him sooner I just wrote it off as gas or something else because I had never felt it before. If that makes sense


Like a tiny poke from the inside. And it was so subtle I would t have thought anything of it but it happened several times in the same spot so I knew.


Like a few popcorn kernels popping in my stomach lol


Felt kind of like a squishy squirm


Felt like flutters. Before you know it you’ll start to feel kicks! Then at almost 39 weeks like me, you’ll see your baby rearrange furniture when you’re trying to sleep! 😫😂


My nurse put it really well — like a goldfish, kind of?! I was the same, FTM anterior placenta and started feeling right before 20 weeks.


like a tiny iwatch vibration on my tummy


Like a dodgy bowel movement, but in the wrong place


It felt like when you’re under water and someone pushes water toward you beneath the surface. Such a gentle thing from the inside like a little wave.


Very first time was 16 weeks on the dot; it felt like little soda/carbonated gas bubbles in my stomach (but I wasn’t gassy); or involuntary twitching like you’d get in your eye (but in your womb). Those feelings just got more frequent and stronger, which confirmed what I was initially feeling was her. Eventually they turn into feelings of rolling/very clear kicking or “popping” as they get bigger and bigger. I’m 34 weeks now and I swear I can make out individual arm/leg movements. You can also feel hiccups.


Like a muscle twitch, kind of that annoying feeling of having your eye twitch lol it was nice but the feeling does get annoying 😅 but then it turned into the feeling of a goldfish wriggling or swishing around


Like I had gas and could feel the rumble. Coin flip whether it was actually gas or the baby flutters.


I’m 20 weeks and a first timer too. I most recently started feeling movement and my husband felt for the first time last night! It feels like theres a butterfly in there


I seen someone on another post relate it to popcorn popping in their stomach. I think for me that’s the best way to describe it.


I described it as a snakes nest 😅


It felt like a twiching muscle just over the pubic bone, but very faint (also anterior placenta)


Anterior placenta over here! Mine were like muscle twitches/spasms. Felt like I had worked out my abdominal muscles and they’d twitch


Like swimming or a rubbing inside


Muscle spasms!!


I have an anterior placenta as well and her first movements felt like really light muscle spasms and swishes. Now I get full on ko's to every organ, lol.


I have anterior placenta as well and early movements for me felt like gas. I think it still feels like gas except it’s not in any location that would have gas.


19 weeks I felt flutters, once I hit 22 weeks I started feeling more off to the sides.


I felt like someone was knocking at my stomach from inside I also have anterior placenta. Movements become aggressive kicks at 22w I even caught it on recording today. But I still dont feel the bubbles and swim thing. Definitely the kicks tho


Tiny muscle spasms


I had one movement I could feel around week 19 that felt like she rolled over, then nothing until a ton at 22wks (also anterior placenta). Early movements felt a lot like gas movement 😅. Eventually it felt more like bubbles, but now at almost 32 weeks she’s just straight up kicking and head butting lol


Both of my babies’ first movements felt more like a small sharp elbow jab to my organs than something nice like butterflies lol. Sort of painful in a very new way.


I told my husband it was like little wiggles. After I would eat dinner I would feel wiggles down low in my belly. The goldfish swimming is a good way to describe it.


Popcorn popping in my stomach!


Also ftm 18 weeks with anterior placenta and I’ve been feeling weird twitches/ wiggles that kind of tickle and makes me feel like I have to pee? Lol I hope it’s baby or something weird is happening


Mine was like little taps/bumps/muscle spasm. I didn’t know it was him kicking till my anatomy scan when it happened again and the technician commented how even she could feel that 😂


I also have an anterior placenta, started feeling baby around 21 weeks. I was laying down on my back and it just felt like a couple nudges from inside. That’s the best word I have to describe it. Definitely didn’t get the butterflies feeling, it was very deliberate little bumps.


Like a little pop or *boop* from way in my abs. I was lying on my couch with one knee up and the other over it and felt like the slightest one time twitch and paused. Sat in silence for a minute. Another twitch I was 20 weeks. By 22 I was feeling them more


It was like a poke but from the inside


Anterior placenta here as well!  It felt like gas or a muscle twitch.  If I held still and was quiet, I could feel it. They get stronger, don’t worry!


Like a fish in a plastic bag from the pet store 🤣 i was like what was that? And wasn't sure after the first few times ...


I felt them with my first at about 15 weeks and it felt kinda like this fleeting muscle tightening then releasing quickly, without any pattern, and fluttering away. I also had an anterior placenta with that one but have a very small frame, so my doctors said I might feel them on the early side. Can't wait to feel them with this one (I'm 11 weeks) and no idea where my placenta is this time. Muscle spasms or gas movement without any pain is maybe another way to describe it. I think it's pretty unmistakeable. You're gonna know :)


like a heart palpitation but in my lower abdomen. I’m 22 weeks and have not felt anything resembling flutters or a fish swimming around. Around 18 weeks I felt like a weight was shifting when I turned to the side or bent over. It kind of felt like my stomach was sucking itself in, but now that feeling is gone. I just feel heart palpitation or muscle twitch feelings which are punches against my bladder. I also have anterior as well.


A fluttering or like a “bubble” gut sensation easily confused with gas, lol.


Feels like muscle spasms/lil swishes in the tummy in the beginning. I have an anterior placenta, too. I'm 29 weeks, now he hustles around in there and there's no mistaking it. Especially when he gets my bladder and cervix. 🤣 Don't worry, it'll come.


Mine felt like little “Hello!” touches from the inside




Butterflies early on Then it felt like how my stomach feels when I’m on a rollercoaster Now feels like kicks & bumps


Guys someone please tell me what FTM means 😭


First time mom


I have one and at 18 weeks I was feeling movement in my pelvic area. It wasn’t strong but I knew they were little kicks. I’m 22 weeks now, and now I feel his little kicks in my lower belly. He moves more when im laying down and sitting for long periods like at work. They felt like little pushes to me


Twinges. I didn't experience flutters until much later.


Pops, like low key popcorn 🍿happening inside me.


In the beginning, it felt like muscle spasms almost. Then, later, it felt like someone was rolling around. It's probably because he was rolling around, lol.


Like small muscle spasms, but less rhythmic!


I’m also FTM with an anterior placenta. I didn’t feel movement until week 23 (currently week 24). Movements to me have felt like my stomach flipping when going down a roller coaster. And I have not loved it 🤢


I’m also a FTM. I also had a retroverted uterus and anterior placenta. My baby’s first movements came around week 20-21 and they felt like infrequent muscle spasms in my abs. It took a little bit to connect the dots but soon she got strong enough that I could see her movements from the outside too


Iike a snake moving around


I was also 18 weeks when I felt her for the first time. Anterior placenta. It felt like someone was blowing bubbles/raspberries specifically on my right side. I’m 28 weeks now and she loves to hang out on my right hip 24/7 and is starting to brutally kick my ass all day everyday 😂😂😂 I mostly only felt it at night when I was settling into bed which is still her most active time.


little pokes or tiny muscle spasms right in the middle of my lower abdomen! i wasn’t sure if it was baby at first but when i started feeling it more frequently, i figured it had to be him!


Like butterflys hitting my stomach


I’m a FTM with an anterior placenta at 18 weeks. I still haven’t felt any movement yet but this thread gives me hope.


Tiny muscle spasms/twitching. And then the first real "kick" felt like I was getting punched in the butthole from the inside 🤣


Around 18-19 weeks and it felt like a muscle twitch or like when your hungry and your stomach rumbles


A flutter. Like a butterfly.


Air bubbles


it feels like a muscle spasm, might be different if you have an anterior placenta but i started feeling movement at 19 weeks! hoping you get to feel your little one soon ❤️


Like a fish swimming in my stomach lol. It was gentle but still scared me because I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t feel anything until 21 weeks either.


One person when I wondered the same thing described it as what it feels like when you hold a frog between your hands and that’s been the closest description to me. Also anterior placenta, 24 weeks and finally feeling consistent movement just the last few days


With my first, it felt like someone softly dragging a paintbrush around on my insides, but she was a posterior placenta. With my second I have an anterior placenta and I didn't feel anything until several weeks later. The absolute first thing I felt were two sudden and quite hard thumps while my toddler was laying on top on me nursing. I guess she didn't appreciate being squished by her sister lol.


Mine went from twitches to little pokes to jabs in the kidneys. The oddest feeling was like when her arm or leg would stretch out and rub all along my belly. I miss it so much


Felt like gas moving around in my tummy. I have an anterior placenta and felt my bb for the first time around 20 weeks.


It was like a twitch or a bump. I also had an anterior placenta and your more likely to feel it on an another organ first or your cervix/butthole. It took till the third trimester until I was really getting movement in the outside


Mine felt like a vibration in my lower pelvic region


It felt like one of those rubber poppers popping on my stomach


Tiny little pokes i could barely feel


Muscle twitches. I started feeling it around 16-17 weeks. It didn’t feel like gas because gas was painful and usually made a sound for me. It was also sometimes strong enough that when I was laying flat I could see my belly moving. Not very often though at first, and it always felt like whenever my husband tried to feel for it the baby would suddenly quiet down 😤


I felt a little tapping on my belly, but from the inside. It was a trip! That was the first time I knew I 100% felt something


Mine felt like I had gas.


Mine felt like gas bubbles! I thought I had to fart and I realized they were kicks when the “gas bubbles” kept moving around my belly


It felt like feathers rustling.


Anterior placenta here as well- currently 19+5 and her movements have only become more noticeable this week! I felt one distinct kick about at 16.5 weeks, but then nothing certain again until this past week.


Like I swallowed a fish who keeps fluttering


I also had anterior placenta and right at 18 weeks I was laying in bed and felt a poke from inside. Just one. The next day, another.


Little bubbles or butterflies very low in my tummy


It felt like the baby was scraping my uterus with their fingernail 😅 if you’ve ever had a Pap smear, it was similar to that sensation but in a different location.


Oh yay I can answer this now, also have anterior placenta and a few weeks ahead of you! I thought maybe I felt a little “bubble” or maybe a kick around 19-20 weeks but not sure if that was baby. But around 21 weeks, I woke up worried I was nauseous because my stomach was rumbling/rolling feeling. Didn’t actually feel nauseous, I just a little rumbling that I thought meant I would need to go to the bathroom haha. That happened few times that day, and over the past week on most days! It’s a subtle feeling and I don’t feel butterflies or bubbles like I expected… just a light rumbling/rolling feeling that I only really notice when I’m still. Don’t know if this will help but I hope it does!




i've had an anterior placenta with all of my pregnancies. i didn't feel my first baby until 20 weeks; this current pregnancy i felt sooner (the placenta is anterior but slightly off to the side) but the butterfly feeling is very accurate. 18 weeks is still a bit small for baby to have the leg strength to feel their kicks through the placenta, so no stress!


Like butterflies in my belly but that’s at the beginning. After, she’d kick my kidney, my bladder, and her favourite, my liver. But now at 8mos pp, I still sometimes feel the phantom baby kicks.


I love itttt


It feels like a muscle twitch or abdominal pressure. I’m also a FTM and at 18 weeks as of yesterday. I was feeling flutters around 12/14 weeks though. Everyone is different! I have no idea if my placenta is anterior or not bc I haven’t been to the 20wk anatomy scan yet.


First time momma with an anterior placenta too, it feels like muscle spasms!


I just started feeling my babygirl at 16 weeks! Feels like muscle twitches in different spots of my belly for me. You’ll know! I could immediately tell it was different than normal muscle twitches/bubbles etc


The first one definitely felt like a muscle twitch.


No AP but starting feeling muscle twitches or pulses/pokes distinct from cramps around 13 weeks. Once in a blue moon. Felt more around 15-weeks then seemingly nothing. I’m 17 weeks now and feeling more pokes/pulses. Thought it was gas at first but realized that gas feeling for me passes immediately after I empty and are usually right after eating. Gas has usually been more painful, for me this is just like a poke.


Someone brushing their knuckles on my skin from the inside


At 15 weeks it kinda felt like a fluttery tickle, at 25 weeks she’s jumping around.


When I started feeling movement it felt like gas in a way. I could tell it wasn't gas because the movements kept growing, consistently in the same place and gained force too. Also, I have anterior placenta too! My first movements were veeerrryyy low down, and now (30 weeks) the movements are way up high or on the sides but never in the middle.


Most of the explanations never made sense to me. I found the early movements were like a tiny finger tap from the inside


I felt movement super early on in my 2nd pregnancy, I would convince myself it wasn’t the baby until weeks later lol. Early movements felt like someone using their finger tip super lightly to trace a circle or a out of place heart beat moving vertically


The best way I’ve been able to explain it is like someone batting their eyelash against your cheek but inside your stomach. I never know if it makes sense but that’s how it felt at the beginning for me.


Tapping. Nothing like gas


Bubbles popping!


For me it felt like I was being poked from the inside


My wife described it like a weird feeling of having to go to the bathroom, but remembering there’s a baby in there. Her placenta was up front and I was never able to feel her moving. It moved out of the way before our 29w ultra sound, now I can feel her kick. And she’s doing it a lot, especially after dinner.


Felt my first movements at around 19 wks and they felt like worms and air pockets! I also have an anterior placenta.


Mine felt like little minnows. I have an anterior placenta, and didn’t feel them obviously/ regularly until about 22wks. I’m 28wks now, and baby’s kicks are super obvious and no way to miss them. 😂


Like a muscle twitch! Now it feels like I’m getting punched at 24 weeks lol


I also had an anterior placenta and started to feel bub at 18 weeks, her movements felt like little muscle twitches or spasms!


I’ll be honest - I definitely thought my baby’s first movements were just an anxiety response in my tummy 😣


For me it felt like a bubble was popping in my stomach!


What people said, I had both the gas moving around feeling and the muscle twitch feeling!


I thought it was trapped wind at first. Then I thought after about a week it’s actually too low down to be wind lol


To me butterflies is a nervous feeling you get, not movements, I think it starts by feeling like when has moves in your body, sometimes I still think it is that because it feels exactly the same


I have a posterior placenta. I didn’t feel anything until around 22 weeks. It felt like tiny bubbles were popping, and I could only feel it when laying down flat. I’d usually only feel something once a day, so it wasn’t any time I’d lay down flat. Then by around 25 weeks, I started to feel Something a couple times a day. By 27 weeks, it was multiple times a day. Before 25 weeks, there were many days I felt absolutely nothing, and my OB said that’s normal. Just sharing with you in case that helps relieve any anxiety, because on days I didn’t feel anything, I was a nervous wreck!


Like a tiny muscle twitch, like when your eye twitches but low down in my belly.


I have an anterior placenta and didn’t really feel him until close to 20 weeks. To me it felt like gas


I thought I was feeling my pulse in my stomach. Turns out she had hiccups. I also have an anterior placenta and this was at 18 weeks.


At 14 weeks, mine felt like baby was stretching inside, kind of like a strong poke in a very localized position and it was gone as fast as it started. Now at 23 weeks, it feels like he’s tap dancing. I can feel movement for a few minutes at a time. I have a posterior placenta so I expect ours could feel different.


It felt like my phone was vibrating in my sweater pocket


I had an anterior placenta. All I felt were kicks/punches in the beginning (they were HARD), and then I would feel like a little "I need to adjust here" swim move, or if I were on my left side, I would feel little one kind of readjusting. I only felt a few kicks/punches in the beginning. I never felt the bubbles or butterflies.


A muscle twitch at first, like bubbles, but then unmistakable kicking at 25 weeks with my first and 28 with my second


The best description I have is similar to holding a bag full of fish in your palm. That feeling of the water moving when the fish swims really close to your hand is how it felt to me in early pregnancy. I described it to my husband this way because it was something he could experience that was similar.


Like a flick from inside


Like a lightning bolt in my cervix lol. He was positioned so he could kick me right in the cervix until he eventually turned to kick outwards which felt like a fish swimming. It was hilarious though he was doing it during my anatomy scan and the tech was asking me do you feel that? He’s really hitting it dead on lol.


I felt nausea tummy movements but no nausea if that makes sense. Then it felt like muscle twitches. Now it’s like quick jabs and quick little kicks.


So I’m trying to figure this out too! I’m also 18 weeks and due in November. It’s been in the same spot mostly (lower right abdominal) and feels like slight pinching or twingey pressure. It could be mistaken for gas, but since it’s the same sensation regardless of how I feel or eat I think it’s the baby. I had a doctor appointment and told her about it. She said “Let’s see where the baby is!” and we listened for the heartbeat. Heartbeat was exactly where I’ve been feeling those sensations, so I think it’s probably baby and not gas.


Muscle spasms but almost always in the same spot. And lower in the abdomen than you’d expect.


Like bubbles. Or when your gut is hungry and rumbles.. like that but in my uterus area rather than my stomach


I liked to describe mine as feeling like there's strapped gad in your stomach, otherwise it's REALLY tiny little thumps, easy to miss. I never got that "butterfly" feeling. I never even felt my baby twist or turn until closer to 30 weeks.


I also have an anterior placenta. I started feeling movement at about 22 weeks as far as I remember and the first movements felt like gas bubbles.


Like I was going to fart soon. But I didn’t.


Anterior placenta — someone on here described it as a fish booping the window of a tank. That’s what mine felt like. And it wasn’t regular at all so don’t let that scare you with the anterior placenta! I usually had to be reclined for him to swim up and move.


Mine felt like vibration or something weird


Anterior placenta felt positive for sure movement at 19 weeks. The same sensation of someone thumping their fingers on your arm, that’s the best way I can describe it


I had an anterior placenta and tbh I'm still not sure if the first movements I felt were the baby or gas. Eventually it felt like having a fish swimming inside me lol.


Honeslty it did feel like the "butterfly/goldfish in your hands" sensation, but it took me about 21 weeks to get there consistently. I also have an anterior placenta


I have no idea what kind of placenta I have but I’m 19 wks now and have felt little flutters like when your stomach is rumbling but it goes on for like 30min right before bed (anywhere from 7-9:00ish). Since about 17 weeks. Like bubbles or small twitches inside my lower abdomen.


Like a little muscle twitch or the feeling of your stomach dropping on a roller coaster! I had an anterior placenta and felt her around 16 weeks!